/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This module contains utilities and base classes for logic which is * common between the parent and child process, and in particular * between ExtensionParent.sys.mjs and ExtensionChild.sys.mjs. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ConsoleAPI: "resource://gre/modules/Console.sys.mjs", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", SchemaRoot: "resource://gre/modules/Schemas.sys.mjs", Schemas: "resource://gre/modules/Schemas.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "styleSheetService", "@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1", "nsIStyleSheetService" ); const ScriptError = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/scripterror;1", "nsIScriptError", "initWithWindowID" ); import { ExtensionUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs"; var { DefaultMap, DefaultWeakMap, ExtensionError, filterStack, getInnerWindowID, getUniqueId, } = ExtensionUtils; function getConsole() { return new lazy.ConsoleAPI({ maxLogLevelPref: "extensions.webextensions.log.level", prefix: "WebExtensions", }); } // Run a function and report exceptions. function runSafeSyncWithoutClone(f, ...args) { try { return f(...args); } catch (e) { // This method is called with `this` unbound and it doesn't have // access to a BaseContext instance and so we can't check if `e` // is an instance of the extension context's Error constructor // (like we do in BaseContext applySafeWithoutClone method). dump( `Extension error: ${e} ${e?.fileName} ${ e?.lineNumber }\n[[Exception stack\n${ e?.stack ? filterStack(e) : undefined }Current stack\n${filterStack(Error())}]]\n` ); Cu.reportError(e); } } // Return true if the given value is an instance of the given // native type. function instanceOf(value, type) { return ( value && typeof value === "object" && ChromeUtils.getClassName(value) === type ); } /** * Convert any of several different representations of a date/time to a Date object. * Accepts several formats: * a Date object, an ISO8601 string, or a number of milliseconds since the epoch as * either a number or a string. * * @param {Date|string|number} date * The date to convert. * @returns {Date} * A Date object */ function normalizeTime(date) { // Of all the formats we accept the "number of milliseconds since the epoch as a string" // is an outlier, everything else can just be passed directly to the Date constructor. return new Date( typeof date == "string" && /^\d+$/.test(date) ? parseInt(date, 10) : date ); } function withHandlingUserInput(window, callable) { let handle = window.windowUtils.setHandlingUserInput(true); try { return callable(); } finally { handle.destruct(); } } /** * Defines a lazy getter for the given property on the given object. The * first time the property is accessed, the return value of the getter * is defined on the current `this` object with the given property name. * Importantly, this means that a lazy getter defined on an object * prototype will be invoked separately for each object instance that * it's accessed on. * * Note: for better type inference, prefer redefineGetter() below. * * @param {object} object * The prototype object on which to define the getter. * @param {string | symbol} prop * The property name for which to define the getter. * @param {callback} getter * The function to call in order to generate the final property * value. */ function defineLazyGetter(object, prop, getter) { Object.defineProperty(object, prop, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, get() { return redefineGetter(this, prop, getter.call(this), true); }, set(value) { redefineGetter(this, prop, value, true); }, }); } /** * A more type-inference friendly version of defineLazyGetter() above. * Call it from a real getter (and setter) for your class or object. * On first run, it will redefine the property with the final value. * * @template Value * @param {object} object * @param {string | symbol} key * @param {Value} value * @returns {Value} */ function redefineGetter(object, key, value, writable = false) { Object.defineProperty(object, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable, value, }); return value; } function checkLoadURI(uri, principal, options) { let ssm = Services.scriptSecurityManager; let flags = ssm.STANDARD; if (!options.allowScript) { flags |= ssm.DISALLOW_SCRIPT; } if (!options.allowInheritsPrincipal) { flags |= ssm.DISALLOW_INHERIT_PRINCIPAL; } if (options.dontReportErrors) { flags |= ssm.DONT_REPORT_ERRORS; } try { ssm.checkLoadURIWithPrincipal(principal, uri, flags); } catch (e) { return false; } return true; } function checkLoadURL(url, principal, options) { try { return checkLoadURI(Services.io.newURI(url), principal, options); } catch (e) { return false; // newURI threw. } } function makeWidgetId(id) { id = id.toLowerCase(); // FIXME: This allows for collisions. return id.replace(/[^a-z0-9_-]/g, "_"); } /** * A sentinel class to indicate that an array of values should be * treated as an array when used as a promise resolution value, but as a * spread expression (...args) when passed to a callback. */ class SpreadArgs extends Array { constructor(args) { super(); this.push(...args); } } /** * Like SpreadArgs, but also indicates that the array values already * belong to the target compartment, and should not be cloned before * being passed. * * The `unwrappedValues` property contains an Array object which belongs * to the target compartment, and contains the same unwrapped values * passed the NoCloneSpreadArgs constructor. */ class NoCloneSpreadArgs { constructor(args) { this.unwrappedValues = args; } [Symbol.iterator]() { return this.unwrappedValues[Symbol.iterator](); } } const LISTENERS = Symbol("listeners"); const ONCE_MAP = Symbol("onceMap"); class EventEmitter { constructor() { this[LISTENERS] = new Map(); this[ONCE_MAP] = new WeakMap(); } /** * Checks whether there is some listener for the given event. * * @param {string} event * The name of the event to listen for. * @returns {boolean} */ has(event) { return this[LISTENERS].has(event); } /** * Adds the given function as a listener for the given event. * * The listener function may optionally return a Promise which * resolves when it has completed all operations which event * dispatchers may need to block on. * * @param {string} event * The name of the event to listen for. * @param {function(string, ...any): any} listener * The listener to call when events are emitted. */ on(event, listener) { let listeners = this[LISTENERS].get(event); if (!listeners) { listeners = new Set(); this[LISTENERS].set(event, listeners); } listeners.add(listener); } /** * Removes the given function as a listener for the given event. * * @param {string} event * The name of the event to stop listening for. * @param {function(string, ...any): any} listener * The listener function to remove. */ off(event, listener) { let set = this[LISTENERS].get(event); if (set) { set.delete(listener); set.delete(this[ONCE_MAP].get(listener)); if (!set.size) { this[LISTENERS].delete(event); } } } /** * Adds the given function as a listener for the given event once. * * @param {string} event * The name of the event to listen for. * @param {function(string, ...any): any} listener * The listener to call when events are emitted. */ once(event, listener) { let wrapper = (event, ...args) => { this.off(event, wrapper); this[ONCE_MAP].delete(listener); return listener(event, ...args); }; this[ONCE_MAP].set(listener, wrapper); this.on(event, wrapper); } /** * Triggers all listeners for the given event. If any listeners return * a value, returns a promise which resolves when all returned * promises have resolved. Otherwise, returns undefined. * * @param {string} event * The name of the event to emit. * @param {any} args * Arbitrary arguments to pass to the listener functions, after * the event name. * @returns {Promise?} */ emit(event, ...args) { let listeners = this[LISTENERS].get(event); if (listeners) { let promises = []; for (let listener of listeners) { try { let result = listener(event, ...args); if (result !== undefined) { promises.push(result); } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } if (promises.length) { return Promise.all(promises); } } } } /** * Base class for WebExtension APIs. Each API creates a new class * that inherits from this class, the derived class is instantiated * once for each extension that uses the API. */ class ExtensionAPI extends EventEmitter { constructor(extension) { super(); this.extension = extension; extension.once("shutdown", (what, isAppShutdown) => { if (this.onShutdown) { this.onShutdown(isAppShutdown); } this.extension = null; }); } destroy() {} /** @param {string} _entryName */ onManifestEntry(_entryName) {} /** @param {boolean} _isAppShutdown */ onShutdown(_isAppShutdown) {} /** @param {BaseContext} _context */ getAPI(_context) { throw new Error("Not Implemented"); } /** @param {string} _id */ static onDisable(_id) {} /** @param {string} _id */ static onUninstall(_id) {} /** * @param {string} _id * @param {Record} _manifest */ static onUpdate(_id, _manifest) {} } /** * Subclass to add APIs commonly used with persistent events. * If a namespace uses events, it should use this subclass. * * this.apiNamespace = class extends ExtensionAPIPersistent {}; */ class ExtensionAPIPersistent extends ExtensionAPI { /** @type {Record} */ PERSISTENT_EVENTS; /** * Check for event entry. * * @param {string} event The event name e.g. onStateChanged * @returns {boolean} */ hasEventRegistrar(event) { return ( this.PERSISTENT_EVENTS && Object.hasOwn(this.PERSISTENT_EVENTS, event) ); } /** * Get the event registration fuction * * @param {string} event The event name e.g. onStateChanged * @returns {Function} register is used to start the listener * register returns an object containing * a convert and unregister function. */ getEventRegistrar(event) { if (this.hasEventRegistrar(event)) { return this.PERSISTENT_EVENTS[event].bind(this); } } /** * Used when instantiating an EventManager instance to register the listener. * * @param {object} options Options used for event registration * @param {BaseContext} options.context Extension Context passed when creating an EventManager instance. * @param {string} options.event The eAPI vent name. * @param {Function} options.fire The function passed to the listener to fire the event. * @param {Array} params An optional array of parameters received along with the * addListener request. * @returns {Function} The unregister function used in the EventManager. */ registerEventListener(options, params) { const apiRegistar = this.getEventRegistrar(options.event); return apiRegistar?.(options, params).unregister; } /** * Used to prime a listener for when the background script is not running. * * @param {string} event The event name e.g. onStateChanged or captiveURL.onChange. * @param {Function} fire The function passed to the listener to fire the event. * @param {Array} params Params passed to the event listener. * @param {boolean} isInStartup unused here but passed for subclass use. * @returns {object} the unregister and convert functions used in the EventManager. */ primeListener(event, fire, params, isInStartup) { const apiRegistar = this.getEventRegistrar(event); return apiRegistar?.({ fire, isInStartup }, params); } } /** * This class contains the information we have about an individual * extension. It is never instantiated directly, instead subclasses * for each type of process extend this class and add members that are * relevant for that process. * * @abstract */ class BaseContext { /** @type {boolean} */ isTopContext; /** @type {string} */ viewType; constructor(envType, extension) { this.envType = envType; this.onClose = new Set(); this.checkedLastError = false; this._lastError = null; this.contextId = getUniqueId(); this.unloaded = false; this.extension = extension; this.manifestVersion = extension.manifestVersion; this.jsonSandbox = null; this.active = true; this.incognito = null; this.messageManager = null; this.contentWindow = null; this.innerWindowID = 0; // These two properties are assigned in ContentScriptContextChild subclass // to keep a copy of the content script sandbox Error and Promise globals // (which are used by the WebExtensions internals) before any extension // content script code had any chance to redefine them. this.cloneScopeError = null; this.cloneScopePromise = null; } get isProxyContextParent() { return false; } get Error() { // Return the copy stored in the context instance (when the context is an instance of // ContentScriptContextChild or the global from extension page window otherwise). return this.cloneScopeError || this.cloneScope.Error; } get Promise() { // Return the copy stored in the context instance (when the context is an instance of // ContentScriptContextChild or the global from extension page window otherwise). return this.cloneScopePromise || this.cloneScope.Promise; } get privateBrowsingAllowed() { return this.extension.privateBrowsingAllowed; } get isBackgroundContext() { if (this.viewType === "background") { if (this.isProxyContextParent) { return !!this.isTopContext; // Set in ExtensionPageContextParent. } const { contentWindow } = this; return !!contentWindow && contentWindow.top === contentWindow; } return this.viewType === "background_worker"; } /** * Whether the extension context is using the WebIDL bindings for the * WebExtensions APIs. * To be overridden in subclasses (e.g. WorkerContextChild) and to be * optionally used in ExtensionAPI classes to customize the behavior of the * API when the calls to the extension API are originated from the WebIDL * bindings. */ get useWebIDLBindings() { return false; } canAccessWindow(window) { return this.extension.canAccessWindow(window); } canAccessContainer(userContextId) { return this.extension.canAccessContainer(userContextId); } /** * Opens a conduit linked to this context, populating related address fields. * Only available in child contexts with an associated contentWindow. * * @param {object} subject * @param {ConduitAddress} address * @returns {import("ConduitsChild.sys.mjs").PointConduit} * @type {ConduitOpen} */ openConduit(subject, address) { let wgc = this.contentWindow.windowGlobalChild; let conduit = wgc.getActor("Conduits").openConduit(subject, { id: subject.id || getUniqueId(), extensionId: this.extension.id, envType: this.envType, ...address, }); this.callOnClose(conduit); conduit.setCloseCallback(() => { this.forgetOnClose(conduit); }); return conduit; } setContentWindow(contentWindow) { if (!this.canAccessWindow(contentWindow)) { throw new Error( "BaseContext attempted to load when extension is not allowed due to incognito settings." ); } this.innerWindowID = getInnerWindowID(contentWindow); this.messageManager = contentWindow.docShell.messageManager; if (this.incognito == null) { this.incognito = lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(contentWindow); } let wgc = contentWindow.windowGlobalChild; Object.defineProperty(this, "active", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => wgc.isCurrentGlobal && !wgc.windowContext.isInBFCache, }); Object.defineProperty(this, "contentWindow", { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => (this.active ? wgc.browsingContext.window : null), }); this.callOnClose({ close: () => { // Allow other "close" handlers to use these properties, until the next tick. Promise.resolve().then(() => { Object.defineProperty(this, "contentWindow", { value: null }); Object.defineProperty(this, "active", { value: false }); wgc = null; }); }, }); } // All child contexts must implement logActivity. This is handled if the child // context subclasses ExtensionBaseContextChild. ProxyContextParent overrides // this with a noop for parent contexts. logActivity() { throw new Error(`Not implemented for ${this.envType}`); } /** @type {object} */ get cloneScope() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** @type {nsIPrincipal} */ get principal() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } runSafe(callback, ...args) { return this.applySafe(callback, args); } runSafeWithoutClone(callback, ...args) { return this.applySafeWithoutClone(callback, args); } applySafe(callback, args, caller) { if (this.unloaded) { Cu.reportError("context.runSafe called after context unloaded", caller); } else if (!this.active) { Cu.reportError( "context.runSafe called while context is inactive", caller ); } else { try { let { cloneScope } = this; args = args.map(arg => Cu.cloneInto(arg, cloneScope)); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); dump( `runSafe failure: cloning into ${ this.cloneScope }: ${e}\n\n${filterStack(Error())}` ); } return this.applySafeWithoutClone(callback, args, caller); } } applySafeWithoutClone(callback, args, caller) { if (this.unloaded) { Cu.reportError( "context.runSafeWithoutClone called after context unloaded", caller ); } else if (!this.active) { Cu.reportError( "context.runSafeWithoutClone called while context is inactive", caller ); } else { try { return Reflect.apply(callback, null, args); } catch (e) { // An extension listener may as well be throwing an object that isn't // an instance of Error, in that case we have to use fallbacks for the // error message, fileName, lineNumber and columnNumber properties. const isError = e instanceof this.Error; let message; let fileName; let lineNumber; let columnNumber; if (isError) { message = `${e.name}: ${e.message}`; lineNumber = e.lineNumber; columnNumber = e.columnNumber; fileName = e.fileName; } else { message = `uncaught exception: ${e}`; try { // TODO(Bug 1810582): the following fallback logic may go away once // we introduced a better way to capture and log the exception in // the right window and in all cases (included when the extension // code is raising undefined or an object that isn't an instance of // the Error constructor). // // Fallbacks for the error location: // - the callback location if it is registered directly from the // extension code (and not wrapped by the child/ext-APINAMe.js // implementation, like e.g. browser.storage, browser.devtools.network // are doing and browser.menus). // - if the location of the extension callback is not directly // available (e.g. browser.storage onChanged events, and similarly // for browser.devtools.network and browser.menus events): // - the extension page url if the context is an extension page // - the extension base url if the context is a content script const cbLoc = Cu.getFunctionSourceLocation(callback); fileName = cbLoc.filename; lineNumber = cbLoc.lineNumber ?? lineNumber; const extBaseUrl = this.extension.baseURI.resolve("/"); if (fileName.startsWith(extBaseUrl)) { fileName = cbLoc.filename; lineNumber = cbLoc.lineNumber ?? lineNumber; } else { fileName = this.contentWindow?.location?.href; if (!fileName || !fileName.startsWith(extBaseUrl)) { fileName = extBaseUrl; } } } catch { // Ignore errors on retrieving the callback source location. } } dump( `Extension error: ${message} ${fileName} ${lineNumber}\n[[Exception stack\n${ isError ? filterStack(e) : undefined }Current stack\n${filterStack(Error())}]]\n` ); // If the error is coming from an extension context associated // to a window (e.g. an extension page or extension content script). // // TODO(Bug 1810574): for the background service worker we will need to do // something similar, but not tied to the innerWindowID because there // wouldn't be one set for extension contexts related to the // background service worker. // // TODO(Bug 1810582): change the error associated to the innerWindowID to also // include a full stack from the original error. if (!this.isProxyContextParent && this.contentWindow) { Services.console.logMessage( new ScriptError( message, fileName, null, lineNumber, columnNumber, Ci.nsIScriptError.errorFlag, "content javascript", this.innerWindowID ) ); } // Also report the original error object (because it also includes // the full error stack). Cu.reportError(e); } } } checkLoadURL(url, options = {}) { // As an optimization, f the URL starts with the extension's base URL, // don't do any further checks. It's always allowed to load it. if (url.startsWith(this.extension.baseURL)) { return true; } return checkLoadURL(url, this.principal, options); } /** * Safely call JSON.stringify() on an object that comes from an * extension. * * @param {[any, callback?, number?]} args for JSON.stringify() * @returns {string} The stringified representation of obj */ jsonStringify(...args) { if (!this.jsonSandbox) { this.jsonSandbox = Cu.Sandbox(this.principal, { sameZoneAs: this.cloneScope, wantXrays: false, }); } return Cu.waiveXrays(this.jsonSandbox.JSON).stringify(...args); } callOnClose(obj) { this.onClose.add(obj); } forgetOnClose(obj) { this.onClose.delete(obj); } get lastError() { this.checkedLastError = true; return this._lastError; } set lastError(val) { this.checkedLastError = false; this._lastError = val; } /** * Normalizes the given error object for use by the target scope. If * the target is an error object which belongs to that scope, it is * returned as-is. If it is an ordinary object with a `message` * property, it is converted into an error belonging to the target * scope. If it is an Error object which does *not* belong to the * clone scope, it is reported, and converted to an unexpected * exception error. * * @param {Error|object} error * @param {SavedFrame?} [caller] * @returns {Error} */ normalizeError(error, caller) { if (error instanceof this.Error) { return error; } let message, fileName; if (error && typeof error === "object") { const isPlain = ChromeUtils.getClassName(error) === "Object"; if (isPlain && error.mozWebExtLocation) { caller = error.mozWebExtLocation; } if (isPlain && caller && (error.mozWebExtLocation || !error.fileName)) { caller = Cu.cloneInto(caller, this.cloneScope); return ChromeUtils.createError(error.message, caller); } if ( isPlain || error instanceof ExtensionError || this.principal.subsumes(Cu.getObjectPrincipal(error)) ) { message = error.message; fileName = error.fileName; } } if (!message) { Cu.reportError(error); message = "An unexpected error occurred"; } return new this.Error(message, fileName); } /** * Sets the value of `.lastError` to `error`, calls the given * callback, and reports an error if the value has not been checked * when the callback returns. * * @param {object} error An object with a `message` property. May * optionally be an `Error` object belonging to the target scope. * @param {SavedFrame?} caller * The optional caller frame which triggered this callback, to be used * in error reporting. * @param {Function} callback The callback to call. * @returns {*} The return value of callback. */ withLastError(error, caller, callback) { this.lastError = this.normalizeError(error); try { return callback(); } finally { if (!this.checkedLastError) { Cu.reportError(`Unchecked lastError value: ${this.lastError}`, caller); } this.lastError = null; } } /** * Captures the most recent stack frame which belongs to the extension. * * @returns {SavedFrame?} */ getCaller() { return ChromeUtils.getCallerLocation(this.principal); } /** * Wraps the given promise so it can be safely returned to extension * code in this context. * * If `callback` is provided, however, it is used as a completion * function for the promise, and no promise is returned. In this case, * the callback is called when the promise resolves or rejects. In the * latter case, `lastError` is set to the rejection value, and the * callback function must check `browser.runtime.lastError` or * `extension.runtime.lastError` in order to prevent it being reported * to the console. * * @param {Promise} promise The promise with which to wrap the * callback. May resolve to a `SpreadArgs` instance, in which case * each element will be used as a separate argument. * * Unless the promise object belongs to the cloneScope global, its * resolution value is cloned into cloneScope prior to calling the * `callback` function or resolving the wrapped promise. * * @param {Function} [callback] The callback function to wrap * * @returns {Promise|undefined} If callback is null, a promise object * belonging to the target scope. Otherwise, undefined. */ wrapPromise(promise, callback = null) { let caller = this.getCaller(); let applySafe = this.applySafe.bind(this); if (Cu.getGlobalForObject(promise) === this.cloneScope) { applySafe = this.applySafeWithoutClone.bind(this); } if (callback) { promise.then( args => { if (this.unloaded) { Cu.reportError(`Promise resolved after context unloaded\n`, caller); } else if (!this.active) { Cu.reportError( `Promise resolved while context is inactive\n`, caller ); } else if (args instanceof NoCloneSpreadArgs) { this.applySafeWithoutClone(callback, args.unwrappedValues, caller); } else if (args instanceof SpreadArgs) { applySafe(callback, args, caller); } else { applySafe(callback, [args], caller); } }, error => { this.withLastError(error, caller, () => { if (this.unloaded) { Cu.reportError( `Promise rejected after context unloaded\n`, caller ); } else if (!this.active) { Cu.reportError( `Promise rejected while context is inactive\n`, caller ); } else { this.applySafeWithoutClone(callback, [], caller); } }); } ); } else { return new this.Promise((resolve, reject) => { promise.then( value => { if (this.unloaded) { Cu.reportError( `Promise resolved after context unloaded\n`, caller ); } else if (!this.active) { Cu.reportError( `Promise resolved while context is inactive\n`, caller ); } else if (value instanceof NoCloneSpreadArgs) { let values = value.unwrappedValues; this.applySafeWithoutClone( resolve, values.length == 1 ? [values[0]] : [values], caller ); } else if (value instanceof SpreadArgs) { applySafe(resolve, value.length == 1 ? value : [value], caller); } else { applySafe(resolve, [value], caller); } }, value => { if (this.unloaded) { Cu.reportError( `Promise rejected after context unloaded: ${ value && value.message }\n`, caller ); } else if (!this.active) { Cu.reportError( `Promise rejected while context is inactive: ${ value && value.message }\n`, caller ); } else { this.applySafeWithoutClone( reject, [this.normalizeError(value, caller)], caller ); } } ); }); } } unload() { this.unloaded = true; for (let obj of this.onClose) { obj.close(); } this.onClose.clear(); } /** * A simple proxy for unload(), for use with callOnClose(). */ close() { this.unload(); } } /** * An object that runs the implementation of a schema API. Instantiations of * this interfaces are used by Schemas.sys.mjs. * * @interface */ class SchemaAPIInterface { /** * Calls this as a function that returns its return value. * * @abstract * @param {Array} _args The parameters for the function. * @returns {*} The return value of the invoked function. */ callFunction(_args) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Calls this as a function and ignores its return value. * * @abstract * @param {Array} _args The parameters for the function. */ callFunctionNoReturn(_args) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Calls this as a function that completes asynchronously. * * @abstract * @param {Array} _args The parameters for the function. * @param {callback} [_callback] The callback to be called when the function * completes. * @param {boolean} [_requireUserInput=false] If true, the function should * fail if the browser is not currently handling user input. * @returns {Promise|undefined} Must be void if `callback` is set, and a * promise otherwise. The promise is resolved when the function completes. */ callAsyncFunction(_args, _callback, _requireUserInput) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Retrieves the value of this as a property. * * @abstract * @returns {*} The value of the property. */ getProperty() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Assigns the value to this as property. * * @abstract * @param {string} _value The new value of the property. */ setProperty(_value) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Registers a `listener` to this as an event. * * @abstract * @param {Function} _listener The callback to be called when the event fires. * @param {Array} _args Extra parameters for EventManager.addListener. * @see EventManager.addListener */ addListener(_listener, _args) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Checks whether `listener` is listening to this as an event. * * @abstract * @param {Function} _listener The event listener. * @returns {boolean} Whether `listener` is registered with this as an event. * @see EventManager.hasListener */ hasListener(_listener) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Unregisters `listener` from this as an event. * * @abstract * @param {Function} _listener The event listener. * @see EventManager.removeListener */ removeListener(_listener) { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } /** * Revokes the implementation object, and prevents any further method * calls from having external effects. * * @abstract */ revoke() { throw new Error("Not implemented"); } } /** * An object that runs a locally implemented API. */ class LocalAPIImplementation extends SchemaAPIInterface { /** * Constructs an implementation of the `name` method or property of `pathObj`. * * @param {object} pathObj The object containing the member with name `name`. * @param {string} name The name of the implemented member. * @param {BaseContext} context The context in which the schema is injected. */ constructor(pathObj, name, context) { super(); this.pathObj = pathObj; this.name = name; this.context = context; } revoke() { if (this.pathObj[this.name][lazy.Schemas.REVOKE]) { this.pathObj[this.name][lazy.Schemas.REVOKE](); } this.pathObj = null; this.name = null; this.context = null; } callFunction(args) { try { return this.pathObj[this.name](...args); } catch (e) { throw this.context.normalizeError(e); } } callFunctionNoReturn(args) { try { this.pathObj[this.name](...args); } catch (e) { throw this.context.normalizeError(e); } } callAsyncFunction(args, callback, requireUserInput) { let promise; try { if (requireUserInput) { if (!this.context.contentWindow.windowUtils.isHandlingUserInput) { throw new ExtensionError( `${this.name} may only be called from a user input handler` ); } } promise = this.pathObj[this.name](...args) || Promise.resolve(); } catch (e) { promise = Promise.reject(e); } return this.context.wrapPromise(promise, callback); } getProperty() { return this.pathObj[this.name]; } setProperty(value) { this.pathObj[this.name] = value; } addListener(listener, args) { try { this.pathObj[this.name].addListener.call(null, listener, ...args); } catch (e) { throw this.context.normalizeError(e); } } hasListener(listener) { return this.pathObj[this.name].hasListener.call(null, listener); } removeListener(listener) { this.pathObj[this.name].removeListener.call(null, listener); } } // Recursively copy properties from source to dest. function deepCopy(dest, source) { for (let prop in source) { let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, prop); if (typeof desc.value == "object") { if (!(prop in dest)) { dest[prop] = {}; } deepCopy(dest[prop], source[prop]); } else { Object.defineProperty(dest, prop, desc); } } } function getChild(map, key) { let child = map.children.get(key); if (!child) { child = { modules: new Set(), children: new Map(), }; map.children.set(key, child); } return child; } function getPath(map, path) { for (let key of path) { map = getChild(map, key); } return map; } function mergePaths(dest, source) { for (let name of source.modules) { dest.modules.add(name); } for (let [name, child] of source.children.entries()) { mergePaths(getChild(dest, name), child); } } /** * Manages loading and accessing a set of APIs for a specific extension * context. * * @param {BaseContext} context * The context to manage APIs for. * @param {SchemaAPIManager} apiManager * The API manager holding the APIs to manage. * @param {object} root * The root object into which APIs will be injected. */ class CanOfAPIs { constructor(context, apiManager, root) { this.context = context; this.scopeName = context.envType; this.apiManager = apiManager; this.root = root; this.apiPaths = new Map(); this.apis = new Map(); } /** * Synchronously loads and initializes an ExtensionAPI instance. * * @param {string} name * The name of the API to load. */ loadAPI(name) { if (this.apis.has(name)) { return; } let { extension } = this.context; let api = this.apiManager.getAPI(name, extension, this.scopeName); if (!api) { return; } this.apis.set(name, api); deepCopy(this.root, api.getAPI(this.context)); } /** * Asynchronously loads and initializes an ExtensionAPI instance. * * @param {string} name * The name of the API to load. */ async asyncLoadAPI(name) { if (this.apis.has(name)) { return; } let { extension } = this.context; if (!lazy.Schemas.checkPermissions(name, extension)) { return; } let api = await this.apiManager.asyncGetAPI( name, extension, this.scopeName ); // Check again, because async; if (this.apis.has(name)) { return; } this.apis.set(name, api); deepCopy(this.root, api.getAPI(this.context)); } /** * Finds the API at the given path from the root object, and * synchronously loads the API that implements it if it has not * already been loaded. * * @param {string} path * The "."-separated path to find. * @returns {*} */ findAPIPath(path) { if (this.apiPaths.has(path)) { return this.apiPaths.get(path); } let obj = this.root; let modules = this.apiManager.modulePaths; let parts = path.split("."); for (let [i, key] of parts.entries()) { if (!obj) { return; } modules = getChild(modules, key); for (let name of modules.modules) { if (!this.apis.has(name)) { this.loadAPI(name); } } if (!(key in obj) && i < parts.length - 1) { obj[key] = {}; } obj = obj[key]; } this.apiPaths.set(path, obj); return obj; } /** * Finds the API at the given path from the root object, and * asynchronously loads the API that implements it if it has not * already been loaded. * * @param {string} path * The "."-separated path to find. * @returns {Promise<*>} */ async asyncFindAPIPath(path) { if (this.apiPaths.has(path)) { return this.apiPaths.get(path); } let obj = this.root; let modules = this.apiManager.modulePaths; let parts = path.split("."); for (let [i, key] of parts.entries()) { if (!obj) { return; } modules = getChild(modules, key); for (let name of modules.modules) { if (!this.apis.has(name)) { await this.asyncLoadAPI(name); } } if (!(key in obj) && i < parts.length - 1) { obj[key] = {}; } if (typeof obj[key] === "function") { obj = obj[key].bind(obj); } else { obj = obj[key]; } } this.apiPaths.set(path, obj); return obj; } } /** * @class APIModule * @abstract * * @property {string} url * The URL of the script which contains the module's * implementation. This script must define a global property * matching the modules name, which must be a class constructor * which inherits from {@link ExtensionAPI}. * * @property {string} schema * The URL of the JSON schema which describes the module's API. * * @property {Array} scopes * The list of scope names into which the API may be loaded. * * @property {Array} manifest * The list of top-level manifest properties which will trigger * the module to be loaded, and its `onManifestEntry` method to be * called. * * @property {Array} events * The list events which will trigger the module to be loaded, and * its appropriate event handler method to be called. Currently * only accepts "startup". * * @property {Array} permissions * An optional list of permissions, any of which must be present * in order for the module to load. * * @property {Array>} paths * A list of paths from the root API object which, when accessed, * will cause the API module to be instantiated and injected. */ /** * This object loads the ext-*.js scripts that define the extension API. * * This class instance is shared with the scripts that it loads, so that the * ext-*.js scripts and the instantiator can communicate with each other. */ class SchemaAPIManager extends EventEmitter { /** * @param {string} processType * "main" - The main, one and only chrome browser process. * "addon" - An addon process. * "content" - A content process. * "devtools" - A devtools process. * @param {import("Schemas.sys.mjs").SchemaRoot} [schema] */ constructor(processType, schema) { super(); this.processType = processType; this.global = null; if (schema) { this.schema = schema; } this.modules = new Map(); this.modulePaths = { children: new Map(), modules: new Set() }; this.manifestKeys = new Map(); this.eventModules = new DefaultMap(() => new Set()); this.settingsModules = new Set(); this._modulesJSONLoaded = false; this.schemaURLs = new Map(); this.apis = new DefaultWeakMap(() => new Map()); this._scriptScopes = []; } onStartup(extension) { let promises = []; for (let apiName of this.eventModules.get("startup")) { promises.push( extension.apiManager.asyncGetAPI(apiName, extension).then(api => { if (api) { api.onStartup(); } }) ); } return Promise.all(promises); } async loadModuleJSON(urls) { let promises = urls.map(url => fetch(url).then(resp => resp.json())); return this.initModuleJSON(await Promise.all(promises)); } initModuleJSON(blobs) { for (let json of blobs) { this.registerModules(json); } this._modulesJSONLoaded = true; return new StructuredCloneHolder("SchemaAPIManager/initModuleJSON", null, { modules: this.modules, modulePaths: this.modulePaths, manifestKeys: this.manifestKeys, eventModules: this.eventModules, settingsModules: this.settingsModules, schemaURLs: this.schemaURLs, }); } initModuleData(moduleData) { if (!this._modulesJSONLoaded) { let data = moduleData.deserialize({}, true); this.modules = data.modules; this.modulePaths = data.modulePaths; this.manifestKeys = data.manifestKeys; this.eventModules = new DefaultMap(() => new Set(), data.eventModules); this.settingsModules = new Set(data.settingsModules); this.schemaURLs = data.schemaURLs; } this._modulesJSONLoaded = true; } /** * Registers a set of ExtensionAPI modules to be lazily loaded and * managed by this manager. * * @param {object} obj * An object containing property for eacy API module to be * registered. Each value should be an object implementing the * APIModule interface. */ registerModules(obj) { for (let [name, details] of Object.entries(obj)) { details.namespaceName = name; if (this.modules.has(name)) { throw new Error(`Module '${name}' already registered`); } this.modules.set(name, details); if (details.schema) { let content = details.scopes && (details.scopes.includes("content_parent") || details.scopes.includes("content_child")); this.schemaURLs.set(details.schema, { content }); } for (let event of details.events || []) { this.eventModules.get(event).add(name); } if (details.settings) { this.settingsModules.add(name); } for (let key of details.manifest || []) { if (this.manifestKeys.has(key)) { throw new Error( `Manifest key '${key}' already registered by '${this.manifestKeys.get( key )}'` ); } this.manifestKeys.set(key, name); } for (let path of details.paths || []) { getPath(this.modulePaths, path).modules.add(name); } } } /** * Emits an `onManifestEntry` event for the top-level manifest entry * on all relevant {@link ExtensionAPI} instances for the given * extension. * * The API modules will be synchronously loaded if they have not been * loaded already. * * @param {Extension} extension * The extension for which to emit the events. * @param {string} entry * The name of the top-level manifest entry. * * @returns {*} */ emitManifestEntry(extension, entry) { let apiName = this.manifestKeys.get(entry); if (apiName) { let api = extension.apiManager.getAPI(apiName, extension); return api.onManifestEntry(entry); } } /** * Emits an `onManifestEntry` event for the top-level manifest entry * on all relevant {@link ExtensionAPI} instances for the given * extension. * * The API modules will be asynchronously loaded if they have not been * loaded already. * * @param {Extension} extension * The extension for which to emit the events. * @param {string} entry * The name of the top-level manifest entry. * * @returns {Promise<*>} */ async asyncEmitManifestEntry(extension, entry) { let apiName = this.manifestKeys.get(entry); if (apiName) { let api = await extension.apiManager.asyncGetAPI(apiName, extension); return api.onManifestEntry(entry); } } /** * Returns the {@link ExtensionAPI} instance for the given API module, * for the given extension, in the given scope, synchronously loading * and instantiating it if necessary. * * @param {string} name * The name of the API module to load. * @param {Extension} extension * The extension for which to load the API. * @param {string} [scope = null] * The scope type for which to retrieve the API, or null if not * being retrieved for a particular scope. * * @returns {ExtensionAPI?} */ getAPI(name, extension, scope = null) { if (!this._checkGetAPI(name, extension, scope)) { return; } let apis = this.apis.get(extension); if (apis.has(name)) { return apis.get(name); } let module = this.loadModule(name); let api = new module(extension); apis.set(name, api); return api; } /** * Returns the {@link ExtensionAPI} instance for the given API module, * for the given extension, in the given scope, asynchronously loading * and instantiating it if necessary. * * @param {string} name * The name of the API module to load. * @param {Extension} extension * The extension for which to load the API. * @param {string} [scope = null] * The scope type for which to retrieve the API, or null if not * being retrieved for a particular scope. * * @returns {Promise?} */ async asyncGetAPI(name, extension, scope = null) { if (!this._checkGetAPI(name, extension, scope)) { return; } let apis = this.apis.get(extension); if (apis.has(name)) { return apis.get(name); } let module = await this.asyncLoadModule(name); // Check again, because async. if (apis.has(name)) { return apis.get(name); } let api = new module(extension); apis.set(name, api); return api; } /** * Synchronously loads an API module, if not already loaded, and * returns its ExtensionAPI constructor. * * @param {string} name * The name of the module to load. * @returns {typeof ExtensionAPI} */ loadModule(name) { let module = this.modules.get(name); if (module.loaded) { return this.global[name]; } this._checkLoadModule(module, name); this.initGlobal(); Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(module.url, this.global); module.loaded = true; return this.global[name]; } /** * aSynchronously loads an API module, if not already loaded, and * returns its ExtensionAPI constructor. * * @param {string} name * The name of the module to load. * * @returns {Promise} */ asyncLoadModule(name) { let module = this.modules.get(name); if (module.loaded) { return Promise.resolve(this.global[name]); } if (module.asyncLoaded) { return module.asyncLoaded; } this._checkLoadModule(module, name); module.asyncLoaded = ChromeUtils.compileScript(module.url).then(script => { this.initGlobal(); script.executeInGlobal(this.global); module.loaded = true; return this.global[name]; }); return module.asyncLoaded; } asyncLoadSettingsModules() { return Promise.all( Array.from(this.settingsModules).map(apiName => this.asyncLoadModule(apiName) ) ); } getModule(name) { return this.modules.get(name); } /** * Checks whether the given API module may be loaded for the given * extension, in the given scope. * * @param {string} name * The name of the API module to check. * @param {Extension} extension * The extension for which to check the API. * @param {string} [scope = null] * The scope type for which to check the API, or null if not * being checked for a particular scope. * * @returns {boolean} * Whether the module may be loaded. */ _checkGetAPI(name, extension, scope = null) { let module = this.getModule(name); if (!module) { // A module may not exist for a particular manifest version, but // we allow keys in the manifest. An example is pageAction. return false; } if ( module.permissions && !module.permissions.some(perm => extension.hasPermission(perm)) ) { return false; } if (!scope) { return true; } if (!module.scopes.includes(scope)) { return false; } if (!lazy.Schemas.checkPermissions(module.namespaceName, extension)) { return false; } return true; } _checkLoadModule(module, name) { if (!module) { throw new Error(`Module '${name}' does not exist`); } if (module.asyncLoaded) { throw new Error(`Module '${name}' currently being lazily loaded`); } if (this.global && this.global[name]) { throw new Error( `Module '${name}' conflicts with existing global property` ); } } /** * Create a global object that is used as the shared global for all ext-*.js * scripts that are loaded via `loadScript`. * * @returns {object} A sandbox that is used as the global by `loadScript`. */ _createExtGlobal() { let global = Cu.Sandbox( Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), { wantXrays: false, wantGlobalProperties: ["ChromeUtils"], sandboxName: `Namespace of ext-*.js scripts for ${this.processType} (from: resource://gre/modules/ExtensionCommon.sys.mjs)`, } ); Object.assign(global, { AppConstants, Cc, ChromeWorker, Ci, Cr, Cu, ExtensionAPI, ExtensionAPIPersistent, ExtensionCommon, IOUtils, MatchGlob, MatchPattern, MatchPatternSet, PathUtils, Services, StructuredCloneHolder, WebExtensionPolicy, XPCOMUtils, extensions: this, global, }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(global, "console", getConsole); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/lazy-getter-object-name ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(global, { ExtensionUtils: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs", }); return global; } initGlobal() { if (!this.global) { this.global = this._createExtGlobal(); } } /** * Load an ext-*.js script. The script runs in its own scope, if it wishes to * share state with another script it can assign to the `global` variable. If * it wishes to communicate with this API manager, use `extensions`. * * @param {string} scriptUrl The URL of the ext-*.js script. */ loadScript(scriptUrl) { // Create the object in the context of the sandbox so that the script runs // in the sandbox's context instead of here. let scope = Cu.createObjectIn(this.global); Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(scriptUrl, scope); // Save the scope to avoid it being garbage collected. this._scriptScopes.push(scope); } } class LazyAPIManager extends SchemaAPIManager { constructor(processType, moduleData, schemaURLs) { super(processType); /** @type {Promise | boolean} */ this.initialized = false; this.initModuleData(moduleData); this.schemaURLs = schemaURLs; } lazyInit() {} } defineLazyGetter(LazyAPIManager.prototype, "schema", function () { let root = new lazy.SchemaRoot(lazy.Schemas.rootSchema, this.schemaURLs); root.parseSchemas(); return root; }); class MultiAPIManager extends SchemaAPIManager { constructor(processType, children) { super(processType); this.initialized = false; this.children = children; } async lazyInit() { if (!this.initialized) { this.initialized = true; for (let child of this.children) { if (child.lazyInit) { let res = child.lazyInit(); if (res && typeof res.then === "function") { await res; } } mergePaths(this.modulePaths, child.modulePaths); } } } onStartup(extension) { return Promise.all(this.children.map(child => child.onStartup(extension))); } getModule(name) { for (let child of this.children) { if (child.modules.has(name)) { return child.modules.get(name); } } } loadModule(name) { for (let child of this.children) { if (child.modules.has(name)) { return child.loadModule(name); } } } asyncLoadModule(name) { for (let child of this.children) { if (child.modules.has(name)) { return child.asyncLoadModule(name); } } } } defineLazyGetter(MultiAPIManager.prototype, "schema", function () { let bases = this.children.map(child => child.schema); // All API manager schema roots should derive from the global schema root, // so it doesn't need its own entry. if (bases[bases.length - 1] === lazy.Schemas) { bases.pop(); } if (bases.length === 1) { bases = bases[0]; } return new lazy.SchemaRoot(bases, new Map()); }); export function LocaleData(data) { this.defaultLocale = data.defaultLocale; this.selectedLocale = data.selectedLocale; this.locales = data.locales || new Map(); this.warnedMissingKeys = new Set(); // Map(locale-name -> Map(message-key -> localized-string)) // // Contains a key for each loaded locale, each of which is a // Map of message keys to their localized strings. this.messages = data.messages || new Map(); if (data.builtinMessages) { this.messages.set(this.BUILTIN, data.builtinMessages); } } LocaleData.prototype = { // Representation of the object to send to content processes. This // should include anything the content process might need. serialize() { return { defaultLocale: this.defaultLocale, selectedLocale: this.selectedLocale, messages: this.messages, locales: this.locales, }; }, BUILTIN: "@@BUILTIN_MESSAGES", has(locale) { return this.messages.has(locale); }, // https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/i18n localizeMessage(message, substitutions = [], options = {}) { let defaultOptions = { defaultValue: "", cloneScope: null, }; let locales = this.availableLocales; if (options.locale) { locales = new Set( [this.BUILTIN, options.locale, this.defaultLocale].filter(locale => this.messages.has(locale) ) ); } options = Object.assign(defaultOptions, options); // Message names are case-insensitive, so normalize them to lower-case. message = message.toLowerCase(); for (let locale of locales) { let messages = this.messages.get(locale); if (messages.has(message)) { let str = messages.get(message); if (!str.includes("$")) { return str; } if (!Array.isArray(substitutions)) { substitutions = [substitutions]; } let replacer = (matched, index, dollarSigns) => { if (index) { // This is not quite Chrome-compatible. Chrome consumes any number // of digits following the $, but only accepts 9 substitutions. We // accept any number of substitutions. index = parseInt(index, 10) - 1; return index in substitutions ? substitutions[index] : ""; } // For any series of contiguous `$`s, the first is dropped, and // the rest remain in the output string. return dollarSigns; }; return str.replace(/\$(?:([1-9]\d*)|(\$+))/g, replacer); } } // Check for certain pre-defined messages. if (message == "@@ui_locale") { return this.uiLocale; } else if (message.startsWith("@@bidi_")) { let rtl = Services.locale.isAppLocaleRTL; if (message == "@@bidi_dir") { return rtl ? "rtl" : "ltr"; } else if (message == "@@bidi_reversed_dir") { return rtl ? "ltr" : "rtl"; } else if (message == "@@bidi_start_edge") { return rtl ? "right" : "left"; } else if (message == "@@bidi_end_edge") { return rtl ? "left" : "right"; } } if (!this.warnedMissingKeys.has(message)) { let error = `Unknown localization message ${message}`; if (options.cloneScope) { error = new options.cloneScope.Error(error); } Cu.reportError(error); this.warnedMissingKeys.add(message); } return options.defaultValue; }, // Localize a string, replacing all |__MSG_(.*)__| tokens with the // matching string from the current locale, as determined by // |this.selectedLocale|. // // This may not be called before calling either |initLocale| or // |initAllLocales|. localize(str, locale = this.selectedLocale) { if (!str) { return str; } return str.replace(/__MSG_([A-Za-z0-9@_]+?)__/g, (matched, message) => { return this.localizeMessage(message, [], { locale, defaultValue: matched, }); }); }, // Validates the contents of a locale JSON file, normalizes the // messages into a Map of message key -> localized string pairs. addLocale(locale, messages, extension) { let result = new Map(); let isPlainObject = obj => obj && typeof obj === "object" && ChromeUtils.getClassName(obj) === "Object"; // Chrome does not document the semantics of its localization // system very well. It handles replacements by pre-processing // messages, replacing |$[a-zA-Z0-9@_]+$| tokens with the value of their // replacements. Later, it processes the resulting string for // |$[0-9]| replacements. // // Again, it does not document this, but it accepts any number // of sequential |$|s, and replaces them with that number minus // 1. It also accepts |$| followed by any number of sequential // digits, but refuses to process a localized string which // provides more than 9 substitutions. if (!isPlainObject(messages)) { extension.packagingError(`Invalid locale data for ${locale}`); return result; } for (let key of Object.keys(messages)) { let msg = messages[key]; if (!isPlainObject(msg) || typeof msg.message != "string") { extension.packagingError( `Invalid locale message data for ${locale}, message ${JSON.stringify( key )}` ); continue; } // Substitutions are case-insensitive, so normalize all of their names // to lower-case. let placeholders = new Map(); if ("placeholders" in msg && isPlainObject(msg.placeholders)) { for (let key of Object.keys(msg.placeholders)) { placeholders.set(key.toLowerCase(), msg.placeholders[key]); } } let replacer = (match, name) => { let replacement = placeholders.get(name.toLowerCase()); if (isPlainObject(replacement) && "content" in replacement) { return replacement.content; } return ""; }; let value = msg.message.replace(/\$([A-Za-z0-9@_]+)\$/g, replacer); // Message names are also case-insensitive, so normalize them to lower-case. result.set(key.toLowerCase(), value); } this.messages.set(locale, result); return result; }, get acceptLanguages() { let result = Services.prefs.getComplexValue( "intl.accept_languages", Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString ).data; return result.split(/\s*,\s*/g); }, get uiLocale() { return Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47; }, get availableLocales() { const locales = [this.BUILTIN, this.selectedLocale, this.defaultLocale]; const value = new Set(locales.filter(locale => this.messages.has(locale))); return redefineGetter(this, "availableLocales", value); }, }; /** * This is a generic class for managing event listeners. * * @example * new EventManager({ * context, * name: "api.subAPI", * register: fire => { * let listener = (...) => { * // Fire any listeners registered with addListener. * fire.async(arg1, arg2); * }; * // Register the listener. * SomehowRegisterListener(listener); * return () => { * // Return a way to unregister the listener. * SomehowUnregisterListener(listener); * }; * } * }).api() * * The result is an object with addListener, removeListener, and * hasListener methods. `context` is an add-on scope (either an * ExtensionContext in the chrome process or ExtensionContext in a * content process). */ class EventManager { /* * A persistent event must provide module and name. Additionally the * module must implement primeListeners in the ExtensionAPI class. * * A startup blocking event must also add the startupBlocking flag in * ext-toolkit.json or ext-browser.json. * * Listeners synchronously added from a background extension context * will be persisted, for a persistent background script only the * "startup blocking" events will be persisted. * * EventManager instances created in a child process can't persist any listener. * * @param {object} params * Parameters that control this EventManager. * @param {BaseContext} params.context * An object representing the extension instance using this event. * @param {string} params.module * The API module name, required for persistent events. * @param {string} params.event * The API event name, required for persistent events. * @param {ExtensionAPI} params.extensionApi * The API intance. If the API uses the ExtensionAPIPersistent class, some simplification is * possible by passing the api (self or this) and the internal register function will be used. * @param {string} [params.name] * A name used only for debugging. If not provided, name is built from module and event. * @param {functon} params.register * A function called whenever a new listener is added. * @param {boolean} [params.inputHandling=false] * If true, the "handling user input" flag is set while handlers * for this event are executing. */ constructor(params) { let { context, module, event, name, register, extensionApi, inputHandling = false, resetIdleOnEvent = true, } = params; this.context = context; this.module = module; this.event = event; this.name = name; this.register = register; this.inputHandling = inputHandling; this.resetIdleOnEvent = resetIdleOnEvent; const isBackgroundParent = this.context.envType === "addon_parent" && this.context.isBackgroundContext; // TODO(Bug 1844041): ideally we should restrict resetIdleOnEvent to // EventManager instances that belongs to the event page, but along // with that we should consider if calling sendMessage from an event // page should also reset idle timer, and so in the shorter term // here we are allowing listeners from other extension pages to // also reset the idle timer. const isAddonContext = ["addon_parent", "addon_child"].includes( this.context.envType ); // Avoid resetIdleOnEvent overhead by only consider it when applicable. if (!isAddonContext || context.extension.persistentBackground) { this.resetIdleOnEvent = false; } if (!name) { this.name = `${module}.${event}`; } if (!this.register && extensionApi instanceof ExtensionAPIPersistent) { this.register = (fire, ...params) => { return extensionApi.registerEventListener( { context, event, fire }, params ); }; } if (!this.register) { throw new Error( `EventManager requires register method for ${this.name}.` ); } this.canPersistEvents = module && event && isBackgroundParent; if (this.canPersistEvents) { let { extension } = context; if (extension.persistentBackground) { // Persistent backgrounds will only persist startup blocking APIs. let api_module = extension.apiManager.getModule(this.module); if (!api_module?.startupBlocking) { this.canPersistEvents = false; } } else { // Event pages will persist all APIs that implement primeListener. // The api is already loaded so this does not have performance effect. let api = extension.apiManager.getAPI( this.module, extension, "addon_parent" ); // If the api doesn't implement primeListener we do not persist the events. if (!api?.primeListener) { this.canPersistEvents = false; } } } this.unregister = new Map(); this.remove = new Map(); } /* * Information about listeners to persistent events is associated with * the extension to which they belong. Any extension thas has such * listeners has a property called `persistentListeners` that is a * 3-level Map: * * - the first 2 keys are the module name (e.g., webRequest) * and the name of the event within the module (e.g., onBeforeRequest). * * - the third level of the map is used to track multiple listeners for * the same event, these listeners are distinguished by the extra arguments * passed to addListener() * * - for quick lookups, the key to the third Map is the result of calling * uneval() on the array of extra arguments. * * - the value stored in the Map or persistent listeners we keep in memory * is a plain object with: * - a property called `params` that is the original (ie, not uneval()ed) * extra arguments to addListener() * - and a property called `listeners` that is an array of plain object * each representing a listener to be primed and a `primeId` autoincremented * integer that represents each of the primed listeners that belongs to the * group listeners with the same set of extra params. * - a `nextPrimeId` property keeps track of the numeric primeId that should * be assigned to new persistent listeners added for the same event and * same set of extra params. * * For a primed listener (i.e., the stub listener created during browser startup * before the extension background page is started, and after an event page is * suspended on idle), the object will be later populated (by the callers of * EventManager.primeListeners) with an additional `primed` property that serves * as a placeholder listener, collecting all events that got emitted while the * background page was not yet started, and eventually replaced by a callback * registered from the extension code, once the background page scripts have been * executed (or dropped if the background page scripts do not register the same * listener anymore). * * @param {Extension} extension * @returns {boolean} True if the extension had any persistent listeners. */ static _initPersistentListeners(extension) { if (extension.persistentListeners) { return !!extension.persistentListeners.size; } let listeners = new DefaultMap(() => new DefaultMap(() => new Map())); extension.persistentListeners = listeners; let persistentListeners = extension.startupData?.persistentListeners; if (!persistentListeners) { return false; } let found = false; for (let [module, savedModuleEntry] of Object.entries( persistentListeners )) { for (let [event, savedEventEntry] of Object.entries(savedModuleEntry)) { for (let paramList of savedEventEntry) { /* Before Bug 1795801 (Firefox < 113) each entry was related to a listener * registered with a different set of extra params (and so only one listener * could be persisted for the same set of extra params) * * After Bug 1795801 (Firefox >= 113) each entry still represents a listener * registered for that event, but multiple listeners registered with the same * set of extra params will be captured as multiple entries in the * paramsList array. * * NOTE: persisted listeners are stored in the startupData part of the Addon DB * and are expected to be preserved across Firefox and Addons upgrades and downgrades * (unlike the WebExtensions startupCache data which is cleared when Firefox or the * addon is updated) and so we are taking special care about forward and backward * compatibility of the persistentListeners on-disk format: * * - forward compatibility: when this new version of this startupData loading logic * is loading the old persistentListeners on-disk format: * - on the first run only one listener will be primed for each of the extra params * recorded in the startupData (same as in older Firefox versions) * and Bug 1795801 will still be hit, but once the background * context is started once the startupData will be updated to * include each of the listeners (indipendently if the set of * extra params is the same as another listener already been * persisted). * - after the first run, all listeners will be primed separately, even if the extra * params are the same as other listeners already primed, and so * each of the listener will receive the pending events collected * by their related primed listener and Bug 1795801 not to be hit anymore. * * - backward compatibility: when the old version of this startupData loading logic * (https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/rev/cd2121e7d8/toolkit/components/extensions/ExtensionCommon.jsm#2360-2371) * is loading the new persistentListeners on-disk format, the last * entry with the same set of extra params will be eventually overwritting the * entry for another primed listener with the same extra params, Bug 1795801 will still * be hit, but no actual change in behavior is expected. */ let key = uneval(paramList); const eventEntry = listeners.get(module).get(event); if (eventEntry.has(key)) { const keyEntry = eventEntry.get(key); let primeId = keyEntry.nextPrimeId; keyEntry.listeners.push({ primeId }); keyEntry.nextPrimeId++; } else { eventEntry.set(key, { params: paramList, nextPrimeId: 1, listeners: [{ primeId: 0 }], }); } found = true; } } } return found; } // Extract just the information needed at startup for all persistent // listeners, and arrange for it to be saved. This should be called // whenever the set of persistent listeners for an extension changes. static _writePersistentListeners(extension) { let startupListeners = {}; for (let [module, moduleEntry] of extension.persistentListeners) { startupListeners[module] = {}; for (let [event, eventEntry] of moduleEntry) { // Turn the per-event entries from the format they are being kept // in memory: // // [ // { params: paramList1, listeners: [listener1, listener2, ...] }, // { params: paramList2, listeners: [listener3, listener3, ...] }, // ... // ] // // into the format used for storing them on disk (in the startupData), // which is an array of the params for each listener (with the param list // included as many times as many listeners are persisted for the same // set of params): // // [paramList1, paramList1, ..., paramList2, paramList2, ...] // // This format will also work as expected on older Firefox versions where // only one listener was being persisted for each set of params. startupListeners[module][event] = Array.from( eventEntry.values() ).flatMap(keyEntry => keyEntry.listeners.map(() => keyEntry.params)); } } extension.startupData.persistentListeners = startupListeners; extension.saveStartupData(); } // Set up "primed" event listeners for any saved event listeners // in an extension's startup data. // This function is only called during browser startup, it stores details // about all primed listeners in the extension's persistentListeners Map. static primeListeners(extension, isInStartup = false) { if (!EventManager._initPersistentListeners(extension)) { return; } for (let [module, moduleEntry] of extension.persistentListeners) { // If we're in startup, we only want to continue attempting to prime a // subset of events that should be startup blocking. if (isInStartup) { let api_module = extension.apiManager.getModule(module); if (!api_module.startupBlocking) { continue; } } let api = extension.apiManager.getAPI(module, extension, "addon_parent"); // If an extension is upgraded and a permission, such as webRequest, is // removed, we will have been called but the API is no longer available. if (!api?.primeListener) { // The runtime module no longer implements primed listeners, drop them. extension.persistentListeners.delete(module); EventManager._writePersistentListeners(extension); continue; } for (let [event, eventEntry] of moduleEntry) { for (let [key, { params, listeners }] of eventEntry) { for (let listener of listeners) { // Reset the `listener.added` flag by setting it to `false` while // re-priming the listeners because the event page has suspended // and the previous converted listener is no longer listening. const listenerWasAdded = listener.added; listener.added = false; listener.params = params; let primed = { pendingEvents: [] }; let fireEvent = (...args) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!listener.primed) { reject( new Error( `primed listener ${module}.${event} not re-registered` ) ); return; } primed.pendingEvents.push({ args, resolve, reject }); extension.emit("background-script-event"); }); let fire = { wakeup: () => extension.wakeupBackground(), sync: fireEvent, async: fireEvent, // fire.async for ProxyContextParent is already not cloning. raw: fireEvent, }; try { let handler = api.primeListener( event, fire, listener.params, isInStartup ); if (handler) { listener.primed = primed; Object.assign(primed, handler); } } catch (e) { Cu.reportError( `Error priming listener ${module}.${event}: ${e} :: ${e.stack}` ); // Force this listener to be cleared. listener.error = true; } // If an attempt to prime a listener failed, ensure it is cleared now. // If a module is a startup blocking module, not all listeners may // get primed during early startup. For that reason, we don't clear // persisted listeners during early startup. At the end of background // execution any listeners that were not renewed will be cleared. // // TODO(Bug 1797474): consider priming runtime.onStartup and // avoid to special handling it here. if ( listener.error || (!isInStartup && !( (`${module}.${event}` === "runtime.onStartup" && listenerWasAdded) || listener.primed )) ) { EventManager.clearPersistentListener( extension, module, event, key, listener.primeId ); } } } } } } /** * This is called as a result of background script startup-finished and shutdown. * * After startup, it removes any remaining primed listeners. These exist if the * listener was not renewed during startup. In this case the persisted listener * data is also removed. * * During shutdown, care should be taken to set clearPersistent to false. * persisted listener data should NOT be cleared during shutdown. * * @param {Extension} extension * @param {boolean} clearPersistent whether the persisted listener data should be cleared. */ static clearPrimedListeners(extension, clearPersistent = true) { if (!extension.persistentListeners) { return; } for (let [module, moduleEntry] of extension.persistentListeners) { for (let [event, eventEntry] of moduleEntry) { for (let [key, { listeners }] of eventEntry) { for (let listener of listeners) { let { primed, added, primeId } = listener; // When a primed listener is added or renewed during initial // background execution we set an added flag. If it was primed // when added, primed is set to null. if (added) { continue; } if (primed) { // When a primed listener was not renewed, primed will still be truthy. // These need to be cleared on shutdown (important for event pages), but // we only clear the persisted listener data after the startup of a background. // Release any pending events and unregister the primed handler. listener.primed = null; for (let evt of primed.pendingEvents) { evt.reject(new Error("listener not re-registered")); } primed.unregister(); } // Clear any persisted events that were not renewed, should typically // only be done at the end of the background page load. if (clearPersistent) { EventManager.clearPersistentListener( extension, module, event, key, primeId ); } } } } } } // Record the fact that there is a listener for the given event in // the given extension. `args` is an Array containing any extra // arguments that were passed to addListener(). static savePersistentListener(extension, module, event, args = []) { EventManager._initPersistentListeners(extension); let key = uneval(args); const eventEntry = extension.persistentListeners.get(module).get(event); let primeId; if (!eventEntry.has(key)) { // when writing, only args are written, other properties are dropped primeId = 0; eventEntry.set(key, { params: args, listeners: [{ added: true, primeId }], nextPrimeId: 1, }); } else { const keyEntry = eventEntry.get(key); primeId = keyEntry.nextPrimeId; keyEntry.listeners.push({ added: true, primeId }); keyEntry.nextPrimeId = primeId + 1; } EventManager._writePersistentListeners(extension); return [module, event, key, primeId]; } // Remove the record for the given event listener from the extension's // startup data. `key` must be a string, the result of calling uneval() // on the array of extra arguments originally passed to addListener(). static clearPersistentListener( extension, module, event, key = uneval([]), primeId = undefined ) { let eventEntry = extension.persistentListeners.get(module).get(event); let keyEntry = eventEntry.get(key); if (primeId != undefined && keyEntry) { keyEntry.listeners = keyEntry.listeners.filter( listener => listener.primeId !== primeId ); } if (primeId == undefined || keyEntry?.listeners.length === 0) { eventEntry.delete(key); if (eventEntry.size == 0) { let moduleEntry = extension.persistentListeners.get(module); moduleEntry.delete(event); if (moduleEntry.size == 0) { extension.persistentListeners.delete(module); } } } EventManager._writePersistentListeners(extension); } addListener(callback, ...args) { if (this.unregister.has(callback)) { return; } this.context.logActivity("api_call", `${this.name}.addListener`, { args }); let shouldFire = () => { if (this.context.unloaded) { dump(`${this.name} event fired after context unloaded.\n`); } else if (!this.context.active) { dump(`${this.name} event fired while context is inactive.\n`); } else if (this.unregister.has(callback)) { return true; } return false; }; let { extension } = this.context; const resetIdle = () => { if (this.resetIdleOnEvent) { extension?.emit("background-script-reset-idle", { reason: "event", eventName: this.name, }); } }; let fire = { // Bug 1754866 fire.sync doesn't match documentation. sync: (...args) => { if (shouldFire()) { resetIdle(); let result = this.context.applySafe(callback, args); this.context.logActivity("api_event", this.name, { args, result }); return result; } }, async: (...args) => { return Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (shouldFire()) { resetIdle(); let result = this.context.applySafe(callback, args); this.context.logActivity("api_event", this.name, { args, result }); return result; } }); }, raw: (...args) => { if (!shouldFire()) { throw new Error("Called raw() on unloaded/inactive context"); } resetIdle(); let result = Reflect.apply(callback, null, args); this.context.logActivity("api_event", this.name, { args, result }); return result; }, asyncWithoutClone: (...args) => { return Promise.resolve().then(() => { if (shouldFire()) { resetIdle(); let result = this.context.applySafeWithoutClone(callback, args); this.context.logActivity("api_event", this.name, { args, result }); return result; } }); }, }; let { module, event } = this; let unregister = null; let recordStartupData = false; // If this is a persistent event, check for a listener that was already // created during startup. If there is one, use it and don't create a // new one. if (this.canPersistEvents) { // Once a background is started, listenerPromises is set to null. At // that point, we stop recording startup data. recordStartupData = !!this.context.listenerPromises; let key = uneval(args); EventManager._initPersistentListeners(extension); let keyEntry = extension.persistentListeners .get(module) .get(event) .get(key); // Get the first persistent listener which matches the module, event and extra arguments // and not added back by the extension yet, the persistent listener found may be either // primed or not (in particular API Events that belongs to APIs that should not be blocking // startup may have persistent listeners that are not primed during the first execution // of the background context happening as part of the applications startup, whereas they // will be primed when the background context will be suspended on the idle timeout). let listener = keyEntry?.listeners.find(listener => !listener.added); if (listener) { // During startup only a subset of persisted listeners are primed. As // well, each API determines whether to prime a specific listener. let { primed } = listener; if (primed) { listener.primed = null; primed.convert(fire, this.context); unregister = primed.unregister; for (let evt of primed.pendingEvents) { evt.resolve(fire.async(...evt.args)); } } listener.added = true; recordStartupData = false; this.remove.set(callback, () => { EventManager.clearPersistentListener( extension, module, event, uneval(args), listener.primeId ); }); } } if (!unregister) { unregister = this.register(fire, ...args); } this.unregister.set(callback, unregister); this.context.callOnClose(this); // If this is a new listener for a persistent event, record // the details for subsequent startups. if (recordStartupData) { const [, , , /* _module */ /* _event */ /* _key */ primeId] = EventManager.savePersistentListener(extension, module, event, args); this.remove.set(callback, () => { EventManager.clearPersistentListener( extension, module, event, uneval(args), primeId ); }); } } removeListener(callback, clearPersistentListener = true) { if (!this.unregister.has(callback)) { return; } this.context.logActivity("api_call", `${this.name}.removeListener`, { args: [], }); let unregister = this.unregister.get(callback); this.unregister.delete(callback); try { unregister(); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } if (clearPersistentListener && this.remove.has(callback)) { let cleanup = this.remove.get(callback); this.remove.delete(callback); cleanup(); } if (this.unregister.size == 0) { this.context.forgetOnClose(this); } } hasListener(callback) { return this.unregister.has(callback); } revoke() { for (let callback of this.unregister.keys()) { this.removeListener(callback, false); } } close() { this.revoke(); } api() { return { addListener: (...args) => this.addListener(...args), removeListener: (...args) => this.removeListener(...args), hasListener: (...args) => this.hasListener(...args), setUserInput: this.inputHandling, [lazy.Schemas.REVOKE]: () => this.revoke(), }; } } // Simple API for event listeners where events never fire. function ignoreEvent(context, name) { return { addListener: function () { let id = context.extension.id; let frame = Components.stack.caller; let msg = `In add-on ${id}, attempting to use listener "${name}", which is unimplemented.`; let scriptError = Cc["@mozilla.org/scripterror;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptError ); scriptError.init( msg, frame.filename, null, frame.lineNumber, frame.columnNumber, Ci.nsIScriptError.warningFlag, "content javascript" ); Services.console.logMessage(scriptError); }, removeListener: function () {}, hasListener: function () {}, }; } const stylesheetMap = new DefaultMap(url => { let uri = Services.io.newURI(url); return lazy.styleSheetService.preloadSheet( uri, // Note: keep in sync with ext-browser-content.js. This used to be // AGENT_SHEET, but changed to AUTHOR_SHEET, see bug 1873024. lazy.styleSheetService.AUTHOR_SHEET ); }); /** * Updates the in-memory representation of extension host permissions, i.e. * policy.allowedOrigins. * * @param {WebExtensionPolicy} policy * A policy. All MatchPattern instances in policy.allowedOrigins are * expected to have been constructed with ignorePath: true. * @param {string[]} origins * A list of already-normalized origins, equivalent to using the * MatchPattern constructor with ignorePath: true. * @param {boolean} isAdd * Whether to add instead of removing the host permissions. */ function updateAllowedOrigins(policy, origins, isAdd) { if (!origins.length) { // Nothing to modify. return; } let patternMap = new Map(); for (let pattern of policy.allowedOrigins.patterns) { patternMap.set(pattern.pattern, pattern); } if (!isAdd) { for (let origin of origins) { patternMap.delete(origin); } } else { // In the parent process, policy.extension.restrictSchemes is available. // In the content process, we need to check the mozillaAddons permission, // which is only available if approved by the parent. const restrictSchemes = policy.extension?.restrictSchemes ?? policy.hasPermission("mozillaAddons"); for (let origin of origins) { if (patternMap.has(origin)) { continue; } patternMap.set( origin, new MatchPattern(origin, { restrictSchemes, ignorePath: true }) ); } } // patternMap contains only MatchPattern instances, so we don't need to set // the options parameter (with restrictSchemes, etc.) since that is only used // if the input is a string. policy.allowedOrigins = new MatchPatternSet(Array.from(patternMap.values())); } export var ExtensionCommon = { BaseContext, CanOfAPIs, EventManager, ExtensionAPI, ExtensionAPIPersistent, EventEmitter, LocalAPIImplementation, LocaleData, NoCloneSpreadArgs, SchemaAPIInterface, SchemaAPIManager, SpreadArgs, checkLoadURI, checkLoadURL, defineLazyGetter, redefineGetter, getConsole, ignoreEvent, instanceOf, makeWidgetId, normalizeTime, runSafeSyncWithoutClone, stylesheetMap, updateAllowedOrigins, withHandlingUserInput, MultiAPIManager, LazyAPIManager, };