/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
#include "nsISupports.idl"
interface nsIAutoCompletePopup;
interface nsIAutoCompleteResult;
webidl Document;
webidl Element;
webidl Event;
webidl HTMLInputElement;
* nsIFormFillController is an interface for controlling form fill behavior
* on HTML documents. Any number of docShells can be controller concurrently.
* While a docShell is attached, all HTML documents that are loaded within it
* will have a focus listener attached that will listen for when a text input
* is focused. When this happens, the input will be bound to the
* global nsIAutoCompleteController service.
[scriptable, uuid(07f0a0dc-f6e9-4cdd-a55f-56d770523a4c)]
interface nsIFormFillController : nsISupports
* The input element the form fill controller is currently bound to.
readonly attribute HTMLInputElement focusedInput;
* Whether the autocomplete popup on a password field was automatically opened
* by the form fill controller (upon focus).
readonly attribute boolean passwordPopupAutomaticallyOpened;
// Only used by tests.
void attachPopupElementToDocument(in Document document, in Element popup);
void detachFromDocument(in Document document);
* Returns true if aInput is managed by the login manager.
* @param aInput - The HTML element to tag
[can_run_script] boolean isLoginManagerField(in HTMLInputElement aInput);
* Mark the specified element as being managed by password manager.
* Autocomplete requests will be handed off to the password manager, and will
* not be stored in form history.
* @param aInput - The HTML element to tag
[can_run_script] void markAsLoginManagerField(in HTMLInputElement aInput);
* Mark the specified element as being managed by a form autofill component.
* Autocomplete requests will be handed off to the autofill component.
* @param aInput - The HTML element to mark
[can_run_script] void markAsAutofillField(in HTMLInputElement aInput);
* Open the autocomplete popup, if possible.
[can_run_script] void showPopup();
[scriptable, function, uuid(604419ab-55a0-4831-9eca-1b9e67cc4751)]
interface nsIFormFillCompleteObserver : nsISupports
* Called when a search is complete and the results are ready even if the
* result set is empty. If the search is cancelled or a new search is
* started, this is not called.
* @param result - The search result object
[can_run_script] void onSearchCompletion(in nsIAutoCompleteResult result);