/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ "use strict"; // This test file verifies various scenarios related to the data migration // from the JSONFile backend to the IDB backend. AddonTestUtils.init(this); // Create appInfo before importing any other jsm file, to prevent // Services.appinfo to be cached before an appInfo.version is // actually defined (which prevent failures to be triggered when // the test run in a non nightly build). AddonTestUtils.createAppInfo( "xpcshell@tests.mozilla.org", "XPCShell", "1", "42" ); const { getTrimmedString } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionTelemetry.sys.mjs" ); const { ExtensionStorage } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorage.sys.mjs" ); const { ExtensionStorageIDB } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionStorageIDB.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetryController } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryController.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetryTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { promiseShutdownManager, promiseStartupManager } = AddonTestUtils; const { IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH, IDB_MIGRATE_RESULT_HISTOGRAM } = ExtensionStorageIDB; const CATEGORIES = ["success", "failure"]; const EVENT_CATEGORY = "extensions.data"; const EVENT_OBJECT = "storageLocal"; const EVENT_METHOD = "migrateResult"; const LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF = "extensions.webextensions.keepStorageOnUninstall"; const LEAVE_UUID_PREF = "extensions.webextensions.keepUuidOnUninstall"; const TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTER = { category: "extensions.data", method: "migrateResult", object: "storageLocal", }; add_setup(async function setup() { do_get_profile(); Services.fog.initializeFOG(); }); async function createExtensionJSONFileWithData(extensionId, data) { await ExtensionStorage.set(extensionId, data); const jsonFile = await ExtensionStorage.getFile(extensionId); await jsonFile._save(); const oldStorageFilename = ExtensionStorage.getStorageFile(extensionId); equal( await IOUtils.exists(oldStorageFilename), true, "The old json file has been created" ); return { jsonFile, oldStorageFilename }; } function clearMigrationHistogram() { const histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( IDB_MIGRATE_RESULT_HISTOGRAM ); histogram.clear(); equal( histogram.snapshot().sum, 0, `No data recorded for histogram ${IDB_MIGRATE_RESULT_HISTOGRAM}` ); } function assertMigrationHistogramCount(category, expectedCount) { const histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( IDB_MIGRATE_RESULT_HISTOGRAM ); equal( histogram.snapshot().values[CATEGORIES.indexOf(category)], expectedCount, `Got the expected count on category "${category}" for histogram ${IDB_MIGRATE_RESULT_HISTOGRAM}` ); } // Note: for consistency with telemetry event format, this function also // expects the addon_id to be passed in the event.value property. function assertMigrateResultGleanEvents(expectedEvents) { let glean = Glean.extensionsData.migrateResult.testGetValue() ?? []; equal(glean.length, expectedEvents.length, "Correct number of events."); expectedEvents.forEach((expected, i) => Assert.deepEqual( glean[i].extra, { addon_id: expected.value, ...expected.extra }, "Correct addon_id and event extra properties." ) ); Services.fog.testResetFOG(); } function assertTelemetryEvents(expectedEvents) { TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents(expectedEvents, { category: EVENT_CATEGORY, method: EVENT_METHOD, object: EVENT_OBJECT, }); assertMigrateResultGleanEvents(expectedEvents); } add_setup(async function setup() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(ExtensionStorageIDB.BACKEND_ENABLED_PREF, true); await promiseStartupManager(); // Telemetry test setup needed to ensure that the builtin events are defined // and they can be collected and verified. await TelemetryController.testSetup(); // This is actually only needed on Android, because it does not properly support unified telemetry // and so, if not enabled explicitly here, it would make these tests to fail when running on a // non-Nightly build. const oldCanRecordBase = Services.telemetry.canRecordBase; Services.telemetry.canRecordBase = true; registerCleanupFunction(() => { Services.telemetry.canRecordBase = oldCanRecordBase; }); // Clear any telemetry events collected so far. Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); }); // Test that for newly installed extension the IDB backend is enabled without // any data migration. add_task(async function test_no_migration_for_newly_installed_extensions() { const EXTENSION_ID = "test-no-data-migration@mochi.test"; await createExtensionJSONFileWithData(EXTENSION_ID, { test_old_data: "test_old_value", }); const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ useAddonManager: "temporary", manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXTENSION_ID } }, }, async background() { const data = await browser.storage.local.get(); browser.test.assertEq( Object.keys(data).length, 0, "Expect the storage.local store to be empty" ); browser.test.sendMessage("test-stored-data:done"); }, }); await extension.startup(); equal( ExtensionStorageIDB.isMigratedExtension(extension), true, "The newly installed test extension is marked as migrated" ); await extension.awaitMessage("test-stored-data:done"); await extension.unload(); // Verify that no data migration have been needed on the newly installed // extension, by asserting that no telemetry events has been collected. await TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents([], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTER); assertMigrateResultGleanEvents([]); }); // Test that the data migration is still running for a newly installed extension // if keepStorageOnUninstall is true. add_task(async function test_data_migration_on_keep_storage_on_uninstall() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF, true); // Store some fake data in the storage.local file backend before starting the extension. const EXTENSION_ID = "new-extension-on-keep-storage-on-uninstall@mochi.test"; await createExtensionJSONFileWithData(EXTENSION_ID, { test_key_string: "test_value", }); const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ useAddonManager: "temporary", manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXTENSION_ID } }, }, async background() { const storedData = await browser.storage.local.get(); browser.test.assertEq( "test_value", storedData.test_key_string, "Got the expected data after the storage.local data migration" ); browser.test.sendMessage("storage-local-data-migrated"); }, }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-data-migrated"); equal( ExtensionStorageIDB.isMigratedExtension(extension), true, "The newly installed test extension is marked as migrated" ); await extension.unload(); // Verify that the expected telemetry has been recorded. let expected = { method: "migrateResult", value: EXTENSION_ID, extra: { backend: "IndexedDB", data_migrated: "y", has_jsonfile: "y", has_olddata: "y", }, }; await TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents([expected], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTER); assertMigrateResultGleanEvents([expected]); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF); }); // Test that the old data is migrated successfully to the new storage backend // and that the original JSONFile has been renamed. add_task(async function test_storage_local_data_migration() { const EXTENSION_ID = "extension-to-be-migrated@mozilla.org"; // Keep the extension storage and the uuid on uninstall, to verify that no telemetry events // are being sent for an already migrated extension. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_UUID_PREF, true); const data = { test_key_string: "test_value1", test_key_number: 1000, test_nested_data: { nested_key: true, }, }; // Store some fake data in the storage.local file backend before starting the extension. const { oldStorageFilename } = await createExtensionJSONFileWithData( EXTENSION_ID, data ); async function background() { const storedData = await browser.storage.local.get(); browser.test.assertEq( "test_value1", storedData.test_key_string, "Got the expected data after the storage.local data migration" ); browser.test.assertEq( 1000, storedData.test_key_number, "Got the expected data after the storage.local data migration" ); browser.test.assertEq( true, storedData.test_nested_data.nested_key, "Got the expected data after the storage.local data migration" ); browser.test.sendMessage("storage-local-data-migrated"); } clearMigrationHistogram(); let extensionDefinition = { useAddonManager: "temporary", manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXTENSION_ID, }, }, }, }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension(extensionDefinition); // Install the extension while the storage.local IDB backend is disabled. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(ExtensionStorageIDB.BACKEND_ENABLED_PREF, false); await extension.startup(); ok( !ExtensionStorageIDB.isMigratedExtension(extension), "The test extension should be using the JSONFile backend" ); // Enabled the storage.local IDB backend and upgrade the extension. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(ExtensionStorageIDB.BACKEND_ENABLED_PREF, true); await extension.upgrade({ ...extensionDefinition, background, }); await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-data-migrated"); ok( ExtensionStorageIDB.isMigratedExtension(extension), "The test extension should be using the IndexedDB backend" ); const storagePrincipal = ExtensionStorageIDB.getStoragePrincipal( extension.extension ); const idbConn = await ExtensionStorageIDB.open(storagePrincipal); equal( await idbConn.isEmpty(extension.extension), false, "Data stored in the ExtensionStorageIDB backend as expected" ); equal( await IOUtils.exists(oldStorageFilename), false, "The old json storage file name should not exist anymore" ); equal( await IOUtils.exists(`${oldStorageFilename}.migrated`), true, "The old json storage file name should have been renamed as .migrated" ); equal( Services.prefs.getBoolPref( `${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH}.${EXTENSION_ID}`, false ), true, `Got the ${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH} preference set to true as expected` ); assertMigrationHistogramCount("success", 1); assertMigrationHistogramCount("failure", 0); assertTelemetryEvents([ { method: "migrateResult", value: EXTENSION_ID, extra: { backend: "IndexedDB", data_migrated: "y", has_jsonfile: "y", has_olddata: "y", }, }, ]); equal( Services.prefs.getBoolPref( `${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH}.${EXTENSION_ID}`, false ), true, `${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH} should still be true on keepStorageOnUninstall=true` ); // Upgrade the extension and check that no telemetry events are being sent // for an already migrated extension. await extension.upgrade({ ...extensionDefinition, background, }); await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-data-migrated"); // The histogram values are unmodified. assertMigrationHistogramCount("success", 1); assertMigrationHistogramCount("failure", 0); // No new telemetry events recorded for the extension. const snapshot = Services.telemetry.snapshotEvents( Ci.nsITelemetry.DATASET_PRERELEASE_CHANNELS, true ); const filterByCategory = ([timestamp, category]) => category === EVENT_CATEGORY; ok( !snapshot.parent || snapshot.parent.filter(filterByCategory).length === 0, "No telemetry events should be recorded for an already migrated extension" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF, false); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(LEAVE_UUID_PREF, false); await extension.unload(); equal( Services.prefs.getPrefType(`${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH}.${EXTENSION_ID}`), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, `Got the ${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH} preference has been cleared on addon uninstall` ); }); // Test that the extensionId included in the telemetry event is being trimmed down to 80 chars // as expected. add_task(async function test_extensionId_trimmed_in_telemetry_event() { // Generated extensionId in email-like format, longer than 80 chars. const EXTENSION_ID = `long.extension.id@${Array(80).fill("a").join("")}`; const data = { test_key_string: "test_value" }; // Store some fake data in the storage.local file backend before starting the extension. await createExtensionJSONFileWithData(EXTENSION_ID, data); async function background() { const storedData = await browser.storage.local.get("test_key_string"); browser.test.assertEq( "test_value", storedData.test_key_string, "Got the expected data after the storage.local data migration" ); browser.test.sendMessage("storage-local-data-migrated"); } let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXTENSION_ID, }, }, }, background, // We don't want the (default) startupReason ADDON_INSTALL because // that automatically sets the migrated pref and skips migration. startupReason: "APP_STARTUP", }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-data-migrated"); const expectedTrimmedExtensionId = getTrimmedString(EXTENSION_ID); equal( expectedTrimmedExtensionId.length, 80, "The trimmed version of the extensionId should be 80 chars long" ); assertTelemetryEvents([ { method: "migrateResult", value: expectedTrimmedExtensionId, extra: { backend: "IndexedDB", data_migrated: "y", has_jsonfile: "y", has_olddata: "y", }, }, ]); await extension.unload(); }); // Test that if the old JSONFile data file is corrupted and the old data // can't be successfully migrated to the new storage backend, then: // - the new storage backend for that extension is still initialized and enabled // - any new data is being stored in the new backend // - the old file is being renamed (with the `.corrupted` suffix that JSONFile.sys.mjs // adds when it fails to load the data file) and still available on disk. add_task(async function test_storage_local_corrupted_data_migration() { const EXTENSION_ID = "extension-corrupted-data-migration@mozilla.org"; const invalidData = `{"test_key_string": "test_value1"`; const oldStorageFilename = ExtensionStorage.getStorageFile(EXTENSION_ID); await IOUtils.makeDirectory( PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, "browser-extension-data", EXTENSION_ID) ); // Write the json file with some invalid data. await IOUtils.writeUTF8(oldStorageFilename, invalidData, { flush: true }); equal( await IOUtils.readUTF8(oldStorageFilename), invalidData, "The old json file has been overwritten with invalid data" ); async function background() { const storedData = await browser.storage.local.get(); browser.test.assertEq( Object.keys(storedData).length, 0, "No data should be found on invalid data migration" ); await browser.storage.local.set({ test_key_string_on_IDBBackend: "expected-value", }); browser.test.sendMessage("storage-local-data-migrated-and-set"); } clearMigrationHistogram(); let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXTENSION_ID, }, }, }, background, // We don't want the (default) startupReason ADDON_INSTALL because // that automatically sets the migrated pref and skips migration. startupReason: "APP_STARTUP", }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-data-migrated-and-set"); const storagePrincipal = ExtensionStorageIDB.getStoragePrincipal( extension.extension ); const idbConn = await ExtensionStorageIDB.open(storagePrincipal); equal( await idbConn.isEmpty(extension.extension), false, "Data stored in the ExtensionStorageIDB backend as expected" ); equal( await IOUtils.exists(`${oldStorageFilename}.corrupt`), true, "The old json storage should still be available if failed to be read" ); // The extension is still migrated successfully to the new backend if the file from the // original json file was corrupted. equal( Services.prefs.getBoolPref( `${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH}.${EXTENSION_ID}`, false ), true, `Got the ${IDB_MIGRATED_PREF_BRANCH} preference set to true as expected` ); assertMigrationHistogramCount("success", 1); assertMigrationHistogramCount("failure", 0); assertTelemetryEvents([ { method: "migrateResult", value: EXTENSION_ID, extra: { backend: "IndexedDB", data_migrated: "y", has_jsonfile: "y", has_olddata: "n", }, }, ]); await extension.unload(); }); // Test that if the data migration fails to store the old data into the IndexedDB backend // then the expected telemetry histogram is being updated. add_task(async function test_storage_local_data_migration_failure() { const EXTENSION_ID = "extension-data-migration-failure@mozilla.org"; // Create the file under the expected directory tree. const { jsonFile, oldStorageFilename } = await createExtensionJSONFileWithData(EXTENSION_ID, {}); // Store a fake invalid value which is going to fail to be saved into IndexedDB // (because it can't be cloned and it is going to raise a DataCloneError), which // will trigger a data migration failure that we expect to increment the related // telemetry histogram. jsonFile.data.set("fake_invalid_key", function () {}); async function background() { await browser.storage.local.set({ test_key_string_on_JSONFileBackend: "expected-value", }); browser.test.sendMessage("storage-local-data-migrated-and-set"); } clearMigrationHistogram(); let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXTENSION_ID, }, }, }, background, // We don't want the (default) startupReason ADDON_INSTALL because // that automatically sets the migrated pref and skips migration. startupReason: "APP_STARTUP", }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("storage-local-data-migrated-and-set"); const storagePrincipal = ExtensionStorageIDB.getStoragePrincipal( extension.extension ); const idbConn = await ExtensionStorageIDB.open(storagePrincipal); equal( await idbConn.isEmpty(extension.extension), true, "No data stored in the ExtensionStorageIDB backend as expected" ); equal( await IOUtils.exists(oldStorageFilename), true, "The old json storage should still be available if failed to be read" ); await extension.unload(); assertTelemetryEvents([ { method: "migrateResult", value: EXTENSION_ID, extra: { backend: "JSONFile", data_migrated: "n", error_name: "DataCloneError", has_jsonfile: "y", has_olddata: "y", }, }, ]); assertMigrationHistogramCount("success", 0); assertMigrationHistogramCount("failure", 1); }); add_task(async function test_migration_aborted_on_shutdown() { const EXTENSION_ID = "test-migration-aborted-on-shutdown@mochi.test"; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXTENSION_ID, }, }, }, // We don't want the (default) startupReason ADDON_INSTALL because // that automatically sets the migrated pref and skips migration. startupReason: "APP_STARTUP", }); await extension.startup(); equal( extension.extension.hasShutdown, false, "The extension is still running" ); await extension.unload(); equal(extension.extension.hasShutdown, true, "The extension has shutdown"); // Trigger a data migration after the extension has been unloaded. const result = await ExtensionStorageIDB.selectBackend({ extension: extension.extension, }); Assert.deepEqual( result, { backendEnabled: false }, "Expect migration to have been aborted" ); let expected = { value: EXTENSION_ID, extra: { backend: "JSONFile", error_name: "DataMigrationAbortedError", }, }; TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents([expected], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTER); assertMigrateResultGleanEvents([expected]); }); add_task(async function test_storage_local_data_migration_clear_pref() { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(LEAVE_STORAGE_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(LEAVE_UUID_PREF); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(ExtensionStorageIDB.BACKEND_ENABLED_PREF); await promiseShutdownManager(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function setup_quota_manager_testing_prefs() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("dom.quotaManager.testing", true); Services.prefs.setIntPref( "dom.quotaManager.temporaryStorage.fixedLimit", 100 ); await promiseQuotaManagerServiceReset(); }); add_task( // TODO: temporarily disabled because it currently perma-fails on // android builds (Bug 1564871) { skip_if: () => AppConstants.platform === "android" }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define test_quota_exceeded_while_migrating_data ); async function test_quota_exceeded_while_migrating_data() { const EXT_ID = "test-data-migration-stuck@mochi.test"; const dataSize = 1000 * 1024; await createExtensionJSONFileWithData(EXT_ID, { data: new Array(dataSize).fill("x").join(""), }); const extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ manifest: { permissions: ["storage"], browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: EXT_ID } }, }, background() { browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async (msg, dataSize) => { if (msg !== "verify-stored-data") { return; } const res = await browser.storage.local.get(); browser.test.assertEq( res.data && res.data.length, dataSize, "Got the expected data" ); browser.test.sendMessage("verify-stored-data:done"); }); browser.test.sendMessage("bg-page:ready"); }, // We don't want the (default) startupReason ADDON_INSTALL because // that automatically sets the migrated pref and skips migration. startupReason: "APP_STARTUP", }); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("bg-page:ready"); extension.sendMessage("verify-stored-data", dataSize); await extension.awaitMessage("verify-stored-data:done"); await ok( !ExtensionStorageIDB.isMigratedExtension(extension), "The extension falls back to the JSONFile backend because of the migration failure" ); await extension.unload(); let expected = { value: EXT_ID, extra: { backend: "JSONFile", error_name: "QuotaExceededError", }, }; TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents([expected], TELEMETRY_EVENTS_FILTER); assertMigrateResultGleanEvents([expected]); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("dom.quotaManager.temporaryStorage.fixedLimit"); await promiseQuotaManagerServiceClear(); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("dom.quotaManager.testing"); }