/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs";

const lazy = {};

ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
  ExperimentManager: "resource://nimbus/lib/ExperimentManager.sys.mjs",
  ExperimentStore: "resource://nimbus/lib/ExperimentStore.sys.mjs",
  FeatureManifest: "resource://nimbus/FeatureManifest.sys.mjs",
  RemoteSettings: "resource://services-settings/remote-settings.sys.mjs",

  Services.appinfo.processType === Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;

const COLLECTION_ID_PREF = "messaging-system.rsexperimentloader.collection_id";
const COLLECTION_ID_FALLBACK = "nimbus-desktop-experiments";
const EXPOSURE_EVENT_CATEGORY = "normandy";
const EXPOSURE_EVENT_METHOD = "expose";
const EXPOSURE_EVENT_OBJECT = "nimbus_experiment";

function parseJSON(value) {
  if (value) {
    try {
      return JSON.parse(value);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;

function featuresCompat(branch) {
  if (!branch) {
    return [];
  let { features } = branch;
  // In <=v1.5.0 of the Nimbus API, experiments had single feature
  if (!features) {
    features = [branch.feature];

  return features;

function getBranchFeature(enrollment, targetFeatureId) {
  return featuresCompat(enrollment.branch).find(
    ({ featureId }) => featureId === targetFeatureId

const experimentBranchAccessor = {
  get: (target, prop) => {
    // Offer an API where we can access `branch.feature.*`.
    // This is a useful shorthand that hides the fact that
    // even single-feature recipes are still represented
    // as an array with 1 item
    if (!(prop in target) && target.features) {
      return target.features.find(f => f.featureId === prop);
    } else if (target.feature?.featureId === prop) {
      // Backwards compatibility for version 1.6.2 and older
      return target.feature;

    return target[prop];

export const ExperimentAPI = {
   * @returns {Promise} Resolves when the API has synchronized to the main store
  ready() {
    return this._store.ready();

   * Returns an experiment, including all its metadata
   * Sends exposure event
   * @param {{slug?: string, featureId?: string}} options slug = An experiment identifier
   * or feature = a stable identifier for a type of experiment
   * @returns {{slug: string, active: bool}} A matching experiment if one is found.
  getExperiment({ slug, featureId } = {}) {
    if (!slug && !featureId) {
      throw new Error(
        "getExperiment(options) must include a slug or a feature."
    let experimentData;
    try {
      if (slug) {
        experimentData = this._store.get(slug);
      } else if (featureId) {
        experimentData = this._store.getExperimentForFeature(featureId);
    } catch (e) {
    if (experimentData) {
      return {
        slug: experimentData.slug,
        active: experimentData.active,
        branch: new Proxy(experimentData.branch, experimentBranchAccessor),

    return null;

   * Used by getExperimentMetaData and getRolloutMetaData
   * @param {{slug: string, featureId: string}} options Enrollment identifier
   * @param isRollout Is enrollment an experiment or a rollout
   * @returns {object} Enrollment metadata
  getEnrollmentMetaData({ slug, featureId }, isRollout) {
    if (!slug && !featureId) {
      throw new Error(
        "getExperiment(options) must include a slug or a feature."

    let experimentData;
    try {
      if (slug) {
        experimentData = this._store.get(slug);
      } else if (featureId) {
        if (isRollout) {
          experimentData = this._store.getRolloutForFeature(featureId);
        } else {
          experimentData = this._store.getExperimentForFeature(featureId);
    } catch (e) {
    if (experimentData) {
      return {
        slug: experimentData.slug,
        active: experimentData.active,
        branch: { slug: experimentData.branch.slug },

    return null;

   * Return experiment slug its status and the enrolled branch slug
   * Does NOT send exposure event because you only have access to the slugs
  getExperimentMetaData(options) {
    return this.getEnrollmentMetaData(options);

   * Return rollout slug its status and the enrolled branch slug
   * Does NOT send exposure event because you only have access to the slugs
  getRolloutMetaData(options) {
    return this.getEnrollmentMetaData(options, true);

   * Return FeatureConfig from first active experiment where it can be found
   * @param {{slug: string, featureId: string }}
   * @returns {Branch | null}
  getActiveBranch({ slug, featureId }) {
    let experiment = null;
    try {
      if (slug) {
        experiment = this._store.get(slug);
      } else if (featureId) {
        experiment = this._store.getExperimentForFeature(featureId);
    } catch (e) {

    if (!experiment) {
      return null;

    // Default to null for feature-less experiments where we're only
    // interested in exposure.
    return experiment?.branch || null;

   * Deregisters an event listener.
   * @param {string} eventName
   * @param {function} callback
  off(eventName, callback) {
    this._store.off(eventName, callback);

   * Returns the recipe for a given experiment slug
   * This should noly be called from the main process.
   * Note that the recipe is directly fetched from RemoteSettings, which has
   * all the recipe metadata available without relying on the `this._store`.
   * Therefore, calling this function does not require to call `this.ready()` first.
   * @param slug {String} An experiment identifier
   * @returns {Recipe|undefined} A matching experiment recipe if one is found
  async getRecipe(slug) {
    if (!IS_MAIN_PROCESS) {
      throw new Error(
        "getRecipe() should only be called from the main process"

    let recipe;

    try {
      [recipe] = await this._remoteSettingsClient.get({
        // Do not sync the RS store, let RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader do that
        syncIfEmpty: false,
        filters: { slug },
    } catch (e) {
      // If an error occurs in .get(), an empty list is returned and the destructuring
      // assignment will throw.
      recipe = undefined;

    return recipe;

   * Returns all the branches for a given experiment slug
   * This should only be called from the main process. Like `getRecipe()`,
   * calling this function does not require to call `this.ready()` first.
   * @param slug {String} An experiment identifier
   * @returns {[Branches]|undefined} An array of branches for the given slug
  async getAllBranches(slug) {
    if (!IS_MAIN_PROCESS) {
      throw new Error(
        "getAllBranches() should only be called from the main process"

    const recipe = await this.getRecipe(slug);
    return recipe?.branches.map(
      branch => new Proxy(branch, experimentBranchAccessor)

  recordExposureEvent({ featureId, experimentSlug, branchSlug }) {
    Services.telemetry.setEventRecordingEnabled(EXPOSURE_EVENT_CATEGORY, true);
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      experiment: experimentSlug,
      branch: branchSlug,
      feature_id: featureId,

 * Singleton that holds lazy references to _ExperimentFeature instances
 * defined by the FeatureManifest
export const NimbusFeatures = {};

for (let feature in lazy.FeatureManifest) {
  ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(NimbusFeatures, feature, () => {
    return new _ExperimentFeature(feature);

export class _ExperimentFeature {
  constructor(featureId, manifest) {
    this.featureId = featureId;
    this.prefGetters = {};
    this.manifest = manifest || lazy.FeatureManifest[featureId];
    if (!this.manifest) {
        `No manifest entry for ${featureId}. Please add one to toolkit/components/nimbus/FeatureManifest.yaml`
    this._didSendExposureEvent = false;
    const variables = this.manifest?.variables || {};

    Object.keys(variables).forEach(key => {
      const { type, fallbackPref } = variables[key];
      if (fallbackPref) {
          () => {
          type === "json" ? parseJSON : val => val

  getSetPrefName(variable) {
    const setPref = this.manifest?.variables?.[variable]?.setPref;

    return setPref?.pref ?? setPref ?? undefined;

  getSetPref(variable) {
    return this.manifest?.variables?.[variable]?.setPref;

  getFallbackPrefName(variable) {
    return this.manifest?.variables?.[variable]?.fallbackPref;

   * Wait for ExperimentStore to load giving access to experiment features that
   * do not have a pref cache
  ready() {
    return ExperimentAPI.ready();

   * Lookup feature variables in experiments, rollouts, and fallback prefs.
   * @param {{defaultValues?: {[variableName: string]: any}}} options
   * @returns {{[variableName: string]: any}} The feature value
  getAllVariables({ defaultValues = null } = {}) {
    let enrollment = null;
    try {
      enrollment = ExperimentAPI._store.getExperimentForFeature(this.featureId);
    } catch (e) {
    let featureValue = this._getLocalizedValue(enrollment);

    if (typeof featureValue === "undefined") {
      try {
        enrollment = ExperimentAPI._store.getRolloutForFeature(this.featureId);
      } catch (e) {
      featureValue = this._getLocalizedValue(enrollment);

    return {

  getVariable(variable) {
    if (!this.manifest?.variables?.[variable]) {
      // Only throw in nightly/tests
      if (Cu.isInAutomation || AppConstants.NIGHTLY_BUILD) {
        throw new Error(
          `Nimbus: Warning - variable "${variable}" is not defined in FeatureManifest.yaml`

    // Next, check if an experiment is defined
    let enrollment = null;
    try {
      enrollment = ExperimentAPI._store.getExperimentForFeature(this.featureId);
    } catch (e) {
    let value = this._getLocalizedValue(enrollment, variable);
    if (typeof value !== "undefined") {
      return value;

    // Next, check for a rollout.
    try {
      enrollment = ExperimentAPI._store.getRolloutForFeature(this.featureId);
    } catch (e) {
    value = this._getLocalizedValue(enrollment, variable);
    if (typeof value !== "undefined") {
      return value;

    // Return the default preference value
    const prefName = this.getFallbackPrefName(variable);
    return prefName ? this.prefGetters[variable] : undefined;

  getRollout() {
    let remoteConfig = ExperimentAPI._store.getRolloutForFeature(
    if (!remoteConfig) {
      return null;

    if (remoteConfig.branch?.features) {
      return remoteConfig.branch?.features.find(
        f => f.featureId === this.featureId

    // This path is deprecated and will be removed in the future
    if (remoteConfig.branch?.feature) {
      return remoteConfig.branch.feature;

    return null;

  recordExposureEvent({ once = false } = {}) {
    if (once && this._didSendExposureEvent) {

    let enrollmentData = ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData({
      featureId: this.featureId,
    if (!enrollmentData) {
      enrollmentData = ExperimentAPI.getRolloutMetaData({
        featureId: this.featureId,

    // Exposure only sent if user is enrolled in an experiment
    if (enrollmentData) {
        featureId: this.featureId,
        experimentSlug: enrollmentData.slug,
        branchSlug: enrollmentData.branch?.slug,
      this._didSendExposureEvent = true;

  onUpdate(callback) {
    ExperimentAPI._store._onFeatureUpdate(this.featureId, callback);

  offUpdate(callback) {
    ExperimentAPI._store._offFeatureUpdate(this.featureId, callback);

   * The applications this feature applies to.
  get applications() {
    return this.manifest.applications ?? ["firefox-desktop"];

  debug() {
    return {
      variables: this.getAllVariables(),
      experiment: ExperimentAPI.getExperimentMetaData({
        featureId: this.featureId,
      fallbackPrefs: Object.keys(this.prefGetters).map(prefName => [
      rollouts: this.getRollout(),

   * Do recursive locale substitution on the values, if applicable.
   * If there are no localizations provided, the value will be returned as-is.
   * If the value is an object containing an $l10n key, its substitution will be
   * returned.
   * Otherwise, the value will be recursively substituted.
   * @param {unknown} values The values to perform substitutions upon.
   * @param {Record<string, string>} localizations The localization
   *        substitutions for a specific locale.
   * @param {Set<string>?} missingIds An optional set to collect all the IDs of
   *        all missing l10n entries.
   * @returns {any} The values, potentially locale substituted.
  static substituteLocalizations(
    missingIds = undefined
  ) {
    const result = _ExperimentFeature._substituteLocalizations(

    if (missingIds?.size) {
      throw new ExperimentLocalizationError("l10n-missing-entry");

    return result;

   * The implementation of localization substitution.
   * @param {unknown} values The values to perform substitutions upon.
   * @param {Record<string, string>} localizations The localization
   *        substitutions for a specific locale.
   * @param {Set<string>?} missingIds An optional set to collect all the IDs of
   *        all missing l10n entries.
   * @returns {any} The values, potentially locale substituted.
  static _substituteLocalizations(values, localizations, missingIds) {
    // If the recipe is not localized, we don't need to do anything.
    // Likewise, if the value we are attempting to localize is not an object,
    // there is nothing to localize.
    if (
      typeof localizations === "undefined" ||
      typeof values !== "object" ||
      values === null
    ) {
      return values;

    if (Array.isArray(values)) {
      return values.map(value =>

    const substituted = Object.assign({}, values);

    for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(values)) {
      if (
        key === "$l10n" &&
        typeof value === "object" &&
        value !== null &&
      ) {
        if (!Object.hasOwn(localizations, value.id)) {
          if (missingIds) {
          } else {
            throw new ExperimentLocalizationError("l10n-missing-entry");

        return localizations[value.id];

      substituted[key] = _ExperimentFeature._substituteLocalizations(

    return substituted;

   * Return a value (or all values) from an enrollment, potentially localized.
   * @param {Enrollment} enrollment - The enrollment to query for the value or values.
   * @param {string?} variable - The name of the variable to query for. If not
   *                             provided, all variables will be returned.
   * @returns {any} The value for the variable(s) in question.
  _getLocalizedValue(enrollment, variable = undefined) {
    if (enrollment) {
      const locale = Services.locale.appLocaleAsBCP47;

      if (
        typeof enrollment.localizations === "object" &&
        enrollment.localizations !== null &&
        (typeof enrollment.localizations[locale] !== "object" ||
          enrollment.localizations[locale] === null)
      ) {
        ExperimentAPI._manager.unenroll(enrollment.slug, "l10n-missing-locale");
        return undefined;

      const allValues = getBranchFeature(enrollment, this.featureId)?.value;
      const value =
        typeof variable === "undefined" ? allValues : allValues?.[variable];

      if (typeof value !== "undefined") {
        try {
          return _ExperimentFeature.substituteLocalizations(
        } catch (e) {
          // This should never happen.
          if (e instanceof ExperimentLocalizationError) {
            ExperimentAPI._manager.unenroll(enrollment.slug, e.reason);
          } else {
            throw e;

    return undefined;

ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(ExperimentAPI, "_manager", function () {
  return lazy.ExperimentManager;

ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(ExperimentAPI, "_store", function () {
    ? lazy.ExperimentManager.store
    : new lazy.ExperimentStore();

  function () {
    return lazy.RemoteSettings(lazy.COLLECTION_ID);

class ExperimentLocalizationError extends Error {
  constructor(reason) {
    super(`Localized experiment error (${reason})`);
    this.reason = reason;