[DEFAULT] head = "head.js head_remote.js head_telemetry.js head_sync.js head_storage.js" firefox-appdir = "browser" skip-if = [ "os == 'win' && socketprocess_networking && fission", # Bug 1759035 "os == 'mac' && socketprocess_networking && fission", # Bug 1759035 "os == 'mac' && debug", # Bug 1814779 ] # I would put linux here, but debug has too many chunks and only runs this manifest, so I need 1 test to pass dupe-manifest = "" support-files = [ "data/**", "head_dnr.js", "xpcshell-content.toml", ] tags = "webextensions remote-webextensions" # Make sure that loading the default settings for url-classifier-skip-urls # doesn't interfere with running our tests while IDB operations are in # flight by overriding the remote settings server URL to # ensure that the IDB database isn't created in the first place. prefs = ["services.settings.server='data:,#remote-settings-dummy/v1'"] ["include:xpcshell-common-e10s.toml"] skip-if = ["os == 'linux' && socketprocess_networking"] # Bug 1759035 ["include:xpcshell-common.toml"] skip-if = ["os == 'linux' && socketprocess_networking"] # Bug 1759035 ["include:xpcshell-content.toml"] skip-if = ["os == 'linux' && socketprocess_networking"] # Bug 1759035 ["test_WebExtensionContentScript.js"] ["test_ext_contentscript_perf_observers.js"] # Inexplicably, PerformanceObserver used in the test doesn't fire in non-e10s mode. skip-if = [ "tsan", "os == 'linux' && socketprocess_networking", # Bug 1759035 ] ["test_ext_contentscript_xorigin_frame.js"] skip-if = ["os == 'linux' && socketprocess_networking"] # Bug 1759035 ["test_ext_ipcBlob.js"] skip-if = [ "os == 'android' && processor == 'x86_64'", "os == 'linux' && socketprocess_networking", # Bug 1759035 ] ["test_extension_process_alive.js"] ["test_process_crash_telemetry.js"]