/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { Preferences: "resource://gre/modules/Preferences.sys.mjs", }); const URI1 = "http://test1.mozilla.org/"; const URI2 = "http://test2.mozilla.org/"; const URI3 = "http://test3.mozilla.org/"; async function check_keyword(aURI, aKeyword) { if (aKeyword) { aKeyword = aKeyword.toLowerCase(); } if (aKeyword) { let uri = await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(aKeyword); Assert.equal(uri.url, aURI); // Check case insensitivity. uri = await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(aKeyword.toUpperCase()); Assert.equal(uri.url, aURI); } else { let entry = await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: aURI }); if (entry) { throw new Error(`${aURI.spec} should not have a keyword`); } } } async function check_orphans() { let db = await PlacesUtils.promiseDBConnection(); let rows = await db.executeCached( `SELECT id FROM moz_keywords k WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM moz_places WHERE id = k.place_id) ` ); Assert.equal(rows.length, 0); } function expectNotifications() { const observer = { notifications: [], _start() { this._handle = this._handle.bind(this); PlacesUtils.observers.addListener( ["bookmark-keyword-changed"], this._handle ); }, _handle(events) { for (const event of events) { this.notifications.push({ type: event.type, id: event.id, itemType: event.itemType, url: event.url, guid: event.guid, parentGuid: event.parentGuid, keyword: event.keyword, lastModified: new Date(event.lastModified), source: event.source, isTagging: event.isTagging, }); } }, check(expected) { PlacesUtils.observers.removeListener( ["bookmark-keyword-changed"], this._handle ); Assert.deepEqual(this.notifications, expected); }, }; observer._start(); return observer; } add_task(function test_invalid_input() {}); add_task(async function test_addBookmarkAndKeyword() { let timerPrecision = Preferences.get("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision"); Preferences.set("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision", false); registerCleanupFunction(function () { Preferences.set("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision", timerPrecision); }); await check_keyword(URI1, null); let fc = await foreign_count(URI1); let observer = expectNotifications(); let bookmark = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, url: URI1, title: "test", }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: URI1, keyword: "keyword" }); let itemId = await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid); observer.check([ { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: itemId, itemType: bookmark.type, url: bookmark.url, guid: bookmark.guid, parentGuid: bookmark.parentGuid, keyword: "keyword", lastModified: new Date(bookmark.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, ]); await check_keyword(URI1, "keyword"); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI1), fc + 2); // + 1 bookmark + 1 keyword await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_addBookmarkToURIHavingKeyword() { // The uri has already a keyword. await check_keyword(URI1, "keyword"); let fc = await foreign_count(URI1); let bookmark = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, url: URI1, title: "test", }); await check_keyword(URI1, "keyword"); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI1), fc + 1); // + 1 bookmark await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark); await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_sameKeywordDifferentURI() { let timerPrecision = Preferences.get("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision"); Preferences.set("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision", false); registerCleanupFunction(function () { Preferences.set("privacy.reduceTimerPrecision", timerPrecision); }); let fc1 = await foreign_count(URI1); let fc2 = await foreign_count(URI2); let observer = expectNotifications(); let bookmark2 = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, url: URI2, title: "test2", }); await check_keyword(URI1, "keyword"); await check_keyword(URI2, null); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: URI2, keyword: "kEyWoRd" }); let bookmark1 = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ url: URI1 }); observer.check([ { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark1.guid), itemType: bookmark1.type, url: bookmark1.url, guid: bookmark1.guid, parentGuid: bookmark1.parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(bookmark1.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark2.guid), itemType: bookmark2.type, url: bookmark2.url, guid: bookmark2.guid, parentGuid: bookmark2.parentGuid, keyword: "keyword", lastModified: new Date(bookmark2.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, ]); // The keyword should have been "moved" to the new URI. await check_keyword(URI1, null); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI1), fc1 - 1); // - 1 keyword await check_keyword(URI2, "keyword"); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI2), fc2 + 2); // + 1 bookmark + 1 keyword await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_sameURIDifferentKeyword() { let fc = await foreign_count(URI2); let observer = expectNotifications(); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, url: URI2, title: "test2", }); await check_keyword(URI2, "keyword"); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: URI2, keyword: "keyword2" }); let bookmarks = []; await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ url: URI2 }, bm => bookmarks.push(bm)); observer.check([ { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmarks[0].guid), itemType: bookmarks[0].type, url: bookmarks[0].url, guid: bookmarks[0].guid, parentGuid: bookmarks[0].parentGuid, keyword: "keyword2", lastModified: new Date(bookmarks[0].lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmarks[1].guid), itemType: bookmarks[1].type, url: bookmarks[1].url, guid: bookmarks[1].guid, parentGuid: bookmarks[1].parentGuid, keyword: "keyword2", lastModified: new Date(bookmarks[1].lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, ]); await check_keyword(URI2, "keyword2"); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI2), fc + 1); // + 1 bookmark - 1 keyword + 1 keyword await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_removeBookmarkWithKeyword() { let fc = await foreign_count(URI2); let bookmark = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, url: URI2, title: "test", }); // The keyword should not be removed, since there are other bookmarks yet. await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark); await check_keyword(URI2, "keyword2"); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI2), fc); // + 1 bookmark - 1 bookmark await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_unsetKeyword() { let fc = await foreign_count(URI2); let observer = expectNotifications(); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, url: URI2, title: "test", }); // The keyword should be removed from any bookmark. await PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("keyword2"); let bookmarks = []; await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.fetch({ url: URI2 }, bookmark => bookmarks.push(bookmark) ); Assert.equal(bookmarks.length, 3, "Check number of bookmarks"); observer.check([ { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmarks[0].guid), itemType: bookmarks[0].type, url: bookmarks[0].url, guid: bookmarks[0].guid, parentGuid: bookmarks[0].parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(bookmarks[0].lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmarks[1].guid), itemType: bookmarks[1].type, url: bookmarks[1].url, guid: bookmarks[1].guid, parentGuid: bookmarks[1].parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(bookmarks[1].lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmarks[2].guid), itemType: bookmarks[2].type, url: bookmarks[2].url, guid: bookmarks[2].guid, parentGuid: bookmarks[2].parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(bookmarks[2].lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, ]); await check_keyword(URI1, null); await check_keyword(URI2, null); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI2), fc); // + 1 bookmark - 1 keyword await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_addRemoveBookmark() { let fc = await foreign_count(URI3); let observer = expectNotifications(); let bookmark = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, url: URI3, title: "test3", }); let itemId = await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(bookmark.guid); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: URI3, keyword: "keyword" }); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bookmark); observer.check([ { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: itemId, itemType: bookmark.type, url: bookmark.url, guid: bookmark.guid, parentGuid: bookmark.parentGuid, keyword: "keyword", lastModified: new Date(bookmark.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, ]); await check_keyword(URI3, null); Assert.equal(await foreign_count(URI3), fc); // +- 1 bookmark +- 1 keyword await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_reassign() { // Should move keywords from old URL to new URL. info("Old URL with keywords; new URL without keywords"); { let oldURL = "http://example.com/1/kw"; let oldBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, url: oldURL, }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: oldURL, keyword: "kw1-1", postData: "a=b", }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: oldURL, keyword: "kw1-2", postData: "c=d", }); let oldFC = await foreign_count(oldURL); equal(oldFC, 3); let newURL = "http://example.com/2/no-kw"; let newBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, url: newURL, }); let newFC = await foreign_count(newURL); equal(newFC, 1); let observer = expectNotifications(); await PlacesUtils.keywords.reassign(oldURL, newURL); observer.check([ { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(oldBmk.guid), itemType: oldBmk.type, url: oldBmk.url, guid: oldBmk.guid, parentGuid: oldBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(oldBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(newBmk.guid), itemType: newBmk.type, url: newBmk.url, guid: newBmk.guid, parentGuid: newBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(newBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(newBmk.guid), itemType: newBmk.type, url: newBmk.url, guid: newBmk.guid, parentGuid: newBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "kw1-1", lastModified: new Date(newBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(newBmk.guid), itemType: newBmk.type, url: newBmk.url, guid: newBmk.guid, parentGuid: newBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "kw1-2", lastModified: new Date(newBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, ]); await check_keyword(oldURL, null); await check_keyword(newURL, "kw1-1"); await check_keyword(newURL, "kw1-2"); equal(await foreign_count(oldURL), oldFC - 2); // Removed both keywords. equal(await foreign_count(newURL), newFC + 2); // Added two keywords. } // Should not remove any keywords from new URL. info("Old URL without keywords; new URL with keywords"); { let oldURL = "http://example.com/3/no-kw"; await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, url: oldURL, }); let oldFC = await foreign_count(oldURL); equal(oldFC, 1); let newURL = "http://example.com/4/kw"; await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, url: newURL, }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: newURL, keyword: "kw4-1", }); let newFC = await foreign_count(newURL); equal(newFC, 2); let observer = expectNotifications(); await PlacesUtils.keywords.reassign(oldURL, newURL); observer.check([]); await check_keyword(newURL, "kw4-1"); equal(await foreign_count(oldURL), oldFC); equal(await foreign_count(newURL), newFC); } // Should remove all keywords from new URL, then move keywords from old URL. info("Old URL with keywords; new URL with keywords"); { let oldURL = "http://example.com/8/kw"; let oldBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, url: oldURL, }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: oldURL, keyword: "kw8-1", postData: "a=b", }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: oldURL, keyword: "kw8-2", postData: "c=d", }); let oldFC = await foreign_count(oldURL); equal(oldFC, 3); let newURL = "http://example.com/9/kw"; let newBmk = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, url: newURL, }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: newURL, keyword: "kw9-1", }); let newFC = await foreign_count(newURL); equal(newFC, 2); let observer = expectNotifications(); await PlacesUtils.keywords.reassign(oldURL, newURL); observer.check([ { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(oldBmk.guid), itemType: oldBmk.type, url: oldBmk.url, guid: oldBmk.guid, parentGuid: oldBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(oldBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(newBmk.guid), itemType: newBmk.type, url: newBmk.url, guid: newBmk.guid, parentGuid: newBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "", lastModified: new Date(newBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(newBmk.guid), itemType: newBmk.type, url: newBmk.url, guid: newBmk.guid, parentGuid: newBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "kw8-1", lastModified: new Date(newBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, { type: "bookmark-keyword-changed", id: await PlacesTestUtils.promiseItemId(newBmk.guid), itemType: newBmk.type, url: newBmk.url, guid: newBmk.guid, parentGuid: newBmk.parentGuid, keyword: "kw8-2", lastModified: new Date(newBmk.lastModified), source: Ci.nsINavBookmarksService.SOURCE_DEFAULT, isTagging: false, }, ]); await check_keyword(oldURL, null); await check_keyword(newURL, "kw8-1"); await check_keyword(newURL, "kw8-2"); equal(await foreign_count(oldURL), oldFC - 2); // Removed both keywords. equal(await foreign_count(newURL), newFC + 1); // Removed old keyword; added two keywords. } // Should do nothing. info("Old URL without keywords; new URL without keywords"); { let oldURL = "http://example.com/10/no-kw"; let oldFC = await foreign_count(oldURL); let newURL = "http://example.com/11/no-kw"; let newFC = await foreign_count(newURL); let observer = expectNotifications(); await PlacesUtils.keywords.reassign(oldURL, newURL); observer.check([]); equal(await foreign_count(oldURL), oldFC); equal(await foreign_count(newURL), newFC); } await check_orphans(); }); add_task(async function test_invalidation() { info("Insert bookmarks"); let fx = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, title: "Get Firefox!", url: "http://getfirefox.com", }); let tb = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, title: "Get Thunderbird!", url: "http://getthunderbird.com", }); info("Set keywords for bookmarks"); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: fx.url, keyword: "fx" }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: tb.url, keyword: "tb" }); info("Invalidate cached keywords"); await PlacesUtils.keywords.invalidateCachedKeywords(); info("Change URL of bookmark with keyword"); let promiseNotification = PlacesTestUtils.waitForNotification( "bookmark-keyword-changed", events => events.some(event => event.guid === fx.guid && event.keyword === "fx") ); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({ guid: fx.guid, url: "https://www.mozilla.org/firefox", }); await promiseNotification; let entriesByKeyword = []; await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: "fx" }, e => entriesByKeyword.push(e.url.href) ); deepEqual( entriesByKeyword, ["https://www.mozilla.org/firefox"], "Should return new URL for keyword" ); ok( !(await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "http://getfirefox.com" })), "Should not return keywords for old URL" ); let entiresByURL = []; await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch( { url: "https://www.mozilla.org/firefox" }, e => entiresByURL.push(e.keyword) ); deepEqual(entiresByURL, ["fx"], "Should return keyword for new URL"); info("Invalidate cached keywords"); await PlacesUtils.keywords.invalidateCachedKeywords(); info("Remove bookmark with keyword"); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(tb.guid); ok( !(await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ url: "http://getthunderbird.com" })), "Should not return keywords for removed bookmark URL" ); ok( !(await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: "tb" })), "Should not return URL for removed bookmark keyword" ); await check_orphans(); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); add_task(async function test_eraseAllBookmarks() { info("Insert bookmarks"); let fx = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.menuGuid, title: "Get Firefox!", url: "http://getfirefox.com", }); let tb = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, title: "Get Thunderbird!", url: "http://getthunderbird.com", }); info("Set keywords for bookmarks"); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: fx.url, keyword: "fx" }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ url: tb.url, keyword: "tb" }); info("Erase everything"); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); ok( !(await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: "fx" })), "Should remove Firefox keyword" ); ok( !(await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch({ keyword: "tb" })), "Should remove Thunderbird keyword" ); });