/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ClientEnvironment: "resource://normandy/lib/ClientEnvironment.sys.mjs", ExperimentStore: "resource://nimbus/lib/ExperimentStore.sys.mjs", FirstStartup: "resource://gre/modules/FirstStartup.sys.mjs", NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", NormandyUtils: "resource://normandy/lib/NormandyUtils.sys.mjs", PrefUtils: "resource://normandy/lib/PrefUtils.sys.mjs", Sampling: "resource://gre/modules/components-utils/Sampling.sys.mjs", TelemetryEnvironment: "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryEnvironment.sys.mjs", TelemetryEvents: "resource://normandy/lib/TelemetryEvents.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => { const { Logger } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://messaging-system/lib/Logger.sys.mjs" ); return new Logger("ExperimentManager"); }); const TELEMETRY_EVENT_OBJECT = "nimbus_experiment"; const TELEMETRY_EXPERIMENT_ACTIVE_PREFIX = "nimbus-"; const TELEMETRY_DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT_TYPE = "nimbus"; const UPLOAD_ENABLED_PREF = "datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled"; const STUDIES_OPT_OUT_PREF = "app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled"; const STUDIES_ENABLED_CHANGED = "nimbus:studies-enabled-changed"; const ENROLLMENT_STATUS = { ENROLLED: "Enrolled", NOT_ENROLLED: "NotEnrolled", DISQUALIFIED: "Disqualified", WAS_ENROLLED: "WasEnrolled", ERROR: "Error", }; const ENROLLMENT_STATUS_REASONS = { QUALIFIED: "Qualified", OPT_IN: "OptIn", OPT_OUT: "OptOut", NOT_SELECTED: "NotSelected", NOT_TARGETED: "NotTargeted", ENROLLMENTS_PAUSED: "EnrollmentsPaused", FEATURE_CONFLICT: "FeatureConflict", ERROR: "Error", }; function featuresCompat(branch) { if (!branch || (!branch.feature && !branch.features)) { return []; } let { features } = branch; // In <=v1.5.0 of the Nimbus API, experiments had single feature if (!features) { features = [branch.feature]; } return features; } function getFeatureFromBranch(branch, featureId) { return featuresCompat(branch).find( featureConfig => featureConfig.featureId === featureId ); } /** * A module for processes Experiment recipes, choosing and storing enrollment state, * and sending experiment-related Telemetry. */ export class _ExperimentManager { constructor({ id = "experimentmanager", store } = {}) { this.id = id; this.store = store || new lazy.ExperimentStore(); this.sessions = new Map(); // By default, no extra context. this.extraContext = {}; Services.prefs.addObserver(UPLOAD_ENABLED_PREF, this); Services.prefs.addObserver(STUDIES_OPT_OUT_PREF, this); // A Map from pref names to pref observers and metadata. See // `_updatePrefObservers` for the full structure. this._prefs = new Map(); // A Map from enrollment slugs to a Set of prefs that enrollment is setting // or would set (e.g., if the enrollment is a rollout and there wasn't an // active experiment already setting it). this._prefsBySlug = new Map(); } get studiesEnabled() { return ( Services.prefs.getBoolPref(UPLOAD_ENABLED_PREF, false) && Services.prefs.getBoolPref(STUDIES_OPT_OUT_PREF, false) ); } /** * Creates a targeting context with following filters: * * * `activeExperiments`: an array of slugs of all the active experiments * * `isFirstStartup`: a boolean indicating whether or not the current enrollment * is performed during the first startup * * @returns {Object} A context object * @memberof _ExperimentManager */ createTargetingContext() { let context = { ...this.extraContext, isFirstStartup: lazy.FirstStartup.state === lazy.FirstStartup.IN_PROGRESS, get currentDate() { return new Date(); }, }; Object.defineProperty(context, "activeExperiments", { enumerable: true, get: async () => { await this.store.ready(); return this.store.getAllActiveExperiments().map(exp => exp.slug); }, }); Object.defineProperty(context, "activeRollouts", { enumerable: true, get: async () => { await this.store.ready(); return this.store.getAllActiveRollouts().map(rollout => rollout.slug); }, }); Object.defineProperty(context, "previousExperiments", { enumerable: true, get: async () => { await this.store.ready(); return this.store .getAll() .filter(enrollment => !enrollment.active && !enrollment.isRollout) .map(exp => exp.slug); }, }); Object.defineProperty(context, "previousRollouts", { enumerable: true, get: async () => { await this.store.ready(); return this.store .getAll() .filter(enrollment => !enrollment.active && enrollment.isRollout) .map(rollout => rollout.slug); }, }); Object.defineProperty(context, "enrollments", { enumerable: true, get: async () => { await this.store.ready(); return this.store.getAll().map(enrollment => enrollment.slug); }, }); Object.defineProperty(context, "enrollmentsMap", { enumerable: true, get: async () => { await this.store.ready(); return this.store.getAll().reduce((acc, enrollment) => { acc[enrollment.slug] = enrollment.branch.slug; return acc; }, {}); }, }); return context; } /** * Runs on startup, including before first run. * * @param {object} extraContext extra targeting context provided by the * ambient environment. */ async onStartup(extraContext = {}) { await this.store.init(); this.extraContext = extraContext; const restoredExperiments = this.store.getAllActiveExperiments(); const restoredRollouts = this.store.getAllActiveRollouts(); for (const experiment of restoredExperiments) { this.setExperimentActive(experiment); if (this._restoreEnrollmentPrefs(experiment)) { this._updatePrefObservers(experiment); } } for (const rollout of restoredRollouts) { this.setExperimentActive(rollout); if (this._restoreEnrollmentPrefs(rollout)) { this._updatePrefObservers(rollout); } } this.observe(); lazy.NimbusFeatures.nimbusTelemetry.onUpdate(() => { const cfg = lazy.NimbusFeatures.nimbusTelemetry.getVariable( "gleanMetricConfiguration" ) ?? {}; Services.fog.setMetricsFeatureConfig(JSON.stringify(cfg)); }); } /** * Runs every time a Recipe is updated or seen for the first time. * @param {RecipeArgs} recipe * @param {string} source */ async onRecipe(recipe, source) { const { slug, isEnrollmentPaused } = recipe; if (!source) { throw new Error("When calling onRecipe, you must specify a source."); } if (!this.sessions.has(source)) { this.sessions.set(source, new Set()); } this.sessions.get(source).add(slug); if (this.store.has(slug)) { await this.updateEnrollment(recipe, source); } else if (isEnrollmentPaused) { lazy.log.debug(`Enrollment is paused for "${slug}"`); } else if (!(await this.isInBucketAllocation(recipe.bucketConfig))) { lazy.log.debug("Client was not enrolled because of the bucket sampling"); } else { await this.enroll(recipe, source); } } _checkUnseenEnrollments( enrollments, sourceToCheck, recipeMismatches, invalidRecipes, invalidBranches, invalidFeatures, missingLocale, missingL10nIds ) { for (const enrollment of enrollments) { const { slug, source, branch } = enrollment; if (sourceToCheck !== source) { continue; } const statusTelemetry = { slug, branch: branch.slug, }; if (!this.sessions.get(source)?.has(slug)) { lazy.log.debug(`Stopping study for recipe ${slug}`); try { let reason; if (recipeMismatches.includes(slug)) { reason = "targeting-mismatch"; statusTelemetry.status = ENROLLMENT_STATUS.DISQUALIFIED; statusTelemetry.reason = ENROLLMENT_STATUS_REASONS.NOT_TARGETED; } else if (invalidRecipes.includes(slug)) { reason = "invalid-recipe"; } else if (invalidBranches.has(slug) || invalidFeatures.has(slug)) { reason = "invalid-branch"; } else if (missingLocale.includes(slug)) { reason = "l10n-missing-locale"; } else if (missingL10nIds.has(slug)) { reason = "l10n-missing-entry"; } else { reason = "recipe-not-seen"; statusTelemetry.status = ENROLLMENT_STATUS.WAS_ENROLLED; statusTelemetry.branch = branch.slug; } if (!statusTelemetry.status) { statusTelemetry.status = ENROLLMENT_STATUS.DISQUALIFIED; statusTelemetry.reason = ENROLLMENT_STATUS_REASONS.ERROR; statusTelemetry.error_string = reason; } this.unenroll(slug, reason); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } else { statusTelemetry.status = ENROLLMENT_STATUS.ENROLLED; statusTelemetry.reason = ENROLLMENT_STATUS_REASONS.QUALIFIED; } this.sendEnrollmentStatusTelemetry(statusTelemetry); } } /** * Removes stored enrollments that were not seen after syncing with Remote Settings * Runs when the all recipes been processed during an update, including at first run. * @param {string} sourceToCheck * @param {object} options Extra context used in telemetry reporting * @param {string[]} options.recipeMismatches * The list of experiments that do not match targeting. * @param {string[]} options.invalidRecipes * The list of recipes that do not match * @param {Map} options.invalidBranches * A mapping of experiment slugs to a list of branches that failed * feature validation. * @param {Map} options.invalidFeatures * The mapping of experiment slugs to a list of invalid feature IDs. * @param {string[]} options.missingLocale * The list of experiment slugs missing an entry in the localization * table for the current locale. * @param {Map} options.missingL10nIds * The mapping of experiment slugs to the IDs of localization entries * missing from the current locale. * @param {string | null} options.locale * The current locale. * @param {boolean} options.validationEnabled * Whether or not schema validation was enabled. */ onFinalize( sourceToCheck, { recipeMismatches = [], invalidRecipes = [], invalidBranches = new Map(), invalidFeatures = new Map(), missingLocale = [], missingL10nIds = new Map(), locale = null, validationEnabled = true, } = {} ) { if (!sourceToCheck) { throw new Error("When calling onFinalize, you must specify a source."); } const activeExperiments = this.store.getAllActiveExperiments(); const activeRollouts = this.store.getAllActiveRollouts(); this._checkUnseenEnrollments( activeExperiments, sourceToCheck, recipeMismatches, invalidRecipes, invalidBranches, invalidFeatures, missingLocale, missingL10nIds ); this._checkUnseenEnrollments( activeRollouts, sourceToCheck, recipeMismatches, invalidRecipes, invalidBranches, invalidFeatures, missingLocale, missingL10nIds ); // If schema validation is disabled, then we will never send these // validation failed telemetry events if (validationEnabled) { for (const slug of invalidRecipes) { this.sendValidationFailedTelemetry(slug, "invalid-recipe"); } for (const [slug, branches] of invalidBranches.entries()) { for (const branch of branches) { this.sendValidationFailedTelemetry(slug, "invalid-branch", { branch, }); } } for (const [slug, featureIds] of invalidFeatures.entries()) { for (const featureId of featureIds) { this.sendValidationFailedTelemetry(slug, "invalid-feature", { feature: featureId, }); } } } if (locale) { for (const slug of missingLocale.values()) { this.sendValidationFailedTelemetry(slug, "l10n-missing-locale", { locale, }); } for (const [slug, ids] of missingL10nIds.entries()) { this.sendValidationFailedTelemetry(slug, "l10n-missing-entry", { l10n_ids: ids.join(","), locale, }); } } this.sessions.delete(sourceToCheck); } /** * Bucket configuration specifies a specific percentage of clients that can * be enrolled. * @param {BucketConfig} bucketConfig * @returns {Promise} */ isInBucketAllocation(bucketConfig) { if (!bucketConfig) { lazy.log.debug("Cannot enroll if recipe bucketConfig is not set."); return false; } let id; if (bucketConfig.randomizationUnit === "normandy_id") { id = lazy.ClientEnvironment.userId; } else { // Others not currently supported. lazy.log.debug( `Invalid randomizationUnit: ${bucketConfig.randomizationUnit}` ); return false; } return lazy.Sampling.bucketSample( [id, bucketConfig.namespace], bucketConfig.start, bucketConfig.count, bucketConfig.total ); } /** * Start a new experiment by enrolling the users * * @param {RecipeArgs} recipe * @param {string} source * @param {object} options * @param {boolean} options.reenroll - Allow re-enrollment. Only allowed for rollouts. * @returns {Promise} The experiment object stored in the data store * @rejects {Error} * @memberof _ExperimentManager */ async enroll(recipe, source, { reenroll = false } = {}) { let { slug, branches } = recipe; const enrollment = this.store.get(slug); if ( enrollment && (enrollment.isActive || !enrollment.isRollout || !reenroll) ) { this.sendFailureTelemetry("enrollFailed", slug, "name-conflict"); throw new Error(`An experiment with the slug "${slug}" already exists.`); } let storeLookupByFeature = recipe.isRollout ? this.store.getRolloutForFeature.bind(this.store) : this.store.hasExperimentForFeature.bind(this.store); const branch = await this.chooseBranch(slug, branches); const features = featuresCompat(branch); for (let feature of features) { if (storeLookupByFeature(feature?.featureId)) { lazy.log.debug( `Skipping enrollment for "${slug}" because there is an existing ${ recipe.isRollout ? "rollout" : "experiment" } for this feature.` ); this.sendFailureTelemetry("enrollFailed", slug, "feature-conflict"); return null; } } return this._enroll(recipe, branch, source); } _enroll( { slug, experimentType = TELEMETRY_DEFAULT_EXPERIMENT_TYPE, userFacingName, userFacingDescription, featureIds, isRollout, localizations, }, branch, source, options = {} ) { const { prefs, prefsToSet } = this._getPrefsForBranch(branch, isRollout); /** @type {Enrollment} */ const experiment = { slug, branch, active: true, experimentType, source, userFacingName, userFacingDescription, lastSeen: new Date().toJSON(), featureIds, prefs, }; if (localizations) { experiment.localizations = localizations; } if (typeof isRollout !== "undefined") { experiment.isRollout = isRollout; } // Tag this as a forced enrollment. This prevents all unenrolling unless // manually triggered from about:studies if (options.force) { experiment.force = true; } if (isRollout) { experiment.experimentType = "rollout"; this.store.addEnrollment(experiment); this.setExperimentActive(experiment); } else { this.store.addEnrollment(experiment); this.setExperimentActive(experiment); } this.sendEnrollmentTelemetry(experiment); this._setEnrollmentPrefs(prefsToSet); this._updatePrefObservers(experiment); lazy.log.debug( `New ${isRollout ? "rollout" : "experiment"} started: ${slug}, ${ branch.slug }` ); return experiment; } forceEnroll(recipe, branch, source = "force-enrollment") { /** * If we happen to be enrolled in an experiment for the same feature * we need to unenroll from that experiment. * If the experiment has the same slug after unenrollment adding it to the * store will overwrite the initial experiment. */ const features = featuresCompat(branch); for (let feature of features) { const isRollout = recipe.isRollout ?? false; let enrollment = isRollout ? this.store.getRolloutForFeature(feature?.featureId) : this.store.getExperimentForFeature(feature?.featureId); if (enrollment) { lazy.log.debug( `Existing ${ isRollout ? "rollout" : "experiment" } found for the same feature ${feature.featureId}, unenrolling.` ); this.unenroll(enrollment.slug, source); } } recipe.userFacingName = `${recipe.userFacingName} - Forced enrollment`; const slug = `optin-${recipe.slug}`; const enrollment = this._enroll( { ...recipe, slug, }, branch, source, { force: true } ); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "nimbus:enrollments-updated", slug); return enrollment; } /** * Update an enrollment that was already set * * @param {RecipeArgs} recipe * @returns {boolean} whether the enrollment is still active */ async updateEnrollment(recipe, source) { /** @type Enrollment */ const enrollment = this.store.get(recipe.slug); // Don't update experiments that were already unenrolled. if (enrollment.active === false && !recipe.isRollout) { lazy.log.debug(`Enrollment ${recipe.slug} has expired, aborting.`); return false; } if (recipe.isRollout) { if (!(await this.isInBucketAllocation(recipe.bucketConfig))) { lazy.log.debug( `No longer meet bucketing for "${recipe.slug}"; unenrolling...` ); this.unenroll(recipe.slug, "bucketing"); return false; } else if ( !enrollment.active && enrollment.unenrollReason !== "individual-opt-out" ) { lazy.log.debug(`Re-enrolling in rollout "${recipe.slug}`); return !!(await this.enroll(recipe, source, { reenroll: true })); } } // Stay in the same branch, don't re-sample every time. const branch = recipe.branches.find( branch => branch.slug === enrollment.branch.slug ); if (!branch) { // Our branch has been removed. Unenroll. this.unenroll(recipe.slug, "branch-removed"); return false; } return true; } /** * Stop an enrollment that is currently active * * @param {string} slug * The slug of the enrollment to stop. * @param {string} reason * An optional reason for the unenrollment. * * This will be reported in telemetry. */ unenroll(slug, reason = "unknown") { const enrollment = this.store.get(slug); if (!enrollment) { this.sendFailureTelemetry("unenrollFailed", slug, "does-not-exist"); throw new Error(`Could not find an experiment with the slug "${slug}"`); } this._unenroll(enrollment, { reason }); } /** * Stop an enrollment that is currently active. * * @param {Enrollment} enrollment * The enrollment to end. * * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.reason * An optional reason for the unenrollment. * * This will be reported in telemetry. * * @param {object?} options.changedPref * If the unenrollment was due to pref change, this will contain the * information about the pref that changed. * * @param {string} options.changedPref.name * The name of the pref that caused the unenrollment. * * @param {string} options.changedPref.branch * The branch that was changed ("user" or "default"). */ _unenroll( enrollment, { reason = "unknown", changedPref = undefined, duringRestore = false } = {} ) { const { slug } = enrollment; if (!enrollment.active) { this.sendFailureTelemetry("unenrollFailed", slug, "already-unenrolled"); throw new Error( `Cannot stop experiment "${slug}" because it is already expired` ); } lazy.TelemetryEnvironment.setExperimentInactive(slug); // We also need to set the experiment inactive in the Glean Experiment API Services.fog.setExperimentInactive(slug); this.store.updateExperiment(slug, { active: false, unenrollReason: reason, }); lazy.TelemetryEvents.sendEvent( "unenroll", TELEMETRY_EVENT_OBJECT, slug, Object.assign( { reason, branch: enrollment.branch.slug, }, typeof changedPref !== "undefined" ? { changedPref: changedPref.name } : {} ) ); // Sent Glean event equivalent Glean.nimbusEvents.unenrollment.record( Object.assign( { experiment: slug, branch: enrollment.branch.slug, reason, }, typeof changedPref !== "undefined" ? { changed_pref: changedPref.name } : {} ) ); this._unsetEnrollmentPrefs(enrollment, { changedPref, duringRestore }); lazy.log.debug(`Recipe unenrolled: ${slug}`); } /** * Unenroll from all active studies if user opts out. */ observe() { if (!this.studiesEnabled) { for (const { slug } of this.store.getAllActiveExperiments()) { this.unenroll(slug, "studies-opt-out"); } for (const { slug } of this.store.getAllActiveRollouts()) { this.unenroll(slug, "studies-opt-out"); } } Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, STUDIES_ENABLED_CHANGED); } /** * Send Telemetry for undesired event * * @param {string} eventName * @param {string} slug * @param {string} reason */ sendFailureTelemetry(eventName, slug, reason) { lazy.TelemetryEvents.sendEvent(eventName, TELEMETRY_EVENT_OBJECT, slug, { reason, }); if (eventName == "enrollFailed") { Glean.nimbusEvents.enrollFailed.record({ experiment: slug, reason, }); } else if (eventName == "unenrollFailed") { Glean.nimbusEvents.unenrollFailed.record({ experiment: slug, reason, }); } } sendValidationFailedTelemetry(slug, reason, extra) { lazy.TelemetryEvents.sendEvent( "validationFailed", TELEMETRY_EVENT_OBJECT, slug, { reason, ...extra, } ); Glean.nimbusEvents.validationFailed.record({ experiment: slug, reason, ...extra, }); } /** * * @param {Enrollment} experiment */ sendEnrollmentTelemetry({ slug, branch, experimentType }) { lazy.TelemetryEvents.sendEvent("enroll", TELEMETRY_EVENT_OBJECT, slug, { experimentType, branch: branch.slug, }); Glean.nimbusEvents.enrollment.record({ experiment: slug, branch: branch.slug, experiment_type: experimentType, }); } /** * * @param {object} enrollmentStatus * @param {string} enrollmentStatus.slug * @param {string} enrollmentStatus.status * @param {string?} enrollmentStatus.reason * @param {string?} enrollmentStatus.branch * @param {string?} enrollmentStatus.error_string * @param {string?} enrollmentStatus.conflict_slug */ sendEnrollmentStatusTelemetry({ slug, status, reason, branch, error_string, conflict_slug, }) { Glean.nimbusEvents.enrollmentStatus.record({ slug, status, reason, branch, error_string, conflict_slug, }); } /** * Sets Telemetry when activating an experiment. * * @param {Enrollment} experiment */ setExperimentActive(experiment) { lazy.TelemetryEnvironment.setExperimentActive( experiment.slug, experiment.branch.slug, { type: `${TELEMETRY_EXPERIMENT_ACTIVE_PREFIX}${experiment.experimentType}`, } ); // Report the experiment to the Glean Experiment API Services.fog.setExperimentActive(experiment.slug, experiment.branch.slug, { type: `${TELEMETRY_EXPERIMENT_ACTIVE_PREFIX}${experiment.experimentType}`, }); } /** * Generate Normandy UserId respective to a branch * for a given experiment. * * @param {string} slug * @param {Array<{slug: string; ratio: number}>} branches * @param {string} namespace * @param {number} start * @param {number} count * @param {number} total * @returns {Promise<{[branchName: string]: string}>} An object where * the keys are branch names and the values are user IDs that will enroll * a user for that particular branch. Also includes a `notInExperiment` value * that will not enroll the user in the experiment if not 100% enrollment. */ async generateTestIds(recipe) { // Older recipe structure had bucket config values at the top level while // newer recipes group them into a bucketConfig object const { slug, branches, namespace, start, count, total } = { ...recipe, ...recipe.bucketConfig, }; const branchValues = {}; const includeNot = count < total; if (!slug || !namespace) { throw new Error(`slug, namespace not in expected format`); } if (!(start < total && count <= total)) { throw new Error("Must include start, count, and total as integers"); } if ( !Array.isArray(branches) || branches.filter(branch => branch.slug && branch.ratio).length !== branches.length ) { throw new Error("branches parameter not in expected format"); } while (Object.keys(branchValues).length < branches.length + includeNot) { const id = lazy.NormandyUtils.generateUuid(); const enrolls = await lazy.Sampling.bucketSample( [id, namespace], start, count, total ); // Does this id enroll the user in the experiment if (enrolls) { // Choose a random branch const { slug: pickedBranch } = await this.chooseBranch( slug, branches, id ); if (!Object.keys(branchValues).includes(pickedBranch)) { branchValues[pickedBranch] = id; lazy.log.debug(`Found a value for "${pickedBranch}"`); } } else if (!branchValues.notInExperiment) { branchValues.notInExperiment = id; } } return branchValues; } /** * Choose a branch randomly. * * @param {string} slug * @param {Branch[]} branches * @returns {Promise} * @memberof _ExperimentManager */ async chooseBranch(slug, branches, userId = lazy.ClientEnvironment.userId) { const ratios = branches.map(({ ratio = 1 }) => ratio); // It's important that the input be: // - Unique per-user (no one is bucketed alike) // - Unique per-experiment (bucketing differs across multiple experiments) // - Differs from the input used for sampling the recipe (otherwise only // branches that contain the same buckets as the recipe sampling will // receive users) const input = `${this.id}-${userId}-${slug}-branch`; const index = await lazy.Sampling.ratioSample(input, ratios); return branches[index]; } /** * Generate the list of prefs a recipe will set. * * @params {object} branch The recipe branch that will be enrolled. * @params {boolean} isRollout Whether or not this recipe is a rollout. * * @returns {object} An object with the following keys: * * `prefs`: * The full list of prefs that this recipe would set, * if there are no conflicts. This will include prefs * that, for example, will not be set because this * enrollment is a rollout and there is an active * experiment that set the same pref. * * `prefsToSet`: * Prefs that should be set once enrollment is * complete. */ _getPrefsForBranch(branch, isRollout = false) { const prefs = []; const prefsToSet = []; const getConflictingEnrollment = this._makeEnrollmentCache(isRollout); for (const { featureId, value: featureValue } of featuresCompat(branch)) { const feature = lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId]; if (!feature) { continue; } // It is possible to enroll in both an experiment and a rollout, so we // need to check if we have another enrollment for the same feature. const conflictingEnrollment = getConflictingEnrollment(featureId); for (let [variable, value] of Object.entries(featureValue)) { const setPref = feature.getSetPref(variable); if (setPref) { const { pref: prefName, branch: prefBranch } = setPref; let originalValue; const conflictingPref = conflictingEnrollment?.prefs?.find( p => p.name === prefName ); if (conflictingPref) { // If there is another enrollment that has already set the pref we // care about, we use its stored originalValue. originalValue = conflictingPref.originalValue; } else if ( prefBranch === "user" && !Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(prefName) ) { // If there is a default value set, then attempting to read the user // branch would result in returning the default branch value. originalValue = null; } else { originalValue = lazy.PrefUtils.getPref(prefName, { branch: prefBranch, }); } prefs.push({ name: prefName, branch: prefBranch, featureId, variable, originalValue, }); // An experiment takes precedence if there is already a pref set. if (!isRollout || !conflictingPref) { if ( lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId].manifest.variables[variable] .type === "json" ) { value = JSON.stringify(value); } prefsToSet.push({ name: prefName, value, prefBranch, }); } } } } return { prefs, prefsToSet }; } /** * Set a list of prefs from enrolling in an experiment or rollout. * * The ExperimentManager's pref observers will be disabled while setting each * pref so as not to accidentally unenroll an existing rollout that an * experiment would override. * * @param {object[]} prefsToSet * A list of objects containing the prefs to set. * * Each object has the following properties: * * * `name`: The name of the pref. * * `value`: The value of the pref. * * `prefBranch`: The branch to set the pref on (either "user" or "default"). */ _setEnrollmentPrefs(prefsToSet) { for (const { name, value, prefBranch } of prefsToSet) { const entry = this._prefs.get(name); // If another enrollment exists that has set this pref, temporarily // disable the pref observer so as not to cause unenrollment. if (entry) { entry.enrollmentChanging = true; } lazy.PrefUtils.setPref(name, value, { branch: prefBranch }); if (entry) { entry.enrollmentChanging = false; } } } /** * Unset prefs set during this enrollment. * * If this enrollment is an experiment and there is an existing rollout that * would set a pref that was covered by this enrollment, the pref will be * updated to that rollout's value. * * Otherwise, it will be set to the original value from before the enrollment * began. * * @param {Enrollment} enrollment * The enrollment that has ended. * * @param {object} options * * @param {object?} options.changedPref * If provided, a changed pref that caused the unenrollment that * triggered unsetting these prefs. This is provided as to not * overwrite a changed pref with an original value. * * @param {string} options.changedPref.name * The name of the changed pref. * * @param {string} options.changedPref.branch * The branch that was changed ("user" or "default"). * * @param {boolean} options.duringRestore * The unenrollment was caused during restore. */ _unsetEnrollmentPrefs(enrollment, { changedPref, duringRestore } = {}) { if (!enrollment.prefs?.length) { return; } const getConflictingEnrollment = this._makeEnrollmentCache( enrollment.isRollout ); for (const pref of enrollment.prefs) { this._removePrefObserver(pref.name, enrollment.slug); if ( changedPref?.name == pref.name && changedPref.branch === pref.branch ) { // Resetting the original value would overwite the pref the user just // set. Skip it. continue; } let newValue = pref.originalValue; // If we are unenrolling from an experiment during a restore, we must // ignore any potential conflicting rollout in the store, because its // hasn't gone through `_restoreEnrollmentPrefs`, which might also cause // it to unenroll. // // Both enrollments will have the same `originalValue` stored, so it will // always be restored. if (!duringRestore || enrollment.isRollout) { const conflictingEnrollment = getConflictingEnrollment(pref.featureId); const conflictingPref = conflictingEnrollment?.prefs?.find( p => p.name === pref.name ); if (conflictingPref) { if (enrollment.isRollout) { // If we are unenrolling from a rollout, we have an experiment that // has set the pref. Since experiments take priority, we do not unset // it. continue; } else { // If we are an unenrolling from an experiment, we have a rollout that would // set the same pref, so we update the pref to that value instead of // the original value. newValue = getFeatureFromBranch( conflictingEnrollment.branch, pref.featureId ).value[pref.variable]; } } } // If another enrollment exists that has set this pref, temporarily // disable the pref observer so as not to cause unenrollment when we // update the pref to its value. const entry = this._prefs.get(pref.name); if (entry) { entry.enrollmentChanging = true; } lazy.PrefUtils.setPref(pref.name, newValue, { branch: pref.branch, }); if (entry) { entry.enrollmentChanging = false; } } } /** * Restore the prefs set by an enrollment. * * @param {object} enrollment The enrollment. * @param {object} enrollment.branch The branch that was enrolled. * @param {object[]} enrollment.prefs The prefs that are set by the enrollment. * @param {object[]} enrollment.isRollout The prefs that are set by the enrollment. * * @returns {boolean} Whether the restore was successful. If false, the * enrollment has ended. */ _restoreEnrollmentPrefs(enrollment) { const { branch, prefs = [], isRollout } = enrollment; if (!prefs?.length) { return false; } const featuresById = Object.assign( ...featuresCompat(branch).map(f => ({ [f.featureId]: f })) ); for (const { name, featureId, variable } of prefs) { // If the feature no longer exists, unenroll. if (!Object.hasOwn(lazy.NimbusFeatures, featureId)) { this._unenroll(enrollment, { reason: "invalid-feature", duringRestore: true, }); return false; } const variables = lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId].manifest.variables; // If the feature is missing a variable that set a pref, unenroll. if (!Object.hasOwn(variables, variable)) { this._unenroll(enrollment, { reason: "pref-variable-missing", duringRestore: true, }); return false; } const variableDef = variables[variable]; // If the variable is no longer a pref-setting variable, unenroll. if (!Object.hasOwn(variableDef, "setPref")) { this._unenroll(enrollment, { reason: "pref-variable-no-longer", duringRestore: true, }); return false; } // If the variable is setting a different preference, unenroll. const prefName = typeof variableDef.setPref === "object" ? variableDef.setPref.pref : variableDef.setPref; if (prefName !== name) { this._unenroll(enrollment, { reason: "pref-variable-changed", duringRestore: true, }); return false; } } for (const { name, branch: prefBranch, featureId, variable } of prefs) { // User prefs are already persisted. if (prefBranch === "user") { continue; } // If we are a rollout, we need to check for an existing experiment that // has set the same pref. If so, we do not need to set the pref because // experiments take priority. if (isRollout) { const conflictingEnrollment = this.store.getExperimentForFeature(featureId); const conflictingPref = conflictingEnrollment?.prefs?.find( p => p.name === name ); if (conflictingPref) { continue; } } let value = featuresById[featureId].value[variable]; if ( lazy.NimbusFeatures[featureId].manifest.variables[variable].type === "json" ) { value = JSON.stringify(value); } if (prefBranch !== "user") { lazy.PrefUtils.setPref(name, value, { branch: prefBranch }); } } return true; } /** * Make a cache to look up enrollments of the oppposite kind by feature ID. * * @param {boolean} isRollout Whether or not the current enrollment is a * rollout. If true, the cache will return * experiments. If false, the cache will return * rollouts. * * @returns {function} The cache, as a callable function. */ _makeEnrollmentCache(isRollout) { const getOtherEnrollment = ( isRollout ? this.store.getExperimentForFeature : this.store.getRolloutForFeature ).bind(this.store); const conflictingEnrollments = {}; return featureId => { if (!Object.hasOwn(conflictingEnrollments, featureId)) { conflictingEnrollments[featureId] = getOtherEnrollment(featureId); } return conflictingEnrollments[featureId]; }; } /** * Update the set of observers with prefs set by the given enrollment. * * @param {Enrollment} enrollment * The enrollment that is setting prefs. */ _updatePrefObservers({ slug, prefs }) { if (!prefs?.length) { return; } for (const pref of prefs) { const { name } = pref; if (!this._prefs.has(name)) { const observer = (aSubject, aTopic, aData) => { // This observer will be called for changes to `name` as well as any // other pref that begins with `name.`, so we have to filter to // exactly the pref we care about. if (aData === name) { this._onExperimentPrefChanged(pref); } }; const entry = { slugs: new Set([slug]), enrollmentChanging: false, observer, }; Services.prefs.addObserver(name, observer); this._prefs.set(name, entry); } else { this._prefs.get(name).slugs.add(slug); } if (!this._prefsBySlug.has(slug)) { this._prefsBySlug.set(slug, new Set([name])); } else { this._prefsBySlug.get(slug).add(name); } } } /** * Remove an entry for the pref observer for the given pref and slug. * * If there are no more enrollments listening to a pref, the observer will be removed. * * This is called when an enrollment is ending. * * @param {string} name The name of the pref. * @param {string} slug The slug of the enrollment that is being unenrolled. */ _removePrefObserver(name, slug) { // Update the pref observer that the current enrollment is no longer // involved in the pref. // // If no enrollments have a variable setting the pref, then we can remove // the observers. const entry = this._prefs.get(name); // If this is happening due to a pref change, the observers will already be removed. if (entry) { entry.slugs.delete(slug); if (entry.slugs.size == 0) { Services.prefs.removeObserver(name, entry.observer); this._prefs.delete(name); } } const bySlug = this._prefsBySlug.get(slug); if (bySlug) { bySlug.delete(name); if (bySlug.size == 0) { this._prefsBySlug.delete(slug); } } } /** * Handle a change to a pref set by enrollments by ending those enrollments. * * @param {object} pref * Information about the pref that was changed. * * @param {string} pref.name * The name of the pref that was changed. * * @param {string} pref.branch * The branch enrollments set the pref on. * * @param {string} pref.featureId * The feature ID of the feature containing the variable that set the * pref. * * @param {string} pref.variable * The variable in the given feature whose value determined the pref's * value. */ _onExperimentPrefChanged(pref) { const entry = this._prefs.get(pref.name); // If this was triggered while we are enrolling or unenrolling from an // experiment, then we don't want to unenroll from the rollout because the // experiment's value is taking precendence. // // Otherwise, all enrollments that set the variable corresponding to this // pref must be unenrolled. if (entry.enrollmentChanging) { return; } // Copy the `Set` into an `Array` because we modify the set later in // `_removePrefObserver` and we need to iterate over it multiple times. const slugs = Array.from(entry.slugs); // Remove all pref observers set by enrollments. We are potentially about // to set these prefs during unenrollment, so we don't want to trigger // them and cause nested unenrollments. for (const slug of slugs) { const toRemove = Array.from(this._prefsBySlug.get(slug) ?? []); for (const name of toRemove) { this._removePrefObserver(name, slug); } } // Unenroll from the rollout first to save calls to setPref. const enrollments = Array.from(slugs).map(slug => this.store.get(slug)); // There is a maximum of two enrollments (one experiment and one rollout). if (enrollments.length == 2) { // Order enrollments so that we unenroll from the rollout first. if (!enrollments[0].isRollout) { enrollments.reverse(); } } // We want to know what branch was changed so we can know if we should // restore prefs. (e.g., if we have a pref set on the user branch and the // user branch changed, we do not want to then overwrite the user's choice). // This is not complicated if a pref simply changed. However, we also must // detect `nsIPrefBranch::clearUserPref()`, which wipes out the user branch // and leaves the default branch untouched. That is where this gets // complicated: let branch; if (Services.prefs.prefHasUserValue(pref.name)) { // If there is a user branch value, then the user branch changed. branch = "user"; } else if (!Services.prefs.prefHasDefaultValue(pref.name)) { // If there is not default branch value, then the user branch must have // been cleared becuase you cannot clear the default branch. branch = "user"; } else if (pref.branch === "default") { const feature = getFeatureFromBranch( enrollments.at(-1).branch, pref.featureId ); const expectedValue = feature.value[pref.variable]; const value = lazy.PrefUtils.getPref(pref.name, { branch: pref.branch }); if (value === expectedValue) { // If the pref was set on the default branch and still matches the // expected value, then the user branch must have been cleared. branch = "user"; } else { branch = "default"; } } else { // If the pref was set on the user branch and we don't have a user branch // value, then the user branch must have been cleared. branch = "user"; } const changedPref = { name: pref.name, branch, }; for (const enrollment of enrollments) { this._unenroll(enrollment, { reason: "changed-pref", changedPref }); } } } export const ExperimentManager = new _ExperimentManager();