/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { XPCShellContentUtils } from "resource://testing-common/XPCShellContentUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AddonManager: "resource://gre/modules/AddonManager.sys.mjs", AddonTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/AddonTestUtils.sys.mjs", ExtensionTestCommon: "resource://testing-common/ExtensionTestCommon.sys.mjs", FileUtils: "resource://gre/modules/FileUtils.sys.mjs", Management: "resource://gre/modules/Extension.sys.mjs", Schemas: "resource://gre/modules/Schemas.sys.mjs", }); let BASE_MANIFEST = Object.freeze({ browser_specific_settings: Object.freeze({ gecko: Object.freeze({ id: "test@web.ext", }), }), manifest_version: 2, name: "name", version: "0", }); class ExtensionWrapper { /** @type {AddonWrapper} */ addon; /** @type {Promise} */ addonPromise; /** @type {nsIFile[]} */ cleanupFiles; constructor(testScope, extension = null) { this.testScope = testScope; this.extension = null; this.handleResult = this.handleResult.bind(this); this.handleMessage = this.handleMessage.bind(this); this.state = "uninitialized"; this.testResolve = null; this.testDone = new Promise(resolve => { this.testResolve = resolve; }); this.messageHandler = new Map(); this.messageAwaiter = new Map(); this.messageQueue = new Set(); this.testScope.registerCleanupFunction(() => { this.clearMessageQueues(); if (this.state == "pending" || this.state == "running") { this.testScope.equal( this.state, "unloaded", "Extension left running at test shutdown" ); return this.unload(); } else if (this.state == "unloading") { this.testScope.equal( this.state, "unloaded", "Extension not fully unloaded at test shutdown" ); } this.destroy(); }); if (extension) { this.id = extension.id; this.attachExtension(extension); } } destroy() { // This method should be implemented in subclasses which need to // perform cleanup when destroyed. } attachExtension(extension) { if (extension === this.extension) { return; } if (this.extension) { this.extension.off("test-eq", this.handleResult); this.extension.off("test-log", this.handleResult); this.extension.off("test-result", this.handleResult); this.extension.off("test-done", this.handleResult); this.extension.off("test-message", this.handleMessage); this.clearMessageQueues(); } this.uuid = extension.uuid; this.extension = extension; extension.on("test-eq", this.handleResult); extension.on("test-log", this.handleResult); extension.on("test-result", this.handleResult); extension.on("test-done", this.handleResult); extension.on("test-message", this.handleMessage); this.testScope.info(`Extension attached`); } clearMessageQueues() { if (this.messageQueue.size) { let names = Array.from(this.messageQueue, ([msg]) => msg); this.testScope.equal( JSON.stringify(names), "[]", "message queue is empty" ); this.messageQueue.clear(); } if (this.messageAwaiter.size) { let names = Array.from(this.messageAwaiter.keys()); this.testScope.equal( JSON.stringify(names), "[]", "no tasks awaiting on messages" ); for (let promise of this.messageAwaiter.values()) { promise.reject(); } this.messageAwaiter.clear(); } } handleResult(kind, pass, msg, expected, actual) { switch (kind) { case "test-eq": this.testScope.ok( pass, `${msg} - Expected: ${expected}, Actual: ${actual}` ); break; case "test-log": this.testScope.info(msg); break; case "test-result": this.testScope.ok(pass, msg); break; case "test-done": this.testScope.ok(pass, msg); this.testResolve(msg); break; } } handleMessage(kind, msg, ...args) { let handler = this.messageHandler.get(msg); if (handler) { handler(...args); } else { this.messageQueue.add([msg, ...args]); this.checkMessages(); } } awaitStartup() { return this.startupPromise; } awaitBackgroundStarted() { if (!this.extension.manifest.background) { throw new Error("Extension has no background"); } return Promise.all([ this.startupPromise, this.extension.promiseBackgroundStarted(), ]); } async startup() { if (this.state != "uninitialized") { throw new Error("Extension already started"); } this.state = "pending"; await lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.setIncognitoOverride(this.extension); this.startupPromise = this.extension.startup().then( result => { this.state = "running"; return result; }, error => { this.state = "failed"; return Promise.reject(error); } ); return this.startupPromise; } async unload() { if (this.state != "running") { throw new Error("Extension not running"); } this.state = "unloading"; if (this.addonPromise) { // If addonPromise is still pending resolution, wait for it to make sure // that add-ons that are installed through the AddonManager are properly // uninstalled. await this.addonPromise; } if (this.addon) { await this.addon.uninstall(); } else { await this.extension.shutdown(); } if (AppConstants.platform === "android") { // We need a way to notify the embedding layer that an extension has been // uninstalled, so that the java layer can be updated too. Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "testing-uninstalled-addon", this.addon ? this.addon.id : this.extension.id ); } this.state = "unloaded"; } /** * This method sends the message to force-sleep the background scripts. * * @returns {Promise} resolves after the background is asleep and listeners primed. */ terminateBackground(...args) { return this.extension.terminateBackground(...args); } wakeupBackground() { return this.extension.wakeupBackground(); } sendMessage(...args) { this.extension.testMessage(...args); } awaitFinish(msg) { return this.testDone.then(actual => { if (msg) { this.testScope.equal(actual, msg, "test result correct"); } return actual; }); } checkMessages() { for (let message of this.messageQueue) { let [msg, ...args] = message; let listener = this.messageAwaiter.get(msg); if (listener) { this.messageQueue.delete(message); this.messageAwaiter.delete(msg); listener.resolve(...args); return; } } } checkDuplicateListeners(msg) { if (this.messageHandler.has(msg) || this.messageAwaiter.has(msg)) { throw new Error("only one message handler allowed"); } } awaitMessage(msg) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.checkDuplicateListeners(msg); this.messageAwaiter.set(msg, { resolve, reject }); this.checkMessages(); }); } onMessage(msg, callback) { this.checkDuplicateListeners(msg); this.messageHandler.set(msg, callback); } } class AOMExtensionWrapper extends ExtensionWrapper { constructor(testScope) { super(testScope); this.onEvent = this.onEvent.bind(this); lazy.Management.on("ready", this.onEvent); lazy.Management.on("shutdown", this.onEvent); lazy.Management.on("startup", this.onEvent); lazy.AddonTestUtils.on("addon-manager-shutdown", this.onEvent); lazy.AddonTestUtils.on("addon-manager-started", this.onEvent); lazy.AddonManager.addAddonListener(this); } destroy() { this.id = null; this.addon = null; lazy.Management.off("ready", this.onEvent); lazy.Management.off("shutdown", this.onEvent); lazy.Management.off("startup", this.onEvent); lazy.AddonTestUtils.off("addon-manager-shutdown", this.onEvent); lazy.AddonTestUtils.off("addon-manager-started", this.onEvent); lazy.AddonManager.removeAddonListener(this); } setRestarting() { if (this.state !== "restarting") { this.startupPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.resolveStartup = resolve; }).then(async result => { await this.addonPromise; return result; }); } this.state = "restarting"; } onEnabling(addon) { if (addon.id === this.id) { this.setRestarting(); } } onInstalling(addon) { if (addon.id === this.id) { this.setRestarting(); } } onInstalled(addon) { if (addon.id === this.id) { this.addon = addon; } } onUninstalled(addon) { if (addon.id === this.id) { this.destroy(); } } onEvent(kind, ...args) { switch (kind) { case "addon-manager-started": if (this.state === "uninitialized") { // startup() not called yet, ignore AddonManager startup notification. return; } this.addonPromise = lazy.AddonManager.getAddonByID(this.id).then( addon => { this.addon = addon; this.addonPromise = null; } ); // FALLTHROUGH case "addon-manager-shutdown": if (this.state === "uninitialized") { return; } this.addon = null; this.setRestarting(); break; case "startup": { let [extension] = args; this.maybeSetID(extension.rootURI, extension.id); if (extension.id === this.id) { this.attachExtension(extension); this.state = "pending"; } break; } case "shutdown": { let [extension] = args; if (extension.id === this.id && this.state !== "restarting") { this.state = "unloaded"; } break; } case "ready": { let [extension] = args; if (extension.id === this.id) { this.state = "running"; if (AppConstants.platform === "android") { // We need a way to notify the embedding layer that a new extension // has been installed, so that the java layer can be updated too. Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "testing-installed-addon", extension.id ); } this.resolveStartup(extension); } break; } } } async _flushCache() { if (this.extension && this.extension.rootURI instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI) { let file = this.extension.rootURI.JARFile.QueryInterface( Ci.nsIFileURL ).file; await Services.ppmm.broadcastAsyncMessage("Extension:FlushJarCache", { path: file.path, }); } } get version() { return this.addon && this.addon.version; } async unload() { await this._flushCache(); return super.unload(); } /** * Override for subclasses which don't set an ID in the constructor. * * @param {nsIURI} uri * @param {string} id */ maybeSetID(uri, id) {} } class InstallableWrapper extends AOMExtensionWrapper { constructor(testScope, xpiFile, addonData = {}) { super(testScope); this.file = xpiFile; this.addonData = addonData; this.installType = addonData.useAddonManager || "temporary"; this.installTelemetryInfo = addonData.amInstallTelemetryInfo; this.cleanupFiles = [xpiFile]; } destroy() { super.destroy(); for (let file of this.cleanupFiles.splice(0)) { try { Services.obs.notifyObservers(file, "flush-cache-entry"); file.remove(false); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } } } maybeSetID(uri, id) { if ( !this.id && uri instanceof Ci.nsIJARURI && uri.JARFile.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file.equals(this.file) ) { this.id = id; } } _setIncognitoOverride() { // this.id is not set yet so grab it from the manifest data to set // the incognito permission. let { addonData } = this; if (addonData && addonData.incognitoOverride) { try { let { id } = addonData.manifest.browser_specific_settings.gecko; if (id) { return lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.setIncognitoOverride({ id, addonData, }); } } catch (e) {} throw new Error( "Extension ID is required for setting incognito permission." ); } } async _install(xpiFile) { await this._setIncognitoOverride(); if (this.installType === "temporary") { return lazy.AddonManager.installTemporaryAddon(xpiFile) .then(addon => { this.id = addon.id; this.addon = addon; return this.startupPromise; }) .catch(e => { this.state = "unloaded"; return Promise.reject(e); }); } else if (this.installType === "permanent") { return lazy.AddonManager.getInstallForFile( xpiFile, null, this.installTelemetryInfo ).then(install => { let listener = { onDownloadFailed: () => { this.state = "unloaded"; this.resolveStartup(Promise.reject(new Error("Install failed"))); }, onInstallFailed: () => { this.state = "unloaded"; this.resolveStartup(Promise.reject(new Error("Install failed"))); }, onInstallEnded: (install, newAddon) => { this.id = newAddon.id; this.addon = newAddon; }, }; install.addListener(listener); install.install(); return this.startupPromise; }); } } startup() { if (this.state != "uninitialized") { throw new Error("Extension already started"); } this.state = "pending"; this.startupPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.resolveStartup = resolve; }); return this._install(this.file); } async upgrade(data) { this.startupPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.resolveStartup = resolve; }); this.state = "restarting"; await this._flushCache(); let xpiFile = lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.generateXPI(data); this.cleanupFiles.push(xpiFile); return this._install(xpiFile); } } class ExternallyInstalledWrapper extends AOMExtensionWrapper { constructor(testScope, id) { super(testScope); this.id = id; this.startupPromise = new Promise(resolve => { this.resolveStartup = resolve; }); this.state = "restarting"; } } export var ExtensionTestUtils = { BASE_MANIFEST, get testAssertions() { return lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.testAssertions; }, // Shortcut to more easily access WebExtensionPolicy.backgroundServiceWorkerEnabled // from mochitest-plain tests. getBackgroundServiceWorkerEnabled() { return lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.getBackgroundServiceWorkerEnabled(); }, // A test helper used to check if the pref "extension.backgroundServiceWorker.forceInTestExtension" // is set to true. isInBackgroundServiceWorkerTests() { return lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.isInBackgroundServiceWorkerTests(); }, async normalizeManifest( manifest, manifestType = "manifest.WebExtensionManifest", baseManifest = BASE_MANIFEST ) { await lazy.Management.lazyInit(); manifest = Object.assign({}, baseManifest, manifest); let errors = []; let context = { url: null, manifestVersion: manifest.manifest_version, logError: error => { errors.push(error); }, preprocessors: {}, }; let normalized = lazy.Schemas.normalize(manifest, manifestType, context); normalized.errors = errors; return normalized; }, currentScope: null, profileDir: null, init(scope) { XPCShellContentUtils.ensureInitialized(scope); this.currentScope = scope; this.profileDir = scope.do_get_profile(); let tmpD = this.profileDir.clone(); tmpD.append("tmp"); tmpD.create(Ci.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE, lazy.FileUtils.PERMS_DIRECTORY); let dirProvider = { getFile(prop, persistent) { persistent.value = false; if (prop == "TmpD") { return tmpD.clone(); } return null; }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIDirectoryServiceProvider"]), }; Services.dirsvc.registerProvider(dirProvider); scope.registerCleanupFunction(() => { try { tmpD.remove(true); } catch (e) { Cu.reportError(e); } Services.dirsvc.unregisterProvider(dirProvider); this.currentScope = null; }); }, addonManagerStarted: false, mockAppInfo() { lazy.AddonTestUtils.createAppInfo( "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "48", "48" ); }, startAddonManager() { if (this.addonManagerStarted) { return; } this.addonManagerStarted = true; this.mockAppInfo(); return lazy.AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); }, loadExtension(data) { if (data.useAddonManager) { // If we're using incognitoOverride, we'll need to ensure // an ID is available before generating the XPI. if (data.incognitoOverride) { lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.setExtensionID(data); } let xpiFile = lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.generateXPI(data); return this.loadExtensionXPI(xpiFile, data); } let extension = lazy.ExtensionTestCommon.generate(data); return new ExtensionWrapper(this.currentScope, extension); }, loadExtensionXPI(xpiFile, data) { return new InstallableWrapper(this.currentScope, xpiFile, data); }, // Create a wrapper for a webextension that will be installed // by some external process (e.g., Normandy) expectExtension(id) { return new ExternallyInstalledWrapper(this.currentScope, id); }, failOnSchemaWarnings(warningsAsErrors = true) { let prefName = "extensions.webextensions.warnings-as-errors"; Services.prefs.setBoolPref(prefName, warningsAsErrors); if (!warningsAsErrors) { this.currentScope.registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(prefName, true); }); } }, /** @param {[origin: string, url: string, options: object]} args */ async fetch(...args) { return XPCShellContentUtils.fetch(...args); }, /** * Loads a content page into a hidden docShell. * * @param {string} url * The URL to load. * @param {object} [options = {}] * @param {ExtensionWrapper} [options.extension] * If passed, load the URL as an extension page for the given * extension. * @param {boolean} [options.remote] * If true, load the URL in a content process. If false, load * it in the parent process. * @param {boolean} [options.remoteSubframes] * If true, load cross-origin frames in separate content processes. * This is ignored if |options.remote| is false. * @param {string} [options.redirectUrl] * An optional URL that the initial page is expected to * redirect to. * * @returns {XPCShellContentUtils.ContentPage} */ loadContentPage(url, options) { return XPCShellContentUtils.loadContentPage(url, options); }, };