"use strict"; const { BaseAction } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/actions/BaseAction.sys.mjs" ); const { PreferenceRollbackAction } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/actions/PreferenceRollbackAction.sys.mjs" ); const { Uptake } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/Uptake.sys.mjs" ); const { PreferenceRollouts } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://normandy/lib/PreferenceRollouts.sys.mjs" ); // Test that a simple recipe rollsback as expected decorate_task( withStub(TelemetryEnvironment, "setExperimentInactive"), withSendEventSpy(), PreferenceRollouts.withTestMock(), async function simple_rollback({ setExperimentInactiveStub, sendEventSpy }) { Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").setIntPref("test.pref1", 2); Services.prefs .getDefaultBranch("") .setCharPref("test.pref2", "rollout value"); Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").setBoolPref("test.pref3", true); await PreferenceRollouts.add({ slug: "test-rollout", state: PreferenceRollouts.STATE_ACTIVE, preferences: [ { preferenceName: "test.pref1", value: 2, previousValue: 1 }, { preferenceName: "test.pref2", value: "rollout value", previousValue: "builtin value", }, { preferenceName: "test.pref3", value: true, previousValue: false }, ], }); const recipe = { id: 1, arguments: { rolloutSlug: "test-rollout" } }; const action = new PreferenceRollbackAction(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); is(action.lastError, null, "lastError should be null"); // rollout prefs are reset is( Services.prefs.getIntPref("test.pref1"), 1, "integer pref should be rolled back" ); is( Services.prefs.getCharPref("test.pref2"), "builtin value", "string pref should be rolled back" ); is( Services.prefs.getBoolPref("test.pref3"), false, "boolean pref should be rolled back" ); // start up prefs are unset is( Services.prefs.getPrefType("app.normandy.startupRolloutPrefs.test.pref1"), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "integer startup pref should be unset" ); is( Services.prefs.getPrefType("app.normandy.startupRolloutPrefs.test.pref2"), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "string startup pref should be unset" ); is( Services.prefs.getPrefType("app.normandy.startupRolloutPrefs.test.pref3"), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "boolean startup pref should be unset" ); // rollout in db was updated const rollouts = await PreferenceRollouts.getAll(); Assert.deepEqual( rollouts, [ { slug: "test-rollout", state: PreferenceRollouts.STATE_ROLLED_BACK, preferences: [ { preferenceName: "test.pref1", value: 2, previousValue: 1 }, { preferenceName: "test.pref2", value: "rollout value", previousValue: "builtin value", }, { preferenceName: "test.pref3", value: true, previousValue: false }, ], }, ], "Rollout should be updated in db" ); // Telemetry is updated sendEventSpy.assertEvents([ [ "unenroll", "preference_rollback", recipe.arguments.rolloutSlug, { reason: "rollback" }, ], ]); Assert.deepEqual( setExperimentInactiveStub.args, [["test-rollout"]], "the telemetry experiment should deactivated" ); // Cleanup Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch("test.pref1"); Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch("test.pref2"); Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch("test.pref3"); } ); // Test that a graduated rollout can't be rolled back decorate_task( withSendEventSpy(), PreferenceRollouts.withTestMock(), async function cant_rollback_graduated({ sendEventSpy }) { Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").setIntPref("test.pref", 1); await PreferenceRollouts.add({ slug: "graduated-rollout", state: PreferenceRollouts.STATE_GRADUATED, preferences: [ { preferenceName: "test.pref", value: 1, previousValue: 1 }, ], }); let recipe = { id: 1, arguments: { rolloutSlug: "graduated-rollout" } }; const action = new PreferenceRollbackAction(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); is(action.lastError, null, "lastError should be null"); is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("test.pref"), 1, "pref should not change"); is( Services.prefs.getPrefType("app.normandy.startupRolloutPrefs.test.pref"), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "no startup pref should be added" ); // rollout in the DB hasn't changed Assert.deepEqual( await PreferenceRollouts.getAll(), [ { slug: "graduated-rollout", state: PreferenceRollouts.STATE_GRADUATED, preferences: [ { preferenceName: "test.pref", value: 1, previousValue: 1 }, ], }, ], "Rollout should not change in db" ); sendEventSpy.assertEvents([ [ "unenrollFailed", "preference_rollback", "graduated-rollout", { reason: "graduated" }, ], ]); // Cleanup Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch("test.pref"); } ); // Test that a rollback without a matching rollout does not send telemetry decorate_task( withSendEventSpy(), withStub(Uptake, "reportRecipe"), PreferenceRollouts.withTestMock(), async function rollback_without_rollout({ sendEventSpy, reportRecipeStub }) { let recipe = { id: 1, arguments: { rolloutSlug: "missing-rollout" } }; const action = new PreferenceRollbackAction(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); is(action.lastError, null, "lastError should be null"); sendEventSpy.assertEvents([]); Assert.deepEqual( reportRecipeStub.args, [[recipe, Uptake.RECIPE_SUCCESS]], "recipe should be reported as succesful" ); } ); // Test that rolling back an already rolled back recipe doesn't do anything decorate_task( withStub(TelemetryEnvironment, "setExperimentInactive"), withSendEventSpy(), PreferenceRollouts.withTestMock(), async function rollback_already_rolled_back({ setExperimentInactiveStub, sendEventSpy, }) { Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").setIntPref("test.pref", 1); const recipe = { id: 1, arguments: { rolloutSlug: "test-rollout" } }; const rollout = { slug: "test-rollout", state: PreferenceRollouts.STATE_ROLLED_BACK, preferences: [ { preferenceName: "test.pref", value: 2, previousValue: 1 }, ], }; await PreferenceRollouts.add(rollout); const action = new PreferenceRollbackAction(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); is(action.lastError, null, "lastError should be null"); is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("test.pref"), 1, "pref shouldn't change"); is( Services.prefs.getPrefType("app.normandy.startupRolloutPrefs.test.pref"), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "startup pref should not be set" ); // rollout in db was updated Assert.deepEqual( await PreferenceRollouts.getAll(), [rollout], "Rollout shouldn't change in db" ); // Telemetry is updated sendEventSpy.assertEvents([]); Assert.deepEqual( setExperimentInactiveStub.args, [], "telemetry experiments should not be updated" ); // Cleanup Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch("test.pref"); } ); // Test that a rollback doesn't affect user prefs decorate_task( PreferenceRollouts.withTestMock(), async function simple_rollback() { Services.prefs .getDefaultBranch("") .setCharPref("test.pref", "rollout value"); Services.prefs.setCharPref("test.pref", "user value"); await PreferenceRollouts.add({ slug: "test-rollout", state: PreferenceRollouts.STATE_ACTIVE, preferences: [ { preferenceName: "test.pref", value: "rollout value", previousValue: "builtin value", }, ], }); const recipe = { id: 1, arguments: { rolloutSlug: "test-rollout" } }; const action = new PreferenceRollbackAction(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); is(action.lastError, null, "lastError should be null"); is( Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").getCharPref("test.pref"), "builtin value", "default branch should be reset" ); is( Services.prefs.getCharPref("test.pref"), "user value", "user branch should remain the same" ); // Cleanup Services.prefs.deleteBranch("test.pref"); Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch("test.pref"); } ); // Test that a rollouts in the graduation set can't be rolled back decorate_task( withSendEventSpy(), PreferenceRollouts.withTestMock({ graduationSet: new Set(["graduated-rollout"]), }), async function cant_rollback_graduation_set({ sendEventSpy }) { Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").setIntPref("test.pref", 1); let recipe = { id: 1, arguments: { rolloutSlug: "graduated-rollout" } }; const action = new PreferenceRollbackAction(); await action.processRecipe(recipe, BaseAction.suitability.FILTER_MATCH); await action.finalize(); is(action.lastError, null, "lastError should be null"); is(Services.prefs.getIntPref("test.pref"), 1, "pref should not change"); is( Services.prefs.getPrefType("app.normandy.startupRolloutPrefs.test.pref"), Services.prefs.PREF_INVALID, "no startup pref should be added" ); // No entry in the DB Assert.deepEqual( await PreferenceRollouts.getAll(), [], "Rollout should be in the db" ); sendEventSpy.assertEvents([ [ "unenrollFailed", "preference_rollback", "graduated-rollout", { reason: "in-graduation-set", }, ], ]); // Cleanup Services.prefs.getDefaultBranch("").deleteBranch("test.pref"); } );