/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import { DefaultAggregator } from "resource://gre/modules/megalist/aggregator/DefaultAggregator.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { OSKeyStore: "resource://gre/modules/OSKeyStore.sys.mjs", }); /** * View Model for Megalist. * * Responsible for filtering, grouping, moving selection, editing. * Refers to the same MegalistAggregator in the parent process to access data. * Paired to exactly one MegalistView in the child process to present to the user. * Receives user commands from MegalistView. * * There can be multiple snapshots of the same line displayed in different contexts. * * snapshotId - an id for a snapshot of a line used between View Model and View. */ export class MegalistViewModel { /** * * View Model prepares snapshots in the parent process to be displayed * by the View in the child process. View gets the firstSnapshotId + length of the * list. Making it a very short message for each time we filter or refresh data. * * View requests line data by providing snapshotId = firstSnapshotId + index. * */ #firstSnapshotId = 0; #snapshots = []; #selectedIndex = 0; #searchText = ""; #messageToView; static #aggregator = new DefaultAggregator(); constructor(messageToView) { this.#messageToView = messageToView; MegalistViewModel.#aggregator.attachViewModel(this); } willDestroy() { MegalistViewModel.#aggregator.detachViewModel(this); } refreshAllLinesOnScreen() { this.#rebuildSnapshots(); } refreshSingleLineOnScreen(line) { if (this.#searchText) { // Data is filtered, which may require rebuilding the whole list //@sg check if current filter would affected by this line //@sg throttle refresh operation this.#rebuildSnapshots(); } else { const snapshotIndex = this.#snapshots.indexOf(line); if (snapshotIndex >= 0) { const snapshotId = snapshotIndex + this.#firstSnapshotId; this.#sendSnapshotToView(snapshotId, line); } } } /** * * Send snapshot of necessary line data across parent-child boundary. * * @param {number} snapshotId * @param {object} snapshotData */ async #sendSnapshotToView(snapshotId, snapshotData) { if (!snapshotData) { return; } // Only usable set of fields is sent over to the View. // Line object may contain other data used by the Data Source. const snapshot = { label: snapshotData.label, value: await snapshotData.value, }; if ("template" in snapshotData) { snapshot.template = snapshotData.template; } if ("start" in snapshotData) { snapshot.start = snapshotData.start; } if ("end" in snapshotData) { snapshot.end = snapshotData.end; } if ("commands" in snapshotData) { snapshot.commands = snapshotData.commands; } if ("valueIcon" in snapshotData) { snapshot.valueIcon = snapshotData.valueIcon; } if ("href" in snapshotData) { snapshot.href = snapshotData.href; } if (snapshotData.stickers) { for (const sticker of snapshotData.stickers) { snapshot.stickers ??= []; snapshot.stickers.push(sticker); } } this.#messageToView("Snapshot", { snapshotId, snapshot }); } receiveRequestSnapshot({ snapshotId }) { const snapshotIndex = snapshotId - this.#firstSnapshotId; const snapshot = this.#snapshots[snapshotIndex]; if (!snapshot) { // Ignore request for unknown line index or outdated list return; } if (snapshot.lineIsReady()) { this.#sendSnapshotToView(snapshotId, snapshot); } } handleViewMessage({ name, data }) { const handlerName = `receive${name}`; if (!(handlerName in this)) { throw new Error(`Received unknown message "${name}"`); } return this[handlerName](data); } receiveRefresh() { this.#rebuildSnapshots(); } #rebuildSnapshots() { // Remember current selection to attempt to restore it later const prevSelected = this.#snapshots[this.#selectedIndex]; // Rebuild snapshots this.#firstSnapshotId += this.#snapshots.length; this.#snapshots = Array.from( MegalistViewModel.#aggregator.enumerateLines(this.#searchText) ); // Update snapshots on screen this.#messageToView("ShowSnapshots", { firstSnapshotId: this.#firstSnapshotId, count: this.#snapshots.length, }); // Restore selection const usedToBeSelectedNewIndex = this.#snapshots.findIndex( snapshot => snapshot == prevSelected ); if (usedToBeSelectedNewIndex >= 0) { this.#selectSnapshotByIndex(usedToBeSelectedNewIndex); } else { // Make sure selection is within visible lines this.#selectSnapshotByIndex( Math.min(this.#selectedIndex, this.#snapshots.length - 1) ); } } receiveUpdateFilter({ searchText } = { searchText: "" }) { if (this.#searchText != searchText) { this.#searchText = searchText; this.#messageToView("MegalistUpdateFilter", { searchText }); this.#rebuildSnapshots(); } } async receiveCommand({ commandId, snapshotId, value } = {}) { const index = snapshotId ? snapshotId - this.#firstSnapshotId : this.#selectedIndex; const snapshot = this.#snapshots[index]; if (snapshot) { commandId = commandId ?? snapshot.commands[0]?.id; const mustVerify = snapshot.commands.find(c => c.id == commandId)?.verify; if (!mustVerify || (await this.#verifyUser())) { // TODO:Enter the prompt message and pref for #verifyUser() await snapshot[`execute${commandId}`]?.(value); } } } receiveSelectSnapshot({ snapshotId }) { const index = snapshotId - this.#firstSnapshotId; if (index >= 0) { this.#selectSnapshotByIndex(index); } } receiveSelectNextSnapshot() { this.#selectSnapshotByIndex(this.#selectedIndex + 1); } receiveSelectPreviousSnapshot() { this.#selectSnapshotByIndex(this.#selectedIndex - 1); } receiveSelectNextGroup() { let i = this.#selectedIndex + 1; while (i < this.#snapshots.length - 1 && !this.#snapshots[i].start) { i += 1; } this.#selectSnapshotByIndex(i); } receiveSelectPreviousGroup() { let i = this.#selectedIndex - 1; while (i >= 0 && !this.#snapshots[i].start) { i -= 1; } this.#selectSnapshotByIndex(i); } #selectSnapshotByIndex(index) { if (index >= 0 && index < this.#snapshots.length) { this.#selectedIndex = index; const selectedIndex = this.#selectedIndex; this.#messageToView("UpdateSelection", { selectedIndex }); } } async #verifyUser(promptMessage, prefName) { if (!this.getOSAuthEnabled(prefName)) { promptMessage = false; } let result = await lazy.OSKeyStore.ensureLoggedIn(promptMessage); return result.authenticated; } /** * Get the decrypted value for a string pref. * * @param {string} prefName -> The pref whose value is needed. * @param {string} safeDefaultValue -> Value to be returned incase the pref is not yet set. * @returns {string} */ #getSecurePref(prefName, safeDefaultValue) { try { let encryptedValue = Services.prefs.getStringPref(prefName, ""); return this._crypto.decrypt(encryptedValue); } catch { return safeDefaultValue; } } /** * Set the pref to the encrypted form of the value. * * @param {string} prefName -> The pref whose value is to be set. * @param {string} value -> The value to be set in its encryoted form. */ #setSecurePref(prefName, value) { let encryptedValue = this._crypto.encrypt(value); Services.prefs.setStringPref(prefName, encryptedValue); } /** * Get whether the OSAuth is enabled or not. * * @param {string} prefName -> The name of the pref (creditcards or addresses) * @returns {boolean} */ getOSAuthEnabled(prefName) { return this.#getSecurePref(prefName, "") !== "opt out"; } /** * Set whether the OSAuth is enabled or not. * * @param {string} prefName -> The pref to encrypt. * @param {boolean} enable -> Whether the pref is to be enabled. */ setOSAuthEnabled(prefName, enable) { if (enable) { Services.prefs.clearUserPref(prefName); } else { this.#setSecurePref(prefName, "opt out"); } } }