/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; add_setup(async () => { await Services.logins.initializationPromise; }); add_task(async function test_vulnerable_password_methods() { const storageJSON = Services.logins.wrappedJSObject._storage; const logins = TestData.loginList(); Assert.greater(logins.length, 0, "Initial logins length should be > 0."); for (const loginInfo of logins) { await Services.logins.addLoginAsync(loginInfo); Assert.ok( !storageJSON.isPotentiallyVulnerablePassword(loginInfo), "No logins should be vulnerable until addVulnerablePasswords is called." ); } const vulnerableLogin = logins.shift(); storageJSON.addPotentiallyVulnerablePassword(vulnerableLogin); Assert.ok( storageJSON.isPotentiallyVulnerablePassword(vulnerableLogin), "Login should be vulnerable after calling addVulnerablePassword." ); for (const loginInfo of logins) { Assert.ok( !storageJSON.isPotentiallyVulnerablePassword(loginInfo), "No other logins should be vulnerable when addVulnerablePassword is called" + " with a single argument" ); } storageJSON.clearAllPotentiallyVulnerablePasswords(); for (const loginInfo of logins) { Assert.ok( !storageJSON.isPotentiallyVulnerablePassword(loginInfo), "No logins should be vulnerable when clearAllPotentiallyVulnerablePasswords is called." ); } });