# Version of this schema schema: 1 bugzilla: # Bugzilla product and component for this directory and subdirectories product: Firefox component: PDF Viewer # Document the source of externally hosted code origin: # Short name of the package/library name: PDF.js description: Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer that is built with HTML5 # Full URL for the package's homepage/etc # Usually different from repository url url: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js # Human-readable identifier for this version/release # Generally "version NNN", "tag SSS", "bookmark SSS" release: a208d6bca72f8cb700f7bb506ea1bc3e76cbaec0 (2024-04-09T07:48:17Z). revision: a208d6bca72f8cb700f7bb506ea1bc3e76cbaec0 # The package's license, where possible using the mnemonic from # https://spdx.org/licenses/ # Multiple licenses can be specified (as a YAML list) # A "LICENSE" file must exist containing the full license text license: Apache-2.0 vendoring: url: https://github.com/mozilla/pdf.js source-hosting: github skip-vendoring-steps: ['fetch', 'update-moz-build'] keep: - chrome.manifest - components.conf - jar.mn - update.sh - test update-actions: - action: run-script script: 'update.sh' cwd: '{yaml_dir}' args: ['{revision}'] updatebot: maintainer-phab: "#pdfjs-reviewers" maintainer-bz: cdenizet@mozilla.com fuzzy-query: "'debug | 'opt !san !android" fuzzy-paths: - toolkit/components/pdfjs/test - browser/base/content/test/static tasks: - type: vendoring enabled: true frequency: "1 week, 3 commits" blocking: 1626408