/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIFingerprintingWebCompatService.idl"

interface nsIPrincipal;
interface nsIChannel;

 * The singleton serivce which handles fingerprinting protection stuffs.
[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(20093b2e-d5d5-4ce0-8355-96b8d2dc7ff5)]
interface nsIRFPService : nsISupports
   * Set the fingerprinting overrides.
   * @param aOverrides
   *        An array of fingerprinting overrides.
  void setFingerprintingOverrides(in Array<nsIFingerprintingOverride> aOverrides);

   * Get the fingerprinting overrides of the given scope. This is for testing
   * purpose.
   * @param aScope
   *        The scope of the fingerprinting override.
   * @return The RFPTarget flags for the fingerprinting overrides of the given
   *         scope. 0 if the overridden scope doesn't exist.
  uint64_t getFingerprintingOverrides(in ACString aDomainKey);

   * Clean all overrides. This is for testing purpose.
  void cleanAllOverrides();

   * The bitfield of the default enabled RFP Targets.
  readonly attribute uint64_t enabledFingerprintingProtections;

   * Clean all fingerprinting randomization keys.
  void cleanAllRandomKeys();

   * Clean the fingerprinting randomization key by the given principal.
  void cleanRandomKeyByPrincipal(in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal);

   * Clean the fingerprinting randomization key by the given domain.
  void cleanRandomKeyByDomain(in ACString aDomain);

   * Clean the fingerprinting randomization key by the given host and
   * OriginAttributesPattern.
  void cleanRandomKeyByHost(in ACString aHost,
                            in AString  aPattern);

   * Clean the fingerprinting randomization key by the given
   * OriginAttributesPattern.
  void cleanRandomKeyByOriginAttributesPattern(in AString aPattern);

   * Test function for generating and return the fingerprinting randomization
   * key for the given channel.
  Array<uint8_t> testGenerateRandomKey(in nsIChannel aChannel);