/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var bakFile; function run_test() { // ===== test init ===== let testfile = do_get_file("formhistory_CORRUPT.sqlite"); let profileDir = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); // Cleanup from any previous tests or failures. let destFile = profileDir.clone(); destFile.append("formhistory.sqlite"); if (destFile.exists()) { destFile.remove(false); } bakFile = profileDir.clone(); bakFile.append("formhistory.sqlite.corrupt"); if (bakFile.exists()) { bakFile.remove(false); } testfile.copyTo(profileDir, "formhistory.sqlite"); run_next_test(); } add_test(function test_corruptFormHistoryDB_lazyCorruptInit1() { do_log_info("ensure FormHistory backs up a corrupt DB on initialization."); // DB init is done lazily so the DB shouldn't be created yet. Assert.ok(!bakFile.exists()); // Doing any request to the DB should create it. countEntries(null, null, run_next_test); }); add_test(function test_corruptFormHistoryDB_lazyCorruptInit2() { Assert.ok(bakFile.exists()); bakFile.remove(false); run_next_test(); }); add_test(function test_corruptFormHistoryDB_emptyInit() { do_log_info( "test that FormHistory initializes an empty DB in place of corrupt DB." ); (async function () { let count = await FormHistory.count({}); Assert.equal(count, 0); count = await FormHistory.count({ fieldname: "name-A", value: "value-A" }); Assert.equal(count, 0); run_next_test(); })().catch(_error => { do_throw("DB initialized after reading a corrupt DB file is not empty."); }); }); add_test(function test_corruptFormHistoryDB_addEntry() { do_log_info("test adding an entry to the empty DB."); updateEntry("add", "name-A", "value-A", function () { countEntries("name-A", "value-A", function (count) { Assert.ok(count == 1); run_next_test(); }); }); }); add_test(function test_corruptFormHistoryDB_removeEntry() { do_log_info("test removing an entry to the empty DB."); updateEntry("remove", "name-A", "value-A", function () { countEntries("name-A", "value-A", function (count) { Assert.ok(count == 0); run_next_test(); }); }); });