"use strict"; // The validate_action_redirect_transform task of test_ext_dnr_session_rules.js // confirms that redirect transform rules meet some minimum bar of validation. // Despite passing validation, there are still interesting cases to explore, // ranging from verifying that special characters appear as expected, to // verifying that an invalid URL (e.g. too long after the transform) is handled // reasonably well. add_setup(() => { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.dnr.enabled", true); // Allow navigation to URLs with embedded credentials, without prompt. Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.auth.confirmAuth.enabled", false); }); const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: ["from", "dest", "", "[::1]", "xn--stra-yna.de", "fqdn."], }); server.identity.add("http", "dest", 443); // test_redirect_transform_port server.identity.add("http", "dest", 700); // test_redirect_transform_port server.identity.add("http", "dest", 777); // Dummy port in test cases. server.registerPrefixHandler("/", (req, res) => { res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); res.write("GOOD_RESPONSE"); }); // This function is serialized and called in the context of the test extension's // background page. dnrTestUtils is passed to the background function. function makeDnrTestUtils() { const dnrTestUtils = {}; const dnr = browser.declarativeNetRequest; function makeRedirectTransformRule(transform) { return { id: 1, condition: { requestDomains: ["from"] }, action: { type: "redirect", // redirect to "dest" by default, different from "from", to avoid an // infinite redirect loop. redirect: { transform: { host: "dest", ...transform } }, }, }; } async function setRedirectTransform(transform) { await dnr.updateSessionRules({ removeRuleIds: [1], addRules: [makeRedirectTransformRule(transform)], }); } // testFetch is simple/fast, but cannot always be used: // - when the request URL contains embedded credentials. // - when the final URL is supposed to contain a reference fragment. async function testFetch(from, to, description) { let res = await fetch(from); browser.test.assertEq(to, res.url, description); browser.test.assertEq("GOOD_RESPONSE", await res.text(), "expected body"); } // testNavigate is the slower, complex version of testFetch. It should be // used in tests where the username, password or fragment components of a URL // are significant. async function testNavigate(from, to, description) { let resultPromise = new Promise(resolve => { browser.test.onMessage.addListener(function listener(msg, result) { if (msg === "test_navigate_result") { browser.test.onMessage.removeListener(listener); // resolve only resolves on the first call, which is ideal because // browser.test.onMessage.removeListener does not work (bug 1428213). resolve(result); } }); }); browser.test.sendMessage("test_navigate", from); browser.test.assertDeepEq({ from, to }, await resultPromise, description); } Object.assign(dnrTestUtils, { makeRedirectTransformRule, setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate, }); return dnrTestUtils; } async function runAsDNRExtension({ background, manifest }) { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ background: `(${background})((${makeDnrTestUtils})())`, allowInsecureRequests: true, manifest: { manifest_version: 3, permissions: ["declarativeNetRequest"], host_permissions: [""], granted_host_permissions: true, web_accessible_resources: [ { resources: ["war.txt"], matches: ["http://from/*"] }, ], ...manifest, }, temporarilyInstalled: true, // <-- for granted_host_permissions files: { "war.txt": "GOOD_RESPONSE", "nowar.txt": "nowar.txt is not in web_accessible_resources", }, }); extension.onMessage("test_navigate", async url => { // The DNR rule does not redirect the main frame. let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage("http://from/"); info(`Loading ${url}`); await contentPage.spawn([url], async url => { let { document } = this.content; let frame = document.createElement("iframe"); frame.src = url; await new Promise(resolve => { frame.onload = resolve; document.body.appendChild(frame); }); }); let finalURL = contentPage.browsingContext.children[0].currentURI.spec; await contentPage.close(); extension.sendMessage("test_navigate_result", { from: url, to: finalURL }); }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitFinish(); await extension.unload(); } add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_all_at_once() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "http", username: "a", password: "b", host: "dest", port: "777", path: "/d", query: "?e", queryTransform: null, fragment: "#f", }); await testFetch( "https://from", "http://a:b@dest:777/d?e", // note: fetch cannot see '#f'. "Adds components to minimal URL (fetch)" ); await testNavigate( "https://from", "http://a:b@dest:777/d?e#f", "Adds components to minimal URL (navigation)" ); await browser.test.assertRejects( testFetch("https://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref"), "Window.fetch: https://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref is an url with embedded credentials.", "fetch does not work with embedded credentials" ); await testNavigate( "https://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://a:b@dest:777/d?e#f", "Replaces all components in existing URL (navigation)" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_scheme() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "http" }); await testFetch("https://from/", "http://dest/", "scheme change"); await testNavigate( "https://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:pass@dest:777/path?query#ref", "scheme change in complex URL with embedded credentials" ); await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "moz-extension", host: location.hostname, }); await testFetch( "http://from/war.txt", browser.runtime.getURL("war.txt"), "Scheme change to moz-extension:-URL" ); await testNavigate( "http://from/war.txt", browser.runtime.getURL("war.txt"), "Scheme change to moz-extension:-URL (navigation)" ); // While the initiator (extension) would be allowed to read the resource // due to it being same-origin, the pre-redirect URL (http://from) is not // matching web_accessible_resources[].matches, so the load is rejected. // This scenario is also tested in test_ext_dnr_without_webrequest.js, at // the redirect_request_with_dnr_to_extensionPath task. await browser.test.assertRejects( testFetch("http://from/nowar.txt"), "NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.", "Cannot load redirect to moz-extension: not in web_accessible_resources" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_username() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ username: "" }); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://:pass@dest:777/path?query#ref", "username cleared" ); await setRedirectTransform({ username: "new" }); // Cannot pass credentials to fetch, but can read from response.url: await testFetch("http://from/", "http://new@dest/", "username added"); await testNavigate("http://from/", "http://new@dest/", "username added"); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://new:pass@dest:777/path?query#ref", "username changed" ); await setRedirectTransform({ username: "new User:name@%%20/" }); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://new%20User%3Aname%40%%20%2F:pass@dest:777/path?query#ref", "username changed to complex value" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_password() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ password: "" }); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user@dest:777/path?query#ref", "password cleared" ); await setRedirectTransform({ password: "new" }); // Cannot pass credentials to fetch, but can read from response.url: await testFetch("http://from/", "http://:new@dest/", "password added"); await testNavigate("http://from/", "http://:new@dest/", "password added"); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:new@dest:777/path?query#ref", "password changed" ); await setRedirectTransform({ password: "new Pass:@%%20/" }); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:new%20Pass%3A%40%%20%2F@dest:777/path?query#ref", "password changed to complex value" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_host() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ host: "dest" }); await testFetch( "http://from:777/path?query", "http://dest:777/path?query", "host changed" ); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:pass@dest:777/path?query#ref", "host changed without affecting embedded credentials" ); await setRedirectTransform({ host: "DEST" }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/", "host changed (non-canonical, upper case)" ); await setRedirectTransform({ host: "%44%65%73%54" }); // "DesT", escaped. await testFetch( "http://from:777/", "http://dest:777/", "host changed (non-canonical, percent-escaped)" ); await setRedirectTransform({ host: "" }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "", "host change to IPv4" ); await setRedirectTransform({ host: "[::1]" }); await testFetch("http://from/", "http://[::1]/", "host change to IPv6"); await setRedirectTransform({ host: "xn--stra-yna.de" }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://xn--stra-yna.de/", "host change to IDN (internationalized domain name, in punycode)" ); await setRedirectTransform({ host: "straß.de" }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://xn--stra-yna.de/", "host change to IDN (not punycode-encoded)" ); await setRedirectTransform({ host: "fqdn." }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://fqdn./", "host change to FQDN (fully-qualified domain name)" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_port() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ port: "" }); await testFetch("http://from:777/", "http://dest/", "port cleared"); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:pass@dest/path?query#ref", "port cleared from URL with embedded credentials" ); await setRedirectTransform({ port: "700" }); await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest:700/", "port added"); await testFetch("http://from:777/", "http://dest:700/", "port changed"); // 0-padded should not be misinterpreted as an octal number. await setRedirectTransform({ port: "0700" }); await testFetch( "http://from:777/", "http://dest:700/", "port changed (non-canonical, 0-padded port)" ); await setRedirectTransform({ port: "80" }); await testFetch( "http://from:777/", "http://dest/", "port cleared if default protocol" ); await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "http", port: "443" }); await testFetch( "https://from/", "http://dest:443/", "port added if new port is not default port of new protocol" ); await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "http", port: "80" }); await testFetch( "https://from:777/", "http://dest/", "port cleared if new port is default port of new protocol" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_path() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ path: "" }); await testFetch("http://from/path", "http://dest/", "path cleared"); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:pass@dest:777/?query#ref", "path cleared from URL with embedded credentials" ); await setRedirectTransform({ path: "/new" }); await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest/new", "path added"); await testFetch("http://from/path", "http://dest/new", "path changed"); await setRedirectTransform({ path: "///" }); await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest///", "path added (///)"); await setRedirectTransform({ path: "path" }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/path", "path added (non-canonical, missing slash)" ); // " " -> "%20" (space) // "\x00" -> "%00" (null byte) // "<>" -> "%3C%3E" (URL encoding of angle brackets) // "%", "%20", "%3A", "%3a" -> not changed (%-encoding kept as-is). await setRedirectTransform({ path: "/Path_%_ _%20_?_#_\x00_<>_%3A%3a" }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/Path_%_%20_%20_%3F_%23_%00_%3C%3E_%3A%3a", "path added (non-canonical, partial percent encoding)" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_query() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ query: "" }); await testFetch("http://from/?query", "http://dest/", "query cleared"); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:pass@dest:777/path#ref", "query cleared from URL with embedded credentials" ); await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?new" }); await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest/?new", "query added"); await testFetch( "http://from/?query", "http://dest/?new", "query changed" ); await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?" }); await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest/?", "query set to just '?'"); await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?Query_#_ _%20_%3a%3A_<>_\x00" }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/?Query_%23_%20_%20_%3a%3A_%3C%3E_%00", "query added (non-canonical, partial percent encoding)" ); // Now rule.action.redirect.transform.queryTransform: await setRedirectTransform({ queryTransform: { removeParams: ["query"], }, }); await testFetch( "http://from/?query", "http://dest/", "queryTransform removed query" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?prefix&query&suffix", "http://dest/?prefix&suffix", "queryTransform removed part of query" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?query&aquery&queryb&query=withvalue¬=query&QUERY&", "http://dest/?aquery&queryb¬=query&QUERY&", "queryTransform removed all occurrences of 'query' key" ); await testFetch( "http://from/??query", "http://dest/??query", "queryTransform does not match param when it starts with '??'" ); await setRedirectTransform({ queryTransform: { removeParams: ["query"], addOrReplaceParams: [{ key: "query", value: "newvalue" }], }, }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/?query=newvalue", "queryTransform appended query despite new param being in removeParams" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?prefix&query&suffix", "http://dest/?prefix&suffix&query=newvalue", "queryTransform removed query, and appended new value" ); await testFetch( "http://from/??query", "http://dest/??query&query=newvalue", "queryTransform ignores existing param starting with '??', and appends" ); await setRedirectTransform({ queryTransform: { addOrReplaceParams: [{ key: "query", value: "newvalue" }], }, }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/?query=newvalue", "queryTransform appended query" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?prefix&query=oldvalue&query=2&query=3", "http://dest/?prefix&query=newvalue&query=2&query=3", "queryTransform replaced the first occurrence and kept the others" ); await setRedirectTransform({ queryTransform: { addOrReplaceParams: [ { key: "r", value: "default" }, // default:false { key: "r", value: "false", replaceOnly: false }, { key: "r", value: "true", replaceOnly: true }, { key: "r", value: "false2", replaceOnly: false }, { key: "r", value: "true2", replaceOnly: true }, ], }, }); // r=true and r=true2 are missing because there are no matching "r". await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/?r=default&r=false&r=false2", "queryTransform appends all except replaceOnly=true" ); // r=true2 should be missing because there is no matching "r". await testFetch( "http://from/?r=1&r=2&r=3&___", "http://dest/?r=default&r=false&r=true&___&r=false2", "queryTransform replaced in order and ignores last replaceOnly=true" ); await setRedirectTransform({ queryTransform: { addOrReplaceParams: [ { key: "a", value: "appenda" }, { key: "b", value: "b1" }, { key: "c", value: "c1" }, { key: "c", value: "c2" }, { key: "c", value: "appendc" }, { key: "d", value: "d1" }, ], }, }); // Test case has: b c c d. // Rule only has: appenda b1 c2 appendc d1. // Expected out : b1 c2 d1 appenda appendc. await testFetch( "http://from/?b=01&c=02&c=03&d=06", "http://dest/?b=b1&c=c1&c=c2&d=d1&a=appenda&c=appendc", "queryTransform replaces matched queries and appends the rest, in order" ); await setRedirectTransform({ queryTransform: { addOrReplaceParams: [{ key: "query", value: " _+_%00_#" }], }, }); await testFetch( "http://from/", "http://dest/?query=+_%2B_%2500_%23", "queryTransform urlencodes values" ); // This part tests how param names with non-alphanumeric characters can be // (and not be) matched and replaced. This follows Chrome's behavior, see // https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1801870#c1 await setRedirectTransform({ queryTransform: { removeParams: ["?x", "%3Fx", "&x", "%26x"], addOrReplaceParams: [ // Internally interpreted as: %3Fp: { key: "?p", value: "rawq", replaceOnly: true }, // Internally interpreted as: %253Fp: { key: "%3Fp", value: "escape_upper_q", replaceOnly: true }, // Internally interpreted as: %253fp: { key: "%3fp", value: "escape_lower_q", replaceOnly: true }, // Internally interpreted as: %26p: { key: "&p", value: "rawa", replaceOnly: true }, // Internally interpreted as: %2526p: { key: "%26p", value: "escape_a", replaceOnly: true }, ], }, }); await testFetch( "http://from/?x&x&?x", "http://dest/?x&x&?x", "queryTransform does not match the '?' or '&' separators" ); await testFetch( "http://from/??p&&p&?p", "http://dest/??p&&p&?p", "queryTransform cannot match literal '?p' because it is not urlencoded" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?%3Fp", "http://dest/?%3Fp=rawq", "queryTransform matches already-urlencoded '%3Fp' with raw '?p'" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?%3fp", "http://dest/?%3fp", "queryTransform cannot match non-canonical percent encoding (lowercase)" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?%253fp&%253Fp", "http://dest/?%253fp=escape_lower_q&%253Fp=escape_upper_q", "queryTransform matches double-urlencoded '?p' with single-encoded '?p'" ); await testFetch( "http://from/?%26p", "http://dest/?%26p=rawa", "queryTransform matches already-urlencoded '%26p' with raw '&p'" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_fragment() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { // Note: not using testFetch because it cannot see fragment changes. const { setRedirectTransform, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils; await setRedirectTransform({ fragment: "" }); await testNavigate( "http://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref", "http://user:pass@dest:777/path?query", "fragment cleared from URL with embedded credentials" ); await setRedirectTransform({ fragment: "#new" }); await testNavigate("http://from/", "http://dest/#new", "fragment added"); await testNavigate( "http://from/#ref", "http://dest/#new", "fragment changed" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); }); add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_failed_at_runtime() { await runAsDNRExtension({ background: async dnrTestUtils => { const { setRedirectTransform } = dnrTestUtils; // Maximum length of a UTL is 1048576 (network.standard-url.max-length). const network_standard_url_max_length = 1048576; // updateSessionRules does some validation on the limit (as seen by // validate_action_redirect_transform in test_ext_dnr_session_rules.js), // but it is still possible to pass validation and fail in practice when // the existing URL + new component exceeds the limit. const VERY_LONG_STRING = "x".repeat(network_standard_url_max_length - 20); // Like testFetch, except truncates URLs in log messages to avoid logspam. async function testFetchPossiblyLongUrl(from, to, body, description) { let res = await fetch(from); const shortx = s => s.replace(/x{10,}/g, xxx => `x{${xxx.length}}`); // VERY_LONG_STRING consists of many 'X'. Shorten to avoid logspam. browser.test.assertEq(shortx(to), shortx(res.url), description); browser.test.assertEq(body, await res.text(), "expected body"); } await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?" + VERY_LONG_STRING }); await testFetchPossiblyLongUrl( "http://from/short", `http://dest/short?${VERY_LONG_STRING}`, // Somehow the httpd server raises NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI when it tries // to use newURI to parse the received URL. But the server responding // with that implies that the redirect was successful, so for the // purpose of this test, that response is acceptable. "Bad request\n", "Can redirect to URL near (but not over) url max-length" ); // This check confirms that not only does the request not redirect to // an invalid URL, but also that the request does not somehow end up in // an infinite redirect loop. await testFetchPossiblyLongUrl( "http://from/1234567890_1234567890", "http://from/1234567890_1234567890", "GOOD_RESPONSE", "Redirect to URL over max length is ignored; request continues" ); browser.test.notifyPass(); }, }); });