/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * Implements a service used to access storage and communicate with content. * * A "fields" array is used to communicate with FormAutofillChild. Each item * represents a single input field in the content page as well as its * @autocomplete properties. The schema is as below. Please refer to * FormAutofillChild.js for more details. * * [ * { * section, * addressType, * contactType, * fieldName, * value, * index * }, * { * // ... * } * ] */ // We expose a singleton from this module. Some tests may import the // constructor via a backstage pass. import { FirefoxRelayTelemetry } from "resource://gre/modules/FirefoxRelayTelemetry.mjs"; import { FormAutofill } from "resource://autofill/FormAutofill.sys.mjs"; import { FormAutofillUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AddressComponent: "resource://gre/modules/shared/AddressComponent.sys.mjs", BrowserWindowTracker: "resource:///modules/BrowserWindowTracker.sys.mjs", FormAutofillPreferences: "resource://autofill/FormAutofillPreferences.sys.mjs", FormAutofillPrompter: "resource://autofill/FormAutofillPrompter.sys.mjs", FirefoxRelay: "resource://gre/modules/FirefoxRelay.sys.mjs", LoginHelper: "resource://gre/modules/LoginHelper.sys.mjs", OSKeyStore: "resource://gre/modules/OSKeyStore.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => FormAutofill.defineLogGetter(lazy, "FormAutofillParent") ); const { ENABLED_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_PREF, ENABLED_AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_PREF, AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_REAUTH_PREF, } = FormAutofill; const { ADDRESSES_COLLECTION_NAME, CREDITCARDS_COLLECTION_NAME } = FormAutofillUtils; let gMessageObservers = new Set(); export let FormAutofillStatus = { _initialized: false, /** * Cache of the Form Autofill status (considering preferences and storage). */ _active: null, /** * Initializes observers and registers the message handler. */ init() { if (this._initialized) { return; } this._initialized = true; Services.obs.addObserver(this, "privacy-pane-loaded"); // Observing the pref and storage changes Services.prefs.addObserver(ENABLED_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_PREF, this); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "formautofill-storage-changed"); // Only listen to credit card related preference if it is available if (FormAutofill.isAutofillCreditCardsAvailable) { Services.prefs.addObserver(ENABLED_AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_PREF, this); } Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("creditcard", true); Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled("address", true); }, /** * Uninitializes FormAutofillStatus. This is for testing only. * * @private */ uninit() { lazy.gFormAutofillStorage._saveImmediately(); if (!this._initialized) { return; } this._initialized = false; this._active = null; Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "privacy-pane-loaded"); Services.prefs.removeObserver(ENABLED_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_PREF, this); Services.wm.removeListener(this); if (FormAutofill.isAutofillCreditCardsAvailable) { Services.prefs.removeObserver(ENABLED_AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_PREF, this); } }, get formAutofillStorage() { return lazy.gFormAutofillStorage; }, /** * Broadcast the status to frames when the form autofill status changes. */ onStatusChanged() { lazy.log.debug("onStatusChanged: Status changed to", this._active); Services.ppmm.sharedData.set("FormAutofill:enabled", this._active); // Sync autofill enabled to make sure the value is up-to-date // no matter when the new content process is initialized. Services.ppmm.sharedData.flush(); }, /** * Query preference and storage status to determine the overall status of the * form autofill feature. * * @returns {boolean} whether form autofill is active (enabled and has data) */ computeStatus() { const savedFieldNames = Services.ppmm.sharedData.get( "FormAutofill:savedFieldNames" ); return ( (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(ENABLED_AUTOFILL_ADDRESSES_PREF) || Services.prefs.getBoolPref(ENABLED_AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_PREF)) && savedFieldNames && savedFieldNames.size > 0 ); }, /** * Update the status and trigger onStatusChanged, if necessary. */ updateStatus() { lazy.log.debug("updateStatus"); let wasActive = this._active; this._active = this.computeStatus(); if (this._active !== wasActive) { this.onStatusChanged(); } }, async updateSavedFieldNames() { lazy.log.debug("updateSavedFieldNames"); let savedFieldNames; const addressNames = await lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.addresses.getSavedFieldNames(); // Don't access the credit cards store unless it is enabled. if (FormAutofill.isAutofillCreditCardsAvailable) { const creditCardNames = await lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.creditCards.getSavedFieldNames(); savedFieldNames = new Set([...addressNames, ...creditCardNames]); } else { savedFieldNames = addressNames; } Services.ppmm.sharedData.set( "FormAutofill:savedFieldNames", savedFieldNames ); Services.ppmm.sharedData.flush(); this.updateStatus(); }, async observe(subject, topic, data) { lazy.log.debug("observe:", topic, "with data:", data); switch (topic) { case "privacy-pane-loaded": { let formAutofillPreferences = new lazy.FormAutofillPreferences(); let document = subject.document; let prefFragment = formAutofillPreferences.init(document); let formAutofillGroupBox = document.getElementById( "formAutofillGroupBox" ); formAutofillGroupBox.appendChild(prefFragment); break; } case "nsPref:changed": { // Observe pref changes and update _active cache if status is changed. this.updateStatus(); break; } case "formautofill-storage-changed": { // Early exit if only metadata is changed if (data == "notifyUsed") { break; } await this.updateSavedFieldNames(); break; } default: { throw new Error( `FormAutofillStatus: Unexpected topic observed: ${topic}` ); } } }, }; // Lazily load the storage JSM to avoid disk I/O until absolutely needed. // Once storage is loaded we need to update saved field names and inform content processes. ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "gFormAutofillStorage", () => { let { formAutofillStorage } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://autofill/FormAutofillStorage.sys.mjs" ); lazy.log.debug("Loading formAutofillStorage"); formAutofillStorage.initialize().then(() => { // Update the saved field names to compute the status and update child processes. FormAutofillStatus.updateSavedFieldNames(); }); return formAutofillStorage; }); export class FormAutofillParent extends JSWindowActorParent { constructor() { super(); FormAutofillStatus.init(); } static addMessageObserver(observer) { gMessageObservers.add(observer); } static removeMessageObserver(observer) { gMessageObservers.delete(observer); } /** * Handles the message coming from FormAutofillChild. * * @param {object} message * @param {string} message.name The name of the message. * @param {object} message.data The data of the message. */ async receiveMessage({ name, data }) { switch (name) { case "FormAutofill:InitStorage": { await lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.initialize(); await FormAutofillStatus.updateSavedFieldNames(); break; } case "FormAutofill:GetRecords": { const records = await FormAutofillParent.getRecords(data); return { records }; } case "FormAutofill:OnFormSubmit": { this.notifyMessageObservers("onFormSubmitted", data); await this._onFormSubmit(data); break; } case "FormAutofill:OpenPreferences": { const win = lazy.BrowserWindowTracker.getTopWindow(); win.openPreferences("privacy-form-autofill"); break; } case "FormAutofill:GetDecryptedString": { let { cipherText, reauth } = data; if ( !FormAutofillUtils.getOSAuthEnabled(AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_REAUTH_PREF) ) { lazy.log.debug("Reauth is disabled"); reauth = false; } let string; try { string = await lazy.OSKeyStore.decrypt(cipherText, reauth); } catch (e) { if (e.result != Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT) { throw e; } lazy.log.warn("User canceled encryption login"); } return string; } case "FormAutofill:UpdateWarningMessage": this.notifyMessageObservers("updateWarningNote", data); break; case "FormAutofill:FieldsIdentified": this.notifyMessageObservers("fieldsIdentified", data); break; // The remaining Save and Remove messages are invoked only by tests. case "FormAutofill:SaveAddress": { if (data.guid) { await lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.addresses.update( data.guid, data.address ); } else { await lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.addresses.add(data.address); } break; } case "FormAutofill:SaveCreditCard": { // Setting the first parameter of OSKeyStore.ensurLoggedIn as false // since this case only called in tests. Also the reason why we're not calling FormAutofill.verifyUserOSAuth. if (!(await lazy.OSKeyStore.ensureLoggedIn(false)).authenticated) { lazy.log.warn("User canceled encryption login"); return undefined; } await lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.creditCards.add(data.creditcard); break; } case "FormAutofill:RemoveAddresses": { data.guids.forEach(guid => lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.addresses.remove(guid) ); break; } case "FormAutofill:RemoveCreditCards": { data.guids.forEach(guid => lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.creditCards.remove(guid) ); break; } case "PasswordManager:offerRelayIntegration": { FirefoxRelayTelemetry.recordRelayOfferedEvent( "clicked", data.telemetry.flowId, data.telemetry.scenarioName ); return this.#offerRelayIntegration(); } case "PasswordManager:generateRelayUsername": { FirefoxRelayTelemetry.recordRelayUsernameFilledEvent( "clicked", data.telemetry.flowId ); return this.#generateRelayUsername(); } } return undefined; } get formOrigin() { return lazy.LoginHelper.getLoginOrigin( this.manager.documentPrincipal?.originNoSuffix ); } getRootBrowser() { return this.browsingContext.topFrameElement; } async #offerRelayIntegration() { const browser = this.getRootBrowser(); return lazy.FirefoxRelay.offerRelayIntegration(browser, this.formOrigin); } async #generateRelayUsername() { const browser = this.getRootBrowser(); return lazy.FirefoxRelay.generateUsername(browser, this.formOrigin); } notifyMessageObservers(callbackName, data) { for (let observer of gMessageObservers) { try { if (callbackName in observer) { observer[callbackName]( data, this.manager.browsingContext.topChromeWindow ); } } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); } } } /** * Retrieves autocomplete entries for a given search string and data context. * * @param {string} searchString * The search string used to filter autocomplete entries. * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.fieldName * The name of the field for which autocomplete entries are being fetched. * @param {string} options.scenarioName * The scenario name used in the autocomplete operation to fetch external entries. * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to an object containing two properties: `records` and `externalEntries`. * `records` is an array of autofill records from the form's internal data, sorted by `timeLastUsed`. * `externalEntries` is an array of external autocomplete items fetched based on the scenario. */ async searchAutoCompleteEntries(searchString, options) { const { fieldName, scenarioName } = options; const relayPromise = lazy.FirefoxRelay.autocompleteItemsAsync({ formOrigin: this.formOrigin, scenarioName, hasInput: !!searchString?.length, }); const recordsPromise = FormAutofillParent.getRecords({ searchString, fieldName, }); const [records, externalEntries] = await Promise.all([ recordsPromise, relayPromise, ]); // Sort addresses by timeLastUsed for showing the lastest used address at top. records.sort((a, b) => b.timeLastUsed - a.timeLastUsed); return { records, externalEntries }; } /** * Get the records from profile store and return results back to content * process. It will decrypt the credit card number and append * "cc-number-decrypted" to each record if OSKeyStore isn't set. * * This is static as a unit test calls this. * * @param {object} data * @param {string} data.searchString * The typed string for filtering out the matched records. * @param {string} data.collectionName * The name used to specify which collection to retrieve records. * @param {string} data.fieldName * The field name to search. If not specified, return all records in * the collection */ static async getRecords({ searchString, collectionName, fieldName }) { // Derive the collection name from field name if it doesn't exist collectionName ||= FormAutofillUtils.getCollectionNameFromFieldName(fieldName); const collection = lazy.gFormAutofillStorage[collectionName]; if (!collection) { return []; } const records = await collection.getAll(); if (!fieldName || !records.length) { return records; } // We don't filter "cc-number" if (collectionName == CREDITCARDS_COLLECTION_NAME) { if (fieldName == "cc-number") { return records.filter(record => !!record["cc-number"]); } } const lcSearchString = searchString.toLowerCase(); return records.filter(record => { const fieldValue = record[fieldName]; if (!fieldValue) { return false; } if ( collectionName == ADDRESSES_COLLECTION_NAME && record.country && !FormAutofill.isAutofillAddressesAvailableInCountry(record.country) ) { // Address autofill isn't supported for the record's country so we don't // want to attempt to potentially incorrectly fill the address fields. return false; } return ( !lcSearchString || String(fieldValue).toLowerCase().startsWith(lcSearchString) ); }); } async _onAddressSubmit(address, browser) { const storage = lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.addresses; // Make sure record is normalized before comparing with records in the storage try { storage._normalizeRecord(address.record); } catch (_e) { return false; } const newAddress = new lazy.AddressComponent( address.record, // Invalid address fields in the address form will not be captured. { ignoreInvalid: true } ); // Exams all stored record to determine whether to show the prompt or not. let mergeableFields = []; let preserveFields = []; let oldRecord = {}; for (const record of await storage.getAll()) { const savedAddress = new lazy.AddressComponent(record); // filter invalid field const result = newAddress.compare(savedAddress); // If any of the fields in the new address are different from the corresponding fields // in the saved address, the two addresses are considered different. For example, if // the name, email, country are the same but the street address is different, the two // addresses are not considered the same. if (Object.values(result).includes("different")) { continue; } // If none of the fields in the new address are mergeable, the new address is considered // a duplicate of a local address. Therefore, we don't need to capture this address. const fields = Object.entries(result) .filter(v => ["superset", "similar"].includes(v[1])) .map(v => v[0]); if (!fields.length) { lazy.log.debug( "A duplicated address record is found, do not show the prompt" ); storage.notifyUsed(record.guid); return false; } // If the new address is neither a duplicate of the saved address nor a different address. // There must be at least one field we can merge, show the update doorhanger lazy.log.debug( "A mergeable address record is found, show the update prompt" ); // If one record has fewer mergeable fields compared to another, it suggests greater similarity // to the merged record. In such cases, we opt for the record with the fewest mergeable fields. // TODO: Bug 1830841. Add a testcase if (!mergeableFields.length || mergeableFields > fields.length) { mergeableFields = fields; preserveFields = Object.entries(result) .filter(v => ["same", "subset"].includes(v[1])) .map(v => v[0]); oldRecord = record; } } // Find a mergeable old record, construct the new record by only copying mergeable fields // from the new address. let newRecord = {}; if (mergeableFields.length) { // TODO: This is only temporarily, should be removed after Bug 1836438 is fixed if (mergeableFields.includes("name")) { mergeableFields.push("given-name", "additional-name", "family-name"); } mergeableFields.forEach(f => { if (f in newAddress.record) { newRecord[f] = newAddress.record[f]; } }); if (preserveFields.includes("name")) { preserveFields.push("given-name", "additional-name", "family-name"); } preserveFields.forEach(f => { if (f in oldRecord) { newRecord[f] = oldRecord[f]; } }); } else { newRecord = newAddress.record; } if (!this._shouldShowSaveAddressPrompt(newAddress.record)) { return false; } return async () => { await lazy.FormAutofillPrompter.promptToSaveAddress( browser, storage, address.flowId, { oldRecord, newRecord } ); }; } async _onCreditCardSubmit(creditCard, browser) { const storage = lazy.gFormAutofillStorage.creditCards; // Make sure record is normalized before comparing with records in the storage try { storage._normalizeRecord(creditCard.record); } catch (_e) { return false; } // If the record alreay exists in the storage, don't bother showing the prompt const matchRecord = ( await storage.getMatchRecords(creditCard.record).next() ).value; if (matchRecord) { storage.notifyUsed(matchRecord.guid); return false; } // Suppress the pending doorhanger from showing up if user disabled credit card in previous doorhanger. if (!FormAutofill.isAutofillCreditCardsEnabled) { return false; } // Overwrite the guid if there is a duplicate const duplicateRecord = (await storage.getDuplicateRecords(creditCard.record).next()).value ?? {}; return async () => { await lazy.FormAutofillPrompter.promptToSaveCreditCard( browser, storage, creditCard.flowId, { oldRecord: duplicateRecord, newRecord: creditCard.record } ); }; } async _onFormSubmit(data) { let { address, creditCard } = data; let browser = this.manager.browsingContext.top.embedderElement; // Transmit the telemetry immediately in the meantime form submitted, and handle these pending // doorhangers at a later. await Promise.all( [ await Promise.all( address.map(addrRecord => this._onAddressSubmit(addrRecord, browser)) ), await Promise.all( creditCard.map(ccRecord => this._onCreditCardSubmit(ccRecord, browser) ) ), ] .map(pendingDoorhangers => { return pendingDoorhangers.filter( pendingDoorhanger => !!pendingDoorhanger && typeof pendingDoorhanger == "function" ); }) .map(pendingDoorhangers => (async () => { for (const showDoorhanger of pendingDoorhangers) { await showDoorhanger(); } })() ) ); } _shouldShowSaveAddressPrompt(record) { if (!FormAutofill.isAutofillAddressesCaptureEnabled) { return false; } // Do not save address for regions that we don't support if ( FormAutofill._isAutofillAddressesAvailable == "detect" && !FormAutofill.isAutofillAddressesAvailableInCountry(record.country) ) { lazy.log.debug( `Do not show the address capture prompt for unsupported regions - ${record.country}` ); return false; } // Display the address capture doorhanger only when the submitted form contains all // the required fields. This approach is implemented to prevent excessive prompting. const requiredFields = FormAutofill.addressCaptureRequiredFields ?? []; if (!requiredFields.every(field => field in record)) { lazy.log.debug( "Do not show the address capture prompt when the submitted form doesn't contain all the required fields" ); return false; } return true; } previewFields(result) { try { const profile = result.style == "autofill" ? JSON.parse(result.comment) : null; this.sendAsyncMessage("FormAutofill:PreviewProfile", profile); } catch (e) { lazy.log.debug("Fail to get preview profile: ", e.message); } } autofillFields(result) { if (result.style == "autofill") { try { const profile = JSON.parse(result.comment); this.sendAsyncMessage("FormAutofill:FillForm", profile); } catch (e) { lazy.log.debug("Fail to get autofill profile."); } } } }