/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* * Test that various install failures are handled correctly. */ add_setup(async function () { useHttpServer("opensearch"); await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); await Services.search.init(); // This test purposely attempts to load an invalid engine. consoleAllowList.push("_onLoad: Failed to init engine!"); consoleAllowList.push("Invalid search plugin due to namespace not matching"); }); add_task(async function test_invalid_path_fails() { await Assert.rejects( Services.search.addOpenSearchEngine("http://invalid/data/engine.xml", null), error => { Assert.equal( error.result, Ci.nsISearchService.ERROR_DOWNLOAD_FAILURE, "Should have returned download failure." ); return true; }, "Should fail to install an engine with an invalid path." ); }); add_task(async function test_install_duplicate_fails() { let engine = await Services.search.addOpenSearchEngine( gDataUrl + "simple.xml", null ); Assert.equal(engine.name, "simple", "Should have installed the engine."); await Assert.rejects( Services.search.addOpenSearchEngine(gDataUrl + "simple.xml", null), error => { Assert.equal( error.result, Ci.nsISearchService.ERROR_DUPLICATE_ENGINE, "Should have returned duplicate failure." ); return true; }, "Should fail to install a duplicate engine." ); }); add_task(async function test_invalid_engine_from_dir() { await Assert.rejects( Services.search.addOpenSearchEngine(gDataUrl + "invalid.xml", null), error => { Assert.equal( error.result, Ci.nsISearchService.ERROR_ENGINE_CORRUPTED, "Should have returned corruption failure." ); return true; }, "Should fail to install an invalid engine." ); });