/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { FormAutofillUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillUtils.sys.mjs"; import { FormAutofillCreditCardSection } from "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillSection.sys.mjs"; const { FIELD_STATES } = FormAutofillUtils; class AutofillTelemetryBase { SUPPORTED_FIELDS = {}; EVENT_CATEGORY = null; EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION = null; SCALAR_DETECTED_SECTION_COUNT = null; SCALAR_SUBMITTED_SECTION_COUNT = null; HISTOGRAM_NUM_USES = null; HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES = null; HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES_KEY = null; #initFormEventExtra(value) { let extra = {}; for (const field of Object.values(this.SUPPORTED_FIELDS)) { extra[field] = value; } return extra; } #setFormEventExtra(extra, key, value) { if (!this.SUPPORTED_FIELDS[key]) { return; } extra[this.SUPPORTED_FIELDS[key]] = value; } /** * Building the extra keys object that is included in the Legacy Telemetry event `cc_form_v2` * or `address_form` event and the Glean event `cc_form`, and `address_form`. * It indicates the detected credit card or address fields and which method (autocomplete property, regular expression heuristics or fathom) identified them. * * @param {object} section Using section.fieldDetails to extract which fields were identified and how * @param {string} undetected Default value when a field is not detected: 'undetected' (Glean) and 'false' in (Legacy) * @param {string} autocomplete Value when a field is identified with autocomplete property: 'autocomplete' (Glean), 'true' (Legacy) * @param {string} regexp Value when a field is identified with regex expression heuristics: 'regexp' (Glean), '0' (Legacy) * @param {boolean} includeMultiPart Include multi part data or not * @returns {object} Extra keys to include in the form event */ #buildFormDetectedEventExtra( section, undetected, autocomplete, regexp, includeMultiPart ) { let extra = this.#initFormEventExtra(undetected); let identified = new Set(); section.fieldDetails.forEach(detail => { identified.add(detail.fieldName); if (detail.reason == "autocomplete") { this.#setFormEventExtra(extra, detail.fieldName, autocomplete); } else { // confidence exists only when a field is identified by fathom. let confidence = detail.confidence > 0 ? Math.floor(100 * detail.confidence) / 100 : 0; this.#setFormEventExtra( extra, detail.fieldName, confidence ? confidence.toString() : regexp ); } if ( detail.fieldName === "cc-number" && this.SUPPORTED_FIELDS[detail.fieldName] && includeMultiPart ) { extra.cc_number_multi_parts = detail.part ?? 1; } }); return extra; } recordFormDetected(section) { this.recordFormEvent( "detected", section.flowId, this.#buildFormDetectedEventExtra(section, "false", "true", "0", false) ); this.recordGleanFormEvent( "formDetected", section.flowId, this.#buildFormDetectedEventExtra( section, "undetected", "autocomplete", "regexp", true ) ); } recordPopupShown(section, fieldName) { const extra = { field_name: fieldName }; this.recordFormEvent("popup_shown", section.flowId, extra); this.recordGleanFormEvent("formPopupShown", section.flowId, extra); } recordFormFilled(section, profile) { // Calculate values for telemetry let extra = this.#initFormEventExtra("unavailable"); for (let fieldDetail of section.fieldDetails) { let element = fieldDetail.element; let state = profile[fieldDetail.fieldName] ? "filled" : "not_filled"; if ( section.handler.getFilledStateByElement(element) == FIELD_STATES.NORMAL && (HTMLSelectElement.isInstance(element) || (HTMLInputElement.isInstance(element) && element.value.length)) ) { state = "user_filled"; } this.#setFormEventExtra(extra, fieldDetail.fieldName, state); } this.recordFormEvent("filled", section.flowId, extra); this.recordGleanFormEvent("formFilled", section.flowId, extra); } recordFilledModified(section, fieldName) { const extra = { field_name: fieldName }; this.recordFormEvent("filled_modified", section.flowId, extra); this.recordGleanFormEvent("formFilledModified", section.flowId, extra); } recordFormSubmitted(section, record, _form) { let extra = this.#initFormEventExtra("unavailable"); if (record.guid !== null) { // If the `guid` is not null, it means we're editing an existing record. // In that case, all fields in the record are autofilled, and fields in // `untouchedFields` are unmodified. for (const [fieldName, value] of Object.entries(record.record)) { if (record.untouchedFields?.includes(fieldName)) { this.#setFormEventExtra(extra, fieldName, "autofilled"); } else if (value) { this.#setFormEventExtra(extra, fieldName, "user_filled"); } else { this.#setFormEventExtra(extra, fieldName, "not_filled"); } } } else { Object.keys(record.record).forEach(fieldName => this.#setFormEventExtra(extra, fieldName, "user_filled") ); } this.recordFormEvent("submitted", section.flowId, extra); this.recordGleanFormEvent("formSubmitted", section.flowId, extra); } recordFormCleared(section, fieldName) { const extra = { field_name: fieldName }; // Note that when a form is cleared, we also record `filled_modified` events // for all the fields that have been cleared. this.recordFormEvent("cleared", section.flowId, extra); this.recordGleanFormEvent("formCleared", section.flowId, extra); } recordFormEvent(method, flowId, extra) { Services.telemetry.recordEvent( this.EVENT_CATEGORY, method, this.EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION, flowId, extra ); } recordGleanFormEvent(_eventName, _flowId, _extra) { throw new Error("Not implemented."); } recordFormInteractionEvent( method, section, { fieldName, profile, record, form } = {} ) { if (!this.EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION) { return undefined; } switch (method) { case "detected": return this.recordFormDetected(section); case "popup_shown": return this.recordPopupShown(section, fieldName); case "filled": return this.recordFormFilled(section, profile); case "filled_modified": return this.recordFilledModified(section, fieldName); case "submitted": return this.recordFormSubmitted(section, record, form); case "cleared": return this.recordFormCleared(section, fieldName); } return undefined; } recordDoorhangerEvent(method, object, flowId) { Services.telemetry.recordEvent(this.EVENT_CATEGORY, method, object, flowId); } recordManageEvent(method) { Services.telemetry.recordEvent(this.EVENT_CATEGORY, method, "manage"); } recordAutofillProfileCount(_count) { throw new Error("Not implemented."); } recordDetectedSectionCount() { if (!this.SCALAR_DETECTED_SECTION_COUNT) { return; } Services.telemetry.scalarAdd(this.SCALAR_DETECTED_SECTION_COUNT, 1); } recordSubmittedSectionCount(count) { if (!this.SCALAR_SUBMITTED_SECTION_COUNT || !count) { return; } Services.telemetry.scalarAdd(this.SCALAR_SUBMITTED_SECTION_COUNT, count); } recordNumberOfUse(records) { let histogram = Services.telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById( this.HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES ); histogram.clear(); for (let record of records) { histogram.add(this.HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES_KEY, record.timesUsed); } } } export class AddressTelemetry extends AutofillTelemetryBase { EVENT_CATEGORY = "address"; EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION = "address_form"; EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION_EXT = "address_form_ext"; SCALAR_DETECTED_SECTION_COUNT = "formautofill.addresses.detected_sections_count"; SCALAR_SUBMITTED_SECTION_COUNT = "formautofill.addresses.submitted_sections_count"; SCALAR_AUTOFILL_PROFILE_COUNT = "formautofill.addresses.autofill_profiles_count"; HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES = "AUTOFILL_PROFILE_NUM_USES"; HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES_KEY = "address"; // Fields that are record in `address_form` and `address_form_ext` telemetry SUPPORTED_FIELDS = { "street-address": "street_address", "address-line1": "address_line1", "address-line2": "address_line2", "address-line3": "address_line3", "address-level1": "address_level1", "address-level2": "address_level2", "postal-code": "postal_code", country: "country", name: "name", "given-name": "given_name", "additional-name": "additional_name", "family-name": "family_name", email: "email", organization: "organization", tel: "tel", }; // Fields that are record in `address_form` event telemetry extra_keys static SUPPORTED_FIELDS_IN_FORM = [ "street_address", "address_line1", "address_line2", "address_line3", "address_level2", "address_level1", "postal_code", "country", ]; // Fields that are record in `address_form_ext` event telemetry extra_keys static SUPPORTED_FIELDS_IN_FORM_EXT = [ "name", "given_name", "additional_name", "family_name", "email", "organization", "tel", ]; recordGleanFormEvent(_eventName, _flowId, _extra) { // To be implemented when migrating the legacy event address.address_form to Glean } recordFormEvent(method, flowId, extra) { let extExtra = {}; if (["detected", "filled", "submitted"].includes(method)) { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(extra)) { if (AddressTelemetry.SUPPORTED_FIELDS_IN_FORM_EXT.includes(key)) { extExtra[key] = value; delete extra[key]; } } } Services.telemetry.recordEvent( this.EVENT_CATEGORY, method, this.EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION, flowId, extra ); if (Object.keys(extExtra).length) { Services.telemetry.recordEvent( this.EVENT_CATEGORY, method, this.EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION_EXT, flowId, extExtra ); } } recordAutofillProfileCount(count) { Services.telemetry.scalarSet(this.SCALAR_AUTOFILL_PROFILE_COUNT, count); } } class CreditCardTelemetry extends AutofillTelemetryBase { EVENT_CATEGORY = "creditcard"; EVENT_OBJECT_FORM_INTERACTION = "cc_form_v2"; SCALAR_DETECTED_SECTION_COUNT = "formautofill.creditCards.detected_sections_count"; SCALAR_SUBMITTED_SECTION_COUNT = "formautofill.creditCards.submitted_sections_count"; HISTOGRAM_NUM_USES = "CREDITCARD_NUM_USES"; HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES = "AUTOFILL_PROFILE_NUM_USES"; HISTOGRAM_PROFILE_NUM_USES_KEY = "credit_card"; // Mapping of field name used in formautofill code to the field name // used in the telemetry. SUPPORTED_FIELDS = { "cc-name": "cc_name", "cc-number": "cc_number", "cc-type": "cc_type", "cc-exp": "cc_exp", "cc-exp-month": "cc_exp_month", "cc-exp-year": "cc_exp_year", }; recordLegacyFormEvent(method, flowId, extra = null) { Services.telemetry.recordEvent( this.EVENT_CATEGORY, method, "cc_form", flowId, extra ); } recordGleanFormEvent(eventName, flowId, extra) { extra.flow_id = flowId; Glean.formautofillCreditcards[eventName].record(extra); } recordFormDetected(section) { super.recordFormDetected(section); let identified = new Set(); section.fieldDetails.forEach(detail => { identified.add(detail.fieldName); }); let extra = { cc_name_found: identified.has("cc-name") ? "true" : "false", cc_number_found: identified.has("cc-number") ? "true" : "false", cc_exp_found: identified.has("cc-exp") || (identified.has("cc-exp-month") && identified.has("cc-exp-year")) ? "true" : "false", }; this.recordLegacyFormEvent("detected", section.flowId, extra); } recordPopupShown(section, fieldName) { super.recordPopupShown(section, fieldName); this.recordLegacyFormEvent("popup_shown", section.flowId); } recordFormFilled(section, profile) { super.recordFormFilled(section, profile); // Calculate values for telemetry let extra = { cc_name: "unavailable", cc_number: "unavailable", cc_exp: "unavailable", }; for (let fieldDetail of section.fieldDetails) { let element = fieldDetail.element; let state = profile[fieldDetail.fieldName] ? "filled" : "not_filled"; if ( section.handler.getFilledStateByElement(element) == FIELD_STATES.NORMAL && (HTMLSelectElement.isInstance(element) || (HTMLInputElement.isInstance(element) && element.value.length)) ) { state = "user_filled"; } switch (fieldDetail.fieldName) { case "cc-name": extra.cc_name = state; break; case "cc-number": extra.cc_number = state; break; case "cc-exp": case "cc-exp-month": case "cc-exp-year": extra.cc_exp = state; break; } } this.recordLegacyFormEvent("filled", section.flowId, extra); } recordFilledModified(section, fieldName) { super.recordFilledModified(section, fieldName); let extra = { field_name: fieldName }; this.recordLegacyFormEvent("filled_modified", section.flowId, extra); } /** * Called when a credit card form is submitted * * @param {object} section Section that produces this record * @param {object} record Credit card record filled in the form. * @param {Array} form Form that contains the section */ recordFormSubmitted(section, record, form) { super.recordFormSubmitted(section, record, form); // For legacy cc_form event telemetry let extra = { fields_not_auto: "0", fields_auto: "0", fields_modified: "0", }; if (record.guid !== null) { let totalCount = form.elements.length; let autofilledCount = Object.keys(record.record).length; let unmodifiedCount = record.untouchedFields.length; extra.fields_not_auto = (totalCount - autofilledCount).toString(); extra.fields_auto = autofilledCount.toString(); extra.fields_modified = (autofilledCount - unmodifiedCount).toString(); } else { // If the `guid` is null, we're filling a new form. // In that case, all not-null fields are manually filled. extra.fields_not_auto = Array.from(form.elements) .filter(element => !!element.value?.trim().length) .length.toString(); } this.recordLegacyFormEvent("submitted", section.flowId, extra); } recordNumberOfUse(records) { super.recordNumberOfUse(records); if (!this.HISTOGRAM_NUM_USES) { return; } let histogram = Services.telemetry.getHistogramById( this.HISTOGRAM_NUM_USES ); histogram.clear(); for (let record of records) { histogram.add(record.timesUsed); } } recordAutofillProfileCount(count) { Glean.formautofillCreditcards.autofillProfilesCount.set(count); } } export class AutofillTelemetry { static #creditCardTelemetry = new CreditCardTelemetry(); static #addressTelemetry = new AddressTelemetry(); // const for `type` parameter used in the utility functions static ADDRESS = "address"; static CREDIT_CARD = "creditcard"; static #getTelemetryBySection(section) { return section instanceof FormAutofillCreditCardSection ? this.#creditCardTelemetry : this.#addressTelemetry; } static #getTelemetryByType(type) { return type == AutofillTelemetry.CREDIT_CARD ? this.#creditCardTelemetry : this.#addressTelemetry; } /** * Utility functions for `doorhanger` event (defined in Events.yaml) * * Category: address or creditcard * Event name: doorhanger */ static recordDoorhangerShown(type, object, flowId) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryByType(type); telemetry.recordDoorhangerEvent("show", object, flowId); } static recordDoorhangerClicked(type, method, object, flowId) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryByType(type); // We don't have `create` method in telemetry, we treat `create` as `save` switch (method) { case "create": method = "save"; break; case "open-pref": method = "pref"; break; case "learn-more": method = "learn_more"; break; } telemetry.recordDoorhangerEvent(method, object, flowId); } /** * Utility functions for form event (defined in Events.yaml) * * Category: address or creditcard * Event name: cc_form, cc_form_v2, or address_form */ static recordFormInteractionEvent( method, section, { fieldName, profile, record, form } = {} ) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryBySection(section); telemetry.recordFormInteractionEvent(method, section, { fieldName, profile, record, form, }); } /** * Utility functions for submitted section count scalar (defined in Scalars.yaml) * * Category: formautofill.creditCards or formautofill.addresses * Scalar name: submitted_sections_count */ static recordDetectedSectionCount(section) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryBySection(section); telemetry.recordDetectedSectionCount(); } static recordSubmittedSectionCount(type, count) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryByType(type); telemetry.recordSubmittedSectionCount(count); } static recordManageEvent(type, method) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryByType(type); telemetry.recordManageEvent(method); } static recordAutofillProfileCount(type, count) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryByType(type); telemetry.recordAutofillProfileCount(count); } /** * Utility functions for address/credit card number of use */ static recordNumberOfUse(type, records) { const telemetry = this.#getTelemetryByType(type); telemetry.recordNumberOfUse(records); } static recordFormSubmissionHeuristicCount(label) { Glean.formautofill.formSubmissionHeuristic[label].add(1); } }