/* eslint no-shadow:"off" */ const passwordInputSelector = "#form-basic-password"; const usernameInputSelector = "#form-basic-username"; const FORM_URL = "https://example.com/browser/toolkit/components/passwordmgr/test/browser/form_basic.html"; add_setup(async function () { await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["signon.rememberSignons.visibilityToggle", true]], }); }); let testCases = [ { /* Test that the doorhanger password field shows plain or * text * when the checkbox is checked. */ name: "test_toggle_password", logins: [], enabledPrimaryPassword: false, formDefaults: {}, formChanges: { [passwordInputSelector]: "pw", [usernameInputSelector]: "username", }, expected: { initialForm: { username: "", password: "", }, passwordChangedDoorhanger: null, submitDoorhanger: { type: "password-save", dismissed: false, username: "username", password: "pw", toggleVisible: true, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, afterToggleClick0: { inputType: "text", toggleChecked: true, }, afterToggleClick1: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, }, }, { /* Test that the doorhanger password toggle checkbox is disabled * when the primary password is set. */ name: "test_checkbox_disabled_if_has_primary_password", logins: [], enabledPrimaryPassword: true, formDefaults: {}, formChanges: { [passwordInputSelector]: "pass", [usernameInputSelector]: "username", }, expected: { initialForm: { username: "", password: "", }, passwordChangedDoorhanger: null, submitDoorhanger: { type: "password-save", dismissed: false, username: "username", password: "pass", toggleVisible: false, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, }, }, { /* Test that the reveal password checkbox is hidden when editing the * password of an autofilled login */ name: "test_edit_autofilled_password", logins: [{ username: "username1", password: "password" }], formDefaults: {}, formChanges: { [passwordInputSelector]: "password!", }, expected: { initialForm: { username: "username1", password: "password", }, passwordChangedDoorhanger: { type: "password-change", dismissed: true, username: "username1", password: "password!", toggleVisible: false, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, submitDoorhanger: { type: "password-change", dismissed: false, username: "username1", password: "password!", toggleVisible: false, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, }, }, { /* Test that the reveal password checkbox is shown when editing the * password of a login that has been autofilled and then deleted */ name: "test_autofilled_cleared_then_updated_password", logins: [{ username: "username1", password: "password" }], formDefaults: {}, formChanges: [ { [passwordInputSelector]: "", }, { [passwordInputSelector]: "password!", }, ], expected: { initialForm: { username: "username1", password: "password", }, passwordChangedDoorhanger: { type: "password-change", dismissed: true, username: "username1", password: "password!", toggleVisible: true, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, submitDoorhanger: { type: "password-change", dismissed: false, username: "username1", password: "password!", toggleVisible: true, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, }, }, { /* Test that the reveal password checkbox is hidden when editing the * username of an autofilled login */ name: "test_edit_autofilled_username", logins: [{ username: "username1", password: "password" }], formDefaults: {}, formChanges: { [usernameInputSelector]: "username2", }, expected: { initialForm: { username: "username1", password: "password", }, passwordChangedDoorhanger: { type: "password-save", dismissed: true, username: "username2", password: "password", toggleVisible: false, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, submitDoorhanger: { type: "password-save", dismissed: false, username: "username2", password: "password", toggleVisible: false, initialToggleState: { inputType: "password", toggleChecked: false, }, }, }, }, ]; for (let testData of testCases) { if (testData.skip) { info("Skipping test:", testData.name); continue; } let tmp = { async [testData.name]() { await testDoorhangerToggles(testData); }, }; add_task(tmp[testData.name]); } /** * Set initial test conditions, * Load and populate the form, * Submit it and verify doorhanger toggle behavior */ async function testDoorhangerToggles({ logins = [], formDefaults = {}, formChanges = {}, expected, enabledPrimaryPassword, }) { formChanges = Array.isArray(formChanges) ? formChanges : [formChanges]; for (let login of logins) { await LoginTestUtils.addLogin(login); } if (enabledPrimaryPassword) { LoginTestUtils.primaryPassword.enable(); } let formProcessedPromise = listenForTestNotification("FormProcessed"); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: FORM_URL, }, async function (browser) { info(`Opened tab with url: ${FORM_URL}, waiting for focus`); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(browser.ownerGlobal); info("Waiting for form-processed message"); await formProcessedPromise; await initForm(browser, formDefaults); await checkForm(browser, expected.initialForm); info("form checked"); // some tests check the dismissed doorhanger from editing the password let formChanged = expected.passwordChangedDoorhanger ? listenForTestNotification("PasswordEditedOrGenerated") : Promise.resolve(); for (let change of formChanges) { await changeContentFormValues(browser, change, { method: "paste_text", }); } await formChanged; if (expected.passwordChangedDoorhanger) { let expectedDoorhanger = expected.passwordChangedDoorhanger; info("Verifying dismissed doorhanger from password change"); let notif = await waitForDoorhanger(browser, expectedDoorhanger.type); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.equal( notif.dismissed, expectedDoorhanger.dismissed, "Check notification dismissed property" ); let { panel } = browser.ownerGlobal.PopupNotifications; // we will open dismissed doorhanger to check panel contents Assert.equal(panel.state, "closed", "Panel is initially closed"); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popupshown"); info("Opening the doorhanger popup"); // synthesize click on anchor as this also blurs the form field triggering // a change event EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(notif.anchorElement, {}); await promiseShown; await TestUtils.waitForTick(); Assert.ok( panel.children.length, `Check the popup has at least one notification (${panel.children.length})` ); // Check the password-changed-capture doorhanger contents & behaviour info("Verifying the doorhanger"); await verifyDoorhangerToggles(browser, notif, expectedDoorhanger); await hideDoorhangerPopup(notif); } if (expected.submitDoorhanger) { let expectedDoorhanger = expected.submitDoorhanger; let { panel } = browser.ownerGlobal.PopupNotifications; // submit the form and wait for the doorhanger info("Submitting the form"); let submittedPromise = listenForTestNotification("ShowDoorhanger"); let promiseShown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(panel, "popupshown"); await submitForm(browser, "/"); await submittedPromise; info("Waiting for doorhanger popup to open"); await promiseShown; let notif = await getCaptureDoorhanger(expectedDoorhanger.type); Assert.ok(notif, "got notification popup"); Assert.equal( notif.dismissed, expectedDoorhanger.dismissed, "Check notification dismissed property" ); Assert.ok( panel.children.length, `Check the popup has at least one notification (${panel.children.length})` ); // Check the submit-capture doorhanger contents & behaviour info("Verifying the submit doorhanger"); await verifyDoorhangerToggles(browser, notif, expectedDoorhanger); await cleanupDoorhanger(notif); } } ); await LoginTestUtils.clearData(); if (enabledPrimaryPassword) { LoginTestUtils.primaryPassword.disable(); } await cleanupPasswordNotifications(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers async function verifyDoorhangerToggles(browser, notif, expected) { let { initialToggleState, afterToggleClick0, afterToggleClick1 } = expected; let { panel } = browser.ownerGlobal.PopupNotifications; let notificationElement = panel.childNodes[0]; let passwordTextbox = notificationElement.querySelector( "#password-notification-password" ); let toggleCheckbox = notificationElement.querySelector( "#password-notification-visibilityToggle" ); Assert.equal(panel.state, "open", "Panel is open"); Assert.ok( BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(passwordTextbox), "The doorhanger password field is visible" ); await checkDoorhangerUsernamePassword(expected.username, expected.password); if (expected.toggleVisible) { Assert.ok( BrowserTestUtils.isVisible(toggleCheckbox), "The visibility checkbox is shown" ); } else { Assert.ok( BrowserTestUtils.isHidden(toggleCheckbox), "The visibility checkbox is hidden" ); } if (initialToggleState) { Assert.equal( toggleCheckbox.checked, initialToggleState.toggleChecked, `Initially, toggle is ${ initialToggleState.toggleChecked ? "checked" : "unchecked" }` ); Assert.equal( passwordTextbox.type, initialToggleState.inputType, `Initially, password input has type: ${initialToggleState.inputType}` ); } if (afterToggleClick0) { Assert.ok( !toggleCheckbox.hidden, "The checkbox shouldnt be hidden when clicking on it" ); info("Clicking on the visibility toggle"); await EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(toggleCheckbox, {}); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); Assert.equal( toggleCheckbox.checked, afterToggleClick0.toggleChecked, `After 1st click, expect toggle to be checked? ${afterToggleClick0.toggleChecked}, actual: ${toggleCheckbox.checked}` ); Assert.equal( passwordTextbox.type, afterToggleClick0.inputType, `After 1st click, expect password input to have type: ${afterToggleClick0.inputType}` ); } if (afterToggleClick1) { Assert.ok( !toggleCheckbox.hidden, "The checkbox shouldnt be hidden when clicking on it" ); info("Clicking on the visibility toggle again"); await EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(toggleCheckbox, {}); await TestUtils.waitForTick(); Assert.equal( toggleCheckbox.checked, afterToggleClick1.toggleChecked, `After 2nd click, expect toggle to be checked? ${afterToggleClick0.toggleChecked}, actual: ${toggleCheckbox.checked}` ); Assert.equal( passwordTextbox.type, afterToggleClick1.inputType, `After 2nd click, expect password input to have type: ${afterToggleClick1.inputType}` ); } } async function initForm(browser, formDefaults) { await ContentTask.spawn( browser, formDefaults, async function (selectorValues = {}) { for (let [sel, value] of Object.entries(selectorValues)) { content.document.querySelector(sel).value = value; } } ); } async function checkForm(browser, expected) { await ContentTask.spawn( browser, { [passwordInputSelector]: expected.password, [usernameInputSelector]: expected.username, }, async function contentCheckForm(selectorValues) { for (let [sel, value] of Object.entries(selectorValues)) { let field = content.document.querySelector(sel); Assert.equal( field.value, value, sel + " has the expected initial value" ); } } ); } async function submitForm(browser, action = "") { // Submit the form let correctPathNamePromise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [action], async function (actionPathname) { let form = content.document.querySelector("form"); if (actionPathname) { form.action = actionPathname; } info("Submitting form to:" + form.action); form.submit(); info("Submitted the form"); }); await correctPathNamePromise; await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [action], async actionPathname => { let win = content; await ContentTaskUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return ( win.location.pathname == actionPathname && win.document.readyState == "complete" ); }, "Wait for form submission load"); }); }