/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { FeatureGateImplementation } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://featuregates/FeatureGateImplementation.sys.mjs" ); const kDefinitionDefaults = { id: "test-feature", title: "Test Feature", description: "A feature for testing", restartRequired: false, type: "boolean", preference: "test.feature", defaultValue: false, isPublic: false, }; function definitionFactory(override = {}) { return Object.assign({}, kDefinitionDefaults, override); } // getValue should work add_task(async function testGetValue() { const preference = "test.pref"; equal( Services.prefs.getPrefType(preference), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "Before creating the feature gate, the preference should not exist" ); const feature = new FeatureGateImplementation( definitionFactory({ preference, defaultValue: false }) ); equal( Services.prefs.getPrefType(preference), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "Instantiating a feature gate should not set its default value" ); equal( await feature.getValue(), false, "getValue() should return the feature gate's default" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(preference, true); equal( await feature.getValue(), true, "getValue() should return the new value" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(preference, false); equal( await feature.getValue(), false, "getValue() should return the third value" ); // cleanup Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch(preference); }); // event observers should work add_task(async function testGetValue() { const preference = "test.pref"; const feature = new FeatureGateImplementation( definitionFactory({ preference, defaultValue: false }) ); const observer = { onChange: sinon.stub(), onEnable: sinon.stub(), onDisable: sinon.stub(), }; let rv = await feature.addObserver(observer); equal(rv, false, "addObserver returns the current value"); Assert.deepEqual(observer.onChange.args, [], "onChange should not be called"); Assert.deepEqual(observer.onEnable.args, [], "onEnable should not be called"); Assert.deepEqual( observer.onDisable.args, [], "onDisable should not be called" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(preference, true); await Promise.resolve(); // Allow events to be called async Assert.deepEqual( observer.onChange.args, [[true]], "onChange should be called with the new value" ); Assert.deepEqual(observer.onEnable.args, [[]], "onEnable should be called"); Assert.deepEqual( observer.onDisable.args, [], "onDisable should not be called" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(preference, false); await Promise.resolve(); // Allow events to be called async Assert.deepEqual( observer.onChange.args, [[true], [false]], "onChange should be called again with the new value" ); Assert.deepEqual( observer.onEnable.args, [[]], "onEnable should not be called a second time" ); Assert.deepEqual( observer.onDisable.args, [[]], "onDisable should be called for the first time" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(preference, false); await Promise.resolve(); // Allow events to be called async Assert.deepEqual( observer.onChange.args, [[true], [false]], "onChange should not be called if the value did not change" ); Assert.deepEqual( observer.onEnable.args, [[]], "onEnable should not be called again if the value did not change" ); Assert.deepEqual( observer.onDisable.args, [[]], "onDisable should not be called if the value did not change" ); // cleanup feature.removeAllObservers(); Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch(preference); });