/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { SearchEngineSelectorOld: "resource://gre/modules/SearchEngineSelectorOld.sys.mjs", }); const TEST_CONFIG = [ { engineName: "aol", orderHint: 500, webExtension: { locales: ["default"], }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, }, { included: { regions: ["us"] }, webExtension: { locales: ["$USER_LOCALE"], }, }, ], }, { engineName: "lycos", orderHint: 1000, default: "yes", appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, excluded: { locales: { matches: ["zh-CN"] } }, }, ], }, { engineName: "altavista", orderHint: 2000, defaultPrivate: "yes", appliesTo: [ { included: { locales: { matches: ["en-US"] } }, }, { included: { regions: ["default"] }, }, ], }, { engineName: "excite", default: "yes-if-no-other", appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, excluded: { regions: ["us"] }, }, { included: { everywhere: true }, cohort: "acohortid", }, ], }, { engineName: "askjeeves", }, ]; let getStub; add_setup(async function () { const searchConfigSettings = await RemoteSettings( SearchUtils.OLD_SETTINGS_KEY ); getStub = sinon.stub(searchConfigSettings, "get"); // We expect this error from remove settings as we're invalidating the // signature. consoleAllowList.push("Invalid content signature (abc)"); // We also test returning an empty configuration. consoleAllowList.push("Received empty search configuration"); }); add_task(async function test_selector_basic_get() { const listenerSpy = sinon.spy(); const engineSelector = new SearchEngineSelectorOld(listenerSpy); getStub.onFirstCall().returns(TEST_CONFIG); const { engines } = await engineSelector.fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }); Assert.deepEqual( engines.map(e => e.engineName), ["lycos", "altavista", "aol", "excite"], "Should have obtained the correct data from the database." ); Assert.ok(listenerSpy.notCalled, "Should not have called the listener"); }); add_task(async function test_selector_get_reentry() { const listenerSpy = sinon.spy(); const engineSelector = new SearchEngineSelectorOld(listenerSpy); let promise = Promise.withResolvers(); getStub.resetHistory(); getStub.onFirstCall().returns(promise.promise); delete engineSelector._configuration; let firstResult; let secondResult; const firstCallPromise = engineSelector .fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }) .then(result => (firstResult = result.engines)); const secondCallPromise = engineSelector .fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }) .then(result => (secondResult = result.engines)); Assert.strictEqual( firstResult, undefined, "Should not have returned the first result yet." ); Assert.strictEqual( secondResult, undefined, "Should not have returned the second result yet." ); promise.resolve(TEST_CONFIG); await Promise.all([firstCallPromise, secondCallPromise]); Assert.deepEqual( firstResult.map(e => e.engineName), ["lycos", "altavista", "aol", "excite"], "Should have returned the correct data to the first call" ); Assert.deepEqual( secondResult.map(e => e.engineName), ["lycos", "altavista", "aol", "excite"], "Should have returned the correct data to the second call" ); Assert.ok(listenerSpy.notCalled, "Should not have called the listener"); }); add_task(async function test_selector_config_update() { const listenerSpy = sinon.spy(); const engineSelector = new SearchEngineSelectorOld(listenerSpy); getStub.resetHistory(); getStub.onFirstCall().returns(TEST_CONFIG); const { engines } = await engineSelector.fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }); Assert.deepEqual( engines.map(e => e.engineName), ["lycos", "altavista", "aol", "excite"], "Should have got the correct configuration" ); Assert.ok(listenerSpy.notCalled, "Should not have called the listener yet"); const NEW_DATA = [ { default: "yes", engineName: "askjeeves", appliesTo: [{ included: { everywhere: true } }], schema: 1553857697843, last_modified: 1553859483588, }, ]; getStub.resetHistory(); getStub.onFirstCall().returns(NEW_DATA); await RemoteSettings(SearchUtils.OLD_SETTINGS_KEY).emit("sync", { data: { current: NEW_DATA, }, }); Assert.ok(listenerSpy.called, "Should have called the listener"); const result = await engineSelector.fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }); Assert.deepEqual( result.engines.map(e => e.engineName), ["askjeeves"], "Should have updated the configuration with the new data" ); }); add_task(async function test_selector_db_modification() { const engineSelector = new SearchEngineSelectorOld(); // Fill the database with some values that we can use to test that it is cleared. const db = RemoteSettings(SearchUtils.OLD_SETTINGS_KEY).db; await db.importChanges( {}, Date.now(), [ { id: "85e1f268-9ca5-4b52-a4ac-922df5c07264", default: "yes", engineName: "askjeeves", appliesTo: [{ included: { everywhere: true } }], }, ], { clear: true } ); // Stub the get() so that the first call simulates a signature error, and // the second simulates success reading from the dump. getStub.resetHistory(); getStub .onFirstCall() .rejects(new RemoteSettingsClient.InvalidSignatureError("abc")); getStub.onSecondCall().returns(TEST_CONFIG); let result = await engineSelector.fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }); Assert.ok( getStub.calledTwice, "Should have called the get() function twice." ); const databaseEntries = await db.list(); Assert.equal(databaseEntries.length, 0, "Should have cleared the database."); Assert.deepEqual( result.engines.map(e => e.engineName), ["lycos", "altavista", "aol", "excite"], "Should have returned the correct data." ); }); add_task(async function test_selector_db_modification_never_succeeds() { const engineSelector = new SearchEngineSelectorOld(); // Fill the database with some values that we can use to test that it is cleared. const db = RemoteSettings(SearchUtils.OLD_SETTINGS_KEY).db; await db.importChanges( {}, Date.now(), [ { id: "b70edfdd-1c3f-4b7b-ab55-38cb048636c0", default: "yes", engineName: "askjeeves", appliesTo: [{ included: { everywhere: true } }], }, ], { clear: true, } ); // Now simulate the condition where for some reason we never get a // valid result. getStub.reset(); getStub.rejects(new RemoteSettingsClient.InvalidSignatureError("abc")); await Assert.rejects( engineSelector.fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }), ex => ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED, "Should have rejected loading the engine configuration" ); Assert.ok( getStub.calledTwice, "Should have called the get() function twice." ); const databaseEntries = await db.list(); Assert.equal(databaseEntries.length, 0, "Should have cleared the database."); }); add_task(async function test_empty_results() { // Check that returning an empty result re-tries. const engineSelector = new SearchEngineSelectorOld(); // Fill the database with some values that we can use to test that it is cleared. const db = RemoteSettings(SearchUtils.OLD_SETTINGS_KEY).db; await db.importChanges( {}, Date.now(), [ { id: "df5655ca-e045-4f8c-a7ee-047eeb654722", default: "yes", engineName: "askjeeves", appliesTo: [{ included: { everywhere: true } }], }, ], { clear: true, } ); // Stub the get() so that the first call simulates an empty database, and // the second simulates success reading from the dump. getStub.resetHistory(); getStub.onFirstCall().returns([]); getStub.onSecondCall().returns(TEST_CONFIG); let result = await engineSelector.fetchEngineConfiguration({ locale: "en-US", region: "default", }); Assert.ok( getStub.calledTwice, "Should have called the get() function twice." ); const databaseEntries = await db.list(); Assert.equal(databaseEntries.length, 0, "Should have cleared the database."); Assert.deepEqual( result.engines.map(e => e.engineName), ["lycos", "altavista", "aol", "excite"], "Should have returned the correct data." ); });