"use strict"; // Currently import maps are not supported for web extensions, neither for // content scripts nor moz-extension documents. // For content scripts that's because they use their own sandbox module loaders, // which is different from the DOM module loader. // As for moz-extension documents, that's because inline script tags is not // allowed by CSP. (Currently import maps can be only added through inline // script tag.) // // This test is used to verified import maps are not supported for web // extensions. // See Bug 1765275: Enable Import maps for web extension content scripts. const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: ["example.com"] }); const importMapString = ` `; const importMapHtml = ` Test a simple import map in normal webpage ${importMapString} `; // page.html will load page.js, which will call import(); const pageHtml = ` Test a simple import map in moz-extension documents ${importMapString} `; const simple2JS = `export let foo = 2;`; server.registerPathHandler("/importmap.html", (request, response) => { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html", false); response.write(importMapHtml); }); server.registerPathHandler("/simple.js", (request, response) => { ok(false, "Unexpected request to /simple.js"); }); server.registerPathHandler("/simple2.js", (request, response) => { response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 200, "OK"); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/javascript", false); response.write(simple2JS); }); add_task(async function test_importMaps_not_supported() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { content_scripts: [ { matches: ["http://example.com/importmap.html"], js: ["main.js"], }, ], }, files: { "main.js": async function () { // Content scripts shouldn't be able to use the bare specifier from // the import map. await browser.test.assertRejects( import("simple"), /The specifier “simple” was a bare specifier/, `should reject import("simple")` ); browser.test.sendMessage("done"); }, "page.html": pageHtml, "page.js": async function () { await browser.test.assertRejects( import("simple"), /The specifier “simple” was a bare specifier/, `should reject import("simple")` ); browser.test.sendMessage("page-done"); }, }, }); await extension.startup(); let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( "http://example.com/importmap.html" ); await extension.awaitMessage("done"); await contentPage.spawn([], async () => { // Import maps should work for documents. let promise = content.eval(`import("simple2")`); let mod = (await promise.wrappedJSObject).wrappedJSObject; Assert.equal(mod.foo, 2, "mod.foo should be 2"); }); // moz-extension documents doesn't allow inline scripts, so the import map // script tag won't be processed. let url = `moz-extension://${extension.uuid}/page.html`; let page = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(url, { extension }); await extension.awaitMessage("page-done"); await page.close(); await extension.unload(); await contentPage.close(); });