"use strict"; const { PreferenceExperiments } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/PreferenceExperiments.sys.mjs" ); const { RecipeRunner } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/RecipeRunner.sys.mjs" ); const { ExperimentFakes } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/NimbusTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { ExperimentManager } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://nimbus/lib/ExperimentManager.sys.mjs" ); const { ExperimentAPI } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs" ); const { RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://nimbus/lib/RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader.sys.mjs" ); const { NormandyTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/NormandyTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { addonStudyFactory, preferenceStudyFactory } = NormandyTestUtils.factories; function withAboutStudies() { return function (testFunc) { return async args => BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:studies", async browser => testFunc({ ...args, browser }) ); }; } // Test that the code renders at all decorate_task( withAboutStudies(), async function testAboutStudiesWorks({ browser }) { const appFound = await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [], () => !!content.document.getElementById("app") ); ok(appFound, "App element was found"); } ); // Test that the learn more element is displayed correctly decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [["app.normandy.shieldLearnMoreUrl", "http://test/%OS%/"]], }), withAboutStudies(), async function testLearnMore({ browser }) { SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { const doc = content.document; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => doc.getElementById("shield-studies-learn-more") ); doc.getElementById("shield-studies-learn-more").click(); }); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForLocationChange(gBrowser); const location = browser.currentURI.spec; is( location, AboutPages.aboutStudies.getShieldLearnMoreHref(), "Clicking Learn More opens the correct page on SUMO." ); ok(!location.includes("%OS%"), "The Learn More URL is formatted."); } ); // Test that jumping to preferences worked as expected decorate_task( withAboutStudies(), async function testUpdatePreferences({ browser }) { let loadPromise = BrowserTestUtils.firstBrowserLoaded(window); // We have to use gBrowser instead of browser in most spots since we're // dealing with a new tab outside of the about:studies tab. const tab = await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab(gBrowser, () => { SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { const doc = content.document; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => doc.getElementById("shield-studies-update-preferences") ); content.document .getElementById("shield-studies-update-preferences") .click(); }); }); await loadPromise; const location = gBrowser.currentURI.spec; is( location, "about:preferences#privacy", "Clicking Update Preferences opens the privacy section of the new about:preferences." ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tab); } ); // Test that the study listing shows studies in the proper order and grouping decorate_task( AddonStudies.withStudies([ addonStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-study-a", userFacingName: "A Fake Add-on Study", active: true, userFacingDescription: "A fake description", studyStartDate: new Date(2018, 0, 4), }), addonStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-study-b", userFacingName: "B Fake Add-on Study", active: false, userFacingDescription: "B fake description", studyStartDate: new Date(2018, 0, 2), }), addonStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-study-c", userFacingName: "C Fake Add-on Study", active: true, userFacingDescription: "C fake description", studyStartDate: new Date(2018, 0, 1), }), ]), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-study-d", userFacingName: null, userFacingDescription: null, lastSeen: new Date(2018, 0, 3), expired: false, }), preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-study-e", userFacingName: "E Fake Preference Study", lastSeen: new Date(2018, 0, 5), expired: true, }), preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-study-f", userFacingName: "F Fake Preference Study", lastSeen: new Date(2018, 0, 6), expired: false, }), ]), withAboutStudies(), async function testStudyListing({ addonStudies, prefExperiments, browser }) { await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [{ addonStudies, prefExperiments }], async ({ addonStudies, prefExperiments }) => { const doc = content.document; function getStudyRow(docElem, slug) { return docElem.querySelector(`.study[data-study-slug="${slug}"]`); } await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study").length ); const activeNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); const inactiveNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".inactive-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); Assert.deepEqual( activeNames, [ prefExperiments[2].slug, addonStudies[0].slug, prefExperiments[0].slug, addonStudies[2].slug, ], "Active studies are grouped by enabled status, and sorted by date" ); Assert.deepEqual( inactiveNames, [prefExperiments[1].slug, addonStudies[1].slug], "Inactive studies are grouped by enabled status, and sorted by date" ); const activeAddonStudy = getStudyRow(doc, addonStudies[0].slug); ok( activeAddonStudy .querySelector(".study-description") .textContent.includes(addonStudies[0].userFacingDescription), "Study descriptions are shown in about:studies." ); is( activeAddonStudy.querySelector(".study-status").textContent, "Active", "Active studies show an 'Active' indicator." ); ok( activeAddonStudy.querySelector(".remove-button"), "Active studies show a remove button" ); is( activeAddonStudy .querySelector(".study-icon") .textContent.toLowerCase(), "a", "Study icons use the first letter of the study name." ); const inactiveAddonStudy = getStudyRow(doc, addonStudies[1].slug); is( inactiveAddonStudy.querySelector(".study-status").textContent, "Complete", "Inactive studies are marked as complete." ); ok( !inactiveAddonStudy.querySelector(".remove-button"), "Inactive studies do not show a remove button" ); const activePrefStudy = getStudyRow(doc, prefExperiments[0].slug); const preferenceName = Object.keys(prefExperiments[0].preferences)[0]; ok( activePrefStudy .querySelector(".study-description") .textContent.includes(preferenceName), "Preference studies show the preference they are changing" ); is( activePrefStudy.querySelector(".study-status").textContent, "Active", "Active studies show an 'Active' indicator." ); ok( activePrefStudy.querySelector(".remove-button"), "Active studies show a remove button" ); const inactivePrefStudy = getStudyRow(doc, prefExperiments[1].slug); is( inactivePrefStudy.querySelector(".study-status").textContent, "Complete", "Inactive studies are marked as complete." ); ok( !inactivePrefStudy.querySelector(".remove-button"), "Inactive studies do not show a remove button" ); activeAddonStudy.querySelector(".remove-button").click(); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => getStudyRow(doc, addonStudies[0].slug).matches(".study.disabled") ); ok( getStudyRow(doc, addonStudies[0].slug).matches(".study.disabled"), "Clicking the remove button updates the UI to show that the study has been disabled." ); activePrefStudy.querySelector(".remove-button").click(); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => getStudyRow(doc, prefExperiments[0].slug).matches(".study.disabled") ); ok( getStudyRow(doc, prefExperiments[0].slug).matches(".study.disabled"), "Clicking the remove button updates the UI to show that the study has been disabled." ); } ); const updatedAddonStudy = await AddonStudies.get(addonStudies[0].recipeId); ok( !updatedAddonStudy.active, "Clicking the remove button marks addon studies as inactive in storage." ); const updatedPrefStudy = await PreferenceExperiments.get( prefExperiments[0].slug ); ok( updatedPrefStudy.expired, "Clicking the remove button marks preference studies as expired in storage." ); } ); // Test that a message is shown when no studies have been run decorate_task( AddonStudies.withStudies([]), withAboutStudies(), async function testStudyListingNoStudies({ browser }) { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { const doc = content.document; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => doc.querySelectorAll(".study-list-info").length ); const studyRows = doc.querySelectorAll(".study-list .study"); is(studyRows.length, 0, "There should be no studies"); is( doc.querySelector(".study-list-info").textContent, "You have not participated in any studies.", "A message is shown when no studies exist" ); }); } ); // Test that the message shown when studies are disabled and studies exist decorate_task( withAboutStudies(), AddonStudies.withStudies([ addonStudyFactory({ userFacingName: "A Fake Add-on Study", slug: "fake-addon-study", active: false, userFacingDescription: "A fake description", studyStartDate: new Date(2018, 0, 4), }), ]), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-pref-study", userFacingName: "B Fake Preference Study", lastSeen: new Date(2018, 0, 5), expired: true, }), ]), async function testStudyListingDisabled({ browser }) { try { RecipeRunner.disable(); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { const doc = content.document; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => doc.querySelector(".info-box-content > span") ); is( doc.querySelector(".info-box-content > span").textContent, "This is a list of studies that you have participated in. No new studies will run.", "A message is shown when studies are disabled" ); }); } finally { // reset RecipeRunner.enabled RecipeRunner.checkPrefs(); } } ); // Test for bug 1498940 - detects studies disabled when only study opt-out is set decorate_task( withPrefEnv({ set: [ ["datareporting.healthreport.uploadEnabled", true], ["app.normandy.api_url", "https://example.com"], ["app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled", false], ], }), withAboutStudies(), AddonStudies.withStudies([]), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function testStudyListingStudiesOptOut({ browser }) { RecipeRunner.checkPrefs(); ok( RecipeRunner.enabled, "RecipeRunner should be enabled as a Precondition" ); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { const doc = content.document; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => { const span = doc.querySelector(".info-box-content > span"); return span && span.textContent; }); is( doc.querySelector(".info-box-content > span").textContent, "This is a list of studies that you have participated in. No new studies will run.", "A message is shown when studies are disabled" ); }); } ); // Test that clicking remove on a study that was disabled by an outside source // since the page loaded correctly updates. decorate_task( AddonStudies.withStudies([ addonStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-addon-study", userFacingName: "Fake Add-on Study", active: true, userFacingDescription: "A fake description", studyStartDate: new Date(2018, 0, 4), }), ]), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-pref-study", userFacingName: "Fake Preference Study", lastSeen: new Date(2018, 0, 3), expired: false, }), ]), withAboutStudies(), async function testStudyListing({ addonStudies: [addonStudy], prefExperiments: [prefStudy], browser, }) { // The content page has already loaded. Disabling the studies here shouldn't // affect it, since it doesn't live-update. await AddonStudies.markAsEnded(addonStudy, "disabled-automatically-test"); await PreferenceExperiments.stop(prefStudy.slug, { resetValue: false, reason: "disabled-automatically-test", }); await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [{ addonStudy, prefStudy }], async ({ addonStudy, prefStudy }) => { const doc = content.document; function getStudyRow(docElem, slug) { return docElem.querySelector(`.study[data-study-slug="${slug}"]`); } await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => doc.querySelectorAll(".remove-button").length == 2 ); let activeNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); let inactiveNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".inactive-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); Assert.deepEqual( activeNames, [addonStudy.slug, prefStudy.slug], "Both studies should be listed as active, even though they have been disabled outside of the page" ); Assert.deepEqual( inactiveNames, [], "No studies should be listed as inactive" ); const activeAddonStudy = getStudyRow(doc, addonStudy.slug); const activePrefStudy = getStudyRow(doc, prefStudy.slug); activeAddonStudy.querySelector(".remove-button").click(); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => getStudyRow(doc, addonStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled") ); ok( getStudyRow(doc, addonStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled"), "Clicking the remove button updates the UI to show that the study has been disabled." ); activePrefStudy.querySelector(".remove-button").click(); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => getStudyRow(doc, prefStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled") ); ok( getStudyRow(doc, prefStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled"), "Clicking the remove button updates the UI to show that the study has been disabled." ); activeNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); Assert.deepEqual( activeNames, [], "No studies should be listed as active" ); } ); } ); // Test that clicking remove on a study updates even about:studies pages // that are not currently in focus. decorate_task( AddonStudies.withStudies([ addonStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-addon-study", userFacingName: "Fake Add-on Study", active: true, userFacingDescription: "A fake description", studyStartDate: new Date(2018, 0, 4), }), ]), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: "fake-pref-study", userFacingName: "Fake Preference Study", lastSeen: new Date(2018, 0, 3), expired: false, }), ]), withAboutStudies(), async function testOtherTabsUpdated({ addonStudies: [addonStudy], prefExperiments: [prefStudy], browser, }) { // Ensure that both our studies are active in the current tab. await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [{ addonStudy, prefStudy }], async ({ addonStudy, prefStudy }) => { const doc = content.document; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => doc.querySelectorAll(".remove-button").length == 2, "waiting for page to load" ); let activeNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); let inactiveNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".inactive-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); Assert.deepEqual( activeNames, [addonStudy.slug, prefStudy.slug], "Both studies should be listed as active" ); Assert.deepEqual( inactiveNames, [], "No studies should be listed as inactive" ); } ); // Open a new about:studies tab. await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab("about:studies", async browser => { // Delete both studies in this tab; this should pass if previous tests have passed. await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [{ addonStudy, prefStudy }], async ({ addonStudy, prefStudy }) => { const doc = content.document; function getStudyRow(docElem, slug) { return docElem.querySelector(`.study[data-study-slug="${slug}"]`); } await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => doc.querySelectorAll(".remove-button").length == 2, "waiting for page to load" ); let activeNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); let inactiveNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".inactive-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); Assert.deepEqual( activeNames, [addonStudy.slug, prefStudy.slug], "Both studies should be listed as active in the new tab" ); Assert.deepEqual( inactiveNames, [], "No studies should be listed as inactive in the new tab" ); const activeAddonStudy = getStudyRow(doc, addonStudy.slug); const activePrefStudy = getStudyRow(doc, prefStudy.slug); activeAddonStudy.querySelector(".remove-button").click(); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => getStudyRow(doc, addonStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled") ); ok( getStudyRow(doc, addonStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled"), "Clicking the remove button updates the UI in the new tab" ); activePrefStudy.querySelector(".remove-button").click(); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => getStudyRow(doc, prefStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled") ); ok( getStudyRow(doc, prefStudy.slug).matches(".study.disabled"), "Clicking the remove button updates the UI in the new tab" ); activeNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); Assert.deepEqual( activeNames, [], "No studies should be listed as active" ); } ); }); // Ensure that the original tab has updated correctly. await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [{ addonStudy, prefStudy }], async ({ addonStudy, prefStudy }) => { const doc = content.document; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => doc.querySelectorAll(".inactive-study-list .study").length == 2, "Two studies should load into the inactive list, since they were disabled in a different tab" ); let activeNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".active-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); let inactiveNames = Array.from( doc.querySelectorAll(".inactive-study-list .study") ).map(row => row.dataset.studySlug); Assert.deepEqual( activeNames, [], "No studies should be listed as active, since they were disabled in a different tab" ); Assert.deepEqual( inactiveNames, [addonStudy.slug, prefStudy.slug], "Both studies should be listed as inactive, since they were disabled in a different tab" ); } ); } ); add_task(async function test_nimbus_about_studies_experiment() { const recipe = ExperimentFakes.recipe("about-studies-foo"); await ExperimentManager.enroll(recipe); const activeBranchSlug = ExperimentAPI.getActiveBranch({ slug: recipe.slug, })?.slug; await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:studies", activeBranchSlug }, async browser => { const [name, renderedBranchSlug] = await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [], async () => { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector(".nimbus .remove-button"), "waiting for page to load" ); return [ content.document.querySelector(".study-name").innerText, content.document.querySelector(".study-branch-slug").innerText, ]; } ); // Make sure strings are properly shown Assert.equal( name, recipe.userFacingName, "Correct active experiment name" ); Assert.equal( renderedBranchSlug, activeBranchSlug, "Correct active experiment branch slug" ); } ); ExperimentManager.unenroll(recipe.slug); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:studies", activeBranchSlug }, async browser => { const [name, renderedBranchSlug] = await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [], async () => { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector(".nimbus.disabled"), "waiting for experiment to become disabled" ); return [ content.document.querySelector(".study-name").innerText, content.document.querySelector(".study-branch-slug").innerText, ]; } ); // Make sure strings are properly shown Assert.equal( name, recipe.userFacingName, "Correct disabled experiment name" ); Assert.equal( renderedBranchSlug, activeBranchSlug, "Correct disabled experiment branch slug" ); } ); // Cleanup for multiple test runs ExperimentManager.store._deleteForTests(recipe.slug); Assert.equal(ExperimentManager.store.getAll().length, 0, "Cleanup done"); }); add_task(async function test_nimbus_about_studies_rollout() { let recipe = ExperimentFakes.recipe("test_nimbus_about_studies_rollout"); let rollout = { ...recipe, branches: [recipe.branches[0]], isRollout: true, }; await ExperimentManager.enroll(rollout); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:studies" }, async browser => { const studyCount = await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector("#shield-studies-learn-more"), "waiting for page/experiment to load" ); return content.document.querySelectorAll(".study-name").length; }); // Make sure strings are properly shown Assert.equal(studyCount, 1, "Rollout loaded in non-debug mode"); } ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("nimbus.debug", true); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:studies" }, async browser => { const [studyName, branchShown] = await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [], async () => { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector(".nimbus .remove-button"), "waiting for page/experiment to load" ); return [ content.document.querySelector(".study-header").innerText, !!content.document.querySelector(".study-branch-slug"), ]; } ); // Make sure strings are properly shown Assert.ok(studyName.includes("Active"), "Rollout loaded in debug mode"); // Make sure the branch slug is not shown for rollouts Assert.ok(!branchShown, "Branch slug not shown for rollouts"); } ); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:studies" }, async browser => { const name = await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { content.document.querySelector(".remove-button").click(); await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector(".nimbus.disabled"), "waiting for experiment to become disabled" ); return content.document.querySelector(".study-header").innerText; }); // Make sure strings are properly shown Assert.ok(name.includes("Complete"), "Rollout was removed"); } ); // Cleanup for multiple test runs ExperimentManager.store._deleteForTests(rollout.slug); Services.prefs.clearUserPref("nimbus.debug"); }); add_task(async function test_getStudiesEnabled() { RecipeRunner.initializedPromise = Promise.withResolvers(); let promise = AboutPages.aboutStudies.getStudiesEnabled(); RecipeRunner.initializedPromise.resolve(); let result = await promise; Assert.equal( result, Services.prefs.getBoolPref("app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled"), "about:studies is enabled if the pref is enabled" ); }); add_task(async function test_forceEnroll() { let sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); // This simulates a succesful enrollment let stub = sandbox.stub(RemoteSettingsExperimentLoader, "optInToExperiment"); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:studies?optin_collection=collection123&optin_branch=branch123&optin_slug=slug123", }, async browser => { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector(".opt-in-box"), "Should show the opt in message" ); Assert.equal( content.document .querySelector(".opt-in-box") .classList.contains("opt-in-error"), false, "should not have an error class since the enrollment was successful" ); return true; }); } ); // Simulates a problem force enrolling stub.rejects(new Error("Testing error")); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:studies?optin_collection=collection123&optin_branch=branch123&optin_slug=slug123", }, async browser => { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], async () => { await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition( () => content.document.querySelector(".opt-in-box"), "Should show the opt in message" ); Assert.ok( content.document .querySelector(".opt-in-box") .classList.contains("opt-in-error"), "should have an error class since the enrollment rejected" ); Assert.equal( content.document.querySelector(".opt-in-box").textContent, "Testing error", "should render the error" ); return true; }); } ); sandbox.restore(); });