/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Module doing most of the content process work for the password manager. */ // Disable use-ownerGlobal since LoginForm doesn't have it. /* eslint-disable mozilla/use-ownerGlobal */ const PASSWORD_INPUT_ADDED_COALESCING_THRESHOLD_MS = 1; // The amount of time a context menu event supresses showing a // popup from a focus event in ms. This matches the threshold in // toolkit/components/satchel/nsFormFillController.cpp const AUTOCOMPLETE_AFTER_RIGHT_CLICK_THRESHOLD_MS = 400; const AUTOFILL_STATE = "autofill"; const SUBMIT_FORM_SUBMIT = 1; const SUBMIT_PAGE_NAVIGATION = 2; const SUBMIT_FORM_IS_REMOVED = 3; const LOG_MESSAGE_FORM_SUBMISSION = "form submission"; const LOG_MESSAGE_FIELD_EDIT = "field edit"; export const AUTOFILL_RESULT = { FILLED: "filled", NO_PASSWORD_FIELD: "no_password_field", PASSWORD_DISABLED_READONLY: "password_disabled_readonly", NO_LOGINS_FIT: "no_logins_fit", NO_SAVED_LOGINS: "no_saved_logins", EXISTING_PASSWORD: "existing_password", EXISTING_USERNAME: "existing_username", MULTIPLE_LOGINS: "multiple_logins", NO_AUTOFILL_FORMS: "no_autofill_forms", AUTOCOMPLETE_OFF: "autocomplete_off", INSECURE: "insecure", PASSWORD_AUTOCOMPLETE_NEW_PASSWORD: "password_autocomplete_new_password", TYPE_NO_LONGER_PASSWORD: "type_no_longer_password", FORM_IN_CROSSORIGIN_SUBFRAME: "form_in_crossorigin_subframe", FILLED_USERNAME_ONLY_FORM: "filled_username_only_form", }; import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { PrivateBrowsingUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.sys.mjs"; import { CreditCard } from "resource://gre/modules/CreditCard.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ContentDOMReference: "resource://gre/modules/ContentDOMReference.sys.mjs", DeferredTask: "resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs", FormLikeFactory: "resource://gre/modules/FormLikeFactory.sys.mjs", FormScenarios: "resource://gre/modules/FormScenarios.sys.mjs", InsecurePasswordUtils: "resource://gre/modules/InsecurePasswordUtils.sys.mjs", LoginFormFactory: "resource://gre/modules/LoginFormFactory.sys.mjs", LoginHelper: "resource://gre/modules/LoginHelper.sys.mjs", LoginRecipesContent: "resource://gre/modules/LoginRecipes.sys.mjs", LoginManagerTelemetry: "resource://gre/modules/LoginManagerTelemetry.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyServiceGetter( lazy, "gFormFillService", "@mozilla.org/satchel/form-fill-controller;1", "nsIFormFillController" ); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "log", () => { let logger = lazy.LoginHelper.createLogger("LoginManagerChild"); return logger.log.bind(logger); }); Services.cpmm.addMessageListener("clearRecipeCache", () => { lazy.LoginRecipesContent._clearRecipeCache(); }); let gLastRightClickTimeStamp = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // Events on pages with Shadow DOM could return the shadow host element // (aEvent.target) rather than the actual username or password field // (aEvent.composedTarget). // Only allow input elements (can be extended later) to avoid false negatives. class WeakFieldSet extends WeakSet { add(value) { if (!HTMLInputElement.isInstance(value)) { throw new Error("Non-field type added to a WeakFieldSet"); } super.add(value); } } const observer = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIObserver", "nsIWebProgressListener", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), // nsIWebProgressListener onLocationChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aLocation, aFlags) { // Only handle pushState/replaceState here. if ( !(aFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_SAME_DOCUMENT) || !(aWebProgress.loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_PUSHSTATE) ) { return; } const window = aWebProgress.DOMWindow; lazy.log( "onLocationChange handled:", aLocation.displaySpec, window.document ); LoginManagerChild.forWindow(window)._onNavigation(window.document); }, onStateChange(aWebProgress, aRequest, aState, aStatus) { const window = aWebProgress.DOMWindow; const loginManagerChild = () => LoginManagerChild.forWindow(window); if ( aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_RESTORING && aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP ) { // Re-fill a document restored from bfcache since password field values // aren't persisted there. loginManagerChild()._onDocumentRestored(window.document); return; } if (!(aState & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START)) { return; } // We only care about when a page triggered a load, not the user. For example: // clicking refresh/back/forward, typing a URL and hitting enter, and loading a bookmark aren't // likely to be when a user wants to save a login. let channel = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIChannel); let triggeringPrincipal = channel.loadInfo.triggeringPrincipal; if ( triggeringPrincipal.isNullPrincipal || triggeringPrincipal.equals( Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal() ) ) { return; } // Don't handle history navigation, reload, or pushState not triggered via chrome UI. // e.g. history.go(-1), location.reload(), history.replaceState() if (!(aWebProgress.loadType & Ci.nsIDocShell.LOAD_CMD_NORMAL)) { lazy.log(`loadType isn't LOAD_CMD_NORMAL: ${aWebProgress.loadType}.`); return; } lazy.log(`Handled channel: ${channel}`); loginManagerChild()._onNavigation(window.document); }, // nsIObserver observe(subject, topic, data) { switch (topic) { case "autocomplete-did-enter-text": { let input = subject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput); let { selectedIndex } = input.popup; if (selectedIndex < 0 || selectedIndex >= input.controller.matchCount) { break; } let { focusedInput } = lazy.gFormFillService; if (focusedInput.nodePrincipal.isNullPrincipal) { // If we have a null principal then prevent any more password manager code from running and // incorrectly using the document `location`. return; } let window = focusedInput.ownerGlobal; let loginManagerChild = LoginManagerChild.forWindow(window); let style = input.controller.getStyleAt(selectedIndex); if (style == "login" || style == "loginWithOrigin") { let details = JSON.parse( input.controller.getCommentAt(selectedIndex) ); loginManagerChild.onFieldAutoComplete(focusedInput, details.guid); } else if (style == "generatedPassword") { loginManagerChild._filledWithGeneratedPassword(focusedInput); } break; } } }, // nsIDOMEventListener handleEvent(aEvent) { if (!aEvent.isTrusted) { return; } if (!lazy.LoginHelper.enabled) { return; } const ownerDocument = aEvent.target.ownerDocument; const window = ownerDocument.defaultView; const loginManagerChild = LoginManagerChild.forWindow(window); const docState = loginManagerChild.stateForDocument(ownerDocument); const field = aEvent.composedTarget; switch (aEvent.type) { // Used to mask fields with filled generated passwords when blurred. case "blur": this.handleBlur(docState, field); break; // Used to watch for changes to username and password fields. case "change": this.handleChange(docState, field, loginManagerChild); break; case "input": this.handleInput( aEvent, docState, field, loginManagerChild, ownerDocument ); break; case "keydown": this.handleKeydown(aEvent, field, loginManagerChild, ownerDocument); break; case "focus": this.handleFocus(field, docState, aEvent.target); break; case "mousedown": this.handleMousedown(aEvent.button); break; default: { throw new Error("Unexpected event"); } } }, handleBlur(docState, field) { if (docState.generatedPasswordFields.has(field)) { docState._togglePasswordFieldMasking(field, false); } }, handleChange(docState, field, loginManagerChild) { let formLikeRoot = lazy.FormLikeFactory.findRootForField(field); if (!docState.fieldModificationsByRootElement.get(formLikeRoot)) { lazy.log("Ignoring change event on form that hasn't been user-modified."); if (field.hasBeenTypePassword) { // Send notification that the password field has not been changed. // This is used only for testing. loginManagerChild._ignorePasswordEdit(); } return; } docState.storeUserInput(field); let detail = { possibleValues: { usernames: docState.possibleUsernames, passwords: docState.possiblePasswords, }, }; loginManagerChild.sendAsyncMessage( "PasswordManager:updateDoorhangerSuggestions", detail ); if (field.hasBeenTypePassword) { let triggeredByFillingGenerated = docState.generatedPasswordFields.has(field); // Autosave generated password initial fills and subsequent edits if (triggeredByFillingGenerated) { loginManagerChild._passwordEditedOrGenerated(field, { triggeredByFillingGenerated, }); } else { // Send a notification that we are not saving the edit to the password field. // This is used only for testing. loginManagerChild._ignorePasswordEdit(); } } }, handleInput(aEvent, docState, field, loginManagerChild, ownerDocument) { let isPasswordType = lazy.LoginHelper.isPasswordFieldType(field); // React to input into fields filled with generated passwords. if ( docState.generatedPasswordFields.has(field) && // Depending on the edit, we may no longer want to consider // the field a generated password field to avoid autosaving. loginManagerChild._doesEventClearPrevFieldValue(aEvent) ) { docState._stopTreatingAsGeneratedPasswordField(field); } if (!isPasswordType && !lazy.LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(field)) { return; } // React to input into potential username or password fields let formLikeRoot = lazy.FormLikeFactory.findRootForField(field); if (formLikeRoot !== aEvent.currentTarget) { return; } // flag this form as user-modified for the closest form/root ancestor let alreadyModified = docState.fieldModificationsByRootElement.get(formLikeRoot); let { login: filledLogin, userTriggered: fillWasUserTriggered } = docState.fillsByRootElement.get(formLikeRoot) || {}; // don't flag as user-modified if the form was autofilled and doesn't appear to have changed let isAutofillInput = filledLogin && !fillWasUserTriggered; if (!alreadyModified && isAutofillInput) { if (isPasswordType && filledLogin.password == field.value) { lazy.log( "Ignoring password input event that doesn't change autofilled values." ); return; } if ( !isPasswordType && filledLogin.usernameField && filledLogin.username == field.value ) { lazy.log( "Ignoring username input event that doesn't change autofilled values." ); return; } } docState.fieldModificationsByRootElement.set(formLikeRoot, true); // Keep track of the modified formless password field to trigger form submission // when it is removed from DOM. let alreadyModifiedFormLessField = true; if (!HTMLFormElement.isInstance(formLikeRoot)) { alreadyModifiedFormLessField = docState.formlessModifiedPasswordFields.has(field); if (!alreadyModifiedFormLessField) { docState.formlessModifiedPasswordFields.add(field); } } // Infer form submission only when there has been an user interaction on the form // or the formless password field. if ( lazy.LoginHelper.formRemovalCaptureEnabled && (!alreadyModified || !alreadyModifiedFormLessField) ) { loginManagerChild.registerDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener(ownerDocument); } if ( // When the password field value is cleared or entirely replaced we don't treat it as // an autofilled form any more. We don't do the same for username edits to avoid snooping // on the autofilled password in the resulting doorhanger isPasswordType && loginManagerChild._doesEventClearPrevFieldValue(aEvent) && // Don't clear last recorded autofill if THIS is an autofilled value. This will be true // when filling from the context menu. filledLogin && filledLogin.password !== field.value ) { docState.fillsByRootElement.delete(formLikeRoot); } if (!lazy.LoginHelper.passwordEditCaptureEnabled) { return; } if (field.hasBeenTypePassword) { // When a field is filled with a generated password, we also fill a confirm password field // if found. To do this, _fillConfirmFieldWithGeneratedPassword calls setUserInput, which fires // an "input" event on the confirm password field. compareAndUpdatePreviouslySentValues will // allow that message through due to triggeredByFillingGenerated, so early return here. let form = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(field); if ( docState.generatedPasswordFields.has(field) && docState._getFormFields(form).confirmPasswordField === field ) { return; } // Don't check for triggeredByFillingGenerated, as we do not want to autosave // a field marked as a generated password field on every "input" event loginManagerChild._passwordEditedOrGenerated(field); } else { let [usernameField, passwordField] = docState.getUserNameAndPasswordFields(field); if (field == usernameField && passwordField?.value) { loginManagerChild._passwordEditedOrGenerated(passwordField, { triggeredByFillingGenerated: docState.generatedPasswordFields.has(passwordField), }); } } }, handleKeydown(aEvent, field, loginManagerChild, ownerDocument) { if ( field.value && (aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_TAB || aEvent.keyCode == aEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN) ) { const autofillForm = lazy.LoginHelper.autofillForms && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(ownerDocument.defaultView); if (autofillForm) { loginManagerChild.onUsernameAutocompleted(field); } } }, handleFocus(field, docState, target) { //@sg see if we can drop focusedField (aEvent.target) and use field (aEvent.composedTarget) docState.onFocus(field, target); }, handleMousedown(button) { if (button == 2) { // Date.now() is used instead of event.timeStamp since // dom.event.highrestimestamp.enabled isn't true on all channels yet. gLastRightClickTimeStamp = Date.now(); } }, }; // Add this observer once for the process. Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "autocomplete-did-enter-text"); /** * Form scenario defines what can be done with form. */ class FormScenario {} /** * Sign up scenario defines typical account registration flow. */ class SignUpFormScenario extends FormScenario { usernameField; passwordField; } /** * Logic of Capture and Filling. * * This class will be shared with Firefox iOS and should have no references to * Gecko internals. See Bug 1774208. */ export class LoginFormState { /** * Keeps track of filled fields and values. */ fillsByRootElement = new WeakMap(); /** * Keeps track of fields we've filled with generated passwords */ generatedPasswordFields = new WeakFieldSet(); /** * Keeps track of logins that were last submitted. */ lastSubmittedValuesByRootElement = new WeakMap(); fieldModificationsByRootElement = new WeakMap(); /** * Anything entered into an that we think might be a username */ possibleUsernames = new Set(); /** * Anything entered into an that we think might be a password */ possiblePasswords = new Set(); /** * Keeps track of the formLike of nodes (form or formless password field) * that we are watching when they are removed from DOM. */ formLikeByObservedNode = new WeakMap(); /** * Keeps track of all formless password fields that have been * updated by the user. */ formlessModifiedPasswordFields = new WeakFieldSet(); /** * Caches the results of the username heuristics */ #cachedIsInferredUsernameField = new WeakMap(); #cachedIsInferredEmailField = new WeakMap(); #cachedIsInferredLoginForm = new WeakMap(); /** * Records the mock username field when its associated form is submitted. */ mockUsernameOnlyField = null; /** * Records the number of possible username event received for this document. */ numFormHasPossibleUsernameEvent = 0; captureLoginTimeStamp = 0; // Scenarios detected on this page #scenariosByRoot = new WeakMap(); getScenario(inputElement) { const formLikeRoot = lazy.FormLikeFactory.findRootForField(inputElement); return this.#scenariosByRoot.get(formLikeRoot); } setScenario(formLikeRoot, scenario) { this.#scenariosByRoot.set(formLikeRoot, scenario); } storeUserInput(field) { if (field.value && lazy.LoginHelper.captureInputChanges) { if (lazy.LoginHelper.isPasswordFieldType(field)) { this.possiblePasswords.add(field.value); } else if (lazy.LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(field)) { this.possibleUsernames.add(field.value); } } } /** * Returns true if the input field is considered an email field by * 'LoginHelper.isInferredEmailField'. * * @param {Element} element the field to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the element is likely an email field */ isProbablyAnEmailField(inputElement) { if (!inputElement) { return false; } let result = this.#cachedIsInferredEmailField.get(inputElement); if (result === undefined) { result = lazy.LoginHelper.isInferredEmailField(inputElement); this.#cachedIsInferredEmailField.set(inputElement, result); } return result; } /** * Returns true if the input field is considered a username field by * 'LoginHelper.isInferredUsernameField'. The main purpose of this method * is to cache the result because _getFormFields has many call sites and we * want to avoid applying the heuristic every time. * * @param {Element} element the field to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the element is likely a username field */ isProbablyAUsernameField(inputElement) { let result = this.#cachedIsInferredUsernameField.get(inputElement); if (result === undefined) { result = lazy.LoginHelper.isInferredUsernameField(inputElement); this.#cachedIsInferredUsernameField.set(inputElement, result); } return result; } /** * Returns true if the form is considered a username login form if * 1. The input element looks like a username field or the form looks * like a login form * 2. The input field doesn't match keywords that indicate the username * is not used for login (ex, search) or the login form is not use * a username to sign-in (ex, authentication code) * * @param {Element} element the form to check. * @returns {boolean} True if the element is likely a login form */ #isProbablyAUsernameLoginForm(formElement, inputElement) { let result = this.#cachedIsInferredLoginForm.get(formElement); if (result === undefined) { // We should revisit these rules after we collect more positive or negative // cases for username-only forms. Right now, if-else-based rules are good // enough to cover the sites we know, but if we find out defining "weight" for each // rule is necessary to improve the heuristic, we should consider switching // this with Fathom. result = false; // Check whether the input field looks like a username field or the // form looks like a sign-in or sign-up form. if ( this.isProbablyAUsernameField(inputElement) || lazy.LoginHelper.isInferredLoginForm(formElement) ) { // This is where we collect hints that indicate this is not a username // login form. if (!lazy.LoginHelper.isInferredNonUsernameField(inputElement)) { result = true; } } this.#cachedIsInferredLoginForm.set(formElement, result); } return result; } /** * Given a field, determine whether that field was last filled as a username * field AND whether the username is still filled in with the username AND * whether the associated password field has the matching password. * * @note This could possibly be unified with getFieldContext but they have * slightly different use cases. getFieldContext looks up recipes whereas this * method doesn't need to since it's only returning a boolean based upon the * recipes used for the last fill (in _fillForm). * * @param {HTMLInputElement} aUsernameField element contained in a LoginForm * cached in LoginFormFactory. * @returns {Boolean} whether the username and password fields still have the * last-filled values, if previously filled. */ #isLoginAlreadyFilled(aUsernameField) { let formLikeRoot = lazy.FormLikeFactory.findRootForField(aUsernameField); // Look for the existing LoginForm. let existingLoginForm = lazy.LoginFormFactory.getForRootElement(formLikeRoot); if (!existingLoginForm) { throw new Error( "#isLoginAlreadyFilled called with a username field with " + "no rootElement LoginForm" ); } let { login: filledLogin } = this.fillsByRootElement.get(formLikeRoot) || {}; if (!filledLogin) { return false; } // Unpack the weak references. let autoFilledUsernameField = filledLogin.usernameField?.get(); let autoFilledPasswordField = filledLogin.passwordField?.get(); // Check username and password values match what was filled. if ( !autoFilledUsernameField || autoFilledUsernameField != aUsernameField || autoFilledUsernameField.value != filledLogin.username || (autoFilledPasswordField && autoFilledPasswordField.value != filledLogin.password) ) { return false; } return true; } _togglePasswordFieldMasking(passwordField, unmask) { let { editor } = passwordField; if (passwordField.type != "password") { // The type may have been changed by the website. lazy.log("Field isn't type=password."); return; } if (!unmask && !editor) { // It hasn't been created yet but the default is to be masked anyways. return; } if (unmask) { editor.unmask(0); return; } if (editor.autoMaskingEnabled) { return; } editor.mask(); } /** * Track a form field as has having been filled with a generated password. This adds explicit * focus & blur handling to unmask & mask the value, and enables special handling of edits to * generated password values (see the observer's input event handler.) * * @param {HTMLInputElement} passwordField */ _treatAsGeneratedPasswordField(passwordField) { this.generatedPasswordFields.add(passwordField); // blur/focus: listen for focus changes to we can mask/unmask generated passwords for (let eventType of ["blur", "focus"]) { passwordField.addEventListener(eventType, observer, { capture: true, mozSystemGroup: true, }); } if (passwordField.ownerDocument.activeElement == passwordField) { // Unmask the password field this._togglePasswordFieldMasking(passwordField, true); } } _formHasModifiedFields(form) { const doc = form.rootElement.ownerDocument; let userHasInteracted; const testOnlyUserHasInteracted = lazy.LoginHelper.testOnlyUserHasInteractedWithDocument; if (Cu.isInAutomation && testOnlyUserHasInteracted !== null) { userHasInteracted = testOnlyUserHasInteracted; } else { userHasInteracted = !lazy.LoginHelper.userInputRequiredToCapture || this.captureLoginTimeStamp != doc.lastUserGestureTimeStamp; } lazy.log( `_formHasModifiedFields: userHasInteracted: ${userHasInteracted}.` ); // Skip if user didn't interact with the page since last call or ever if (!userHasInteracted) { return false; } // check for user inputs to the form fields let fieldsModified = this.fieldModificationsByRootElement.get( form.rootElement ); // also consider a form modified if there's a difference between fields' .value and .defaultValue if (!fieldsModified) { fieldsModified = Array.from(form.elements).some( field => field.defaultValue !== undefined && field.value !== field.defaultValue ); } return fieldsModified; } _stopTreatingAsGeneratedPasswordField(passwordField) { this.generatedPasswordFields.delete(passwordField); // Remove all the event listeners added in _passwordEditedOrGenerated for (let eventType of ["blur", "focus"]) { passwordField.removeEventListener(eventType, observer, { capture: true, mozSystemGroup: true, }); } // Mask the password field this._togglePasswordFieldMasking(passwordField, false); } onFocus(field, focusedField) { if (field.hasBeenTypePassword && this.generatedPasswordFields.has(field)) { // Used to unmask fields with filled generated passwords when focused. this._togglePasswordFieldMasking(field, true); return; } // Only used for username fields. this.#onUsernameFocus(focusedField); } /** * Focus event handler for username fields to decide whether to show autocomplete. * @param {HTMLInputElement} focusedField */ #onUsernameFocus(focusedField) { if ( !focusedField.mozIsTextField(true) || focusedField.hasBeenTypePassword || focusedField.readOnly ) { return; } if (this.#isLoginAlreadyFilled(focusedField)) { lazy.log("Login already filled."); return; } /* * A `mousedown` event is fired before the `focus` event if the user right clicks into an * unfocused field. In that case we don't want to show both autocomplete and a context menu * overlapping so we check against the timestamp that was set by the `mousedown` event if the * button code indicated a right click. * We use a timestamp instead of a bool to avoid complexity when dealing with multiple input * forms and the fact that a mousedown into an already focused field does not trigger another focus. * Date.now() is used instead of event.timeStamp since dom.event.highrestimestamp.enabled isn't * true on all channels yet. */ let timeDiff = Date.now() - gLastRightClickTimeStamp; if (timeDiff < AUTOCOMPLETE_AFTER_RIGHT_CLICK_THRESHOLD_MS) { lazy.log( `Not opening autocomplete after focus since a context menu was opened within ${timeDiff}ms.` ); return; } // The login manager is responsible for fields with the "webauthn" credential type. let acCredentialType = focusedField.getAutocompleteInfo()?.credentialType; if (acCredentialType == "webauthn") { lazy.gFormFillService.markAsLoginManagerField(focusedField); } lazy.log("Opening the autocomplete popup."); lazy.gFormFillService.showPopup(); } /** Remove login field highlight when its value is cleared or overwritten. */ static #removeFillFieldHighlight(event) { let winUtils = event.target.ownerGlobal.windowUtils; winUtils.removeManuallyManagedState(event.target, AUTOFILL_STATE); } /** * Highlight login fields on autocomplete or autofill on page load. * @param {Node} element that needs highlighting. */ static _highlightFilledField(element) { let winUtils = element.ownerGlobal.windowUtils; winUtils.addManuallyManagedState(element, AUTOFILL_STATE); // Remove highlighting when the field is changed. element.addEventListener( "input", LoginFormState.#removeFillFieldHighlight, { mozSystemGroup: true, once: true, } ); } /** * Returns the username field of the passed form if the form is a * username-only form. * A form is considered a username-only form only if it meets all the * following conditions: * 1. Does not have any password field, * 2. Only contains one input field whose type is username compatible. * 3. The username compatible input field looks like a username field * or the form itself looks like a sign-in or sign-up form. * * @param {Element} formElement * the form to check. * @param {Object} recipe=null * A relevant field override recipe to use. * @returns {Element} The username field or null (if the form is not a * username-only form). */ getUsernameFieldFromUsernameOnlyForm(formElement, recipe = null) { if (!HTMLFormElement.isInstance(formElement)) { return null; } let candidate = null; for (let element of formElement.elements) { // We are looking for a username-only form, so if there is a password // field in the form, this is NOT a username-only form. if (element.hasBeenTypePassword) { return null; } // Ignore input fields whose type are not username compatiable, ex, hidden. if (!lazy.LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(element)) { continue; } if ( recipe?.notUsernameSelector && element.matches(recipe.notUsernameSelector) ) { continue; } // If there are more than two input fields whose type is username // compatiable, this is NOT a username-only form. if (candidate) { return null; } candidate = element; } if ( candidate && this.#isProbablyAUsernameLoginForm(formElement, candidate) ) { return candidate; } return null; } /** * @param {LoginForm} form - the LoginForm to look for password fields in. * @param {Object} options * @param {bool} [options.skipEmptyFields=false] - Whether to ignore password fields with no value. * Used at capture time since saving empty values isn't * useful. * @param {Object} [options.fieldOverrideRecipe=null] - A relevant field override recipe to use. * @return {Array|null} Array of password field elements for the specified form. * If no pw fields are found, or if more than 5 are found, then null * is returned. */ static _getPasswordFields( form, { fieldOverrideRecipe = null, minPasswordLength = 0, ignoreConnect = false, } = {} ) { // Locate the password fields in the form. let pwFields = []; for (let i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { let element = form.elements[i]; if ( !HTMLInputElement.isInstance(element) || !element.hasBeenTypePassword || (!element.isConnected && !ignoreConnect) ) { continue; } // Exclude ones matching a `notPasswordSelector`, if specified. if ( fieldOverrideRecipe?.notPasswordSelector && element.matches(fieldOverrideRecipe.notPasswordSelector) ) { lazy.log( `Skipping password field with id: ${element.id}, name: ${element.name} due to recipe ${fieldOverrideRecipe}.` ); continue; } // XXX: Bug 780449 tracks our handling of emoji and multi-code-point characters in // password fields. To avoid surprises, we should be consistent with the visual // representation of the masked password if ( minPasswordLength && element.value.trim().length < minPasswordLength ) { lazy.log( `Skipping password field with id: ${element.id}, name: ${element.name} as value is too short.` ); continue; // Ignore empty or too-short passwords fields } pwFields[pwFields.length] = { index: i, element, }; } // If too few or too many fields, bail out. if (!pwFields.length) { lazy.log("Form ignored, no password fields."); return null; } if (pwFields.length > 5) { lazy.log(`Form ignored, too many password fields: ${pwFields.length}.`); return null; } return pwFields; } /** * Stores passed arguments, and returns whether or not they match the args given the last time * this method was called with the same [formLikeRoot]. This is used to avoid sending duplicate * messages to the parent. * * @param {Element} formLikeRoot * @param {string} usernameValue * @param {string} passwordValue * @param {boolean?} [dismissed=false] * @param {boolean?} [triggeredByFillingGenerated=false] whether or not this call was triggered by a generated * password being filled into a form-like element. * * @returns {boolean} true if args match the most recently passed values */ compareAndUpdatePreviouslySentValues( formLikeRoot, usernameValue, passwordValue, dismissed = false, triggeredByFillingGenerated = false ) { const lastSentValues = this.lastSubmittedValuesByRootElement.get(formLikeRoot); if (lastSentValues) { if (dismissed && !lastSentValues.dismissed) { // preserve previous dismissed value if it was false (i.e. shown/open) dismissed = false; } if ( lastSentValues.username == usernameValue && lastSentValues.password == passwordValue && lastSentValues.dismissed == dismissed && lastSentValues.triggeredByFillingGenerated == triggeredByFillingGenerated ) { lazy.log( "compareAndUpdatePreviouslySentValues: values are equivalent, returning true." ); return true; } } // Save the last submitted values so we don't prompt twice for the same values using // different capture methods e.g. a form submit event and upon navigation. this.lastSubmittedValuesByRootElement.set(formLikeRoot, { username: usernameValue, password: passwordValue, dismissed, triggeredByFillingGenerated, }); lazy.log( "compareAndUpdatePreviouslySentValues: values not equivalent, returning false." ); return false; } fillConfirmFieldWithGeneratedPassword(passwordField) { // Fill a nearby password input if it looks like a confirm-password field let form = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(passwordField); let confirmPasswordInput = null; // The confirm-password field shouldn't be more than 3 form elements away from the password field we filled let MAX_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_DISTANCE = 3; let startIndex = form.elements.indexOf(passwordField); if (startIndex == -1) { throw new Error( "Password field is not in the form's elements collection" ); } // If we've already filled another field with a generated password, // this might be the confirm-password field, so don't try and find another let previousGeneratedPasswordField = form.elements.some( inp => inp !== passwordField && this.generatedPasswordFields.has(inp) ); if (previousGeneratedPasswordField) { lazy.log("Previously-filled generated password input found."); return; } // Get a list of input fields to search in. // Pre-filter type=hidden fields; they don't count against the distance threshold let afterFields = form.elements .slice(startIndex + 1) .filter(elem => elem.type !== "hidden"); let acFieldName = passwordField.getAutocompleteInfo()?.fieldName; // Match same autocomplete values first if (acFieldName == "new-password") { let matchIndex = afterFields.findIndex( elem => lazy.LoginHelper.isPasswordFieldType(elem) && elem.getAutocompleteInfo().fieldName == acFieldName && !elem.disabled && !elem.readOnly ); if (matchIndex >= 0 && matchIndex < MAX_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_DISTANCE) { confirmPasswordInput = afterFields[matchIndex]; } } if (!confirmPasswordInput) { for ( let idx = 0; idx < Math.min(MAX_CONFIRM_PASSWORD_DISTANCE, afterFields.length); idx++ ) { if ( lazy.LoginHelper.isPasswordFieldType(afterFields[idx]) && !afterFields[idx].disabled && !afterFields[idx].readOnly ) { confirmPasswordInput = afterFields[idx]; break; } } } if (confirmPasswordInput && !confirmPasswordInput.value) { this._treatAsGeneratedPasswordField(confirmPasswordInput); confirmPasswordInput.setUserInput(passwordField.value); LoginFormState._highlightFilledField(confirmPasswordInput); } } /** * Returns the username and password fields found in the form. * Can handle complex forms by trying to figure out what the * relevant fields are. * * @param {LoginForm} form * @param {bool} isSubmission * @param {Set} recipes * @param {Object} options * @param {bool} [options.ignoreConnect] - Whether to ignore checking isConnected * of the element. * @return {Object} {usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField, confirmPasswordField} * * usernameField may be null. * newPasswordField may be null. If null, this is a username-only form. * oldPasswordField may be null. If null, newPasswordField is just * "theLoginField". If not null, the form is apparently a * change-password field, with oldPasswordField containing the password * that is being changed. * * Note that even though we can create a LoginForm from a text field, * this method will only return a non-null usernameField if the * LoginForm has a password field. */ _getFormFields(form, isSubmission, recipes, { ignoreConnect = false } = {}) { let usernameField = null; let newPasswordField = null; let oldPasswordField = null; let confirmPasswordField = null; let emptyResult = { usernameField: null, newPasswordField: null, oldPasswordField: null, confirmPasswordField: null, }; let pwFields = null; let fieldOverrideRecipe = lazy.LoginRecipesContent.getFieldOverrides( recipes, form ); if (fieldOverrideRecipe) { lazy.log("fieldOverrideRecipe found ", fieldOverrideRecipe); let pwOverrideField = lazy.LoginRecipesContent.queryLoginField( form, fieldOverrideRecipe.passwordSelector ); if (pwOverrideField) { lazy.log("pwOverrideField found ", pwOverrideField); // The field from the password override may be in a different LoginForm. let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(pwOverrideField); pwFields = [ { index: [...formLike.elements].indexOf(pwOverrideField), element: pwOverrideField, }, ]; } let usernameOverrideField = lazy.LoginRecipesContent.queryLoginField( form, fieldOverrideRecipe.usernameSelector ); if (usernameOverrideField) { usernameField = usernameOverrideField; } } if (!pwFields) { // Locate the password field(s) in the form. Up to 5 supported. // If there's no password field, there's nothing for us to do. const minSubmitPasswordLength = 2; pwFields = LoginFormState._getPasswordFields(form, { fieldOverrideRecipe, minPasswordLength: isSubmission ? minSubmitPasswordLength : 0, ignoreConnect, }); } // Check whether this is a username-only form when the form doesn't have // a password field. Note that recipes are not supported in username-only // forms currently (Bug 1708455). if (!pwFields) { if (!lazy.LoginHelper.usernameOnlyFormEnabled) { return emptyResult; } usernameField = this.getUsernameFieldFromUsernameOnlyForm( form.rootElement, fieldOverrideRecipe ); if (usernameField) { lazy.log(`Found username field with name: ${usernameField.name}.`); } return { ...emptyResult, usernameField, }; } if (!usernameField) { // Searching backwards from the first password field until we find a field // that looks like a "username" field. If no "username" field is found, // consider an email-like field a username field, if any. // If neither a username-like or an email-like field exists, assume the // first text field before the password field is the username. // We might not find a username field if the user is already logged in to the site. // // Note: We only search fields precede the first password field because we // don't see sites putting a username field after a password field. We can // extend searching to all fields in the form if this turns out not to be the case. for (let i = pwFields[0].index - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let element = form.elements[i]; if (!lazy.LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(element, { ignoreConnect })) { continue; } if ( fieldOverrideRecipe?.notUsernameSelector && element.matches(fieldOverrideRecipe.notUsernameSelector) ) { continue; } // Assume the first text field is the username by default. // It will be replaced if we find a likely username field afterward. if (!usernameField) { usernameField = element; } if (this.isProbablyAUsernameField(element)) { // An username field is found, we are done. usernameField = element; break; } else if (this.isProbablyAnEmailField(element)) { // An email field is found, consider it a username field but continue // to search for an "username" field. // In current implementation, if another email field is found during // the process, we will use the new one. usernameField = element; } } } if (!usernameField) { lazy.log("No username field found."); } else { lazy.log(`Found username field with name: ${usernameField.name}.`); } let pwGeneratedFields = pwFields.filter(pwField => this.generatedPasswordFields.has(pwField.element) ); if (pwGeneratedFields.length) { // we have at least the newPasswordField [newPasswordField, confirmPasswordField] = pwGeneratedFields.map( pwField => pwField.element ); // if the user filled a field with a generated password, // a field immediately previous to that is most likely the old password field let idx = pwFields.findIndex( pwField => pwField.element === newPasswordField ); if (idx > 0) { oldPasswordField = pwFields[idx - 1].element; } return { ...emptyResult, usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField: oldPasswordField || null, confirmPasswordField: confirmPasswordField || null, }; } // If we're not submitting a form (it's a page load), there are no // password field values for us to use for identifying fields. So, // just assume the first password field is the one to be filled in. if (!isSubmission || pwFields.length == 1) { let passwordField = pwFields[0].element; lazy.log(`Found Password field with name: ${passwordField.name}.`); return { ...emptyResult, usernameField, newPasswordField: passwordField, oldPasswordField: null, }; } // We're looking for both new and old password field // Try to figure out what is in the form based on the password values. let pw1 = pwFields[0].element.value; let pw2 = pwFields[1] ? pwFields[1].element.value : null; let pw3 = pwFields[2] ? pwFields[2].element.value : null; if (pwFields.length == 3) { // Look for two identical passwords, that's the new password if (pw1 == pw2 && pw2 == pw3) { // All 3 passwords the same? Weird! Treat as if 1 pw field. newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = null; } else if (pw1 == pw2) { newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = pwFields[2].element; } else if (pw2 == pw3) { oldPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; newPasswordField = pwFields[2].element; } else if (pw1 == pw3) { // A bit odd, but could make sense with the right page layout. newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = pwFields[1].element; } else { // We can't tell which of the 3 passwords should be saved. lazy.log(`Form ignored -- all 3 pw fields differ.`); return emptyResult; } } else if (pw1 == pw2) { // pwFields.length == 2 // Treat as if 1 pw field newPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; oldPasswordField = null; } else { // Just assume that the 2nd password is the new password oldPasswordField = pwFields[0].element; newPasswordField = pwFields[1].element; } lazy.log( `New Password field id: ${newPasswordField.id}, name: ${newPasswordField.name}.` ); lazy.log( oldPasswordField ? `Old Password field id: ${oldPasswordField.id}, name: ${oldPasswordField.name}.` : "No Old password field." ); return { ...emptyResult, usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField, }; } /** * Returns the username and password fields found in the form by input * element into form. * * @param {HTMLInputElement} aField * A form field * @return {Array} [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField] * * Details of these values are the same as _getFormFields. */ getUserNameAndPasswordFields(aField) { const noResult = [null, null, null]; if (!HTMLInputElement.isInstance(aField)) { throw new Error("getUserNameAndPasswordFields: input element required"); } if (aField.nodePrincipal.isNullPrincipal || !aField.isConnected) { return noResult; } // If the element is not a login form field, return all null. if ( !aField.hasBeenTypePassword && !lazy.LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(aField) ) { return noResult; } const form = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(aField); const doc = aField.ownerDocument; const formOrigin = lazy.LoginHelper.getLoginOrigin(doc.documentURI); const recipes = lazy.LoginRecipesContent.getRecipes( formOrigin, doc.defaultView ); const { usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField } = this._getFormFields(form, false, recipes); return [usernameField, newPasswordField, oldPasswordField]; } /** * Verify if a field is a valid login form field and * returns some information about it's LoginForm. * * @param {Element} aField * A form field we want to verify. * * @returns {Object} an object with information about the * LoginForm username and password field * or null if the passed field is invalid. */ getFieldContext(aField) { // If the element is not a proper form field, return null. if ( !HTMLInputElement.isInstance(aField) || (!aField.hasBeenTypePassword && !lazy.LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(aField)) || aField.nodePrincipal.isNullPrincipal || aField.nodePrincipal.schemeIs("about") || !aField.ownerDocument ) { return null; } let { hasBeenTypePassword } = aField; // This array provides labels that correspond to the return values from // `getUserNameAndPasswordFields` so we can know which one aField is. const LOGIN_FIELD_ORDER = ["username", "new-password", "current-password"]; let usernameAndPasswordFields = this.getUserNameAndPasswordFields(aField); let fieldNameHint; let indexOfFieldInUsernameAndPasswordFields = usernameAndPasswordFields.indexOf(aField); if (indexOfFieldInUsernameAndPasswordFields == -1) { // For fields in the form that are neither username nor password, // set fieldNameHint to "other". Right now, in contextmenu, we treat both // "username" and "other" field as username fields. fieldNameHint = hasBeenTypePassword ? "current-password" : "other"; } else { fieldNameHint = LOGIN_FIELD_ORDER[indexOfFieldInUsernameAndPasswordFields]; } let [, newPasswordField] = usernameAndPasswordFields; return { activeField: { disabled: aField.disabled || aField.readOnly, fieldNameHint, }, // `passwordField` may be the same as `activeField`. passwordField: { found: !!newPasswordField, disabled: newPasswordField && (newPasswordField.disabled || newPasswordField.readOnly), }, }; } } /** * Integration with browser and IPC with LoginManagerParent. * * NOTE: there are still bits of code here that needs to be moved to * LoginFormState. */ export class LoginManagerChild extends JSWindowActorChild { /** * WeakMap of the root element of a LoginForm to the DeferredTask to fill its fields. * * This is used to be able to throttle fills for a LoginForm since onDOMInputPasswordAdded gets * dispatched for each password field added to a document but we only want to fill once per * LoginForm when multiple fields are added at once. * * @type {WeakMap} */ #deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement = new WeakMap(); /** * WeakMap of a document to the array of callbacks to execute when it becomes visible * * This is used to defer handling DOMFormHasPassword and onDOMInputPasswordAdded events when the * containing document is hidden. * When the document first becomes visible, any queued events will be handled as normal. * * @type {WeakMap} */ #visibleTasksByDocument = new WeakMap(); /** * Maps all DOM content documents in this content process, including those in * frames, to the current state used by the Login Manager. */ #loginFormStateByDocument = new WeakMap(); /** * Set of fields where the user specifically requested password generation * (from the context menu) even if we wouldn't offer it on this field by default. */ #fieldsWithPasswordGenerationForcedOn = new WeakSet(); static forWindow(window) { return window.windowGlobalChild?.getActor("LoginManager"); } receiveMessage(msg) { switch (msg.name) { case "PasswordManager:fillForm": { this.fillForm({ loginFormOrigin: msg.data.loginFormOrigin, loginsFound: lazy.LoginHelper.vanillaObjectsToLogins(msg.data.logins), recipes: msg.data.recipes, inputElementIdentifier: msg.data.inputElementIdentifier, originMatches: msg.data.originMatches, style: msg.data.style, }); break; } case "PasswordManager:useGeneratedPassword": { this.#onUseGeneratedPassword(msg.data.inputElementIdentifier); break; } case "PasswordManager:repopulateAutocompletePopup": { this.repopulateAutocompletePopup(); break; } case "PasswordManager:formIsPending": { return this.#visibleTasksByDocument.has(this.document); } case "PasswordManager:formProcessed": { this.notifyObserversOfFormProcessed(msg.data.formid); break; } } return undefined; } #onUseGeneratedPassword(inputElementIdentifier) { let inputElement = lazy.ContentDOMReference.resolve(inputElementIdentifier); if (!inputElement) { lazy.log("Could not resolve inputElementIdentifier to a living element."); return; } if (inputElement != lazy.gFormFillService.focusedInput) { lazy.log("Could not open popup on input that's no longer focused."); return; } this.#fieldsWithPasswordGenerationForcedOn.add(inputElement); this.repopulateAutocompletePopup(); } repopulateAutocompletePopup() { // Clear the cache of previous autocomplete results to show new options. lazy.gFormFillService.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteInput); lazy.gFormFillService.controller.resetInternalState(); lazy.gFormFillService.showPopup(); } shouldIgnoreLoginManagerEvent(event) { let nodePrincipal = event.target.nodePrincipal; // If we have a system or null principal then prevent any more password manager code from running and // incorrectly using the document `location`. Also skip password manager for about: pages. return ( nodePrincipal.isSystemPrincipal || nodePrincipal.isNullPrincipal || nodePrincipal.schemeIs("about") ); } registerDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener(document) { document.setNotifyFetchSuccess(true); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.addEventListener( "DOMDocFetchSuccess", this, true ); } unregisterDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener(document) { document.setNotifyFetchSuccess(false); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.removeEventListener( "DOMDocFetchSuccess", this ); } handleEvent(event) { if ( AppConstants.platform == "android" && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("reftest.remote", false) ) { // XXX known incompatibility between reftest harness and form-fill. Is this still needed? return; } if (this.shouldIgnoreLoginManagerEvent(event)) { return; } switch (event.type) { case "DOMDocFetchSuccess": { this.#onDOMDocFetchSuccess(event); break; } case "DOMFormBeforeSubmit": { this.#onDOMFormBeforeSubmit(event); break; } case "DOMFormHasPassword": { this.#onDOMFormHasPassword(event, this.document.defaultView); let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromForm( event.originalTarget ); lazy.InsecurePasswordUtils.reportInsecurePasswords(formLike); break; } case "DOMFormHasPossibleUsername": { this.#onDOMFormHasPossibleUsername(event); break; } case "DOMFormRemoved": case "DOMInputPasswordRemoved": { this.#onDOMFormRemoved(event); break; } case "DOMInputPasswordAdded": { this.#onDOMInputPasswordAdded(event, this.document.defaultView); let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField( event.originalTarget ); lazy.InsecurePasswordUtils.reportInsecurePasswords(formLike); break; } } } notifyObserversOfFormProcessed(formid) { Services.obs.notifyObservers(this, "passwordmgr-processed-form", formid); } /** * Get relevant logins and recipes from the parent * * @param {HTMLFormElement} form - form to get login data for * @param {Object} options * @param {boolean} options.guid - guid of a login to retrieve * @param {boolean} options.showPrimaryPassword - whether to show a primary password prompt */ _getLoginDataFromParent(form, options) { let actionOrigin = lazy.LoginHelper.getFormActionOrigin(form); let messageData = { actionOrigin, options }; let resultPromise = this.sendQuery( "PasswordManager:findLogins", messageData ); return resultPromise.then(result => { return { form, importable: result.importable, loginsFound: lazy.LoginHelper.vanillaObjectsToLogins(result.logins), recipes: result.recipes, }; }); } setupProgressListener(window) { if (!lazy.LoginHelper.formlessCaptureEnabled) { return; } // Get the highest accessible docshell and attach the progress listener to that. let docShell; for ( let browsingContext = BrowsingContext.getFromWindow(window); browsingContext?.docShell; browsingContext = browsingContext.parent ) { docShell = browsingContext.docShell; } try { let webProgress = docShell .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebProgress); webProgress.addProgressListener( observer, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_DOCUMENT | Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION ); } catch (ex) { // Ignore NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the progress listener was already added } } /** * This method sets up form removal listener for form and password fields that * users have interacted with. */ #onDOMDocFetchSuccess(event) { let document = event.target; let docState = this.stateForDocument(document); let weakModificationsRootElements = ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys( docState.fieldModificationsByRootElement ); lazy.log( `modificationsByRootElement approx size: ${weakModificationsRootElements.length}.` ); // Start to listen to form/password removed event after receiving a fetch/xhr // complete event. document.setNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved(true); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.addEventListener( "DOMFormRemoved", this, true ); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.addEventListener( "DOMInputPasswordRemoved", this, true ); for (let rootElement of weakModificationsRootElements) { if (HTMLFormElement.isInstance(rootElement)) { // If we create formLike when it is removed, we might not have the // right elements at that point, so create formLike object now. let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromForm(rootElement); docState.formLikeByObservedNode.set(rootElement, formLike); } } let weakFormlessModifiedPasswordFields = ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakSetKeys( docState.formlessModifiedPasswordFields ); lazy.log( `formlessModifiedPasswordFields approx size: ${weakFormlessModifiedPasswordFields.length}.` ); for (let passwordField of weakFormlessModifiedPasswordFields) { let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(passwordField); // force elements lazy getter being called. if (formLike.elements.length) { docState.formLikeByObservedNode.set(passwordField, formLike); } } // Observers have been set up, remove the listener. this.unregisterDOMDocFetchSuccessEventListener(document); } /* * Trigger capture when a form/formless password is removed from DOM. * This method is used to capture logins for cases where form submit events * are not used. * * The heuristic works as follow: * 1. Set up 'DOMDocFetchSuccess' event listener when users have interacted * with a form (by calling setNotifyFetchSuccess) * 2. After receiving `DOMDocFetchSuccess`, set up form removal event listener * (see onDOMDocFetchSuccess) * 3. When a form is removed, onDOMFormRemoved triggers the login capture * code. */ #onDOMFormRemoved(event) { let document = event.composedTarget.ownerDocument; let docState = this.stateForDocument(document); let formLike = docState.formLikeByObservedNode.get(event.target); if (!formLike) { return; } lazy.log("Form is removed."); this._onFormSubmit(formLike, SUBMIT_FORM_IS_REMOVED); docState.formLikeByObservedNode.delete(event.target); let weakObserveredNodes = ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakMapKeys( docState.formLikeByObservedNode ); if (!weakObserveredNodes.length) { document.setNotifyFormOrPasswordRemoved(false); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.removeEventListener( "DOMFormRemoved", this ); this.docShell.chromeEventHandler.removeEventListener( "DOMInputPasswordRemoved", this ); } } #onDOMFormBeforeSubmit(event) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } // We're invoked before the content's |submit| event handlers, so we // can grab form data before it might be modified (see bug 257781). let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromForm(event.target); this._onFormSubmit(formLike, SUBMIT_FORM_SUBMIT); } onDocumentVisibilityChange(event) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } let document = event.target; let onVisibleTasks = this.#visibleTasksByDocument.get(document); if (!onVisibleTasks) { return; } for (let task of onVisibleTasks) { lazy.log("onDocumentVisibilityChange: executing queued task."); task(); } this.#visibleTasksByDocument.delete(document); } _deferHandlingEventUntilDocumentVisible(event, document, fn) { lazy.log( `Defer handling event, document.visibilityState: ${document.visibilityState}, defer handling ${event.type}.` ); let onVisibleTasks = this.#visibleTasksByDocument.get(document); if (!onVisibleTasks) { lazy.log( "Defer handling first queued event and register the visibilitychange handler." ); onVisibleTasks = []; this.#visibleTasksByDocument.set(document, onVisibleTasks); document.addEventListener( "visibilitychange", event => { this.onDocumentVisibilityChange(event); }, { once: true } ); } onVisibleTasks.push(fn); } #getIsPrimaryPasswordSet() { return Services.cpmm.sharedData.get("isPrimaryPasswordSet"); } #onDOMFormHasPassword(event, window) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } this.setupProgressListener(window); const isPrimaryPasswordSet = this.#getIsPrimaryPasswordSet(); let document = event.target.ownerDocument; // don't attempt to defer handling when a primary password is set // Showing the MP modal as soon as possible minimizes its interference with tab interactions // See bug 1539091 and bug 1538460. lazy.log( `#onDOMFormHasPassword: visibilityState: ${document.visibilityState}, isPrimaryPasswordSet: ${isPrimaryPasswordSet}.` ); if (document.visibilityState == "visible" || isPrimaryPasswordSet) { this._processDOMFormHasPasswordEvent(event); } else { // wait until the document becomes visible before handling this event this._deferHandlingEventUntilDocumentVisible(event, document, () => { this._processDOMFormHasPasswordEvent(event); }); } } _processDOMFormHasPasswordEvent(event) { let form = event.target; let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromForm(form); this._fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(formLike); } #onDOMFormHasPossibleUsername(event) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } const isPrimaryPasswordSet = this.#getIsPrimaryPasswordSet(); let document = event.target.ownerDocument; lazy.log( `#onDOMFormHasPossibleUsername: visibilityState: ${document.visibilityState}, isPrimaryPasswordSet: ${isPrimaryPasswordSet}.` ); // For simplicity, the result of the telemetry is stacked. This means if a // document receives two `DOMFormHasPossibleEvent`, we add one counter to both // bucket 1 & 2. let docState = this.stateForDocument(document); Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("PWMGR_NUM_FORM_HAS_POSSIBLE_USERNAME_EVENT_PER_DOC") .add(++docState.numFormHasPossibleUsernameEvent); // Infer whether a form is a username-only form is expensive, so we restrict the // number of form looked up per document. if ( docState.numFormHasPossibleUsernameEvent > lazy.LoginHelper.usernameOnlyFormLookupThreshold ) { return; } if (document.visibilityState == "visible" || isPrimaryPasswordSet) { this._processDOMFormHasPossibleUsernameEvent(event); } else { // wait until the document becomes visible before handling this event this._deferHandlingEventUntilDocumentVisible(event, document, () => { this._processDOMFormHasPossibleUsernameEvent(event); }); } } _processDOMFormHasPossibleUsernameEvent(event) { let form = event.target; let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromForm(form); // If the form contains a passoword field, `getUsernameFieldFromUsernameOnlyForm` returns // null, so we don't trigger autofill for those forms here. In this function, // we only care about username-only forms. For forms contain a password, they'll be handled // in onDOMFormHasPassword. // We specifically set the recipe to empty here to avoid loading site recipes during page loads. // This is okay because if we end up finding a username-only form that should be ignore by // the site recipe, the form will be skipped while autofilling later. let docState = this.stateForDocument(form.ownerDocument); let usernameField = docState.getUsernameFieldFromUsernameOnlyForm(form, {}); if (usernameField) { // Autofill the username-only form. lazy.log("A username-only form is found."); this._fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(formLike); } Services.telemetry .getHistogramById("PWMGR_IS_USERNAME_ONLY_FORM") .add(!!usernameField); } #onDOMInputPasswordAdded(event, window) { if (!event.isTrusted) { return; } this.setupProgressListener(window); let pwField = event.originalTarget; if (pwField.form) { // Fill is handled by onDOMFormHasPassword which is already throttled. return; } let document = pwField.ownerDocument; const isPrimaryPasswordSet = this.#getIsPrimaryPasswordSet(); lazy.log( `#onDOMInputPasswordAdded, visibilityState: ${document.visibilityState}, isPrimaryPasswordSet: ${isPrimaryPasswordSet}.` ); // don't attempt to defer handling when a primary password is set // Showing the MP modal as soon as possible minimizes its interference with tab interactions // See bug 1539091 and bug 1538460. if (document.visibilityState == "visible" || isPrimaryPasswordSet) { this._processDOMInputPasswordAddedEvent(event); } else { // wait until the document becomes visible before handling this event this._deferHandlingEventUntilDocumentVisible(event, document, () => { this._processDOMInputPasswordAddedEvent(event); }); } } _processDOMInputPasswordAddedEvent(event) { let pwField = event.originalTarget; let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(pwField); let deferredTask = this.#deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement.get( formLike.rootElement ); if (!deferredTask) { lazy.log( "Creating a DeferredTask to call _fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm soon." ); lazy.LoginFormFactory.setForRootElement(formLike.rootElement, formLike); deferredTask = new lazy.DeferredTask( () => { // Get the updated LoginForm instead of the one at the time of creating the DeferredTask via // a closure since it could be stale since LoginForm.elements isn't live. let formLike2 = lazy.LoginFormFactory.getForRootElement( formLike.rootElement ); lazy.log("Running deferred processing of onDOMInputPasswordAdded."); this.#deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement.delete( formLike2.rootElement ); this._fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(formLike2); }, PASSWORD_INPUT_ADDED_COALESCING_THRESHOLD_MS, 0 ); this.#deferredPasswordAddedTasksByRootElement.set( formLike.rootElement, deferredTask ); } let window = pwField.ownerGlobal; if (deferredTask.isArmed) { lazy.log("DeferredTask is already armed so just updating the LoginForm."); // We update the LoginForm so it (most important .elements) is fresh when the task eventually // runs since changes to the elements could affect our field heuristics. lazy.LoginFormFactory.setForRootElement(formLike.rootElement, formLike); } else if ( ["interactive", "complete"].includes(window.document.readyState) ) { lazy.log( "Arming the DeferredTask we just created since document.readyState == 'interactive' or 'complete'." ); deferredTask.arm(); } else { window.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function () { lazy.log( "Arming the onDOMInputPasswordAdded DeferredTask due to DOMContentLoaded." ); deferredTask.arm(); }, { once: true } ); } } /** * Fetch logins from the parent for a given form and then attempt to fill it. * * @param {LoginForm} form to fetch the logins for then try autofill. */ _fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(form) { if (!lazy.LoginHelper.enabled) { return; } // set up input event listeners so we know if the user has interacted with these fields // * input: Listen for the field getting blanked (without blurring) or a paste // * change: Listen for changes to the field filled with the generated password so we can preserve edits. form.rootElement.addEventListener("input", observer, { capture: true, mozSystemGroup: true, }); form.rootElement.addEventListener("change", observer, { capture: true, mozSystemGroup: true, }); this._getLoginDataFromParent(form, { showPrimaryPassword: true }) .then(this.loginsFound.bind(this)) .catch(console.error); } isPasswordGenerationForcedOn(passwordField) { return this.#fieldsWithPasswordGenerationForcedOn.has(passwordField); } /** * Retrieves a reference to the state object associated with the given * document. This is initialized to an object with default values. */ stateForDocument(document) { let loginFormState = this.#loginFormStateByDocument.get(document); if (!loginFormState) { loginFormState = new LoginFormState(); this.#loginFormStateByDocument.set(document, loginFormState); } return loginFormState; } /** * Perform a password fill upon user request coming from the parent process. * The fill will be in the form previously identified during page navigation. * * @param An object with the following properties: * { * loginFormOrigin: * String with the origin for which the login UI was displayed. * This must match the origin of the form used for the fill. * loginsFound: * Array containing the login to fill. While other messages may * have more logins, for this use case this is expected to have * exactly one element. The origin of the login may be different * from the origin of the form used for the fill. * recipes: * Fill recipes transmitted together with the original message. * inputElementIdentifier: * An identifier generated for the input element via ContentDOMReference. * originMatches: * True if the origin of the form matches the page URI. * } */ fillForm({ loginFormOrigin, loginsFound, recipes, inputElementIdentifier, originMatches, style, }) { if (!inputElementIdentifier) { lazy.log("No input element specified."); return; } let inputElement = lazy.ContentDOMReference.resolve(inputElementIdentifier); if (!inputElement) { lazy.log("Could not resolve inputElementIdentifier to a living element."); return; } if (!originMatches) { if ( lazy.LoginHelper.getLoginOrigin( inputElement.ownerDocument.documentURI ) != loginFormOrigin ) { lazy.log( "The requested origin doesn't match the one from the", "document. This may mean we navigated to a document from a different", "site before we had a chance to indicate this change in the user", "interface." ); return; } } let clobberUsername = true; let form = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(inputElement); if (inputElement.hasBeenTypePassword) { clobberUsername = false; } this._fillForm(form, loginsFound, recipes, { inputElement, autofillForm: true, clobberUsername, clobberPassword: true, userTriggered: true, style, }); } loginsFound({ form, importable, loginsFound, recipes }) { let doc = form.ownerDocument; let autofillForm = lazy.LoginHelper.autofillForms && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isContentWindowPrivate(doc.defaultView); let formOrigin = lazy.LoginHelper.getLoginOrigin(doc.documentURI); lazy.LoginRecipesContent.cacheRecipes(formOrigin, doc.defaultView, recipes); this._fillForm(form, loginsFound, recipes, { autofillForm, importable }); } /** * A username or password was autocompleted into a field. */ onFieldAutoComplete(acInputField, loginGUID) { if (!lazy.LoginHelper.enabled) { return; } // This is probably a bit over-conservatative. if (!Document.isInstance(acInputField.ownerDocument)) { return; } if (!lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(acInputField)) { return; } if (lazy.LoginHelper.isUsernameFieldType(acInputField)) { this.onUsernameAutocompleted(acInputField, loginGUID); } else if (acInputField.hasBeenTypePassword) { // Ensure the field gets re-masked and edits don't overwrite the generated // password in case a generated password was filled into it previously. const docState = this.stateForDocument(acInputField.ownerDocument); docState._stopTreatingAsGeneratedPasswordField(acInputField); LoginFormState._highlightFilledField(acInputField); } } /** * A username field was filled or tabbed away from so try fill in the * associated password in the password field. */ onUsernameAutocompleted(acInputField, loginGUID = null) { lazy.log(`Autocompleting input field with name: ${acInputField.name}`); let acForm = lazy.LoginFormFactory.createFromField(acInputField); let doc = acForm.ownerDocument; let formOrigin = lazy.LoginHelper.getLoginOrigin(doc.documentURI); let recipes = lazy.LoginRecipesContent.getRecipes( formOrigin, doc.defaultView ); // Make sure the username field fillForm will use is the // same field as the autocomplete was activated on. const docState = this.stateForDocument(acInputField.ownerDocument); let { usernameField, newPasswordField: passwordField } = docState._getFormFields(acForm, false, recipes); if (usernameField == acInputField) { // Fill the form when a password field is present. if (passwordField) { this._getLoginDataFromParent(acForm, { guid: loginGUID, showPrimaryPassword: false, }) .then(({ form, loginsFound, recipes }) => { if (!loginGUID) { // not an explicit autocomplete menu selection, filter for exact matches only loginsFound = this._filterForExactFormOriginLogins( loginsFound, acForm ); // filter the list for exact matches with the username // NOTE: this could be an empty string which is a valid username let searchString = usernameField.value.toLowerCase(); loginsFound = loginsFound.filter( l => l.username.toLowerCase() == searchString ); } this._fillForm(form, loginsFound, recipes, { autofillForm: true, clobberPassword: true, userTriggered: true, }); }) .catch(console.error); // Use `loginGUID !== null` to distinguish whether this is called when the // field is filled or tabbed away from. For the latter, don't highlight the field. } else if (loginGUID !== null) { LoginFormState._highlightFilledField(usernameField); } } else { // Ignore the event, it's for some input we don't care about. } } /** * @return true if the page requests autocomplete be disabled for the * specified element. */ _isAutocompleteDisabled(element) { return element?.autocomplete == "off"; } /** * Fill a page that was restored from bfcache since we wouldn't receive * DOMInputPasswordAdded or DOMFormHasPassword events for it. * @param {Document} aDocument that was restored from bfcache. */ _onDocumentRestored(aDocument) { let rootElsWeakSet = lazy.LoginFormFactory.getRootElementsWeakSetForDocument(aDocument); let weakLoginFormRootElements = ChromeUtils.nondeterministicGetWeakSetKeys(rootElsWeakSet); lazy.log( `loginFormRootElements approx size: ${weakLoginFormRootElements.length}.` ); for (let formRoot of weakLoginFormRootElements) { if (!formRoot.isConnected) { continue; } let formLike = lazy.LoginFormFactory.getForRootElement(formRoot); this._fetchLoginsFromParentAndFillForm(formLike); } } /** * Trigger capture on any relevant FormLikes due to a navigation alone (not * necessarily due to an actual form submission). This method is used to * capture logins for cases where form submit events are not used. * * To avoid multiple notifications for the same LoginForm, this currently * avoids capturing when dealing with a real