"use strict"; const server = createHttpServer(); server.registerDirectory("/data/", do_get_file("data")); const BASE_URL = `http://localhost:${server.identity.primaryPort}/data`; // ExtensionContent.sys.mjs needs to know when it's running from xpcshell, to use // the right timeout for content scripts executed at document_idle. ExtensionTestUtils.mockAppInfo(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true); const makeExtension = ({ manifest: manifestProps, ...otherProps }) => { return ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { manifest_version: 3, permissions: ["scripting"], host_permissions: ["http://localhost/*"], granted_host_permissions: true, ...manifestProps, }, temporarilyInstalled: true, ...otherProps, }); }; add_task(async function test_registerContentScripts_runAt() { let extension = makeExtension({ async background() { const TEST_CASES = [ { title: "runAt: document_idle", params: [ { id: "script-idle", js: ["script-idle.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_idle", persistAcrossSessions: false, }, ], }, { title: "no runAt specified", params: [ { id: "script-idle-default", js: ["script-idle-default.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], // `runAt` defaults to `document_idle`. persistAcrossSessions: false, }, ], }, { title: "runAt: document_end", params: [ { id: "script-end", js: ["script-end.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_end", persistAcrossSessions: false, }, ], }, { title: "runAt: document_start", params: [ { id: "script-start", js: ["script-start.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_start", persistAcrossSessions: false, }, ], }, ]; let scripts = await browser.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(); browser.test.assertEq(0, scripts.length, "expected no registered script"); for (const { title, params } of TEST_CASES) { const res = await browser.scripting.registerContentScripts(params); browser.test.assertEq(undefined, res, `${title} - expected no result`); } scripts = await browser.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(); browser.test.assertEq( TEST_CASES.length, scripts.length, `expected ${TEST_CASES.length} registered scripts` ); browser.test.assertEq( JSON.stringify([ { id: "script-idle", allFrames: false, matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_idle", persistAcrossSessions: false, js: ["script-idle.js"], }, { id: "script-idle-default", allFrames: false, matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_idle", persistAcrossSessions: false, js: ["script-idle-default.js"], }, { id: "script-end", allFrames: false, matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_end", persistAcrossSessions: false, js: ["script-end.js"], }, { id: "script-start", allFrames: false, matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_start", persistAcrossSessions: false, js: ["script-start.js"], }, ]), JSON.stringify(scripts), "got expected scripts" ); browser.test.sendMessage("background-ready"); }, files: { "script-start.js": () => { browser.test.assertEq( "loading", document.readyState, "expected state 'loading' at document_start" ); browser.test.sendMessage("script-ran", "script-start.js"); }, "script-end.js": () => { browser.test.assertTrue( ["interactive", "complete"].includes(document.readyState), `expected state 'interactive' or 'complete' at document_end, got: ${document.readyState}` ); browser.test.sendMessage("script-ran", "script-end.js"); }, "script-idle.js": () => { browser.test.assertEq( "complete", document.readyState, "expected state 'complete' at document_idle" ); browser.test.sendMessage("script-ran", "script-idle.js"); }, "script-idle-default.js": () => { browser.test.assertEq( "complete", document.readyState, "expected state 'complete' at document_idle" ); browser.test.sendMessage("script-ran", "script-idle-default.js"); }, }, }); let scriptsRan = []; let completePromise = new Promise(resolve => { extension.onMessage("script-ran", result => { scriptsRan.push(result); // The value below should be updated when TEST_CASES above is changed. if (scriptsRan.length === 4) { resolve(); } }); }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-ready"); let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage( `${BASE_URL}/file_sample.html` ); await completePromise; Assert.deepEqual( [ "script-start.js", "script-end.js", "script-idle.js", "script-idle-default.js", ], scriptsRan, "got expected executed scripts" ); await contentPage.close(); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_register_and_unregister() { let extension = makeExtension({ async background() { const script = { id: "a-script", js: ["script.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], persistAcrossSessions: false, }; let results = await Promise.allSettled([ browser.scripting.registerContentScripts([script]), browser.scripting.unregisterContentScripts(), ]); browser.test.assertEq( 2, results.filter(result => result.status === "fulfilled").length, "got expected number of fulfilled promises" ); let scripts = await browser.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(); browser.test.assertEq(0, scripts.length, "expected no registered script"); browser.test.sendMessage("background-done"); }, files: { "script.js": "", }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-done"); // Verify that the registered content scripts on the extension are correct. let contentScripts = Array.from( extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.values() ); Assert.equal(0, contentScripts.length, "expected no registered scripts"); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_register_and_unregister_multiple_times() { let extension = makeExtension({ async background() { // We use the same script `id` on purpose in this test. let results = await Promise.allSettled([ browser.scripting.registerContentScripts([ { id: "a-script", js: ["script-1.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], persistAcrossSessions: false, }, ]), browser.scripting.unregisterContentScripts(), browser.scripting.registerContentScripts([ { id: "a-script", js: ["script-2.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], persistAcrossSessions: false, }, ]), browser.scripting.unregisterContentScripts(), browser.scripting.registerContentScripts([ { id: "a-script", js: ["script-3.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], persistAcrossSessions: false, }, ]), ]); browser.test.assertEq( 5, results.filter(result => result.status === "fulfilled").length, "got expected number of fulfilled promises" ); let scripts = await browser.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(); browser.test.assertEq(1, scripts.length, "expected 1 registered script"); browser.test.sendMessage("background-done"); }, files: { "script-1.js": "", "script-2.js": "", "script-3.js": "", }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-done"); // Verify that the registered content scripts on the extension are correct. let contentScripts = Array.from( extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.values() ); Assert.equal(1, contentScripts.length, "expected 1 registered script"); Assert.ok( contentScripts[0].jsPaths[0].endsWith("script-3.js"), "got expected js file" ); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_register_update_and_unregister() { let extension = makeExtension({ async background() { const script = { id: "a-script", js: ["script-1.js"], matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], persistAcrossSessions: false, }; const updatedScript1 = { ...script, js: ["script-2.js"] }; const updatedScript2 = { ...script, js: ["script-3.js"] }; let results = await Promise.allSettled([ browser.scripting.registerContentScripts([script]), browser.scripting.updateContentScripts([updatedScript1]), browser.scripting.updateContentScripts([updatedScript2]), browser.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(), browser.scripting.unregisterContentScripts(), browser.scripting.updateContentScripts([script]), ]); browser.test.assertEq(6, results.length, "expected 6 results"); browser.test.assertEq( "fulfilled", results[0].status, "expected fulfilled promise (registeredContentScripts)" ); browser.test.assertEq( "fulfilled", results[1].status, "expected fulfilled promise (updateContentScripts)" ); browser.test.assertEq( "fulfilled", results[2].status, "expected fulfilled promise (updateContentScripts)" ); browser.test.assertEq( "fulfilled", results[3].status, "expected fulfilled promise (getRegisteredContentScripts)" ); browser.test.assertEq( JSON.stringify([ { id: "a-script", allFrames: false, matches: ["http://*/*/file_sample.html"], runAt: "document_idle", persistAcrossSessions: false, js: ["script-3.js"], }, ]), JSON.stringify(results[3].value), "expected updated content script" ); browser.test.assertEq( "fulfilled", results[4].status, "expected fulfilled promise (unregisterContentScripts)" ); browser.test.assertEq( "rejected", results[5].status, "expected rejected promise because script should have been unregistered" ); browser.test.assertEq( `Content script with id "${script.id}" does not exist.`, results[5].reason.message, "expected error message about script not found" ); let scripts = await browser.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(); browser.test.assertEq(0, scripts.length, "expected no registered script"); browser.test.sendMessage("background-done"); }, files: { "script-1.js": "", "script-2.js": "", "script-3.js": "", }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-done"); // Verify that the registered content scripts on the extension are correct. let contentScripts = Array.from( extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.values() ); Assert.equal(0, contentScripts.length, "expected no registered scripts"); await extension.unload(); }); // The following test case is a regression test for Bug 1851173. add_task( { // contentScripts API not exposed to background service workers and // Bug 1851173 can't be hit. skip_if: () => ExtensionTestUtils.isInBackgroundServiceWorkerTests(), }, async function test_contentScriptsAPI_vs_scriptingGetRegistered() { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { manifest_version: 2, permissions: ["scripting", ""], }, async background() { await browser.contentScripts.register({ runAt: "document_start", js: [{ file: "testcs.js" }], matches: [""], }); const scriptingScripts = await browser.scripting.getRegisteredContentScripts(); browser.test.assertDeepEq( [], scriptingScripts, "Expect an empty array" ); browser.test.sendMessage("background-done"); }, files: { "testcs.js": "", }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-done"); await extension.unload(); } ); async function test_matchAboutBlank_registerContentScripts_default({ extId, expectedMatchAboutBlankValue, }) { let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { manifest_version: 2, permissions: ["scripting", ""], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: extId }, }, }, async background() { await browser.scripting.registerContentScripts([ { id: "test-content-script", matches: ["http://example.com/*"], js: ["cs.js"], }, ]); browser.test.sendMessage("background-done"); }, file: { "cs.js": "", }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("background-done"); equal( extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.size, 1, "Got the expected number of registered content scripts" ); const [{ id, matchAboutBlank }] = Array.from( extension.extension.registeredContentScripts.values() ); equal(id, "test-content-script", "Got the expected content script id"); equal( matchAboutBlank, expectedMatchAboutBlankValue, "Expect matchAboutBlank to be false" ); await extension.unload(); } // The following test cases are regressions test for Bug 1853412, and it is // currently making sure that content scripts registered dynamically // by the webcompat built-in have matchAboutBlank set to false. add_task(async function test_webcompat_matchAboutBlank_default() { await test_matchAboutBlank_registerContentScripts_default({ // This test extension has to have the same id that we expect // the webcompat built-in to have. extId: "webcompat@mozilla.org", expectedMatchAboutBlankValue: false, }); }); // The following test task asserts that for any extension matchAboutBlank // is still set by default to true // TODO(Bug 1853411): should change this to default to false for all extensions // and this test should be adjusted accordingly. add_task(async function test_matchAboutBlank_default() { await test_matchAboutBlank_registerContentScripts_default({ extId: "some-unknown-extension-id@test.extension", expectedMatchAboutBlankValue: true, }); }); // The following test task asserts that when the hidden pref // "extensions.scripting.matchAboutBlankDefaultFalse" is set // to true, then matchAboutBlank gets forcefully set to false // TODO(Bug 1853411): may remove the hidden pref and this test along with it. add_task( { pref_set: [["extensions.scripting.matchAboutBlankDefaultFalse", true]], }, async function test_matchAboutBlank_defaultChange_by_hiddenPref() { await test_matchAboutBlank_registerContentScripts_default({ extId: "some-unknown-extension-id@test.extension", expectedMatchAboutBlankValue: false, }); } );