/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; add_task(async function test_error_cases() { Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.fetchAnnotatedPages(), /TypeError: annotations should be an Array and not null/, "Should throw an exception for a null parameter" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.fetchAnnotatedPages("3"), /TypeError: annotations should be an Array and not null/, "Should throw an exception for a parameter of the wrong type" ); Assert.throws( () => PlacesUtils.history.fetchAnnotatedPages([3]), /TypeError: all annotation values should be strings/, "Should throw an exception for a non-string annotation name" ); }); add_task(async function test_fetchAnnotatedPages_no_matching() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); const TEST_URL = "http://example.com/1"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL); Assert.ok( await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL), "Should have inserted the page into the database." ); let result = await PlacesUtils.history.fetchAnnotatedPages(["test/anno"]); Assert.equal(result.size, 0, "Should be no items returned."); }); add_task(async function test_fetchAnnotatedPages_simple_match() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); const TEST_URL = "http://example.com/1"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(TEST_URL); Assert.ok( await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL), "Should have inserted the page into the database." ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL, annotations: new Map([["test/anno", "testContent"]]), }); let result = await PlacesUtils.history.fetchAnnotatedPages(["test/anno"]); Assert.equal( result.size, 1, "Should have returned one match for the annotation" ); Assert.deepEqual( result.get("test/anno"), [ { uri: new URL(TEST_URL), content: "testContent", }, ], "Should have returned the page and its content for the annotation" ); }); add_task(async function test_fetchAnnotatedPages_multiple_match() { await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); const TEST_URL1 = "http://example.com/1"; const TEST_URL2 = "http://example.com/2"; const TEST_URL3 = "http://example.com/3"; await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: TEST_URL1 }, { uri: TEST_URL2 }, { uri: TEST_URL3 }, ]); Assert.ok( await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL1), "Should have inserted the first page into the database." ); Assert.ok( await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL2), "Should have inserted the second page into the database." ); Assert.ok( await PlacesTestUtils.isPageInDB(TEST_URL3), "Should have inserted the third page into the database." ); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL1, annotations: new Map([["test/anno", "testContent1"]]), }); await PlacesUtils.history.update({ url: TEST_URL2, annotations: new Map([ ["test/anno", "testContent2"], ["test/anno2", 1234], ]), }); let result = await PlacesUtils.history.fetchAnnotatedPages([ "test/anno", "test/anno2", ]); Assert.equal( result.size, 2, "Should have returned matches for both annotations" ); Assert.deepEqual( result.get("test/anno"), [ { uri: new URL(TEST_URL1), content: "testContent1", }, { uri: new URL(TEST_URL2), content: "testContent2", }, ], "Should have returned two pages and their content for the first annotation" ); Assert.deepEqual( result.get("test/anno2"), [ { uri: new URL(TEST_URL2), content: 1234, }, ], "Should have returned one page for the second annotation" ); });