/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { FormAutofill } from "resource://autofill/FormAutofill.sys.mjs"; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { CreditCard: "resource://gre/modules/CreditCard.sys.mjs", FormAutofillNameUtils: "resource://gre/modules/shared/FormAutofillNameUtils.sys.mjs", OSKeyStore: "resource://gre/modules/OSKeyStore.sys.mjs", AddressMetaDataLoader: "resource://gre/modules/shared/AddressMetaDataLoader.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter( lazy, "l10n", () => new Localization( ["toolkit/formautofill/formAutofill.ftl", "branding/brand.ftl"], true ) ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "Crypto", "@mozilla.org/login-manager/crypto/SDR;1", "nsILoginManagerCrypto" ); export let FormAutofillUtils; const ADDRESSES_COLLECTION_NAME = "addresses"; const CREDITCARDS_COLLECTION_NAME = "creditCards"; const AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_REAUTH_PREF = FormAutofill.AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_REAUTH_PREF; const MANAGE_ADDRESSES_L10N_IDS = [ "autofill-add-address-title", "autofill-manage-addresses-title", ]; const EDIT_ADDRESS_L10N_IDS = [ "autofill-address-given-name", "autofill-address-additional-name", "autofill-address-family-name", "autofill-address-name", "autofill-address-organization", "autofill-address-street", "autofill-address-state", "autofill-address-province", "autofill-address-city", "autofill-address-country", "autofill-address-zip", "autofill-address-postal-code", "autofill-address-email", "autofill-address-tel", "autofill-edit-address-title", "autofill-address-neighborhood", "autofill-address-village-township", "autofill-address-island", "autofill-address-townland", "autofill-address-district", "autofill-address-county", "autofill-address-post-town", "autofill-address-suburb", "autofill-address-parish", "autofill-address-prefecture", "autofill-address-area", "autofill-address-do-si", "autofill-address-department", "autofill-address-emirate", "autofill-address-oblast", "autofill-address-pin", "autofill-address-eircode", "autofill-address-country-only", "autofill-cancel-button", "autofill-save-button", ]; const MANAGE_CREDITCARDS_L10N_IDS = [ "autofill-add-card-title", "autofill-manage-payment-methods-title", ]; const EDIT_CREDITCARD_L10N_IDS = [ "autofill-card-number", "autofill-card-name-on-card", "autofill-card-expires-month", "autofill-card-expires-year", "autofill-card-network", ]; const FIELD_STATES = { NORMAL: "NORMAL", AUTO_FILLED: "AUTO_FILLED", PREVIEW: "PREVIEW", }; const FORM_SUBMISSION_REASON = { FORM_SUBMIT_EVENT: "form-submit-event", FORM_REMOVAL_AFTER_FETCH: "form-removal-after-fetch", IFRAME_PAGEHIDE: "iframe-pagehide", PAGE_NAVIGATION: "page-navigation", }; const ELIGIBLE_INPUT_TYPES = ["text", "email", "tel", "number", "month"]; // The maximum length of data to be saved in a single field for preventing DoS // attacks that fill the user's hard drive(s). const MAX_FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH = 200; FormAutofillUtils = { get AUTOFILL_FIELDS_THRESHOLD() { return 3; }, ADDRESSES_COLLECTION_NAME, CREDITCARDS_COLLECTION_NAME, AUTOFILL_CREDITCARDS_REAUTH_PREF, MANAGE_ADDRESSES_L10N_IDS, EDIT_ADDRESS_L10N_IDS, MANAGE_CREDITCARDS_L10N_IDS, EDIT_CREDITCARD_L10N_IDS, MAX_FIELD_VALUE_LENGTH, FIELD_STATES, FORM_SUBMISSION_REASON, _fieldNameInfo: { name: "name", "given-name": "name", "additional-name": "name", "family-name": "name", organization: "organization", "street-address": "address", "address-line1": "address", "address-line2": "address", "address-line3": "address", "address-level1": "address", "address-level2": "address", "postal-code": "address", country: "address", "country-name": "address", tel: "tel", "tel-country-code": "tel", "tel-national": "tel", "tel-area-code": "tel", "tel-local": "tel", "tel-local-prefix": "tel", "tel-local-suffix": "tel", "tel-extension": "tel", email: "email", "cc-name": "creditCard", "cc-given-name": "creditCard", "cc-additional-name": "creditCard", "cc-family-name": "creditCard", "cc-number": "creditCard", "cc-exp-month": "creditCard", "cc-exp-year": "creditCard", "cc-exp": "creditCard", "cc-type": "creditCard", "cc-csc": "creditCard", }, _collators: {}, _reAlternativeCountryNames: {}, isAddressField(fieldName) { return ( !!this._fieldNameInfo[fieldName] && !this.isCreditCardField(fieldName) ); }, isCreditCardField(fieldName) { return this._fieldNameInfo?.[fieldName] == "creditCard"; }, isCCNumber(ccNumber) { return ccNumber && lazy.CreditCard.isValidNumber(ccNumber); }, /** * Get the decrypted value for a string pref. * * @param {string} prefName -> The pref whose value is needed. * @param {string} safeDefaultValue -> Value to be returned incase the pref is not yet set. * @returns {string} */ getSecurePref(prefName, safeDefaultValue) { try { const encryptedValue = Services.prefs.getStringPref(prefName, ""); return encryptedValue === "" ? safeDefaultValue : lazy.Crypto.decrypt(encryptedValue); } catch { return safeDefaultValue; } }, /** * Set the pref to the encrypted form of the value. * * @param {string} prefName -> The pref whose value is to be set. * @param {string} value -> The value to be set in its encrypted form. */ setSecurePref(prefName, value) { if (value) { const encryptedValue = lazy.Crypto.encrypt(value); Services.prefs.setStringPref(prefName, encryptedValue); } else { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(prefName); } }, /** * Get whether the OSAuth is enabled or not. * * @param {string} prefName -> The name of the pref (creditcards or addresses) * @returns {boolean} */ getOSAuthEnabled(prefName) { return ( lazy.OSKeyStore.canReauth() && this.getSecurePref(prefName, "") !== "opt out" ); }, /** * Set whether the OSAuth is enabled or not. * * @param {string} prefName -> The pref to encrypt. * @param {boolean} enable -> Whether the pref is to be enabled. */ setOSAuthEnabled(prefName, enable) { this.setSecurePref(prefName, enable ? null : "opt out"); }, async verifyUserOSAuth( prefName, promptMessage, captionDialog = "", parentWindow = null, generateKeyIfNotAvailable = true ) { if (!this.getOSAuthEnabled(prefName)) { promptMessage = false; } try { return ( await lazy.OSKeyStore.ensureLoggedIn( promptMessage, captionDialog, parentWindow, generateKeyIfNotAvailable ) ).authenticated; } catch (ex) { // Since Win throws an exception whereas Mac resolves to false upon cancelling. if (ex.result !== Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE) { throw ex; } } return false; }, /** * Get the array of credit card network ids ("types") we expect and offer as valid choices * * @returns {Array} */ getCreditCardNetworks() { return lazy.CreditCard.getSupportedNetworks(); }, getCategoryFromFieldName(fieldName) { return this._fieldNameInfo[fieldName]; }, getCategoriesFromFieldNames(fieldNames) { let categories = new Set(); for (let fieldName of fieldNames) { let info = this.getCategoryFromFieldName(fieldName); if (info) { categories.add(info); } } return Array.from(categories); }, getCollectionNameFromFieldName(fieldName) { return this.isCreditCardField(fieldName) ? CREDITCARDS_COLLECTION_NAME : ADDRESSES_COLLECTION_NAME; }, getAddressSeparator() { // The separator should be based on the L10N address format, and using a // white space is a temporary solution. return " "; }, /** * Get address display label. It should display information separated * by a comma. * * @param {object} address * @returns {string} */ getAddressLabel(address) { // TODO: Implement a smarter way for deciding what to display // as option text. Possibly improve the algorithm in // ProfileAutoCompleteResult.sys.mjs and reuse it here. let fieldOrder = [ "name", "-moz-street-address-one-line", // Street address "address-level3", // Townland / Neighborhood / Village "address-level2", // City/Town "organization", // Company or organization name "address-level1", // Province/State (Standardized code if possible) "country", // Country name "postal-code", // Postal code "tel", // Phone number "email", // Email address ]; address = { ...address }; let parts = []; if (address["street-address"]) { address["-moz-street-address-one-line"] = this.toOneLineAddress( address["street-address"] ); } if (!("name" in address)) { address.name = lazy.FormAutofillNameUtils.joinNameParts({ given: address["given-name"], middle: address["additional-name"], family: address["family-name"], }); } for (const fieldName of fieldOrder) { let string = address[fieldName]; if (string) { parts.push(string); } } return parts.join(", "); }, /** * Internal method to split an address to multiple parts per the provided delimiter, * removing blank parts. * * @param {string} address The address the split * @param {string} [delimiter] The separator that is used between lines in the address * @returns {string[]} */ _toStreetAddressParts(address, delimiter = "\n") { let array = typeof address == "string" ? address.split(delimiter) : address; if (!Array.isArray(array)) { return []; } return array.map(s => (s ? s.trim() : "")).filter(s => s); }, /** * Converts a street address to a single line, removing linebreaks marked by the delimiter * * @param {string} address The address the convert * @param {string} [delimiter] The separator that is used between lines in the address * @returns {string} */ toOneLineAddress(address, delimiter = "\n") { let addressParts = this._toStreetAddressParts(address, delimiter); return addressParts.join(this.getAddressSeparator()); }, /** * In-place concatenate tel-related components into a single "tel" field and * delete unnecessary fields. * * @param {object} address An address record. */ compressTel(address) { let telCountryCode = address["tel-country-code"] || ""; let telAreaCode = address["tel-area-code"] || ""; if (!address.tel) { if (address["tel-national"]) { address.tel = telCountryCode + address["tel-national"]; } else if (address["tel-local"]) { address.tel = telCountryCode + telAreaCode + address["tel-local"]; } else if (address["tel-local-prefix"] && address["tel-local-suffix"]) { address.tel = telCountryCode + telAreaCode + address["tel-local-prefix"] + address["tel-local-suffix"]; } } for (let field in address) { if (field != "tel" && this.getCategoryFromFieldName(field) == "tel") { delete address[field]; } } }, /** * Determines if an element can be autofilled or not. * * @param {HTMLElement} element * @returns {boolean} true if the element can be autofilled */ isFieldAutofillable(element) { return element && !element.readOnly && !element.disabled; }, /** * Determines if an element is visually hidden or not. * * @param {HTMLElement} element * @param {boolean} visibilityCheck true to run visiblity check against * element.checkVisibility API. Otherwise, test by only checking * `hidden` and `display` attributes * @returns {boolean} true if the element is visible */ isFieldVisible(element, visibilityCheck = true) { if ( visibilityCheck && element.checkVisibility && !FormAutofillUtils.ignoreVisibilityCheck ) { return element.checkVisibility({ checkOpacity: true, checkVisibilityCSS: true, }); } return !element.hidden && element.style.display != "none"; }, /** * Determines if an element is eligible to be used by credit card or address autofill. * * @param {HTMLElement} element * @returns {boolean} true if element can be used by credit card or address autofill */ isCreditCardOrAddressFieldType(element) { if (!element) { return false; } if (HTMLInputElement.isInstance(element)) { // `element.type` can be recognized as `text`, if it's missing or invalid. return ELIGIBLE_INPUT_TYPES.includes(element.type); } return HTMLSelectElement.isInstance(element); }, loadDataFromScript(url, sandbox = {}) { Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript(url, sandbox); return sandbox; }, /** * Get country address data and fallback to US if not found. * See AddressMetaDataLoader.#loadData for more details of addressData structure. * * @param {string} [country=FormAutofill.DEFAULT_REGION] * The country code for requesting specific country's metadata. It'll be * default region if parameter is not set. * @param {string} [level1=null] * Return address level 1/level 2 metadata if parameter is set. * @returns {object|null} * Return metadata of specific region with default locale and other supported * locales. We need to return a default country metadata for layout format * and collator, but for sub-region metadata we'll just return null if not found. */ getCountryAddressRawData( country = FormAutofill.DEFAULT_REGION, level1 = null ) { let metadata = lazy.AddressMetaDataLoader.getData(country, level1); if (!metadata) { if (level1) { return null; } // Fallback to default region if we couldn't get data from given country. if (country != FormAutofill.DEFAULT_REGION) { metadata = lazy.AddressMetaDataLoader.getData( FormAutofill.DEFAULT_REGION ); } } // TODO: Now we fallback to US if we couldn't get data from default region, // but it could be removed in bug 1423464 if it's not necessary. if (!metadata) { metadata = lazy.AddressMetaDataLoader.getData("US"); } return metadata; }, /** * Get country address data with default locale. * * @param {string} country * @param {string} level1 * @returns {object|null} Return metadata of specific region with default locale. * NOTE: The returned data may be for a default region if the * specified one cannot be found. Callers who only want the specific * region should check the returned country code. */ getCountryAddressData(country, level1) { let metadata = this.getCountryAddressRawData(country, level1); return metadata && metadata.defaultLocale; }, /** * Get country address data with all locales. * * @param {string} country * @param {string} level1 * @returns {Array | null} * Return metadata of specific region with all the locales. * NOTE: The returned data may be for a default region if the * specified one cannot be found. Callers who only want the specific * region should check the returned country code. */ getCountryAddressDataWithLocales(country, level1) { let metadata = this.getCountryAddressRawData(country, level1); return metadata && [metadata.defaultLocale, ...metadata.locales]; }, /** * Get the collators based on the specified country. * * @param {string} country The specified country. * @param {object} [options = {}] a list of options for this method * @param {boolean} [options.ignorePunctuation = true] Whether punctuation should be ignored. * @param {string} [options.sensitivity = 'base'] Which differences in the strings should lead to non-zero result values * @param {string} [options.usage = 'search'] Whether the comparison is for sorting or for searching for matching strings * @returns {Array} An array containing several collator objects. */ getSearchCollators( country, { ignorePunctuation = true, sensitivity = "base", usage = "search" } = {} ) { // TODO: Only one language should be used at a time per country. The locale // of the page should be taken into account to do this properly. // We are going to support more countries in bug 1370193 and this // should be addressed when we start to implement that bug. if (!this._collators[country]) { let dataset = this.getCountryAddressData(country); let languages = dataset.languages || [dataset.lang]; let options = { ignorePunctuation, sensitivity, usage, }; this._collators[country] = languages.map( lang => new Intl.Collator(lang, options) ); } return this._collators[country]; }, // Based on the list of fields abbreviations in // https://github.com/googlei18n/libaddressinput/wiki/AddressValidationMetadata FIELDS_LOOKUP: { N: "name", O: "organization", A: "street-address", S: "address-level1", C: "address-level2", D: "address-level3", Z: "postal-code", n: "newLine", }, /** * Parse a country address format string and outputs an array of fields. * Spaces, commas, and other literals are ignored in this implementation. * For example, format string "%A%n%C, %S" should return: * [ * {fieldId: "street-address", newLine: true}, * {fieldId: "address-level2"}, * {fieldId: "address-level1"}, * ] * * @param {string} fmt Country address format string * @returns {Array} List of fields */ parseAddressFormat(fmt) { if (!fmt) { throw new Error("fmt string is missing."); } return fmt.match(/%[^%]/g).reduce((parsed, part) => { // Take the first letter of each segment and try to identify it let fieldId = this.FIELDS_LOOKUP[part[1]]; // Early return if cannot identify part. if (!fieldId) { return parsed; } // If a new line is detected, add an attribute to the previous field. if (fieldId == "newLine") { let size = parsed.length; if (size) { parsed[size - 1].newLine = true; } return parsed; } return parsed.concat({ fieldId }); }, []); }, /** * Used to populate dropdowns in the UI (e.g. FormAutofill preferences). * Use findAddressSelectOption for matching a value to a region. * * @param {string[]} subKeys An array of regionCode strings * @param {string[]} subIsoids An array of ISO ID strings, if provided will be preferred over the key * @param {string[]} subNames An array of regionName strings * @param {string[]} subLnames An array of latinised regionName strings * @returns {Map?} Returns null if subKeys or subNames are not truthy. * Otherwise, a Map will be returned mapping keys -> names. */ buildRegionMapIfAvailable(subKeys, subIsoids, subNames, subLnames) { // Not all regions have sub_keys. e.g. DE if ( !subKeys || !subKeys.length || (!subNames && !subLnames) || (subNames && subKeys.length != subNames.length) || (subLnames && subKeys.length != subLnames.length) ) { return null; } // Overwrite subKeys with subIsoids, when available if (subIsoids && subIsoids.length && subIsoids.length == subKeys.length) { for (let i = 0; i < subIsoids.length; i++) { if (subIsoids[i]) { subKeys[i] = subIsoids[i]; } } } // Apply sub_lnames if sub_names does not exist let names = subNames || subLnames; return new Map(subKeys.map((key, index) => [key, names[index]])); }, /** * Parse a require string and outputs an array of fields. * Spaces, commas, and other literals are ignored in this implementation. * For example, a require string "ACS" should return: * ["street-address", "address-level2", "address-level1"] * * @param {string} requireString Country address require string * @returns {Array} List of fields */ parseRequireString(requireString) { if (!requireString) { throw new Error("requireString string is missing."); } return requireString.split("").map(fieldId => this.FIELDS_LOOKUP[fieldId]); }, /** * Use address data and alternative country name list to identify a country code from a * specified country name. * * @param {string} countryName A country name to be identified * @param {string} [countrySpecified] A country code indicating that we only * search its alternative names if specified. * @returns {string} The matching country code. */ identifyCountryCode(countryName, countrySpecified) { if (!countryName) { return null; } if (lazy.AddressMetaDataLoader.getData(countryName)) { return countryName; } const countries = countrySpecified ? [countrySpecified] : [...FormAutofill.countries.keys()]; for (const country of countries) { let collators = this.getSearchCollators(country); let metadata = this.getCountryAddressData(country); if (country != metadata.key) { // We hit the fallback logic in getCountryAddressRawData so ignore it as // it's not related to `country` and use the name from l10n instead. metadata = { id: `data/${country}`, key: country, name: FormAutofill.countries.get(country), }; } let alternativeCountryNames = metadata.alternative_names || [ metadata.name, ]; let reAlternativeCountryNames = this._reAlternativeCountryNames[country]; if (!reAlternativeCountryNames) { reAlternativeCountryNames = this._reAlternativeCountryNames[country] = []; } if (countryName.length == 3) { if (this.strCompare(metadata.alpha_3_code, countryName, collators)) { return country; } } for (let i = 0; i < alternativeCountryNames.length; i++) { let name = alternativeCountryNames[i]; let reName = reAlternativeCountryNames[i]; if (!reName) { reName = reAlternativeCountryNames[i] = new RegExp( "\\b" + this.escapeRegExp(name) + "\\b", "i" ); } if ( this.strCompare(name, countryName, collators) || reName.test(countryName) ) { return country; } } } return null; }, findSelectOption(selectEl, record, fieldName) { if (this.isAddressField(fieldName)) { return this.findAddressSelectOption(selectEl.options, record, fieldName); } if (this.isCreditCardField(fieldName)) { return this.findCreditCardSelectOption(selectEl, record, fieldName); } return null; }, /** * Try to find the abbreviation of the given sub-region name * * @param {string[]} subregionValues A list of inferable sub-region values. * @param {string} [country] A country name to be identified. * @returns {string} The matching sub-region abbreviation. */ getAbbreviatedSubregionName(subregionValues, country) { let values = Array.isArray(subregionValues) ? subregionValues : [subregionValues]; let collators = this.getSearchCollators(country); for (let metadata of this.getCountryAddressDataWithLocales(country)) { let { sub_keys: subKeys, sub_names: subNames, sub_lnames: subLnames, } = metadata; if (!subKeys) { // Not all regions have sub_keys. e.g. DE continue; } // Apply sub_lnames if sub_names does not exist subNames = subNames || subLnames; let speculatedSubIndexes = []; for (const val of values) { let identifiedValue = this.identifyValue( subKeys, subNames, val, collators ); if (identifiedValue) { return identifiedValue; } // Predict the possible state by partial-matching if no exact match. [subKeys, subNames].forEach(sub => { speculatedSubIndexes.push( sub.findIndex(token => { let pattern = new RegExp( "\\b" + this.escapeRegExp(token) + "\\b" ); return pattern.test(val); }) ); }); } let subKey = subKeys[speculatedSubIndexes.find(i => !!~i)]; if (subKey) { return subKey; } } return null; }, /** * Find the option element from select element. * 1. Try to find the locale using the country from address. * 2. First pass try to find exact match. * 3. Second pass try to identify values from address value and options, * and look for a match. * * @param {Array<{text: string, value: string}>} options * @param {object} address * @param {string} fieldName * @returns {DOMElement} */ findAddressSelectOption(options, address, fieldName) { if (options.length > 512) { // Allow enough space for all countries (roughly 300 distinct values) and all // timezones (roughly 400 distinct values), plus some extra wiggle room. return null; } let value = address[fieldName]; if (!value) { return null; } let collators = this.getSearchCollators(address.country); for (const option of options) { if ( this.strCompare(value, option.value, collators) || this.strCompare(value, option.text, collators) ) { return option; } } switch (fieldName) { case "address-level1": { let { country } = address; let identifiedValue = this.getAbbreviatedSubregionName( [value], country ); // No point going any further if we cannot identify value from address level 1 if (!identifiedValue) { return null; } for (let dataset of this.getCountryAddressDataWithLocales(country)) { let keys = dataset.sub_keys; if (!keys) { // Not all regions have sub_keys. e.g. DE continue; } // Apply sub_lnames if sub_names does not exist let names = dataset.sub_names || dataset.sub_lnames; // Go through options one by one to find a match. // Also check if any option contain the address-level1 key. let pattern = new RegExp( "\\b" + this.escapeRegExp(identifiedValue) + "\\b", "i" ); for (const option of options) { let optionValue = this.identifyValue( keys, names, option.value, collators ); let optionText = this.identifyValue( keys, names, option.text, collators ); if ( identifiedValue === optionValue || identifiedValue === optionText || pattern.test(option.value) ) { return option; } } } break; } case "country": { if (this.getCountryAddressData(value)) { for (const option of options) { if ( this.identifyCountryCode(option.text, value) || this.identifyCountryCode(option.value, value) ) { return option; } } } break; } } return null; }, /** * Find the option element from xul menu popups, as used in address capture * doorhanger. * * This is a proxy to `findAddressSelectOption`, which expects HTML select * DOM nodes and operates on options instead of xul menuitems. * * NOTE: This is a temporary solution until Bug 1886949 is landed. This * method will then be removed `findAddressSelectOption` will be used * directly. * * @param {XULPopupElement} menupopup * @param {object} address * @param {string} fieldName * @returns {XULElement} */ findAddressSelectOptionWithMenuPopup(menupopup, address, fieldName) { const options = Array.from(menupopup.childNodes).map(menuitem => ({ text: menuitem.label, value: menuitem.value, menuitem, })); return this.findAddressSelectOption(options, address, fieldName)?.menuitem; }, findCreditCardSelectOption(selectEl, creditCard, fieldName) { let oneDigitMonth = creditCard["cc-exp-month"] ? creditCard["cc-exp-month"].toString() : null; let twoDigitsMonth = oneDigitMonth ? oneDigitMonth.padStart(2, "0") : null; let fourDigitsYear = creditCard["cc-exp-year"] ? creditCard["cc-exp-year"].toString() : null; let twoDigitsYear = fourDigitsYear ? fourDigitsYear.substr(2, 2) : null; let options = Array.from(selectEl.options); switch (fieldName) { case "cc-exp-month": { if (!oneDigitMonth) { return null; } for (let option of options) { if ( [option.text, option.label, option.value].some(s => { let result = /[1-9]\d*/.exec(s); return result && result[0] == oneDigitMonth; }) ) { return option; } } break; } case "cc-exp-year": { if (!fourDigitsYear) { return null; } for (let option of options) { if ( [option.text, option.label, option.value].some( s => s == twoDigitsYear || s == fourDigitsYear ) ) { return option; } } break; } case "cc-exp": { if (!oneDigitMonth || !fourDigitsYear) { return null; } let patterns = [ oneDigitMonth + "/" + twoDigitsYear, // 8/22 oneDigitMonth + "/" + fourDigitsYear, // 8/2022 twoDigitsMonth + "/" + twoDigitsYear, // 08/22 twoDigitsMonth + "/" + fourDigitsYear, // 08/2022 oneDigitMonth + "-" + twoDigitsYear, // 8-22 oneDigitMonth + "-" + fourDigitsYear, // 8-2022 twoDigitsMonth + "-" + twoDigitsYear, // 08-22 twoDigitsMonth + "-" + fourDigitsYear, // 08-2022 twoDigitsYear + "-" + twoDigitsMonth, // 22-08 fourDigitsYear + "-" + twoDigitsMonth, // 2022-08 fourDigitsYear + "/" + oneDigitMonth, // 2022/8 twoDigitsMonth + twoDigitsYear, // 0822 twoDigitsYear + twoDigitsMonth, // 2208 ]; for (let option of options) { if ( [option.text, option.label, option.value].some(str => patterns.some(pattern => str.includes(pattern)) ) ) { return option; } } break; } case "cc-type": { let network = creditCard["cc-type"] || ""; for (let option of options) { if ( [option.text, option.label, option.value].some( s => lazy.CreditCard.getNetworkFromName(s) == network ) ) { return option; } } break; } } return null; }, /** * Try to match value with keys and names, but always return the key. * * @param {Array} keys * @param {Array} names * @param {string} value * @param {Array} collators * @returns {string} */ identifyValue(keys, names, value, collators) { let resultKey = keys.find(key => this.strCompare(value, key, collators)); if (resultKey) { return resultKey; } let index = names.findIndex(name => this.strCompare(value, name, collators) ); if (index !== -1) { return keys[index]; } return null; }, /** * Compare if two strings are the same. * * @param {string} a * @param {string} b * @param {Array} collators * @returns {boolean} */ strCompare(a = "", b = "", collators) { return collators.some(collator => !collator.compare(a, b)); }, /** * Determine whether one string(b) may be found within another string(a) * * @param {string} a * @param {string} b * @param {Array} collators * @returns {boolean} True if the string is found */ strInclude(a = "", b = "", collators) { const len = a.length - b.length; for (let i = 0; i <= len; i++) { if (this.strCompare(a.substring(i, i + b.length), b, collators)) { return true; } } return false; }, /** * Escaping user input to be treated as a literal string within a regular * expression. * * @param {string} string * @returns {string} */ escapeRegExp(string) { return string.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); }, /** * Get formatting information of a given country * * @param {string} country * @returns {object} * { * {string} addressLevel3L10nId * {string} addressLevel2L10nId * {string} addressLevel1L10nId * {string} postalCodeL10nId * {object} fieldsOrder * {string} postalCodePattern * } */ getFormFormat(country) { let dataset = this.getCountryAddressData(country); // We hit a country fallback in `getCountryAddressRawData` but it's not relevant here. if (country != dataset.key) { // Use a sparse object so the below default values take effect. dataset = { /** * Even though data/ZZ only has address-level2, include the other levels * in case they are needed for unknown countries. Users can leave the * unnecessary fields blank which is better than forcing users to enter * the data in incorrect fields. */ fmt: "%N%n%O%n%A%n%C %S %Z", }; } return { // When particular values are missing for a country, the // data/ZZ value should be used instead: // https://chromium-i18n.appspot.com/ssl-aggregate-address/data/ZZ addressLevel3L10nId: this.getAddressFieldL10nId( dataset.sublocality_name_type || "suburb" ), addressLevel2L10nId: this.getAddressFieldL10nId( dataset.locality_name_type || "city" ), addressLevel1L10nId: this.getAddressFieldL10nId( dataset.state_name_type || "province" ), addressLevel1Options: this.buildRegionMapIfAvailable( dataset.sub_keys, dataset.sub_isoids, dataset.sub_names, dataset.sub_lnames ), countryRequiredFields: this.parseRequireString(dataset.require || "AC"), fieldsOrder: this.parseAddressFormat(dataset.fmt || "%N%n%O%n%A%n%C"), postalCodeL10nId: this.getAddressFieldL10nId( dataset.zip_name_type || "postal-code" ), postalCodePattern: dataset.zip, }; }, /** * Converts a Map to an array of objects with `value` and `text` properties ( option like). * * @param {Map} optionsMap * @returns {Array<{ value: string, text: string }>|null} */ optionsMapToArray(optionsMap) { return optionsMap?.size ? [...optionsMap].map(([value, text]) => ({ value, text })) : null; }, /** * Get flattened form layout information of a given country * TODO(Bug 1891730): Remove getFormFormat and use this instead. * * @param {object} record - An object containing at least the 'country' property. * @returns {Array} Flattened array with the address fiels in order. */ getFormLayout(record) { const formFormat = this.getFormFormat(record.country); let fieldsInOrder = formFormat.fieldsOrder; // Add missing fields that are always present but not in the .fmt of addresses // TODO: extend libaddress later to support this if possible fieldsInOrder = [ ...fieldsInOrder, { fieldId: "country", options: this.optionsMapToArray(FormAutofill.countries), required: true, }, { fieldId: "tel", type: "tel" }, { fieldId: "email", type: "email" }, ]; const addressLevel1Options = this.optionsMapToArray( formFormat.addressLevel1Options ); const addressLevel1SelectedValue = addressLevel1Options ? this.findAddressSelectOption( addressLevel1Options, record, "address-level1" )?.value : record["address-level1"]; for (const field of fieldsInOrder) { const flattenedObject = { fieldId: field.fieldId, newLine: field.newLine, l10nId: this.getAddressFieldL10nId(field.fieldId), required: formFormat.countryRequiredFields.includes(field.fieldId), value: record[field.fieldId] ?? "", ...(field.fieldId === "street-address" && { l10nId: "autofill-address-street", multiline: true, }), ...(field.fieldId === "address-level1" && { l10nId: formFormat.addressLevel1L10nId, options: addressLevel1Options, value: addressLevel1SelectedValue, }), ...(field.fieldId === "address-level2" && { l10nId: formFormat.addressLevel2L10nId, }), ...(field.fieldId === "address-level3" && { l10nId: formFormat.addressLevel3L10nId, }), ...(field.fieldId === "postal-code" && { pattern: formFormat.postalCodePattern, l10nId: formFormat.postalCodeL10nId, }), }; Object.assign(field, flattenedObject); } return fieldsInOrder; }, getAddressFieldL10nId(type) { return "autofill-address-" + type.replace(/_/g, "-"); }, CC_FATHOM_NONE: 0, CC_FATHOM_JS: 1, CC_FATHOM_NATIVE: 2, isFathomCreditCardsEnabled() { return this.ccHeuristicsMode != this.CC_FATHOM_NONE; }, /** * Transform the key in FormAutofillConfidences (defined in ChromeUtils.webidl) * to fathom recognized field type. * * @param {string} key key from FormAutofillConfidences dictionary * @returns {string} fathom field type */ formAutofillConfidencesKeyToCCFieldType(key) { const MAP = { ccNumber: "cc-number", ccName: "cc-name", ccType: "cc-type", ccExp: "cc-exp", ccExpMonth: "cc-exp-month", ccExpYear: "cc-exp-year", }; return MAP[key]; }, /** * Generates the localized os dialog message that * prompts the user to reauthenticate * * @param {string} msgMac fluent message id for macos clients * @param {string} msgWin fluent message id for windows clients * @param {string} msgOther fluent message id for other clients * @param {string} msgLin (optional) fluent message id for linux clients * @returns {string} localized os prompt message */ reauthOSPromptMessage(msgMac, msgWin, msgOther, msgLin = null) { const platform = AppConstants.platform; let messageID; switch (platform) { case "win": messageID = msgWin; break; case "macosx": messageID = msgMac; break; case "linux": messageID = msgLin ?? msgOther; break; default: messageID = msgOther; } return lazy.l10n.formatValueSync(messageID); }, }; ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(FormAutofillUtils, "stringBundle", function () { return Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://formautofill/locale/formautofill.properties" ); }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(FormAutofillUtils, "brandBundle", function () { return Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties" ); }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( FormAutofillUtils, "_reauthEnabledByUser", "extensions.formautofill.reauth.enabled", false ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( FormAutofillUtils, "ccHeuristicsMode", "extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.mode", 0 ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( FormAutofillUtils, "ccFathomConfidenceThreshold", "extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.fathom.confidenceThreshold", null, null, pref => parseFloat(pref) ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( FormAutofillUtils, "ccFathomHighConfidenceThreshold", "extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.fathom.highConfidenceThreshold", null, null, pref => parseFloat(pref) ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( FormAutofillUtils, "ccFathomTestConfidence", "extensions.formautofill.creditCards.heuristics.fathom.testConfidence", null, null, pref => parseFloat(pref) ); // This is only used in iOS XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( FormAutofillUtils, "focusOnAutofill", "extensions.formautofill.focusOnAutofill", true ); // This is only used for testing XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( FormAutofillUtils, "ignoreVisibilityCheck", "extensions.formautofill.test.ignoreVisibilityCheck", false );