/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const SCREENSHOT_FORMAT = { format: "jpeg", quality: 75 }; function RunScriptInFrame(win, script) { const contentPrincipal = win.document.nodePrincipal; const sandbox = Cu.Sandbox([contentPrincipal], { sandboxName: "Report Broken Site webcompat.com helper", sandboxPrototype: win, sameZoneAs: win, originAttributes: contentPrincipal.originAttributes, }); return Cu.evalInSandbox(script, sandbox, null, "sandbox eval code", 1); } class ConsoleLogHelper { static PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS = 10; static LOG_LEVELS = ["debug", "info", "warn", "error"]; #windowId = undefined; constructor(windowId) { this.#windowId = windowId; } getLoggedMessages(alsoIncludePrivate = true) { return this.getConsoleAPIMessages().concat( this.getScriptErrors(alsoIncludePrivate) ); } getConsoleAPIMessages() { const ConsoleAPIStorage = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/consoleAPI-storage;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIConsoleAPIStorage); let messages = ConsoleAPIStorage.getEvents(this.#windowId); return messages.map(evt => { const { columnNumber, filename, level, lineNumber, timeStamp } = evt; const args = []; for (const arg of evt.arguments) { args.push(this.#getArgs(arg)); } const message = { level, log: args, uri: filename, pos: `${lineNumber}:${columnNumber}`, }; return { timeStamp, message }; }); } getScriptErrors(alsoIncludePrivate) { const messages = Services.console.getMessageArray(); return messages .filter(message => { if (message instanceof Ci.nsIScriptError) { if (!alsoIncludePrivate && message.isFromPrivateWindow) { return false; } if (this.#windowId && this.#windowId !== message.innerWindowID) { return false; } return true; } // If this is not an nsIScriptError and we need to do window-based // filtering we skip this message. return false; }) .map(error => { const { timeStamp, errorMessage, sourceName, lineNumber, columnNumber, logLevel, } = error; const message = { level: ConsoleLogHelper.LOG_LEVELS[logLevel], log: [errorMessage], uri: sourceName, pos: `${lineNumber}:${columnNumber}`, }; return { timeStamp, message }; }); } #getPreview(value) { switch (typeof value) { case "symbol": return value.toString(); case "function": return "function ()"; case "object": if (value === null) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(value)) { return `(${value.length})[...]`; } return "{...}"; case "undefined": return "undefined"; default: try { structuredClone(value); } catch (_) { return `${value}` || "?"; } return value; } } #getArrayPreview(arr) { const preview = []; let count = 0; for (const value of arr) { if (++count > ConsoleLogHelper.PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) { break; } preview.push(this.#getPreview(value)); } return preview; } #getObjectPreview(obj) { const preview = {}; let count = 0; for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { if (++count > ConsoleLogHelper.PREVIEW_MAX_ITEMS) { break; } preview[key] = this.#getPreview(obj[key]); } return preview; } #getArgs(value) { if (typeof value === "object" && value !== null) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { return this.#getArrayPreview(value); } return this.#getObjectPreview(value); } return this.#getPreview(value); } } const FrameworkDetector = { hasFastClickPageScript(window) { if (window.FastClick) { return true; } for (const property in window) { try { const proto = window[property].prototype; if (proto && proto.needsClick) { return true; } } catch (_) {} } return false; }, hasMobifyPageScript(window) { return !!window.Mobify?.Tag; }, hasMarfeelPageScript(window) { return !!window.marfeel; }, checkWindow(window) { const script = ` (function() { function ${FrameworkDetector.hasFastClickPageScript}; function ${FrameworkDetector.hasMobifyPageScript}; function ${FrameworkDetector.hasMarfeelPageScript}; const win = window.wrappedJSObject || window; return { fastclick: hasFastClickPageScript(win), mobify: hasMobifyPageScript(win), marfeel: hasMarfeelPageScript(win), } })(); `; return RunScriptInFrame(window, script); }, }; export class ReportBrokenSiteChild extends JSWindowActorChild { #getWebCompatInfo(docShell) { return Promise.all([ this.#getConsoleLogs(docShell), this.sendQuery("GetWebcompatInfoFromParentProcess", SCREENSHOT_FORMAT), ]).then(([consoleLog, infoFromParent]) => { const { antitracking, browser, screenshot } = infoFromParent; const win = docShell.domWindow; const devicePixelRatio = win.devicePixelRatio; const frameworks = FrameworkDetector.checkWindow(win); const { languages, userAgent } = win.navigator; if (browser.platform.name !== "linux") { delete browser.prefs["layers.acceleration.force-enabled"]; } return { antitracking, browser, consoleLog, devicePixelRatio, frameworks, languages, screenshot, url: win.location.href, userAgent, }; }); } async #getConsoleLogs(docShell) { return this.#getLoggedMessages() .flat() .sort((a, b) => a.timeStamp - b.timeStamp) .map(m => m.message); } #getLoggedMessages(alsoIncludePrivate = false) { const windowId = this.contentWindow.windowGlobalChild.innerWindowId; const helper = new ConsoleLogHelper(windowId, alsoIncludePrivate); return helper.getLoggedMessages(); } #formatReportDataForWebcompatCom({ reason, description, reportUrl, reporterConfig, webcompatInfo, }) { const extra_labels = []; const message = Object.assign({}, reporterConfig, { url: reportUrl, category: reason, description, details: {}, extra_labels, }); const payload = { message, }; if (webcompatInfo) { const { antitracking, browser, devicePixelRatio, consoleLog, frameworks, languages, screenshot, url, userAgent, } = webcompatInfo; const { blockList, isPrivateBrowsing, hasMixedActiveContentBlocked, hasMixedDisplayContentBlocked, hasTrackingContentBlocked, } = antitracking; message.blockList = blockList; const { app, graphics, locales, prefs, platform, security } = browser; const { applicationName, buildId, defaultUserAgent, updateChannel, version, } = app; const { fissionEnabled, memoryMB, osArchitecture, osName, osVersion, device, isTablet, } = platform; const additionalData = { applicationName, blockList, buildId, devicePixelRatio, finalUserAgent: userAgent, fissionEnabled, gfxData: graphics, hasMixedActiveContentBlocked, hasMixedDisplayContentBlocked, hasTrackingContentBlocked, isPB: isPrivateBrowsing, languages, locales, memoryMB, osArchitecture, osName, osVersion, prefs, version, }; if (security !== undefined && Object.keys(security).length) { additionalData.sec = security; } if (device !== undefined) { additionalData.device = device; } if (isTablet !== undefined) { additionalData.isTablet = isTablet; } const specialPrefs = {}; for (const pref of [ "layers.acceleration.force-enabled", "gfx.webrender.software", ]) { specialPrefs[pref] = prefs[pref]; } const details = Object.assign(message.details, specialPrefs, { additionalData, blockList, channel: updateChannel, defaultUserAgent, hasTouchScreen: browser.graphics.hasTouchScreen, }); // If the user enters a URL unrelated to the current tab, // don't bother sending a screnshot or logs/etc let sendRecordedPageSpecificDetails = false; try { const givenUri = new URL(reportUrl); const recordedUri = new URL(url); sendRecordedPageSpecificDetails = givenUri.origin == recordedUri.origin && givenUri.pathname == recordedUri.pathname; } catch (_) {} if (sendRecordedPageSpecificDetails) { payload.screenshot = screenshot; details.consoleLog = consoleLog; details.frameworks = frameworks; details["mixed active content blocked"] = antitracking.hasMixedActiveContentBlocked; details["mixed passive content blocked"] = antitracking.hasMixedDisplayContentBlocked; details["tracking content blocked"] = antitracking.hasTrackingContentBlocked ? `true (${antitracking.blockList})` : "false"; if (antitracking.hasTrackingContentBlocked) { extra_labels.push( `type-tracking-protection-${antitracking.blockList}` ); } for (const [framework, active] of Object.entries(frameworks)) { if (!active) { continue; } details[framework] = true; extra_labels.push(`type-${framework}`); } } } return payload; } #stripNonASCIIChars(str) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex return str.replace(/[^\x00-\x7F]/g, ""); } async receiveMessage(msg) { const { docShell } = this; switch (msg.name) { case "SendDataToWebcompatCom": { const win = docShell.domWindow; const expectedEndpoint = msg.data.endpointUrl; if (win.location.href == expectedEndpoint) { // Ensure that the tab has fully loaded and is waiting for messages const onLoad = () => { const payload = this.#formatReportDataForWebcompatCom(msg.data); const json = this.#stripNonASCIIChars(JSON.stringify(payload)); const expectedOrigin = JSON.stringify( new URL(expectedEndpoint).origin ); // webcompat.com checks that the message comes from its own origin const script = ` const wrtReady = window.wrappedJSObject?.wrtReady; if (wrtReady) { console.info("Report Broken Site is waiting"); } Promise.resolve(wrtReady).then(() => { console.debug(${json}); postMessage(${json}, ${expectedOrigin}) });`; RunScriptInFrame(win, script); }; if (win.document.readyState == "complete") { onLoad(); } else { win.addEventListener("load", onLoad, { once: true }); } } return null; } case "GetWebCompatInfo": { return this.#getWebCompatInfo(docShell); } case "GetConsoleLog": { return this.#getLoggedMessages(); } } return null; } }