"use strict"; /** * This test tests various redirection scenarios, and checks whether sameSite * cookies are sent. * * The file has the following tests: * - verify_firstparty_web_behavior - base case, confirms normal web behavior. * - samesite_is_foreign_without_host_permissions * - wildcard_host_permissions_enable_samesite_cookies * - explicit_host_permissions_enable_samesite_cookies * - some_host_permissions_enable_some_samesite_cookies */ // This simulates a common pattern used for sites that require authentication. // After logging in, there may be multiple redirects, HTTP and scripted. const SITE_START = "start.example.net"; // set "start" cookies + 302 redirects to found. const SITE_FOUND = "found.example.net"; // set "found" cookies + uses a HTML redirect to redir. const SITE_REDIR = "redir.example.net"; // set "redir" cookies + 302 redirects to final. const SITE_FINAL = "final.example.net"; const SITE = "example.net"; const URL_START = `http://${SITE_START}/start`; const server = createHttpServer({ hosts: [SITE_START, SITE_FOUND, SITE_REDIR, SITE_FINAL], }); function getCookies(request) { return request.hasHeader("Cookie") ? request.getHeader("Cookie") : ""; } function sendCookies(response, prefix, suffix = "") { const cookies = [ prefix + "-none=1; sameSite=none; domain=" + SITE + suffix, prefix + "-lax=1; sameSite=lax; domain=" + SITE + suffix, prefix + "-strict=1; sameSite=strict; domain=" + SITE + suffix, ]; for (let cookie of cookies) { response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", cookie, true); } } function deleteCookies(response, prefix) { sendCookies(response, prefix, "; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT"); } var receivedCookies = []; server.registerPathHandler("/start", (request, response) => { Assert.equal(request.host, SITE_START); Assert.equal(getCookies(request), "", "No cookies at start of test"); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 302, "Found"); sendCookies(response, "start"); response.setHeader("Location", `http://${SITE_FOUND}/found`); }); server.registerPathHandler("/found", (request, response) => { Assert.equal(request.host, SITE_FOUND); receivedCookies.push(getCookies(request)); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=utf-8", false); deleteCookies(response, "start"); sendCookies(response, "found"); response.write(``); }); server.registerPathHandler("/redir", (request, response) => { Assert.equal(request.host, SITE_REDIR); receivedCookies.push(getCookies(request)); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 302, "Found"); deleteCookies(response, "found"); sendCookies(response, "redir"); response.setHeader("Location", `http://${SITE_FINAL}/final`); }); server.registerPathHandler("/final", (request, response) => { Assert.equal(request.host, SITE_FINAL); receivedCookies.push(getCookies(request)); response.setStatusLine(request.httpVersion, 302, "Found"); deleteCookies(response, "redir"); // In test some_host_permissions_enable_some_samesite_cookies, the cookies // from the start haven't been cleared due to the lack of host permissions. // Do that here instead. deleteCookies(response, "start"); response.setHeader("Location", "/final_and_clean"); }); // Should be called before any request is made. function promiseFinalResponse() { Assert.deepEqual(receivedCookies, [], "Test starts without observed cookies"); return new Promise(resolve => { server.registerPathHandler("/final_and_clean", request => { Assert.equal(request.host, SITE_FINAL); Assert.equal(getCookies(request), "", "Cookies cleaned up"); resolve(receivedCookies.splice(0)); }); }); } // Load the page as a child frame of an extension, for the given permissions. async function getCookiesForLoadInExtension({ permissions }) { // embedder.html loads http:-frame. allow_unsafe_parent_loads_when_extensions_not_remote(); let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions, }, files: { "embedder.html": ``, }, }); await extension.startup(); let cookiesPromise = promiseFinalResponse(); let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( `moz-extension://${extension.uuid}/embedder.html`, { extension } ); let cookies = await cookiesPromise; await contentPage.close(); await extension.unload(); revert_allow_unsafe_parent_loads_when_extensions_not_remote(); return cookies; } add_task(async function setup() { Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.cookie.sameSite.laxByDefault", true); // Test server runs on http, so disable Secure requirement of sameSite=none. Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "network.cookie.sameSite.noneRequiresSecure", false ); }); // First verify that our expectations match with the actual behavior on the web. add_task(async function verify_firstparty_web_behavior() { let cookiesPromise = promiseFinalResponse(); let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage(URL_START); let cookies = await cookiesPromise; await contentPage.close(); Assert.deepEqual( cookies, // Same expectations as in host_permissions_enable_samesite_cookies [ "start-none=1; start-lax=1; start-strict=1", "found-none=1; found-lax=1; found-strict=1", "redir-none=1; redir-lax=1; redir-strict=1", ], "Expected cookies from a first-party load on the web" ); }); // Verify that an extension without permission behaves like a third-party page. add_task(async function samesite_is_foreign_without_host_permissions() { let cookies = await getCookiesForLoadInExtension({ permissions: [], }); Assert.deepEqual( cookies, ["start-none=1", "found-none=1", "redir-none=1"], "SameSite cookies excluded without permissions" ); }); // When an extension has permissions for the site, cookies should be included. add_task(async function wildcard_host_permissions_enable_samesite_cookies() { let cookies = await getCookiesForLoadInExtension({ permissions: ["*://*.example.net/*"], // = *.SITE }); Assert.deepEqual( cookies, // Same expectations as in verify_firstparty_web_behavior. [ "start-none=1; start-lax=1; start-strict=1", "found-none=1; found-lax=1; found-strict=1", "redir-none=1; redir-lax=1; redir-strict=1", ], "Expected cookies from a load in an extension frame" ); }); // When an extension has permissions for the site, cookies should be included. add_task(async function explicit_host_permissions_enable_samesite_cookies() { let cookies = await getCookiesForLoadInExtension({ permissions: [ "*://start.example.net/*", "*://found.example.net/*", "*://redir.example.net/*", "*://final.example.net/*", ], }); Assert.deepEqual( cookies, // Same expectations as in verify_firstparty_web_behavior. [ "start-none=1; start-lax=1; start-strict=1", "found-none=1; found-lax=1; found-strict=1", "redir-none=1; redir-lax=1; redir-strict=1", ], "Expected cookies from a load in an extension frame" ); }); // When an extension does not have host permissions for all sites, but only // some, then same-site cookies are only included in requests with the right // permissions. add_task(async function some_host_permissions_enable_some_samesite_cookies() { let cookies = await getCookiesForLoadInExtension({ permissions: ["*://start.example.net/*", "*://final.example.net/*"], }); Assert.deepEqual( cookies, [ // Missing permission for "found.example.net": "start-none=1", // Missing permission for "redir.example.net": "found-none=1", // "final.example.net" can see cookies from "start.example.net": "start-lax=1; start-strict=1; redir-none=1", ], "Expected some cookies from a load in an extension frame" ); });