/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC = "browser-search-service"; const SEARCH_ENGINE_TOPIC = "browser-search-engine-modified"; const CONFIG = [ { webExtension: { id: "engine@search.mozilla.org", name: "Test search engine", search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", params: [ { name: "q", value: "{searchTerms}", }, { name: "channel", condition: "purpose", purpose: "contextmenu", value: "rcs", }, { name: "channel", condition: "purpose", purpose: "keyword", value: "fflb", }, ], suggest_url: "https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?output=firefox&client=firefox&hl={moz:locale}&q={searchTerms}", }, orderHint: 30, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true }, excluded: { regions: ["FR"] }, default: "yes", defaultPrivate: "yes", }, ], }, { webExtension: { id: "engine-pref@search.mozilla.org", name: "engine-pref", search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", params: [ { name: "q", value: "{searchTerms}", }, { name: "code", condition: "pref", pref: "code", }, { name: "test", condition: "pref", pref: "test", }, ], }, orderHint: 20, appliesTo: [ { included: { regions: ["FR"] }, default: "yes", defaultPrivate: "yes", }, ], }, ]; // Default engine with no region defined. const DEFAULT = "Test search engine"; // Default engine with region set to FR. const FR_DEFAULT = "engine-pref"; function listenFor(name, key) { let notifyObserved = false; let obs = (subject, topic, data) => { if (data == key) { notifyObserved = true; } }; Services.obs.addObserver(obs, name); return () => { Services.obs.removeObserver(obs, name); return notifyObserved; }; } add_setup(async function () { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.search.separatePrivateDefault", true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault.ui.enabled", true ); SearchTestUtils.useMockIdleService(); await SearchTestUtils.useTestEngines("data", null, CONFIG); await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); }); // This tests what we expect is the normal startup route for a fresh profile - // the search service initializes with no region details, then gets a region // notified part way through / afterwards. add_task(async function test_initialization_with_region() { let reloadObserved = listenFor(SEARCH_SERVICE_TOPIC, "engines-reloaded"); let initPromise; // Ensure the region lookup completes after init so the // engines are reloaded let srv = useHttpServer(); srv.registerPathHandler("/fetch_region", async (req, res) => { res.processAsync(); await initPromise; res.setStatusLine("1.1", 200, "OK"); res.write(JSON.stringify({ country_code: "FR" })); res.finish(); }); Services.prefs.setCharPref( "browser.region.network.url", `http://localhost:${srv.identity.primaryPort}/fetch_region` ); Region._setHomeRegion("", false); Region.init(); initPromise = Services.search.init(); await initPromise; let otherPromises = [ // This test expects settings to be saved twice. promiseAfterSettings().then(promiseAfterSettings), SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification( "engine-default", SEARCH_ENGINE_TOPIC ), ]; Assert.equal( Services.search.defaultEngine.name, DEFAULT, "Test engine shouldn't be the default anymore" ); await Promise.all(otherPromises); // Ensure that correct engine is being reported as the default. Assert.equal( Services.search.defaultEngine.name, FR_DEFAULT, "engine-pref should be the default in FR" ); Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefaultPrivate()).name, FR_DEFAULT, "engine-pref should be the private default in FR" ); Assert.ok(reloadObserved(), "Engines do reload with delayed region fetch"); });