/** * Test result of different input to the promptToChangePassword doorhanger */ "use strict"; // The origin for the test URIs. const TEST_ORIGIN = "https://example.com"; const passwordInputSelector = "#form-basic-password"; const usernameInputSelector = "#form-basic-username"; const availLoginsByValue = new Map(); let savedLoginsByName; const finalLoginsByGuid = new Map(); let finalLogins; const availLogins = { emptyXYZ: LoginTestUtils.testData.formLogin({ username: "", password: "xyz", }), bobXYZ: LoginTestUtils.testData.formLogin({ username: "bob", password: "xyz", }), bobABC: LoginTestUtils.testData.formLogin({ username: "bob", password: "abc", }), }; availLoginsByValue.set(availLogins.emptyXYZ, "emptyXYZ"); availLoginsByValue.set(availLogins.bobXYZ, "bobXYZ"); availLoginsByValue.set(availLogins.bobABC, "bobABC"); async function showChangePasswordDoorhanger( browser, oldLogin, formLogin, { notificationType = "password-change", autoSavedLoginGuid = "" } = {} ) { let windowGlobal = browser.browsingContext.currentWindowGlobal; let loginManagerActor = windowGlobal.getActor("LoginManager"); let prompter = loginManagerActor._getPrompter(browser, null); Assert.ok( !PopupNotifications.isPanelOpen, "Check the doorhanger isn't already open" ); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( PopupNotifications.panel, "popupshown" ); prompter.promptToChangePassword( browser, oldLogin, formLogin, false, // dimissed prompt false, // notifySaved autoSavedLoginGuid ); await promiseShown; let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger(notificationType); Assert.ok(notif, `${notificationType} notification exists`); let { panel } = PopupNotifications; let notificationElement = panel.childNodes[0]; await BrowserTestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return ( notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-password") .value == formLogin.password && notificationElement.querySelector("#password-notification-username") .value == formLogin.username ); }, "Wait for the notification panel to be populated"); return notif; } async function setupLogins(...logins) { Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); let savedLogins = {}; let timesCreated = new Set(); for (let login of logins) { let loginName = availLoginsByValue.get(login); let savedLogin = await LoginTestUtils.addLogin(login); // we rely on sorting by timeCreated so ensure none are identical Assert.ok( !timesCreated.has(savedLogin.timeCreated), "Each login has a different timeCreated" ); timesCreated.add(savedLogin.timeCreated); savedLogins[loginName || savedLogin.guid] = savedLogin.clone(); } return savedLogins; } add_setup(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["signon.autofillForms", false]], }); Assert.ok(!PopupNotifications.isPanelOpen, "No notifications panel open"); }); async function promptToChangePasswordTest(testData) { info("Starting: " + testData.name); savedLoginsByName = await setupLogins(...testData.initialSavedLogins); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(); info("got focus"); let oldLogin = savedLoginsByName[testData.promptArgs.oldLogin]; let changeLogin = LoginTestUtils.testData.formLogin( testData.promptArgs.changeLogin ); let options; if (testData.autoSavedLoginName) { options = { autoSavedLoginGuid: savedLoginsByName[testData.autoSavedLoginName].guid, }; } info( "Waiting for showChangePasswordDoorhanger, username: " + changeLogin.username ); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, TEST_ORIGIN, }, async function (browser) { await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser.ownerGlobal); let notif = await showChangePasswordDoorhanger( browser, oldLogin, changeLogin, options ); await updateDoorhangerInputValues(testData.promptTextboxValues); let mainActionButton = getDoorhangerButton(notif, CHANGE_BUTTON); Assert.equal( mainActionButton.label, testData.expectedButtonLabel, "Check button label" ); let { panel } = PopupNotifications; let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popuphidden"); let storagePromise; if (testData.expectedStorageChange) { storagePromise = TestUtils.topicObserved("passwordmgr-storage-changed"); } info("Clicking mainActionButton"); mainActionButton.doCommand(); info("Waiting for promiseHidden"); await promiseHidden; info("Waiting for storagePromise"); await storagePromise; // ensure the notification was removed to keep clean state for next run await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); info(testData.resultDescription); finalLoginsByGuid.clear(); finalLogins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); finalLogins.sort((a, b) => a.timeCreated > b.timeCreated); for (let l of finalLogins) { info(`saved login: ${l.guid}: ${l.username}/${l.password}`); finalLoginsByGuid.set(l.guid, l); } info("verifyLogins next"); await verifyLogins(testData.expectedResultLogins); if (testData.resultCheck) { testData.resultCheck(); } } ); } let tests = [ { name: "Add username to sole login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.emptyXYZ], promptArgs: { oldLogin: "emptyXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "zaphod", password: "xyz", }, }, promptTextboxValues: {}, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The existing login just gets a new password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "zaphod", password: "xyz", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.guid, "Check guid" ); }, }, { name: "Change password of the sole login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.bobXYZ], promptArgs: { oldLogin: "bobXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: "&*$", }, }, promptTextboxValues: {}, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The existing login just gets a new password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "bob", password: "&*$", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobXYZ.guid, "Check guid" ); }, }, { name: "Change password of the sole empty-username login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.emptyXYZ], promptArgs: { oldLogin: "emptyXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "", password: "&*$", }, }, promptTextboxValues: {}, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The existing login just gets a new password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "", password: "&*$", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.guid, "Check guid" ); }, }, { name: "Add different username to empty-usernamed login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.emptyXYZ, availLogins.bobABC], promptArgs: { oldLogin: "emptyXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "alice", password: "xyz", }, }, promptTextboxValues: {}, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The existing login just gets a new username", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "alice", password: "xyz", }, { username: "bob", password: "abc", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed > savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed of 0th login" ); }, }, { name: "Add username to autosaved login to match an existing usernamed login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.emptyXYZ, availLogins.bobABC], autoSavedLoginName: "emptyXYZ", promptArgs: { oldLogin: "emptyXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: availLogins.emptyXYZ.password, }, }, promptTextboxValues: {}, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "Empty-username login is removed, other login gets the empty-login's password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "bob", password: "xyz", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed changed" ); }, }, { name: "Add username to non-autosaved login to match an existing usernamed login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.emptyXYZ, availLogins.bobABC], autoSavedLoginName: "", promptArgs: { oldLogin: "emptyXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: availLogins.emptyXYZ.password, }, }, promptTextboxValues: {}, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", // We can't end up with duplicates (bob:xyz and bob:ABC) so the following seems reasonable. // We could delete the emptyXYZ but we would want to intelligently merge metadata. resultDescription: "Multiple login matches but user indicated they want bob:xyz in the prompt so modify bob to give that", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "", password: "xyz", }, { username: "bob", password: "xyz", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed didn't change" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timePasswordChanged, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged didn't change" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[1].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[1].timeLastUsed > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed did change" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[1].timePasswordChanged > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged did change" ); }, }, { name: "Username & password changes to an auto-saved login apply to matching usernamed-login", // when we update an auto-saved login - changing both username & password, is // the matching login updated and empty-username login removed? initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.emptyXYZ, availLogins.bobABC], autoSavedLoginName: "emptyXYZ", promptArgs: { oldLogin: "emptyXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: "xyz", }, }, promptTextboxValues: { // type a new password in the doorhanger password: "newpassword", }, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The empty-username login is removed, other login gets the new password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "bob", password: "newpassword", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed did change" ); }, }, { name: "Username & password changes to a non-auto-saved login matching usernamed-login", // when we update a non-auto-saved login - changing both username & password, is // the matching login updated and empty-username login unchanged? initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.emptyXYZ, availLogins.bobABC], autoSavedLoginName: "", // no auto-saved logins for this session promptArgs: { oldLogin: "emptyXYZ", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: "xyz", }, }, promptTextboxValues: { // type a new password in the doorhanger password: "newpassword", }, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The empty-username login is not changed, other login gets the new password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "", password: "xyz", }, { username: "bob", password: "newpassword", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed didn't change" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timePasswordChanged, savedLoginsByName.emptyXYZ.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged didn't change" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[1].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[1].timeLastUsed > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed did change" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[1].timePasswordChanged > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged did change" ); }, }, { name: "Remove the username and change password of autosaved login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.bobABC], autoSavedLoginName: "bobABC", promptArgs: { oldLogin: "bobABC", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: "abc!", // trigger change prompt with a password change }, }, promptTextboxValues: { username: "", }, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The auto-saved login is updated with new empty-username login and new password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "", password: "abc!", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed did change" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[0].timePasswordChanged > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged did change" ); }, }, { name: "Remove the username and change password of non-autosaved login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.bobABC], // no autosaved guid promptArgs: { oldLogin: "bobABC", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: "abc!", // trigger change prompt with a password change }, }, promptTextboxValues: { username: "", }, expectedButtonLabel: "Save", resultDescription: "A new empty-username login is created with the new password", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "bob", password: "abc", }, { username: "", password: "abc!", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed didn't change" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timePasswordChanged, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged didn't change" ); }, }, { name: "Remove username from the auto-saved sole login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.bobABC], autoSavedLoginName: "bobABC", promptArgs: { oldLogin: "bobABC", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: "abc!", // trigger change prompt with a password change }, }, promptTextboxValues: { username: "", password: "abc", // put password back to what it was }, expectedButtonLabel: "Update", resultDescription: "The existing login is updated", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "", password: "abc", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.ok( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed > savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed did change" ); todo_is( finalLogins[0].timePasswordChanged, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged didn't change" ); }, }, { name: "Remove username from the non-auto-saved sole login", initialSavedLogins: [availLogins.bobABC], // no autoSavedLoginGuid promptArgs: { oldLogin: "bobABC", changeLogin: { username: "bob", password: "abc!", // trigger change prompt with a password change }, }, promptTextboxValues: { username: "", password: "abc", // put password back to what it was }, expectedButtonLabel: "Save", resultDescription: "A new empty-username login is created", expectedStorageChange: true, expectedResultLogins: [ { username: "bob", password: "abc", }, { username: "", password: "abc", }, ], resultCheck() { Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].guid, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.guid, "Check guid" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timeLastUsed, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timeLastUsed, "Check timeLastUsed didn't change" ); Assert.equal( finalLogins[0].timePasswordChanged, savedLoginsByName.bobABC.timePasswordChanged, "Check timePasswordChanged didn't change" ); }, }, ]; for (let testData of tests) { let tmp = { async [testData.name]() { await promptToChangePasswordTest(testData); }, }; add_task(tmp[testData.name]); }