/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ add_task(async function () { let destPath = await copyToProfile( "formhistory_v3.sqlite", "formhistory.sqlite" ); Assert.equal(3, await getDBSchemaVersion(destPath)); // Do something that will cause FormHistory to access and upgrade the // database await FormHistory.count({}); // check for upgraded schema. Assert.equal(CURRENT_SCHEMA, await getDBSchemaVersion(destPath)); // Check that the source tables were added. let db = await Sqlite.openConnection({ path: destPath }); try { Assert.ok(db.tableExists("moz_sources")); Assert.ok(db.tableExists("moz_sources_to_history")); } finally { await db.close(); } // check that an entry still exists let num = await promiseCountEntries("name-A", "value-A"); Assert.ok(num > 0); });