/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AddressResult: "resource://autofill/ProfileAutoCompleteResult.sys.mjs", AutoCompleteChild: "resource://gre/actors/AutoCompleteChild.sys.mjs", AutofillTelemetry: "resource://gre/modules/shared/AutofillTelemetry.sys.mjs", CreditCardResult: "resource://autofill/ProfileAutoCompleteResult.sys.mjs", GenericAutocompleteItem: "resource://gre/modules/FillHelpers.sys.mjs", InsecurePasswordUtils: "resource://gre/modules/InsecurePasswordUtils.sys.mjs", FormAutofill: "resource://autofill/FormAutofill.sys.mjs", FormAutofillContent: "resource://autofill/FormAutofillContent.sys.mjs", FormAutofillUtils: "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillUtils.sys.mjs", FormScenarios: "resource://gre/modules/FormScenarios.sys.mjs", FormStateManager: "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormStateManager.sys.mjs", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", FORM_SUBMISSION_REASON: "resource://gre/actors/FormHandlerChild.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "DELEGATE_AUTOCOMPLETE", "toolkit.autocomplete.delegate", false ); const formFillController = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/satchel/form-fill-controller;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIFormFillController); const observer = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIWebProgressListener", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), onLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation, aFlags) { // Only handle pushState/replaceState here. if ( !(aFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT) || !(aWebProgress.loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_PUSHSTATE) ) { return; } const window = aWebProgress.DOMWindow; const formAutofillChild = window.windowGlobalChild.getActor("FormAutofill"); formAutofillChild.onPageNavigation(); }, onStateChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aStateFlags, _aStatus) { if ( // if restoring a previously-rendered presentation (bfcache) aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_RESTORING && aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP ) { return; } if (!(aStateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START)) { return; } // We only care about when a page triggered a load, not the user. For example: // clicking refresh/back/forward, typing a URL and hitting enter, and loading a bookmark aren't // likely to be when a user wants to save a formautofill data. let channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel); let triggeringPrincipal = channel.loadInfo.triggeringPrincipal; if ( triggeringPrincipal.isNullPrincipal || triggeringPrincipal.equals( Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal() ) ) { return; } // Don't handle history navigation, reload, or pushState not triggered via chrome UI. // e.g. history.go(-1), location.reload(), history.replaceState() if (!(aWebProgress.loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_NORMAL)) { return; } const window = aWebProgress.DOMWindow; const formAutofillChild = window.windowGlobalChild.getActor("FormAutofill"); formAutofillChild.onPageNavigation(); }, }; /** * Handles content's interactions for the frame. */ export class FormAutofillChild extends JSWindowActorChild { // Flag indicating whether the form is waiting to be filled by Autofill. #autofillPending = false; constructor() { super(); this.log = lazy.FormAutofill.defineLogGetter(this, "FormAutofillChild"); this.debug("init"); this._nextHandleElement = null; this._hasDOMContentLoadedHandler = false; this._hasPendingTask = false; /** * @type {FormAutofillFieldDetailsManager} handling state management of current forms and handlers. */ this._fieldDetailsManager = new lazy.FormStateManager( this.formSubmitted.bind(this), this.formAutofilled.bind(this) ); lazy.AutoCompleteChild.addPopupStateListener(this); } didDestroy() { this._fieldDetailsManager.didDestroy(); lazy.AutoCompleteChild.removePopupStateListener(this); } popupStateChanged(messageName, _data, _target) { if (!lazy.FormAutofill.isAutofillEnabled) { return; } switch (messageName) { case "AutoComplete:PopupClosed": { this.onPopupClosed(); break; } case "AutoComplete:PopupOpened": { this.onPopupOpened(); break; } } } /** * Identifies and marks each autofill field */ identifyAutofillFields() { if (this._hasPendingTask) { return; } this._hasPendingTask = true; lazy.setTimeout(() => { const element = this._nextHandleElement; this.debug( `identifyAutofillFields: ${element.ownerDocument.location?.hostname}` ); if ( lazy.DELEGATE_AUTOCOMPLETE || !lazy.FormAutofillContent.savedFieldNames ) { this.debug("identifyAutofillFields: savedFieldNames are not known yet"); // Init can be asynchronous because we don't need anything from the parent // at this point. this.sendAsyncMessage("FormAutofill:InitStorage"); } const validDetails = this._fieldDetailsManager.identifyAutofillFields(element); validDetails?.forEach(detail => this._markAsAutofillField(detail.element) ); if (validDetails.length) { if (lazy.FormAutofill.captureOnFormRemoval) { this.registerDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener(); } if (lazy.FormAutofill.captureOnPageNavigation) { this.registerProgressListener(); } } this._hasPendingTask = false; this._nextHandleElement = null; // This is for testing purpose only which sends a notification to indicate that the // form has been identified, and ready to open popup. this.sendAsyncMessage("FormAutofill:FieldsIdentified"); this.updateActiveInput(); }); } /** * Gets the highest accessible docShell * * @returns {DocShell} highest accessible docShell */ getHighestDocShell() { const window = this.document.defaultView; let docShell; for ( let browsingContext = BrowsingContext.getFromWindow(window); browsingContext?.docShell; browsingContext = browsingContext.parent ) { docShell = browsingContext.docShell; } return docShell .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress); } /** * After being notified of a page navigation, we check whether * the navigated window is the active window or one of its parents * (active window = activeHandler.window) * * @returns {boolean} whether the navigation affects the active window */ isActiveWindowNavigation() { const activeWindow = lazy.FormAutofillContent.activeHandler?.window; const navigatedWindow = this.document.defaultView; if (!activeWindow || !navigatedWindow) { return false; } const navigatedBrowsingContext = BrowsingContext.getFromWindow(navigatedWindow); for ( let browsingContext = BrowsingContext.getFromWindow(activeWindow); browsingContext?.docShell; browsingContext = browsingContext.parent ) { if (navigatedBrowsingContext === browsingContext) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Infer a form submission after document is navigated */ onPageNavigation() { if (!this.isActiveWindowNavigation()) { return; } // TODO: We should not use FormAutofillContent and let the // parent decides which child to notify const activeChild = lazy.FormAutofillContent.activeAutofillChild; const activeElement = activeChild.activeFieldDetail?.elementWeakRef.deref(); if (!activeElement) { return; } const formSubmissionReason = lazy.FORM_SUBMISSION_REASON.PAGE_NAVIGATION; // We only capture the form of the active field right now, // this means that we might miss some fields (see bug 1871356) activeChild.formSubmitted(activeElement, formSubmissionReason); } /** * After a form submission we unregister the * nsIWebProgressListener from the top level doc shell */ unregisterProgressListener() { const docShell = this.getHighestDocShell(); try { docShell.removeProgressListener(observer); } catch (ex) { // Ignore NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the progress listener was not registered } } /** * After a focusin event and after we identified formautofill fields, * we set up a nsIWebProgressListener that notifies of a request state * change or window location change in the top level doc shell */ registerProgressListener() { const docShell = this.getHighestDocShell(); const flags = Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT | Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION; try { docShell.addProgressListener(observer, flags); } catch (ex) { // Ignore NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the progress listener was already added } } /** * After a focusin event and after we identify formautofill fields, * we set up an event listener for the DOMDocFetchSuccess event */ registerDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener() { this.document.setNotifyFetchSuccess(true); // Is removed after a DOMDocFetchSuccess event (bug 1864855) /* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */ this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.addEventListener( "DOMDocFetchSuccess", this, true ); } /** * After a DOMDocFetchSuccess event, we register an event listener for the DOMFormRemoved event */ registerDOMFormRemovedEventListener() { this.document.setNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved(true); // Is removed after a DOMFormRemoved event (bug 1864855) /* eslint-disable mozilla/balanced-listeners */ this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.addEventListener( "DOMFormRemoved", this, true ); } /** * After a DOMDocFetchSuccess event we remove the DOMDocFetchSuccess event listener */ unregisterDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener() { this.document.setNotifyFetchSuccess(false); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.removeEventListener( "DOMDocFetchSuccess", this ); } /** * After a DOMFormRemoved event we remove the DOMFormRemoved event listener */ unregisterDOMFormRemovedEventListener() { this.document.setNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved(false); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.removeEventListener( "DOMFormRemoved", this ); } shouldIgnoreFormAutofillEvent(event) { let nodePrincipal = event.target.nodePrincipal; return nodePrincipal.isSystemPrincipal || nodePrincipal.schemeIs("about"); } handleEvent(evt) { if (!evt.isTrusted) { return; } if (this.shouldIgnoreFormAutofillEvent(evt)) { return; } if (!this.windowContext) { // !this.windowContext must not be null, because we need the // windowContext and/or docShell to (un)register form submission listeners return; } switch (evt.type) { case "focusin": { if (lazy.FormAutofill.isAutofillEnabled) { this.onFocusIn(evt); } break; } case "DOMFormRemoved": { this.onDOMFormRemoved(evt); break; } case "DOMDocFetchSuccess": { this.onDOMDocFetchSuccess(); break; } case "form-submission-detected": { if (lazy.FormAutofill.isAutofillEnabled) { this.onFormSubmission(evt); } break; } default: { throw new Error("Unexpected event type"); } } } onFocusIn(evt) { this.updateActiveInput(); const element = evt.target; if (!lazy.FormAutofillUtils.isCreditCardOrAddressFieldType(element)) { return; } this._nextHandleElement = element; const doc = element.ownerDocument; if (doc.readyState === "loading") { // For auto-focused input, we might receive focus event before document becomes ready. // When this happens, run field identification after receiving `DOMContentLoaded` event if (!this._hasDOMContentLoadedHandler) { this._hasDOMContentLoadedHandler = true; doc.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", () => this.identifyAutofillFields(), { once: true } ); } return; } this.identifyAutofillFields(); } /** * Handle form-submission-detected event (dispatched by FormHandlerChild) * * @param {CustomEvent} evt form-submission-detected event */ onFormSubmission(evt) { const formElement = evt.detail.form; const formSubmissionReason = evt.detail.reason; this.formSubmitted(formElement, formSubmissionReason); } /** * Handle the DOMFormRemoved event. * * Infers a form submission when the form is removed * after a successful fetch or XHR request. * * @param {Event} evt DOMFormRemoved */ onDOMFormRemoved(evt) { const formSubmissionReason = lazy.FORM_SUBMISSION_REASON.FORM_REMOVAL_AFTER_FETCH; this.formSubmitted(evt.target, formSubmissionReason); } /** * Handle the DOMDocFetchSuccess event. * * Sets up an event listener for the DOMFormRemoved event * and unregisters the event listener for DOMDocFetchSuccess event. */ onDOMDocFetchSuccess() { this.registerDOMFormRemovedEventListener(); this.unregisterDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener(); } /** * Unregister all listeners that notify of a form submission, * because we just detected and acted on a form submission */ unregisterFormSubmissionListeners() { this.unregisterDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener(); this.unregisterDOMFormRemovedEventListener(); this.unregisterProgressListener(); } async receiveMessage(message) { if (!lazy.FormAutofill.isAutofillEnabled) { return; } switch (message.name) { case "FormAutofill:PreviewProfile": { this.previewProfile(message.data); break; } case "FormAutofill:ClearForm": { this.clearForm(); break; } case "FormAutofill:FillForm": { await this.autofillFields(message.data); break; } } } get activeFieldDetail() { return this._fieldDetailsManager.activeFieldDetail; } get activeFormDetails() { return this._fieldDetailsManager.activeFormDetails; } get activeInput() { return this._fieldDetailsManager.activeInput; } get activeHandler() { return this._fieldDetailsManager.activeHandler; } get activeSection() { return this._fieldDetailsManager.activeSection; } /** * Handle a form submission and early return when: * 1. In private browsing mode. * 2. Could not map any autofill handler by form element. * 3. Number of filled fields is less than autofill threshold * * @param {HTMLElement} formElement Root element which receives submit event. * @param {string} formSubmissionReason Reason for invoking the form submission * (see options for FORM_SUBMISSION_REASON in FormAutofillUtils)) * @param {Window} domWin Content window; passed for unit tests and when * invoked by the FormAutofillSection * @param {object} handler FormAutofillHander, if known by caller */ formSubmitted( formElement, formSubmissionReason, domWin = formElement.ownerGlobal, handler = undefined ) { this.debug(`Handling form submission - infered by ${formSubmissionReason}`); lazy.AutofillTelemetry.recordFormSubmissionHeuristicCount( formSubmissionReason ); if (!lazy.FormAutofill.isAutofillEnabled) { this.debug("Form Autofill is disabled"); return; } // The `domWin` truthiness test is used by unit tests to bypass this check. if (domWin && lazy.PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(domWin)) { this.debug("Ignoring submission in a private window"); return; } handler = handler || this._fieldDetailsManager._getFormHandler(formElement); const records = this._fieldDetailsManager.getRecords(formElement, handler); if (!records || !handler) { this.debug("Form element could not map to an existing handler"); return; } // Unregister the form submission listeners after handling a form submission this.debug("Unregistering form submission listeners"); this.unregisterFormSubmissionListeners(); [records.address, records.creditCard].forEach((rs, idx) => { lazy.AutofillTelemetry.recordSubmittedSectionCount( idx == 0 ? lazy.AutofillTelemetry.ADDRESS : lazy.AutofillTelemetry.CREDIT_CARD, rs?.length ); rs?.forEach(r => { lazy.AutofillTelemetry.recordFormInteractionEvent( "submitted", r.section, { record: r, form: handler.form, } ); delete r.section; }); }); this.sendAsyncMessage("FormAutofill:OnFormSubmit", records); } formAutofilled() { lazy.FormAutofillContent.showPopup(); } /** * All active items should be updated according the active element of * `formFillController.focusedInput`. All of them including element, * handler, section, and field detail, can be retrieved by their own getters. * * @param {HTMLElement|null} element The active item should be updated based * on this or `formFillController.focusedInput` will be taken. */ updateActiveInput(element) { element = element || formFillController.focusedInput; if (!element) { this.debug("updateActiveElement: no element selected"); return; } lazy.FormAutofillContent.updateActiveAutofillChild(this); this._fieldDetailsManager.updateActiveInput(element); this.debug("updateActiveElement: checking for popup-on-focus"); // We know this element just received focus. If it's a credit card field, // open its popup. if (this.#autofillPending) { this.debug("updateActiveElement: skipping check; autofill is imminent"); } else if (element.value?.length !== 0) { this.debug( `updateActiveElement: Not opening popup because field is not empty.` ); } else { this.debug( "updateActiveElement: checking if empty field is cc-*: ", this.activeFieldDetail?.fieldName ); if ( this.activeFieldDetail?.fieldName?.startsWith("cc-") || AppConstants.platform === "android" ) { lazy.FormAutofillContent.showPopup(); } } } clearForm() { if (!this.activeSection) { return; } this.activeSection.clearPopulatedForm(); let fieldName = this.activeFieldDetail?.fieldName; if (lazy.FormAutofillUtils.isCreditCardField(fieldName)) { lazy.AutofillTelemetry.recordFormInteractionEvent( "cleared", this.activeSection, { fieldName } ); } } get lastProfileAutoCompleteResult() { return this.manager.getActor("AutoComplete")?.lastProfileAutoCompleteResult; } get lastProfileAutoCompleteFocusedInput() { return this.manager.getActor("AutoComplete") ?.lastProfileAutoCompleteFocusedInput; } previewProfile(profile) { if (profile && this.activeSection) { const adaptedProfile = this.activeSection.getAdaptedProfiles([ profile, ])[0]; this.activeSection.previewFormFields(adaptedProfile); } else { this.activeSection.clearPreviewedFormFields(); } } async autofillFields(profile) { this.#autofillPending = true; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "autofill-fill-starting"); try { Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "autofill-fill-starting"); await this.activeHandler.autofillFormFields(profile); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "autofill-fill-complete"); } finally { this.#autofillPending = false; } } onPopupClosed() { this.debug("Popup has closed."); this.activeSection?.clearPreviewedFormFields(); } onPopupOpened() { this.debug( "Popup has opened, automatic =", formFillController.passwordPopupAutomaticallyOpened ); let fieldName = this.activeFieldDetail?.fieldName; if (fieldName && this.activeSection) { lazy.AutofillTelemetry.recordFormInteractionEvent( "popup_shown", this.activeSection, { fieldName } ); } } _markAsAutofillField(field) { // Since Form Autofill popup is only for input element, any non-Input // element should be excluded here. if (!HTMLInputElement.isInstance(field)) { return; } this.manager .getActor("AutoComplete") ?.markAsAutoCompletableField(field, this); } get actorName() { return "FormAutofill"; } /** * Get the search options when searching for autocomplete entries in the parent * * @param {HTMLInputElement} input - The input element to search for autocompelte entries * @returns {object} the search options for the input */ getAutoCompleteSearchOption(input) { const fieldDetail = this._fieldDetailsManager ._getFormHandler(input) ?.getFieldDetailByElement(input); const scenarioName = lazy.FormScenarios.detect({ input }).signUpForm ? "SignUpFormScenario" : ""; return { fieldName: fieldDetail?.fieldName, scenarioName }; } /** * Ask the provider whether it might have autocomplete entry to show * for the given input. * * @param {HTMLInputElement} input - The input element to search for autocompelte entries * @returns {boolean} true if we shold search for autocomplete entries */ shouldSearchForAutoComplete(input) { const fieldDetail = this._fieldDetailsManager ._getFormHandler(input) ?.getFieldDetailByElement(input); if (!fieldDetail) { return false; } const fieldName = fieldDetail.fieldName; const isAddressField = lazy.FormAutofillUtils.isAddressField(fieldName); const searchPermitted = isAddressField ? lazy.FormAutofill.isAutofillAddressesEnabled : lazy.FormAutofill.isAutofillCreditCardsEnabled; // If the specified autofill feature is pref off, do not search if (!searchPermitted) { return false; } // No profile can fill the currently-focused input. if (!lazy.FormAutofillContent.savedFieldNames.has(fieldName)) { return false; } // The current form has already been populated and the field is not // an empty credit card field. const isCreditCardField = lazy.FormAutofillUtils.isCreditCardField(fieldName); const isInputAutofilled = this.activeHandler.getFilledStateByElement(input) == lazy.FormAutofillUtils.FIELD_STATES.AUTO_FILLED; const filledRecordGUID = this.activeSection.filledRecordGUID; if ( !isInputAutofilled && filledRecordGUID && !(isCreditCardField && this.activeInput.value === "") ) { return false; } // (address only) less than 3 inputs are covered by all saved fields in the storage. if ( isAddressField && this.activeSection.allFieldNames.filter(field => lazy.FormAutofillContent.savedFieldNames.has(field) ).length < lazy.FormAutofillUtils.AUTOFILL_FIELDS_THRESHOLD ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Convert the search result to autocomplete results * * @param {string} searchString - The string to search for * @param {HTMLInputElement} input - The input element to search for autocompelte entries * @param {Array} records - autocomplete records * @returns {AutocompleteResult} */ searchResultToAutoCompleteResult(searchString, input, records) { if (!records) { return null; } const entries = records.records; const externalEntries = records.externalEntries; const fieldDetail = this._fieldDetailsManager ._getFormHandler(input) ?.getFieldDetailByElement(input); if (!fieldDetail) { return null; } const adaptedRecords = this.activeSection.getAdaptedProfiles(entries); const isSecure = lazy.InsecurePasswordUtils.isFormSecure( this.activeHandler.form ); const isInputAutofilled = this.activeHandler.getFilledStateByElement(input) == lazy.FormAutofillUtils.FIELD_STATES.AUTO_FILLED; const allFieldNames = this.activeSection.allFieldNames; const AutocompleteResult = lazy.FormAutofillUtils.isAddressField( fieldDetail.fieldName ) ? lazy.AddressResult : lazy.CreditCardResult; const acResult = new AutocompleteResult( searchString, fieldDetail.fieldName, allFieldNames, adaptedRecords, { isSecure, isInputAutofilled } ); acResult.externalEntries.push( ...externalEntries.map( entry => new lazy.GenericAutocompleteItem( entry.image, entry.title, entry.subtitle, entry.fillMessageName, entry.fillMessageData ) ) ); return acResult; } }