/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const kExtensionID = "simple@tests.mozilla.org"; add_setup(async function () { useHttpServer("opensearch"); await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); await SearchTestUtils.useTestEngines("data1"); await Services.search.init(); }); add_task(async function test_migrateLegacyEngine() { let engine = await SearchTestUtils.promiseNewSearchEngine({ url: gDataUrl + "simple.xml", }); // Modify the loadpath so it looks like a legacy plugin loadpath engine.wrappedJSObject._loadPath = `jar:[profile]/extensions/${kExtensionID}.xpi!/simple.xml`; engine.wrappedJSObject._extensionID = null; await Services.search.setDefault( engine, Ci.nsISearchService.CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN ); // This should replace the existing engine let extension = await SearchTestUtils.installSearchExtension( { id: "simple", name: "simple", search_url: "https://example.com/", }, { skipUnload: true } ); engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("simple"); Assert.equal(engine.wrappedJSObject._loadPath, "[addon]" + kExtensionID); Assert.equal(engine.wrappedJSObject._extensionID, kExtensionID); Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefault()).name, "simple", "Should have kept the default engine the same" ); await extension.unload(); }); add_task(async function test_migrateLegacyEngineDifferentName() { let engine = await SearchTestUtils.promiseNewSearchEngine({ url: gDataUrl + "simple.xml", }); // Modify the loadpath so it looks like an legacy plugin loadpath engine.wrappedJSObject._loadPath = `jar:[profile]/extensions/${kExtensionID}.xpi!/simple.xml`; engine.wrappedJSObject._extensionID = null; await Services.search.setDefault( engine, Ci.nsISearchService.CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN ); // This should replace the existing engine - it has the same id, but a different name. let extension = await SearchTestUtils.installSearchExtension( { id: "simple", name: "simple search", search_url: "https://example.com/", }, { skipUnload: true } ); engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("simple"); Assert.equal(engine, null, "Should have removed the old engine"); // The engine should have changed its name. engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("simple search"); Assert.equal(engine.wrappedJSObject._loadPath, "[addon]" + kExtensionID); Assert.equal(engine.wrappedJSObject._extensionID, kExtensionID); Assert.equal( (await Services.search.getDefault()).name, "simple search", "Should have made the new engine default" ); await extension.unload(); });