/* * Test capture popup notifications */ const BRAND_BUNDLE = Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://branding/locale/brand.properties" ); const BRAND_SHORT_NAME = BRAND_BUNDLE.GetStringFromName("brandShortName"); let nsLoginInfo = new Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/login-manager/loginInfo;1", Ci.nsILoginInfo, "init" ); let login1 = new nsLoginInfo( "http://example.com", "http://example.com", null, "notifyu1", "notifyp1", "user", "pass" ); let login2 = new nsLoginInfo( "http://example.com", "http://example.com", null, "", "notifyp1", "", "pass" ); let login1B = new nsLoginInfo( "http://example.com", "http://example.com", null, "notifyu1B", "notifyp1B", "user", "pass" ); let login2B = new nsLoginInfo( "http://example.com", "http://example.com", null, "", "notifyp1B", "", "pass" ); requestLongerTimeout(2); add_setup(async function () { // Load recipes for this test. let recipeParent = await LoginManagerParent.recipeParentPromise; await recipeParent.load({ siteRecipes: [ { hosts: ["example.org"], usernameSelector: "#user", passwordSelector: "#pass", }, ], }); }); add_task(async function test_remember_opens() { await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); }); add_task(async function test_clickNever() { await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.equal( true, Services.logins.getLoginSavingEnabled("http://example.com"), "Checking for login saving enabled" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "notifyp1"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, NEVER_MENUITEM); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); info("Make sure Never took effect"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", function (fieldValues) { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif, "checking for no notification popup"); Assert.equal( false, Services.logins.getLoginSavingEnabled("http://example.com"), "Checking for login saving disabled" ); Services.logins.setLoginSavingEnabled("http://example.com", true); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_clickRemember() { const storageChangedPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved( "passwordmgr-storage-changed", (_, data) => data == "addLogin" ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "notifyp1"); let promiseNewSavedPassword = TestUtils.topicObserved( "LoginStats:NewSavedPassword", (subject, _topic, _data) => subject == gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, REMEMBER_BUTTON); await promiseNewSavedPassword; } ); await storageChangedPromise; let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal( login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username used on the new entry" ); Assert.equal( login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password used on the new entry" ); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 1, "Check times used on new entry"); info( "Make sure Remember took effect and we don't prompt for an existing login" ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", function (fieldValues) { // form login matches a saved login, we don't expect a notification on change or submit Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif, "checking for no notification popup"); } ); logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username used"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password used"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used incremented"); checkOnlyLoginWasUsedTwice({ justChanged: false }); // remove that login Services.logins.removeLogin(login1); await cleanupDoorhanger(); }); /* signons.rememberSignons pref tests... */ add_task(async function test_rememberSignonsFalse() { info("Make sure we don't prompt with rememberSignons=false"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("signon.rememberSignons", false); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", function (fieldValues) { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif, "checking for no notification popup"); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_rememberSignonsTrue() { info("Make sure we prompt with rememberSignons=true"); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("signon.rememberSignons", true); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); /* autocomplete=off tests... */ add_task(async function test_autocompleteOffUsername() { info( "Check for notification popup when autocomplete=off present on username" ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_2.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "checking for notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_autocompleteOffPassword() { info( "Check for notification popup when autocomplete=off present on password" ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_3.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "checking for notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_autocompleteOffForm() { info("Check for notification popup when autocomplete=off present on form"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_4.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "checking for notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_noPasswordField() { info("Check for no notification popup when no password field present"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_5.html", function (fieldValues) { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal(fieldValues.password, "null", "Checking submitted password"); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif, "checking for no notification popup"); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_pwOnlyNewLoginMatchesUPForm() { info("Check for update popup when new existing pw-only login matches form."); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login2); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "checking for notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( notif.message, "Add username to saved password?", "Check message" ); let { panel } = PopupNotifications; let passwordVisiblityToggle = panel.querySelector( "#password-notification-visibilityToggle" ); Assert.ok( !passwordVisiblityToggle.hidden, "Toggle visible for a recently saved pw" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "notifyp1"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, CHANGE_BUTTON); Assert.ok( !getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change"), "popup should be gone" ); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login); }); add_task(async function test_pwOnlyOldLoginMatchesUPForm() { info("Check for update popup when old existing pw-only login matches form."); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login2); // Change the timePasswordChanged to be old so that the password won't be // revealed in the doorhanger. let oldTimeMS = new Date("2009-11-15").getTime(); Services.logins.modifyLogin( login2, LoginHelper.newPropertyBag({ timeCreated: oldTimeMS, timeLastUsed: oldTimeMS + 1, timePasswordChanged: oldTimeMS, }) ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "checking for notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( notif.message, "Add username to saved password?", "Check message" ); let { panel } = PopupNotifications; let passwordVisiblityToggle = panel.querySelector( "#password-notification-visibilityToggle" ); Assert.ok( passwordVisiblityToggle.hidden, "Toggle hidden for an old saved pw" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "notifyp1"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, CHANGE_BUTTON); Assert.ok( !getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change"), "popup should be gone" ); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login); }); add_task(async function test_pwOnlyFormMatchesLogin() { info( "Check for no notification popup when pw-only form matches existing login." ); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login1); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_6.html", function (fieldValues) { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif, "checking for no notification popup"); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login1); }); add_task(async function test_pwOnlyFormDoesntMatchExisting() { info( "Check for notification popup when pw-only form doesn't match existing login." ); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login1B); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_6.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1B", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1B", "Check the password unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 1, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login1B); }); add_task(async function test_changeUPLoginOnUPForm_dont() { info("Check for change-password popup, u+p login on u+p form. (not changed)"); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login1); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_8.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "pass2", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( notif.message, "Update password for example.com?", "Check message" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "pass2"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, DONT_CHANGE_BUTTON); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 1, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login1); }); add_task(async function test_changeUPLoginOnUPForm_remove() { info("Check for change-password popup, u+p login on u+p form. (remove)"); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login1); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_8.html", async function (fieldValues, browser) { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "pass2", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( notif.message, "Update password for example.com?", "Check message" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "pass2"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, REMOVE_LOGIN_MENUITEM); // Let the hint hide itself const forceClosePopup = false; // Make sure confirmation hint was shown info("waiting for verifyConfirmationHint"); await verifyConfirmationHint( browser, forceClosePopup, "identity-icon-box" ); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 0, "Should have 0 logins"); }); add_task(async function test_changeUPLoginOnUPForm_change() { info("Check for change-password popup, u+p login on u+p form."); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login1); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_8.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "pass2", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( notif.message, "Update password for example.com?", "Check message" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "pass2"); let promiseLoginUpdateSaved = TestUtils.topicObserved( "LoginStats:LoginUpdateSaved", (subject, _topic, _data) => subject == gBrowser.selectedBrowser ); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, CHANGE_BUTTON); await promiseLoginUpdateSaved; Assert.ok( !getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change"), "popup should be gone" ); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "pass2", "Check the password changed"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used"); await checkOnlyLoginWasUsedTwice({ justChanged: true }); // cleanup login1.password = "pass2"; Services.logins.removeLogin(login1); login1.password = "notifyp1"; }); add_task(async function test_changePLoginOnUPForm() { info("Check for change-password popup, p-only login on u+p form (empty u)."); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login2); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_9.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "pass2", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( notif.message, "Update password for example.com?", "Check msg" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("", "pass2"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, CHANGE_BUTTON); Assert.ok( !getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change"), "popup should be gone" ); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "pass2", "Check the password changed"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used"); // no cleanup -- saved password to be used in the next test. }); add_task(async function test_changePLoginOnPForm() { info("Check for change-password popup, p-only login on p-only form."); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_10.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( notif.message, "Update password for example.com?", "Check msg" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("", "notifyp1"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, CHANGE_BUTTON); Assert.ok( !getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change"), "popup should be gone" ); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password changed"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 3, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login2); }); add_task(async function test_checkUPSaveText() { info("Check text on a user+pass notification popup"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); // Check the text, which comes from the localized saveLoginMsg string. let notificationText = notif.message; let expectedText = "Save password for example.com?"; Assert.equal( notificationText, expectedText, "Checking text: " + notificationText ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_checkPSaveText() { info("Check text on a pass-only notification popup"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_6.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); // Check the text, which comes from the localized saveLoginMsgNoUser string. let notificationText = notif.message; let expectedText = "Save password for example.com?"; Assert.equal( notificationText, expectedText, "Checking text: " + notificationText ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_capture2pw0un() { info( "Check for notification popup when a form with 2 password fields (no username) " + "is submitted and there are no saved logins." ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_2pw_0un.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); }); add_task(async function test_change2pw0unExistingDifferentUP() { info( "Check for notification popup when a form with 2 password fields (no username) " + "is submitted and there is a saved login with a username and different password." ); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login1B); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_2pw_0un.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1B", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1B", "Check the password unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 1, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login1B); }); add_task(async function test_change2pw0unExistingDifferentP() { info( "Check for notification popup when a form with 2 password fields (no username) " + "is submitted and there is a saved login with no username and different password." ); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login2B); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_2pw_0un.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1B", "Check the password unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 1, "Check times used"); Services.logins.removeLogin(login2B); }); add_task(async function test_change2pw0unExistingWithSameP() { info( "Check for no notification popup when a form with 2 password fields (no username) " + "is submitted and there is a saved login with a username and the same password." ); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login2); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_2pw_0un.html", function (fieldValues) { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change"); Assert.ok(!notif, "checking for no notification popup"); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used incremented"); await checkOnlyLoginWasUsedTwice({ justChanged: false }); Services.logins.removeLogin(login2); }); add_task(async function test_changeUPLoginOnPUpdateForm() { info("Check for change-password popup, u+p login on password update form."); await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(login1); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_change_p.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal(fieldValues.username, "null", "Checking submitted username"); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "pass2", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-change"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "pass2"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, CHANGE_BUTTON); Assert.ok( !getCaptureDoorhanger("password-change"), "popup should be gone" ); } ); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "pass2", "Check the password changed"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used"); await checkOnlyLoginWasUsedTwice({ justChanged: true }); // cleanup login1.password = "pass2"; Services.logins.removeLogin(login1); login1.password = "notifyp1"; }); add_task(async function test_recipeCaptureFields_NewLogin() { info( "Check that we capture the proper fields when a field recipe is in use." ); const storageChangedPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved( "passwordmgr-storage-changed", (_, data) => data == "addLogin" ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_2pw_1un_1text.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); // Sanity check, no logins should exist yet. let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet"); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "notifyp1"); clickDoorhangerButton(notif, REMEMBER_BUTTON); }, "http://example.org" ); // The recipe is for example.org await storageChangedPromise; let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 1, "Check times used"); }); add_task(async function test_recipeCaptureFields_ExistingLogin() { info( "Check that we capture the proper fields when a field recipe is in use " + "and there is a matching login" ); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_2pw_1un_1text.html", function (fieldValues) { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = getCaptureDoorhanger("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif, "checking for no notification popup"); }, "http://example.org" ); await checkOnlyLoginWasUsedTwice({ justChanged: false }); let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal(login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password unchanged"); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 2, "Check times used incremented"); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); }); add_task(async function test_saveUsingEnter() { async function testWithTextboxSelector(fieldSelector) { const storageChangedPromise = TestUtils.topicObserved( "passwordmgr-storage-changed", (_, data) => data == "addLogin" ); info("Waiting for form submit and doorhanger interaction"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async fieldValues => { Assert.equal( fieldValues.username, "notifyu1", "Checking submitted username" ); Assert.equal( fieldValues.password, "notifyp1", "Checking submitted password" ); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); Assert.equal( (await Services.logins.getAllLogins()).length, 0, "Should not have any logins yet" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword("notifyu1", "notifyp1"); let notificationElement = PopupNotifications.panel.childNodes[0]; let textbox = notificationElement.querySelector(fieldSelector); textbox.focus(); await EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Enter"); } ); await storageChangedPromise; let logins = await Services.logins.getAllLogins(); Assert.equal(logins.length, 1, "Should only have 1 login"); let login = logins[0].QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginMetaInfo); Assert.equal( login.username, "notifyu1", "Check the username used on the new entry" ); Assert.equal( login.password, "notifyp1", "Check the password used on the new entry" ); Assert.equal(login.timesUsed, 1, "Check times used on new entry"); Services.logins.removeAllUserFacingLogins(); } await testWithTextboxSelector("#password-notification-password"); await testWithTextboxSelector("#password-notification-username"); }); add_task(async function test_noShowPasswordOnDismissal() { info("Check for no Show Password field when the doorhanger is dismissed"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async function (_fieldValues) { info("Opening popup"); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); let { panel } = PopupNotifications; info("Hiding popup."); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popuphidden"); panel.hidePopup(); await promiseHidden; info("Clicking on anchor to reshow popup."); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popupshown"); notif.anchorElement.click(); await promiseShown; let passwordVisiblityToggle = panel.querySelector( "#password-notification-visibilityToggle" ); Assert.equal( passwordVisiblityToggle.hidden, true, "Check that the Show Password field is Hidden" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); }); add_task(async function test_showPasswordOn1stOpenOfDismissedByDefault() { info("Show Password toggle when the doorhanger is dismissed by default"); await testSubmittingLoginFormHTTP( "subtst_notifications_1.html", async function (_fieldValues) { info("Opening popup"); let notif = await getCaptureDoorhangerThatMayOpen("password-save"); Assert.ok(!notif.dismissed, "doorhanger is not dismissed"); let { panel } = PopupNotifications; info("Hiding popup."); let promiseHidden = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popuphidden"); panel.hidePopup(); await promiseHidden; info("Clicking on anchor to reshow popup."); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popupshown"); notif.anchorElement.click(); await promiseShown; let passwordVisiblityToggle = panel.querySelector( "#password-notification-visibilityToggle" ); Assert.equal( passwordVisiblityToggle.hidden, true, "Check that the Show Password field is Hidden" ); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } ); });