/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 expandtab * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This component handles frecency recalculations and decay on idle. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { AsyncShutdown: "resource://gre/modules/AsyncShutdown.sys.mjs", DeferredTask: "resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.sys.mjs", ObjectUtils: "resource://gre/modules/ObjectUtils.sys.mjs", PlacesUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.sys.mjs", }); ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "logger", function () { return lazy.PlacesUtils.getLogger({ prefix: "FrecencyRecalculator" }); }); // Decay rate applied daily to frecency scores. // A scaling factor of .975 results in an half-life of 28 days. const FRECENCY_DECAYRATE = "0.975"; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "frecencyDecayRate", "places.frecency.decayRate", FRECENCY_DECAYRATE, null, val => { if (typeof val == "string") { val = parseFloat(val); } if (val > 1.0) { lazy.logger.error("Invalid frecency decay rate value: " + val); val = parseFloat(FRECENCY_DECAYRATE); } return val; } ); // An adaptive history entry is removed if unused for these many days. XPCOMUtils.defineLazyPreferenceGetter( lazy, "adaptiveHistoryExpireDays", "places.adaptiveHistory.expireDays", 90 ); // Time between deferred task executions. const DEFERRED_TASK_INTERVAL_MS = 2 * 60000; // Maximum time to wait for an idle before the task is executed anyway. const DEFERRED_TASK_MAX_IDLE_WAIT_MS = 5 * 60000; // Number of entries to update at once. const DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE = 50; export class PlacesFrecencyRecalculator { classID = Components.ID("1141fd31-4c1a-48eb-8f1a-2f05fad94085"); /** * A DeferredTask that runs our tasks. */ #task = null; /** * Handler for alternative frecency. * This allows to manager alternative ranking algorithms to experiment with. */ #alternativeFrecencyHelper = null; /** * This is useful for testing. */ get alternativeFrecencyInfo() { return this.#alternativeFrecencyHelper?.sets; } constructor() { lazy.logger.trace("Initializing Frecency Recalculator"); this.QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIObserver", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]); // Do not initialize during shutdown. if ( Services.startup.isInOrBeyondShutdownPhase( Ci.nsIAppStartup.SHUTDOWN_PHASE_APPSHUTDOWNTEARDOWN ) ) { return; } this.#task = new lazy.DeferredTask( this.#taskFn.bind(this), DEFERRED_TASK_INTERVAL_MS, DEFERRED_TASK_MAX_IDLE_WAIT_MS ); lazy.AsyncShutdown.profileChangeTeardown.addBlocker( "PlacesFrecencyRecalculator: shutdown", () => this.#finalize() ); // The public methods and properties are intended to be used by tests, and // are exposed through the raw js object. Since this is expected to work // based on signals or notification, it should not be necessary to expose // any API for the product, though if that would become necessary in the // future, we could add an interface for the service. this.wrappedJSObject = this; // This can be used by tests to await for the decay process. this.pendingFrecencyDecayPromise = Promise.resolve(); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "idle-daily", true); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "frecency-recalculation-needed", true); this.#alternativeFrecencyHelper = new AlternativeFrecencyHelper(this); // Run once on startup, so we pick up any leftover work. lazy.PlacesUtils.history.shouldStartFrecencyRecalculation = true; this.maybeStartFrecencyRecalculation(); } async #taskFn() { if (this.#task.isFinalized) { return; } const refObj = {}; const histogram = "PLACES_FRECENCY_RECALC_CHUNK_TIME_MS"; TelemetryStopwatch.start(histogram, refObj); try { if (await this.recalculateSomeFrecencies()) { TelemetryStopwatch.finish(histogram, refObj); } else { TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(histogram, refObj); } } catch (ex) { TelemetryStopwatch.cancel(histogram, refObj); console.error(ex); lazy.logger.error(ex); } } #finalize() { lazy.logger.trace("Finalizing frecency recalculator"); // We don't mind about tasks completiion, since we can execute them in the // next session. this.#task.disarm(); this.#task.finalize().catch(console.error); } /** * Updates a chunk of outdated frecency values. If there's more frecency * values to update at the end of the process, it may rearm the task. * @param {Number} chunkSize maximum number of entries to update at a time, * set to -1 to update any entry. * @resolves {boolean} Whether any entry was recalculated. */ async recalculateSomeFrecencies({ chunkSize = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE } = {}) { lazy.logger.trace( `Recalculate ${chunkSize >= 0 ? chunkSize : "infinite"} frecency values` ); let affectedCount = 0; let hasRecalculatedAnything = false; let db = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseUnsafeWritableDBConnection(); await db.executeTransaction(async function () { let affected = await db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_places SET frecency = CALCULATE_FRECENCY(id) WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE recalc_frecency = 1 ORDER BY frecency DESC LIMIT ${chunkSize} ) RETURNING id` ); affectedCount += affected.length; }); let shouldRestartRecalculation = affectedCount >= chunkSize; hasRecalculatedAnything = affectedCount > 0; if (hasRecalculatedAnything) { PlacesObservers.notifyListeners([new PlacesRanking()]); } // Also recalculate some origins frecency. affectedCount = await this.#recalculateSomeOriginsFrecencies({ chunkSize, }); shouldRestartRecalculation ||= affectedCount >= chunkSize; hasRecalculatedAnything ||= affectedCount > 0; // If alternative frecency is enabled, also recalculate a chunk of it. affectedCount = await this.#alternativeFrecencyHelper.recalculateSomeAlternativeFrecencies( { chunkSize } ); shouldRestartRecalculation ||= affectedCount >= chunkSize; hasRecalculatedAnything ||= affectedCount > 0; if (chunkSize > 0 && shouldRestartRecalculation) { // There's more entries to recalculate, rearm the task. this.#task.arm(); } else { // There's nothing left to recalculate, wait for the next change. lazy.PlacesUtils.history.shouldStartFrecencyRecalculation = false; this.#task.disarm(); } return hasRecalculatedAnything; } async #recalculateSomeOriginsFrecencies({ chunkSize }) { lazy.logger.trace(`Recalculate ${chunkSize} origins frecency values`); let affectedCount = 0; let db = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseUnsafeWritableDBConnection(); await db.executeTransaction(async () => { let affected = await db.executeCached( ` UPDATE moz_origins SET frecency = CAST( (SELECT total(frecency) FROM moz_places h WHERE origin_id = moz_origins.id AND frecency > 0) AS INT ), recalc_frecency = 0 WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_origins WHERE recalc_frecency = 1 ORDER BY frecency DESC LIMIT ${chunkSize} ) RETURNING id` ); affectedCount += affected.length; // Calculate and store the frecency statistics used to calculate a // thredhold. Origins above that threshold will be considered meaningful // and autofilled. // While it may be tempting to do this only when some frecency was // updated, that won't catch the edge case of the moz_origins table being // emptied. let row = ( await db.executeCached(` SELECT count(*), total(frecency), total(pow(frecency,2)) FROM moz_origins WHERE frecency > 0 `) )[0]; await lazy.PlacesUtils.metadata.setMany( new Map([ ["origin_frecency_count", row.getResultByIndex(0)], ["origin_frecency_sum", row.getResultByIndex(1)], ["origin_frecency_sum_of_squares", row.getResultByIndex(2)], ]) ); }); return affectedCount; } /** * Forces full recalculation of any outdated frecency values. * This exists for testing purposes; in tests we don't want to wait for * the deferred task to run, this can enforce a recalculation. */ async recalculateAnyOutdatedFrecencies() { this.#task.disarm(); return this.recalculateSomeFrecencies({ chunkSize: -1 }); } /** * Whether a recalculation task is pending. */ get isRecalculationPending() { return this.#task.isArmed; } /** * Invoked periodically to eventually start a recalculation task. */ maybeStartFrecencyRecalculation() { if ( lazy.PlacesUtils.history.shouldStartFrecencyRecalculation && !this.#task.isFinalized ) { lazy.logger.trace("Arm frecency recalculation"); this.#task.arm(); } } /** * Decays frecency and adaptive history. * @resolves once the process is complete. Never rejects. */ async decay() { lazy.logger.trace("Decay frecency"); let refObj = {}; TelemetryStopwatch.start("PLACES_IDLE_FRECENCY_DECAY_TIME_MS", refObj); // Ensure moz_places_afterupdate_frecency_trigger ignores decaying // frecency changes. lazy.PlacesUtils.history.isFrecencyDecaying = true; try { let db = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseUnsafeWritableDBConnection(); await db.executeTransaction(async function () { // Decay all frecency rankings to reduce value of pages that haven't // been visited in a while. await db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_places SET frecency = ROUND(frecency * :decay_rate) WHERE frecency > 0 AND recalc_frecency = 0`, { decay_rate: lazy.frecencyDecayRate } ); // Decay potentially unused adaptive entries (e.g. those that are at 1) // to allow better chances for new entries that will start at 1. await db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_inputhistory SET use_count = use_count * :decay_rate`, { decay_rate: lazy.frecencyDecayRate } ); // Delete any adaptive entries that won't help in ordering anymore. await db.executeCached( `DELETE FROM moz_inputhistory WHERE use_count < :use_count`, { use_count: Math.pow( lazy.frecencyDecayRate, lazy.adaptiveHistoryExpireDays ), } ); TelemetryStopwatch.finish("PLACES_IDLE_FRECENCY_DECAY_TIME_MS", refObj); PlacesObservers.notifyListeners([new PlacesRanking()]); }); } catch (ex) { TelemetryStopwatch.cancel("PLACES_IDLE_FRECENCY_DECAY_TIME_MS", refObj); console.error(ex); lazy.logger.error(ex); } finally { lazy.PlacesUtils.history.isFrecencyDecaying = false; } } observe(subject, topic, data) { lazy.logger.trace(`Got ${topic} topic`); switch (topic) { case "idle-daily": this.pendingFrecencyDecayPromise = this.decay(); // Also recalculate frecencies. lazy.logger.trace("Frecency recalculation on idle"); lazy.PlacesUtils.history.shouldStartFrecencyRecalculation = true; this.maybeStartFrecencyRecalculation(); return; case "frecency-recalculation-needed": lazy.logger.trace("Frecency recalculation requested"); this.maybeStartFrecencyRecalculation(); return; case "test-execute-taskFn": subject.promise = this.#taskFn(); return; case "test-alternative-frecency-init": this.#alternativeFrecencyHelper = new AlternativeFrecencyHelper(this); subject.promise = this.#alternativeFrecencyHelper.initializedDeferred.promise; } } } class AlternativeFrecencyHelper { initializedDeferred = Promise.withResolvers(); #recalculator = null; sets = { pages: { // This pref is only read once and used to kick-off recalculations. enabled: Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "places.frecency.pages.alternative.featureGate", false ), // Key used to store variables in the moz_meta table. metadataKey: "page_alternative_frecency", // The table containing frecency. table: "moz_places", // Object containing variables influencing the calculation. // Any change to this object will cause a full recalculation on restart. variables: { // Current version of origins alternative frecency. // ! IMPORTANT: Always bump up when making changes to the algorithm. version: 2, highWeight: Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.frecency.pages.alternative.highWeight", 100 ), mediumWeight: Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.frecency.pages.alternative.mediumWeight", 50 ), lowWeight: Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.frecency.pages.alternative.lowWeight", 20 ), halfLifeDays: Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.frecency.pages.alternative.halfLifeDays", 30 ), numSampledVisits: Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.frecency.pages.alternative.numSampledVisits", 10 ), }, method: this.#recalculateSomePagesAlternativeFrecencies, }, origins: { // This pref is only read once and used to kick-off recalculations. enabled: Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "places.frecency.origins.alternative.featureGate", false ), // Key used to store variables in the moz_meta table. metadataKey: "origin_alternative_frecency", // The table containing frecency. table: "moz_origins", // Object containing variables influencing the calculation. // Any change to this object will cause a full recalculation on restart. variables: { // Current version of origins alternative frecency. // ! IMPORTANT: Always bump up when making changes to the algorithm. version: 2, // Frecencies of pages are ignored after these many days. daysCutOff: Services.prefs.getIntPref( "places.frecency.origins.alternative.daysCutOff", 90 ), }, method: this.#recalculateSomeOriginsAlternativeFrecencies, }, }; constructor(recalculator) { this.#recalculator = recalculator; this.#kickOffAlternativeFrecencies() .catch(console.error) .finally(() => this.initializedDeferred.resolve()); } async #kickOffAlternativeFrecencies() { let recalculateFirstChunk = false; for (let [type, set] of Object.entries(this.sets)) { // Now check the variables cached in the moz_meta table. If not found we // assume alternative frecency was disabled in the previous session. let storedVariables = await lazy.PlacesUtils.metadata.get( set.metadataKey, null ); // Check whether this is the first-run, that happens when the alternative // ranking is enabled and it was not at the previous session, or variables // were changed. We should recalculate all the alternative frecency values. if ( set.enabled && !lazy.ObjectUtils.deepEqual(set.variables, storedVariables) ) { lazy.logger.trace( `Alternative frecency of ${type} must be recalculated` ); await lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper( `PlacesFrecencyRecalculator :: ${type} alternative frecency set recalc`, async db => { await db.execute(`UPDATE ${set.table} SET recalc_alt_frecency = 1`); } ); await lazy.PlacesUtils.metadata.set(set.metadataKey, set.variables); recalculateFirstChunk = true; continue; } if (!set.enabled && storedVariables) { lazy.logger.trace(`Clean up alternative frecency of ${type}`); // Clear alternative frecency to save on space. await lazy.PlacesUtils.withConnectionWrapper( `PlacesFrecencyRecalculator :: ${type} alternative frecency set NULL`, async db => { await db.execute(`UPDATE ${set.table} SET alt_frecency = NULL`); } ); await lazy.PlacesUtils.metadata.delete(set.metadataKey); } } if (recalculateFirstChunk) { // Do a first recalculation immediately, so we don't leave the user // with unranked entries for too long. await this.recalculateSomeAlternativeFrecencies(); // Ensure the recalculation task is armed for a second run. lazy.PlacesUtils.history.shouldStartFrecencyRecalculation = true; this.#recalculator.maybeStartFrecencyRecalculation(); } } /** * Updates a chunk of outdated frecency values. * @param {Number} chunkSize maximum number of entries to update at a time, * set to -1 to update any entry. * @resolves {Number} Number of affected pages. */ async recalculateSomeAlternativeFrecencies({ chunkSize = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE, } = {}) { let affected = 0; for (let set of Object.values(this.sets)) { if (!set.enabled) { continue; } try { affected += await set.method({ chunkSize, variables: set.variables }); } catch (ex) { console.error(ex); } } return affected; } async #recalculateSomePagesAlternativeFrecencies({ chunkSize, variables }) { lazy.logger.trace( `Recalculate ${chunkSize} alternative pages frecency values` ); // Since it takes a long period of time to recalculate frecency of all the // pages, due to the high number of them, we artificially increase the // chunk size here. let db = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseUnsafeWritableDBConnection(); let affected = await db.executeCached( `UPDATE moz_places SET alt_frecency = CALCULATE_ALT_FRECENCY(moz_places.id), recalc_alt_frecency = 0 WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_places WHERE recalc_alt_frecency = 1 ORDER BY frecency DESC LIMIT ${chunkSize * 2} ) RETURNING id` ); return affected; } async #recalculateSomeOriginsAlternativeFrecencies({ chunkSize, variables }) { lazy.logger.trace( `Recalculate ${chunkSize} alternative origins frecency values` ); let affectedCount = 0; let db = await lazy.PlacesUtils.promiseUnsafeWritableDBConnection(); await db.executeTransaction(async () => { let affected = await db.executeCached( ` UPDATE moz_origins SET alt_frecency = ( SELECT sum(frecency) FROM moz_places h WHERE origin_id = moz_origins.id AND last_visit_date > strftime('%s','now','localtime','start of day', '-${variables.daysCutOff} day','utc') * 1000000 ), recalc_alt_frecency = 0 WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM moz_origins WHERE recalc_alt_frecency = 1 ORDER BY frecency DESC LIMIT ${chunkSize} ) RETURNING id` ); affectedCount += affected.length; // Calculate and store the alternative frecency threshold. Origins above // this threshold will be considered meaningful and autofilled. if (affected.length) { let threshold = ( await db.executeCached(`SELECT avg(alt_frecency) FROM moz_origins`) )[0].getResultByIndex(0); await lazy.PlacesUtils.metadata.set( "origin_alt_frecency_threshold", threshold ); } }); return affectedCount; } }