/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { Sampling } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/components-utils/Sampling.sys.mjs" ); const { ClientEnvironment } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/ClientEnvironment.sys.mjs" ); const { PreferenceExperiments } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/PreferenceExperiments.sys.mjs" ); const { Uptake } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/Uptake.sys.mjs" ); const { BaseAction } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/actions/BaseAction.sys.mjs" ); const { PreferenceExperimentAction } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/actions/PreferenceExperimentAction.sys.mjs" ); const { NormandyTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/NormandyTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); function branchFactory(opts = {}) { const defaultPreferences = { "fake.preference": {}, }; const defaultPrefInfo = { preferenceType: "string", preferenceBranchType: "default", preferenceValue: "foo", }; const preferences = {}; for (const [prefName, prefInfo] of Object.entries( opts.preferences || defaultPreferences )) { preferences[prefName] = { ...defaultPrefInfo, ...prefInfo }; } return { slug: "test", ratio: 1, ...opts, preferences, }; } function argumentsFactory(args) { const defaultBranches = (args && args.branches) || [{ preferences: [] }]; const branches = defaultBranches.map(branchFactory); return { slug: "test", userFacingName: "Super Cool Test Experiment", userFacingDescription: "Test experiment from browser_actions_PreferenceExperimentAction.", isHighPopulation: false, isEnrollmentPaused: false, ...args, branches, }; } function prefExperimentRecipeFactory(args) { return recipeFactory({ name: "preference-experiment", arguments: argumentsFactory(args), }); } decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(Uptake, "reportRecipe"), async function run_without_errors({ reportRecipeStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); // Errors thrown in actions are caught and silenced, so instead check for an // explicit success here. Assert.deepEqual(reportRecipeStub.args, [[recipe, Uptake.RECIPE_SUCCESS]]); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(Uptake, "reportRecipe"), withStub(Uptake, "reportAction"), withPrefEnv({ set: [["app.shield.optoutstudies.enabled", false]] }), async function checks_disabled({ reportRecipeStub, reportActionStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); action.log = mockLogger(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); Assert.ok(action.log.debug.args.length === 1); Assert.deepEqual(action.log.debug.args[0], [ "User has opted-out of opt-out experiments, disabling action.", ]); Assert.deepEqual(action.log.warn.args, [ [ "Skipping recipe preference-experiment because PreferenceExperimentAction " + "was disabled during preExecution.", ], ]); await action.finalize(); Assert.ok(action.log.debug.args.length === 2); Assert.deepEqual(action.log.debug.args[1], [ "Skipping post-execution hook for PreferenceExperimentAction because it is disabled.", ]); Assert.deepEqual(reportRecipeStub.args, [ [recipe, Uptake.RECIPE_ACTION_DISABLED], ]); Assert.deepEqual(reportActionStub.args, [ [action.name, Uptake.ACTION_SUCCESS], ]); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "start"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function enroll_user_if_never_been_in_experiment({ startStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: "test", branches: [ { slug: "branch1", preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceBranchType: "user", preferenceValue: "branch1", }, }, ratio: 1, }, { slug: "branch2", preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceBranchType: "user", preferenceValue: "branch2", }, }, ratio: 1, }, ], }); sinon .stub(action, "chooseBranch") .callsFake(async function (slug, branches) { return branches[0]; }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(startStub.args, [ [ { slug: "test", actionName: "PreferenceExperimentAction", branch: "branch1", preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceValue: "branch1", preferenceBranchType: "user", preferenceType: "string", }, }, experimentType: "exp", userFacingName: "Super Cool Test Experiment", userFacingDescription: "Test experiment from browser_actions_PreferenceExperimentAction.", }, ], ]); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "markLastSeen"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([{ slug: "test", expired: false }]), async function markSeen_if_experiment_active({ markLastSeenStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ name: "test", }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(markLastSeenStub.args, [["test"]]); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "markLastSeen"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([{ slug: "test", expired: true }]), async function dont_markSeen_if_experiment_expired({ markLastSeenStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ name: "test", }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(markLastSeenStub.args, [], "markLastSeen was not called"); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "start"), async function do_nothing_if_enrollment_paused({ startStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ isEnrollmentPaused: true, }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(startStub.args, [], "start was not called"); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "stop"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ { slug: "seen", expired: false, actionName: "PreferenceExperimentAction" }, { slug: "unseen", expired: false, actionName: "PreferenceExperimentAction", }, ]), async function stop_experiments_not_seen({ stopStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: "seen", }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(stopStub.args, [ [ "unseen", { resetValue: true, reason: "recipe-not-seen", caller: "PreferenceExperimentAction._finalize", }, ], ]); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "stop"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ { slug: "seen", expired: false, actionName: "SinglePreferenceExperimentAction", }, { slug: "unseen", expired: false, actionName: "SinglePreferenceExperimentAction", }, ]), async function dont_stop_experiments_for_other_action({ stopStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ name: "seen", }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual( stopStub.args, [], "stop not called for other action's experiments" ); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "start"), withStub(Uptake, "reportRecipe"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ { slug: "conflict", preferences: { "conflict.pref": {}, }, expired: false, }, ]), async function do_nothing_if_preference_is_already_being_tested({ startStub, reportRecipeStub, }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ name: "new", branches: [ { preferences: { "conflict.pref": {} }, }, ], }); action.chooseBranch = sinon .stub() .callsFake(async function (slug, branches) { return branches[0]; }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(reportRecipeStub.args, [ [recipe, Uptake.RECIPE_EXECUTION_ERROR], ]); Assert.deepEqual(startStub.args, [], "start not called"); // No way to get access to log message/Error thrown } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "start"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function experimentType_with_isHighPopulation_false({ startStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ isHighPopulation: false, }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(startStub.args[0][0].experimentType, "exp"); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(PreferenceExperiments, "start"), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function experimentType_with_isHighPopulation_true({ startStub }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ isHighPopulation: true, }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); Assert.deepEqual(startStub.args[0][0].experimentType, "exp-highpop"); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withStub(Sampling, "ratioSample"), async function chooseBranch_uses_ratioSample({ ratioSampleStub }) { ratioSampleStub.returns(Promise.resolve(1)); const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const branches = [ { preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceValue: "branch0", }, }, ratio: 1, }, { preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceValue: "branch1", }, }, ratio: 2, }, ]; const sandbox = sinon.createSandbox(); let result; try { sandbox.stub(ClientEnvironment, "userId").get(() => "fake-id"); result = await action.chooseBranch("exp-slug", branches); } finally { sandbox.restore(); } Assert.deepEqual(ratioSampleStub.args, [ ["fake-id-exp-slug-branch", [1, 2]], ]); Assert.deepEqual(result, branches[1]); } ); decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withMockPreferences(), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function integration_test_enroll_and_unenroll({ mockPreferences }) { mockPreferences.set("fake.preference", "oldvalue", "user"); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: "integration test experiment", branches: [ { slug: "branch1", preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceBranchType: "user", preferenceValue: "branch1", }, }, ratio: 1, }, { slug: "branch2", preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceBranchType: "user", preferenceValue: "branch2", }, }, ratio: 1, }, ], userFacingName: "userFacingName", userFacingDescription: "userFacingDescription", }); // Session 1: we see the above recipe and enroll in the experiment. const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); sinon .stub(action, "chooseBranch") .callsFake(async function (slug, branches) { return branches[0]; }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); const activeExperiments = await PreferenceExperiments.getAllActive(); ok(!!activeExperiments.length); Assert.deepEqual(activeExperiments, [ { slug: "integration test experiment", actionName: "PreferenceExperimentAction", branch: "branch1", preferences: { "fake.preference": { preferenceBranchType: "user", preferenceValue: "branch1", preferenceType: "string", previousPreferenceValue: "oldvalue", }, }, expired: false, lastSeen: activeExperiments[0].lastSeen, // can't predict date experimentType: "exp", userFacingName: "userFacingName", userFacingDescription: "userFacingDescription", }, ]); // Session 2: recipe is filtered out and so does not run. const action2 = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); await action2.finalize(); // Experiment should be unenrolled Assert.deepEqual(await PreferenceExperiments.getAllActive(), []); } ); // Check that the appropriate set of suitabilities are considered temporary errors decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), async function test_temporary_errors_set_deadline() { let suitabilities = [ { suitability: BaseAction.suitability.SIGNATURE_ERROR, isTemporaryError: true, }, { suitability: BaseAction.suitability.CAPABILITIES_MISMATCH, isTemporaryError: false, }, { suitability: BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH, isTemporaryError: false, }, { suitability: BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MISMATCH, isTemporaryError: false, }, { suitability: BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_ERROR, isTemporaryError: true, }, { suitability: BaseAction.suitability.ARGUMENTS_INVALID, isTemporaryError: false, }, ]; Assert.deepEqual( suitabilities.map(({ suitability }) => suitability).sort(), Array.from(Object.values(BaseAction.suitability)).sort(), "This test covers all suitabilities" ); // The action should set a deadline 1 week from now. To avoid intermittent // failures, give this a generous bound of 2 hour on either side. let now = Date.now(); let hour = 60 * 60 * 1000; let expectedDeadline = now + 7 * 24 * hour; let minDeadline = new Date(expectedDeadline - 2 * hour); let maxDeadline = new Date(expectedDeadline + 2 * hour); // For each suitability, build a decorator that sets up a suitable // environment, and then call that decorator with a sub-test that asserts // the suitability is handled correctly. for (const { suitability, isTemporaryError } of suitabilities) { const decorator = PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ { slug: `test-for-suitability-${suitability}` }, ]); await decorator(async ({ prefExperiments: [experiment] }) => { let action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); let recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: experiment.slug }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, suitability); let modifiedExperiment = await PreferenceExperiments.get( experiment.slug ); if (isTemporaryError) { is( typeof modifiedExperiment.temporaryErrorDeadline, "string", `A temporary failure deadline should be set as a string for suitability ${suitability}` ); let deadline = new Date(modifiedExperiment.temporaryErrorDeadline); ok( deadline >= minDeadline && deadline <= maxDeadline, `The temporary failure deadline should be in the expected range for ` + `suitability ${suitability} (got ${deadline})` ); } else { ok( !modifiedExperiment.temporaryErrorDeadline, `No temporary failure deadline should be set for suitability ${suitability}` ); } })(); } } ); // Check that if there is an existing deadline, temporary errors don't overwrite it decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function test_temporary_errors_dont_overwrite_deadline() { let temporaryFailureSuitabilities = [ BaseAction.suitability.SIGNATURE_ERROR, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_ERROR, ]; // A deadline two hours in the future won't be hit during the test. let now = Date.now(); let hour = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; let unhitDeadline = new Date(now + hour).toJSON(); // For each suitability, build a decorator that sets up a suitabilty // environment, and then call that decorator with a sub-test that asserts // the suitability is handled correctly. for (const suitability of temporaryFailureSuitabilities) { const decorator = PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ { slug: `test-for-suitability-${suitability}`, expired: false, temporaryErrorDeadline: unhitDeadline, }, ]); await decorator(async ({ prefExperiments: [experiment] }) => { let action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); let recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: experiment.slug }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, suitability); let modifiedExperiment = await PreferenceExperiments.get( experiment.slug ); is( modifiedExperiment.temporaryErrorDeadline, unhitDeadline, `The temporary failure deadline should not be cleared for suitability ${suitability}` ); })(); } } ); // Check that if the deadline is past, temporary errors end the experiment. decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), async function test_temporary_errors_hit_deadline() { let temporaryFailureSuitabilities = [ BaseAction.suitability.SIGNATURE_ERROR, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_ERROR, ]; // Set a deadline of two hours in the past, so that the experiment expires. let now = Date.now(); let hour = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; let hitDeadline = new Date(now - hour).toJSON(); // For each suitability, build a decorator that sets up a suitabilty // environment, and then call that decorator with a sub-test that asserts // the suitability is handled correctly. for (const suitability of temporaryFailureSuitabilities) { const decorator = PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ { slug: `test-for-suitability-${suitability}`, expired: false, temporaryErrorDeadline: hitDeadline, preferences: [], branch: "test-branch", }, ]); await decorator(async ({ prefExperiments: [experiment] }) => { let action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); let recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: experiment.slug }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, suitability); let modifiedExperiment = await PreferenceExperiments.get( experiment.slug ); ok( modifiedExperiment.expired, `The experiment should be expired for suitability ${suitability}` ); })(); } } ); // Check that non-temporary-error suitabilities clear the temporary deadline decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function test_non_temporary_error_clears_temporary_error_deadline() { let suitabilitiesThatShouldClearDeadline = [ BaseAction.suitability.CAPABILITIES_MISMATCH, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MISMATCH, BaseAction.suitability.ARGUMENTS_INVALID, ]; // Use a deadline in the past to demonstrate that even if the deadline has // passed, only a temporary error suitability ends the experiment. let now = Date.now(); let hour = 60 * 60 * 1000; let hitDeadline = new Date(now - 2 * hour).toJSON(); // For each suitability, build a decorator that sets up a suitabilty // environment, and then call that decorator with a sub-test that asserts // the suitability is handled correctly. for (const suitability of suitabilitiesThatShouldClearDeadline) { const decorator = PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ NormandyTestUtils.factories.preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: `test-for-suitability-${suitability}`.toLocaleLowerCase(), expired: false, temporaryErrorDeadline: hitDeadline, }), ]); await decorator(async ({ prefExperiments: [experiment] }) => { let action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); let recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: experiment.slug }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, suitability); let modifiedExperiment = await PreferenceExperiments.get( experiment.slug ); ok( !modifiedExperiment.temporaryErrorDeadline, `The temporary failure deadline should be cleared for suitabilitiy ${suitability}` ); })(); } } ); // Check that invalid deadlines are reset decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([]), async function test_non_temporary_error_clears_temporary_error_deadline() { let temporaryFailureSuitabilities = [ BaseAction.suitability.SIGNATURE_ERROR, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_ERROR, ]; // The action should set a deadline 1 week from now. To avoid intermittent // failures, give this a generous bound of 2 hours on either side. let invalidDeadline = "not a valid date"; let now = Date.now(); let hour = 60 * 60 * 1000; let expectedDeadline = now + 7 * 24 * hour; let minDeadline = new Date(expectedDeadline - 2 * hour); let maxDeadline = new Date(expectedDeadline + 2 * hour); // For each suitability, build a decorator that sets up a suitabilty // environment, and then call that decorator with a sub-test that asserts // the suitability is handled correctly. for (const suitability of temporaryFailureSuitabilities) { const decorator = PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ NormandyTestUtils.factories.preferenceStudyFactory({ slug: `test-for-suitability-${suitability}`.toLocaleLowerCase(), expired: false, temporaryErrorDeadline: invalidDeadline, }), ]); await decorator(async ({ prefExperiments: [experiment] }) => { let action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); let recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: experiment.slug }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, suitability); is(action.lastError, null, "No errors should be reported"); let modifiedExperiment = await PreferenceExperiments.get( experiment.slug ); Assert.notEqual( modifiedExperiment.temporaryErrorDeadline, invalidDeadline, `The temporary failure deadline should be reset for suitabilitiy ${suitability}` ); let deadline = new Date(modifiedExperiment.temporaryErrorDeadline); ok( deadline >= minDeadline && deadline <= maxDeadline, `The temporary failure deadline should be reset to a valid deadline for ${suitability}` ); })(); } } ); // Check that an already unenrolled experiment doesn't try to unenroll again if // the filter does not match. decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withSpy(PreferenceExperiments, "stop"), async function test_stop_when_already_expired({ stopSpy }) { // Use a deadline that is already past const now = new Date(); const hour = 1000 * 60 * 60; const temporaryErrorDeadline = new Date(now - hour * 2).toJSON(); const suitabilitiesToCheck = Object.values(BaseAction.suitability); const subtest = decorate( PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ NormandyTestUtils.factories.preferenceStudyFactory({ expired: true, temporaryErrorDeadline, }), ]), async ({ prefExperiments: [experiment], suitability }) => { const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: experiment.slug }); const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, suitability); Assert.deepEqual( stopSpy.args, [], `Stop should not be called for ${suitability}` ); } ); for (const suitability of suitabilitiesToCheck) { await subtest({ suitability }); } } ); // If no recipes are received, it should be considered a temporary error decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ NormandyTestUtils.factories.preferenceStudyFactory({ expired: false }), ]), withSpy(PreferenceExperiments, "stop"), withStub(PreferenceExperimentAction.prototype, "_considerTemporaryError"), async function testNoRecipes({ stopSpy, _considerTemporaryErrorStub, prefExperiments: [experiment], }) { let action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); await action.finalize({ noRecipes: true }); Assert.deepEqual(stopSpy.args, [], "Stop should not be called"); Assert.deepEqual( _considerTemporaryErrorStub.args, [[{ experiment, reason: "no-recipes" }]], "The experiment should accumulate a temporary error" ); } ); // If recipes are received, but the flag that none were received is set, an error should be thrown decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments([ NormandyTestUtils.factories.preferenceStudyFactory({ expired: false }), ]), withSpy(PreferenceExperiments, "stop"), withStub(PreferenceExperimentAction.prototype, "_considerTemporaryError"), async function testNoRecipes({ stopSpy, _considerTemporaryErrorStub, prefExperiments: [experiment], }) { const action = new PreferenceExperimentAction(); const recipe = prefExperimentRecipeFactory({ slug: experiment.slug }); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MISMATCH); await action.finalize({ noRecipes: true }); ok( action.lastError instanceof PreferenceExperimentAction.BadNoRecipesArg, "An error should be logged since some recipes were received" ); } ); // Unenrolling from an experiment where a user has changed some prefs should not override user choice decorate_task( withStudiesEnabled(), withMockPreferences(), PreferenceExperiments.withMockExperiments(), async function testUserPrefNoReset({ mockPreferences }) { mockPreferences.set("test.pref.should-reset", "builtin value", "default"); mockPreferences.set("test.pref.user-override", "builtin value", "default"); await PreferenceExperiments.start({ slug: "test-experiment", actionName: "PreferenceExperimentAction", isHighPopulation: false, isEnrollmentPaused: false, userFacingName: "Test Experiment", userFacingDescription: "Test description", branch: "test", preferences: { "test.pref.should-reset": { preferenceValue: "experiment value", preferenceType: "string", previousPreferenceValue: "builtin value", preferenceBranchType: "user", overridden: false, }, "test.pref.user-override": { preferenceValue: "experiment value", preferenceType: "string", previousPreferenceValue: "builtin value", preferenceBranchType: "user", overridden: false, }, }, }); mockPreferences.set("test.pref.user-override", "user value", "user"); let exp = await PreferenceExperiments.get("test-experiment"); is( exp.preferences["test.pref.user-override"].overridden, true, "Changed pref should be marked as overridden" ); is( exp.preferences["test.pref.should-reset"].overridden, false, "Unchanged pref should not be marked as overridden" ); await PreferenceExperiments.stop("test-experiment", { resetValue: true, reason: "test-reason", }); is( Services.prefs.getCharPref("test.pref.should-reset"), "builtin value", "pref that was not overridden should reset to builtin" ); is( Services.prefs.getCharPref("test.pref.user-override"), "user value", "pref that was overridden should keep user value" ); } );