// -*- mode: C++ -*- /* This file is auto-generated by run_glean_parser.py. It is only for internal use by types in toolkit/components/glean/bindings/private */ {# The rendered source is autogenerated, but this Jinja2 template is not. Please file bugs! #} #include "mozilla/AppShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/glean/bindings/GleanJSMetricsLookup.h" #include "mozilla/glean/bindings/jog/JOG.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "nsIThread.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #ifndef mozilla_glean_{{ probe_type }}GifftMap_h #define mozilla_glean_{{ probe_type }}GifftMap_h #define DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT ({{runtime_metric_bit}}) #define GLEAN_METRIC_ID(id) ((id) & ((1ULL << {{id_bits}}) - 1)) namespace mozilla::glean { using Telemetry::{{ probe_type }}ID; {% if probe_type == "Scalar" %} static inline bool IsSubmetricId(uint32_t aId) { // Submetrics have the 2^{{id_bits - id_signal_bits}} bit set. // (ID_BITS - ID_SIGNAL_BITS, keep it in sync with js.py). return (aId & (1 << {{id_bits - id_signal_bits}})) > 0; } {% endif %} static{% if probe_type == "Event" or probe_type == "Scalar" %} inline{% endif %} Maybe<{{ probe_type }}ID> {{ probe_type }}IdForMetric(uint32_t aId) { switch(aId) { {% for id, (mirror, metric_name) in ids_to_probes.items() %} case {{ id }}: { // {{ metric_name }} return Some({{ probe_type }}ID::{{ mirror }}); } {% endfor %} default: { if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(aId & (1 << DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT))) { // Dynamic (runtime-registered) metric. Use its static (compiletime- // registered) metric's telemetry_mirror mapping. // ...if applicable. // Only JS can use dynamic (runtime-registered) metric ids. MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); auto metricName = JOG::GetMetricName(aId); // All of these should have names, but the storage only lasts until // XPCOMWillShutdown, so it might return `Nothing()`. if (metricName.isSome()) { auto maybeMetric = MetricByNameLookup(metricName.ref()); if (maybeMetric.isSome()) { uint32_t staticId = GLEAN_METRIC_ID(maybeMetric.value()); // Let's ensure we don't infinite loop, huh. MOZ_ASSERT(!(staticId & (1 << DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT))); return {{ probe_type }}IdForMetric(staticId); } } } return Nothing(); } } } } // namespace mozilla::glean #undef GLEAN_METRIC_ID #undef DYNAMIC_METRIC_BIT #endif // mozilla_glean_{{ probe_type }}GifftMaps_h