/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; let proxyChannel; function initProxy() { return new Promise(resolve => { let proxyChannel; let proxyCallback = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIProtocolProxyCallback"]), onProxyAvailable(_req, _uri, _pi, _status) { class ProxyChannelListener { onStartRequest(_request) { resolve(proxyChannel); } onStopRequest(_request, _status) {} } // I'm cheating a bit here... We should probably do some magic foo to get // something implementing nsIProxiedProtocolHandler and then call // NewProxiedChannel(), so we have something that's definately a proxied // channel. But Mochitests use a proxy for a number of hosts, so just // requesting a normal channel will give us a channel that's proxied. // The proxyChannel needs to move to at least on-modify-request to // have valid ProxyInfo, but we use OnStartRequest during startup() // for simplicity. proxyChannel = Services.io.newChannel( "http://mochi.test:8888", null, null, null, // aLoadingNode Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), null, // aTriggeringPrincipal Ci.nsILoadInfo.SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_SEC_CONTEXT_IS_NULL, Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_OTHER ); proxyChannel.asyncOpen(new ProxyChannelListener()); }, }; // Need to allow for arbitrary network servers defined in PAC instead of a hardcoded moz-proxy. let pps = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol-proxy-service;1"].getService(); let channel = Services.io.newChannel( "https://example.com", null, null, null, // aLoadingNode Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(), null, // aTriggeringPrincipal Ci.nsILoadInfo.SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_SEC_CONTEXT_IS_NULL, Ci.nsIContentPolicy.TYPE_OTHER ); pps.asyncResolve(channel, 0, proxyCallback); }); } add_setup(async function () { proxyChannel = await initProxy(); }); /** * Create an object for consuming an nsIAuthPromptCallback. * @returns result * @returns {nsIAuthPromptCallback} result.callback - Callback to be passed into * asyncPromptAuth. * @returns {Promise} result.promise - Promise which resolves with authInfo once * the callback has been called. */ function getAuthPromptCallback() { let callbackResolver; let promise = new Promise(resolve => { callbackResolver = resolve; }); let callback = { onAuthAvailable(_context, authInfo) { callbackResolver(authInfo); }, }; return { callback, promise }; } /** * Tests that if a window proxy auth prompt is open, subsequent auth calls with * matching realm will be merged into the existing prompt. This should work even * if the follwing auth call has browser parent. */ add_task(async function testProxyAuthPromptMerge() { let tabA = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, "https://example.com" ); let tabB = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab( gBrowser, "https://example.org" ); const promptFac = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/passwordmanager/authpromptfactory;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIPromptFactory); let prompter = promptFac.getPrompt(window, Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2); let level = Ci.nsIAuthPrompt2.LEVEL_NONE; let proxyAuthinfo = { username: "", password: "", domain: "", flags: Ci.nsIAuthInformation.AUTH_PROXY, authenticationScheme: "basic", realm: "", }; // The next prompt call will result in window prompt, because the prompt does // not have a browser set yet. The browser is used as a parent for tab // prompts. let promptOpened = PromptTestUtils.waitForPrompt(null, { modalType: Services.prompt.MODAL_TYPE_WINDOW, }); let cbWinPrompt = getAuthPromptCallback(); info("asyncPromptAuth no parent"); prompter.asyncPromptAuth( proxyChannel, cbWinPrompt.callback, null, level, proxyAuthinfo ); let prompt = await promptOpened; // Set a browser so the next prompt would open as tab prompt. prompter.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginManagerAuthPrompter).browser = tabA.linkedBrowser; // Since we already have an open window prompts, subsequent calls with // matching realm should be merged into this prompt and no additional prompts // must be spawned. let cbNoPrompt = getAuthPromptCallback(); info("asyncPromptAuth tabA parent"); prompter.asyncPromptAuth( proxyChannel, cbNoPrompt.callback, null, level, proxyAuthinfo ); // Switch to the next tabs browser. prompter.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoginManagerAuthPrompter).browser = tabB.linkedBrowser; let cbNoPrompt2 = getAuthPromptCallback(); info("asyncPromptAuth tabB parent"); prompter.asyncPromptAuth( proxyChannel, cbNoPrompt2.callback, null, level, proxyAuthinfo ); // Accept the prompt. PromptTestUtils.handlePrompt(prompt, {}); // Accepting the window prompts should complete all auth requests. let authInfo1 = await cbWinPrompt.promise; Assert.ok(authInfo1, "Received callback from first proxy auth call."); let authInfo2 = await cbNoPrompt.promise; Assert.ok(authInfo2, "Received callback from second proxy auth call."); let authInfo3 = await cbNoPrompt2.promise; Assert.ok(authInfo3, "Received callback from third proxy auth call."); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabA); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabB); });