/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * Tests for the "DownloadPaths.sys.mjs" JavaScript module. */ function testSanitize(leafName, expectedLeafName, options = {}) { Assert.equal(DownloadPaths.sanitize(leafName, options), expectedLeafName); } function testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(aLeafName, [aBase, aExt]) { var [base, ext] = DownloadPaths.splitBaseNameAndExtension(aLeafName); Assert.equal(base, aBase); Assert.equal(ext, aExt); // If we modify the base name and concatenate it with the extension again, // another roundtrip through the function should give a consistent result. // The only exception is when we introduce an extension in a file name that // didn't have one or that ended with one of the special cases like ".gz". If // we avoid using a dot and we introduce at least another special character, // the results are always consistent. [base, ext] = DownloadPaths.splitBaseNameAndExtension("(" + base + ")" + ext); Assert.equal(base, "(" + aBase + ")"); Assert.equal(ext, aExt); } function testCreateNiceUniqueFile(aTempFile, aExpectedLeafName) { var createdFile = DownloadPaths.createNiceUniqueFile(aTempFile); Assert.equal(createdFile.leafName, aExpectedLeafName); } add_task(async function test_sanitize() { // Platform-dependent conversion of special characters to spaces. const kSpecialChars = 'A:*?|""<<>>;,+=[]B][=+,;>><<""|?*:C'; if (AppConstants.platform == "android") { testSanitize(kSpecialChars, "A________________B________________C"); testSanitize(" :: Website :: ", "__ Website __"); testSanitize("* Website!", "_ Website!"); testSanitize("Website | Page!", "Website _ Page!"); testSanitize("Directory Listing: /a/b/", "Directory Listing_ _a_b_"); } else if (AppConstants.platform == "win") { testSanitize(kSpecialChars, "A__________;,+=[]B][=+,;__________C"); testSanitize(" :: Website :: ", "__ Website __"); testSanitize("* Website!", "_ Website!"); testSanitize("Website | Page!", "Website _ Page!"); testSanitize("Directory Listing: /a/b/", "Directory Listing_ _a_b_"); } else if (AppConstants.platform == "macosx") { testSanitize(kSpecialChars, "A__________;,+=[]B][=+,;__________C"); testSanitize(" :: Website :: ", "__ Website __"); testSanitize("* Website!", "_ Website!"); testSanitize("Website | Page!", "Website _ Page!"); testSanitize("Directory Listing: /a/b/", "Directory Listing_ _a_b_"); } else { testSanitize(kSpecialChars, "A__________;,+=[]B][=+,;__________C"); testSanitize(" :: Website :: ", "__ Website __"); testSanitize("* Website!", "_ Website!"); testSanitize("Website | Page!", "Website _ Page!"); testSanitize("Directory Listing: /a/b/", "Directory Listing_ _a_b_"); } // Conversion of consecutive runs of slashes and backslashes to underscores. testSanitize("\\ \\\\Website\\/Page// /", "_ __Website__Page__ _"); // Removal of leading and trailing whitespace and dots after conversion. testSanitize(" Website ", "Website"); testSanitize(". . Website . Page . .", "Website .Page"); testSanitize(" File . txt ", "File .txt"); testSanitize("\f\n\r\t\v\x00\x1f\x7f\x80\x9f\xa0 . txt", "_________ .txt"); testSanitize("\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2008\u200a . txt", "txt"); testSanitize("\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff . txt", "txt"); // Strings with whitespace and dots only. testSanitize(".", ""); testSanitize("..", ""); testSanitize(" ", ""); testSanitize(" . ", ""); // Stripping of BIDI formatting characters. testSanitize("\u200e \u202b\u202c\u202d\u202etest\x7f\u200f", "_ ____test__"); testSanitize("AB\x7f\u202a\x7f\u202a\x7fCD", "AB_____CD"); // Stripping of colons: testSanitize("foo:bar", "foo_bar"); // not compressing whitespaces. testSanitize("foo : bar", "foo _ bar", { compressWhitespaces: false }); testSanitize("thing.lnk", "thing.lnk.download"); testSanitize("thing.lnk\n", "thing.lnk_"); testSanitize("thing.lnk", "thing.lnk", { allowInvalidFilenames: true, }); testSanitize("thing.lnk\n", "thing.lnk_", { allowInvalidFilenames: true, }); testSanitize("thing.URl", "thing.URl.download"); testSanitize("thing.URl \n", "thing.URl_", { allowInvalidFilenames: true, }); testSanitize("thing and more .URl", "thing and more .URl", { allowInvalidFilenames: true, }); testSanitize("thing and more .URl ", "thing and more .URl", { compressWhitespaces: false, allowInvalidFilenames: true, }); testSanitize("thing.local|", "thing.local_"); testSanitize("thing.lo|cal", "thing.lo_cal"); testSanitize('thing.local/*"', "thing.local___"); testSanitize("thing.desktoP", "thing.desktoP.download"); testSanitize("thing.desktoP \n", "thing.desktoP_", { allowInvalidFilenames: true, }); }); add_task(async function test_splitBaseNameAndExtension() { // Usual file names. testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base", ["base", ""]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.ext", ["base", ".ext"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.application", ["base", ".application"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.x.Z", ["base", ".x.Z"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.ext.Z", ["base", ".ext.Z"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.ext.gz", ["base", ".ext.gz"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.ext.Bz2", ["base", ".ext.Bz2"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base..ext", ["base.", ".ext"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base..Z", ["base.", ".Z"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base. .Z", ["base. ", ".Z"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.base.Bz2", ["base.base", ".Bz2"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base .ext", ["base ", ".ext"]); // Corner cases. A name ending with a dot technically has no extension, but // we consider the ending dot separately from the base name so that modifying // the latter never results in an extension being introduced accidentally. // Names beginning with a dot are hidden files on Unix-like platforms and if // their name doesn't contain another dot they should have no extension, but // on Windows the whole name is considered as an extension. testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base.", ["base", "."]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(".ext", ["", ".ext"]); // Unusual file names (not recommended as input to the function). testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base. ", ["base", ". "]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("base ", ["base ", ""]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension("", ["", ""]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(" ", [" ", ""]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(" . ", [" ", ". "]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(" .. ", [" .", ". "]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(" .ext", [" ", ".ext"]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(" .ext. ", [" .ext", ". "]); testSplitBaseNameAndExtension(" .ext.gz ", [" .ext", ".gz "]); }); add_task(async function test_createNiceUniqueFile() { var destDir = FileTestUtils.getTempFile("destdir"); destDir.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); // Single extension. var tempFile = destDir.clone(); tempFile.append("test.txt"); testCreateNiceUniqueFile(tempFile, "test.txt"); testCreateNiceUniqueFile(tempFile, "test(1).txt"); testCreateNiceUniqueFile(tempFile, "test(2).txt"); // Double extension. tempFile.leafName = "test.tar.gz"; testCreateNiceUniqueFile(tempFile, "test.tar.gz"); testCreateNiceUniqueFile(tempFile, "test(1).tar.gz"); testCreateNiceUniqueFile(tempFile, "test(2).tar.gz"); // Test automatic shortening of long file names. We don't know exactly how // many characters are removed, because it depends on the name of the folder // where the file is located. tempFile.leafName = new Array(256).join("T") + ".txt"; var newFile = DownloadPaths.createNiceUniqueFile(tempFile); Assert.ok(newFile.leafName.length < tempFile.leafName.length); Assert.equal(newFile.leafName.slice(-4), ".txt"); // Creating a valid file name from an invalid one is not always possible. tempFile.append("file-under-long-directory.txt"); try { DownloadPaths.createNiceUniqueFile(tempFile); do_throw("Exception expected with a long parent directory name."); } catch (e) { // An exception is expected, but we don't know which one exactly. } });