/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* * Tests for the default engine telemetry event that can be tested via xpcshell, * related to changing or selecting a different configuration. * Other tests are typically in browser mochitests. */ "use strict"; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, { NimbusFeatures: "resource://nimbus/ExperimentAPI.sys.mjs", TelemetryTestUtils: "resource://testing-common/TelemetryTestUtils.sys.mjs", }); const BASE_CONFIG = [ { webExtension: { id: "engine@search.mozilla.org", name: "Test search engine", search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", params: [ { name: "q", value: "{searchTerms}", }, { name: "channel", condition: "purpose", purpose: "contextmenu", value: "rcs", }, { name: "channel", condition: "purpose", purpose: "keyword", value: "fflb", }, ], suggest_url: "https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?output=firefox&client=firefox&hl={moz:locale}&q={searchTerms}", }, appliesTo: [{ included: { everywhere: true } }], default: "yes", }, ]; const MAIN_CONFIG = [ { webExtension: { id: "engine@search.mozilla.org", name: "Test search engine", search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", params: [ { name: "q", value: "{searchTerms}", }, { name: "channel", condition: "purpose", purpose: "contextmenu", value: "rcs", }, { name: "channel", condition: "purpose", purpose: "keyword", value: "fflb", }, ], suggest_url: "https://suggestqueries.google.com/complete/search?output=firefox&client=firefox&hl={moz:locale}&q={searchTerms}", }, appliesTo: [{ included: { everywhere: true } }], default: "no", }, { webExtension: { id: "engine-chromeicon@search.mozilla.org", name: "engine-chromeicon", search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", params: [ { name: "q", value: "{searchTerms}", }, ], }, appliesTo: [{ included: { everywhere: true } }], default: "yes-if-no-other", }, { webExtension: { id: "engine-fr@search.mozilla.org", name: "Test search engine (fr)", search_url: "https://www.google.fr/search", params: [ { name: "q", value: "{searchTerms}", }, { name: "ie", value: "iso-8859-1", }, { name: "oe", value: "iso-8859-1", }, ], }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true } }, { included: { locales: { matches: ["fr"] } }, excluded: { regions: ["DE"] }, default: "yes", }, ], default: "no", }, { webExtension: { id: "engine-pref@search.mozilla.org", name: "engine-pref", search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", params: [ { name: "q", value: "{searchTerms}", }, { name: "code", condition: "pref", pref: "code", }, { name: "test", condition: "pref", pref: "test", }, ], }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true } }, { included: { regions: ["DE"] }, default: "yes" }, ], default: "no", }, { webExtension: { id: "engine2@search.mozilla.org", name: "A second test engine", search_url: "https://duckduckgo.com/?q={searchTerms}", }, appliesTo: [ { included: { everywhere: true } }, { included: { everywhere: true }, experiment: "test1", default: "yes" }, ], default: "no", }, ]; const testSearchEngine = { id: "engine", name: "Test search engine", loadPath: SearchUtils.newSearchConfigEnabled ? "[app]engine@search.mozilla.org" : "[addon]engine@search.mozilla.org", submissionURL: "https://www.google.com/search?q=", }; const testChromeIconEngine = { id: "engine-chromeicon", name: "engine-chromeicon", loadPath: SearchUtils.newSearchConfigEnabled ? "[app]engine-chromeicon@search.mozilla.org" : "[addon]engine-chromeicon@search.mozilla.org", submissionURL: "https://www.google.com/search?q=", }; const testFrEngine = { id: "engine-fr", name: "Test search engine (fr)", loadPath: SearchUtils.newSearchConfigEnabled ? "[app]engine-fr@search.mozilla.org" : "[addon]engine-fr@search.mozilla.org", submissionURL: "https://www.google.fr/search?q=&ie=iso-8859-1&oe=iso-8859-1", }; const testPrefEngine = { id: "engine-pref", name: "engine-pref", loadPath: SearchUtils.newSearchConfigEnabled ? "[app]engine-pref@search.mozilla.org" : "[addon]engine-pref@search.mozilla.org", submissionURL: "https://www.google.com/search?q=", }; const testEngine2 = { id: "engine2", name: "A second test engine", loadPath: SearchUtils.newSearchConfigEnabled ? "[app]engine2@search.mozilla.org" : "[addon]engine2@search.mozilla.org", submissionURL: "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=", }; function clearTelemetry() { Services.telemetry.clearEvents(); Services.fog.testResetFOG(); } async function checkTelemetry( source, prevEngine, newEngine, checkPrivate = false, additionalEventsExpected = false ) { // TODO Bug 1876178 - Improve engine change telemetry. // When we reload engines due to a config change, we update the engines as // they may have changed, we don't track if any attribute has actually changed // from previous, and so we send out an update regardless. This is why in // this test we test for the additional `engine-update` event that's recorded. // In future, we should be more specific about when to record the event and // so only one event is captured and not two. let additionalEvent = [ { object: checkPrivate ? "change_private" : "change_default", value: "engine-update", extra: { prev_id: prevEngine?.id ?? "", new_id: prevEngine?.id ?? "", new_name: prevEngine?.name ?? "", new_load_path: prevEngine?.loadPath ?? "", // Telemetry has a limit of 80 characters. new_sub_url: prevEngine?.submissionURL.slice(0, 80) ?? "", }, }, ]; TelemetryTestUtils.assertEvents( [ ...(additionalEventsExpected ? additionalEvent : []), { object: checkPrivate ? "change_private" : "change_default", value: source, extra: { prev_id: prevEngine?.id ?? "", new_id: newEngine?.id ?? "", new_name: newEngine?.name ?? "", new_load_path: newEngine?.loadPath ?? "", // Telemetry has a limit of 80 characters. new_sub_url: newEngine?.submissionURL.slice(0, 80) ?? "", }, }, ], { category: "search", method: "engine" } ); let snapshot; if (checkPrivate) { snapshot = await Glean.searchEnginePrivate.changed.testGetValue(); } else { snapshot = await Glean.searchEngineDefault.changed.testGetValue(); } if (additionalEventsExpected) { delete snapshot[0].timestamp; Assert.deepEqual( snapshot[0], { category: checkPrivate ? "search.engine.private" : "search.engine.default", name: "changed", extra: { change_source: "engine-update", previous_engine_id: prevEngine?.id ?? "", new_engine_id: prevEngine?.id ?? "", new_display_name: prevEngine?.name ?? "", new_load_path: prevEngine?.loadPath ?? "", new_submission_url: prevEngine?.submissionURL ?? "", }, }, "Should have received the correct event details" ); snapshot.shift(); } delete snapshot[0].timestamp; Assert.deepEqual( snapshot[0], { category: checkPrivate ? "search.engine.private" : "search.engine.default", name: "changed", extra: { change_source: source, previous_engine_id: prevEngine?.id ?? "", new_engine_id: newEngine?.id ?? "", new_display_name: newEngine?.name ?? "", new_load_path: newEngine?.loadPath ?? "", new_submission_url: newEngine?.submissionURL ?? "", }, }, "Should have received the correct event details" ); } let getVariableStub; add_setup(async () => { Region._setHomeRegion("US", false); Services.locale.availableLocales = [ ...Services.locale.availableLocales, "en", "fr", ]; Services.locale.requestedLocales = ["en"]; sinon.spy(NimbusFeatures.searchConfiguration, "onUpdate"); sinon.stub(NimbusFeatures.searchConfiguration, "ready").resolves(); getVariableStub = sinon.stub( NimbusFeatures.searchConfiguration, "getVariable" ); getVariableStub.returns(null); SearchTestUtils.useMockIdleService(); Services.fog.initializeFOG(); sinon.stub( Services.search.wrappedJSObject, "_showRemovalOfSearchEngineNotificationBox" ); await SearchTestUtils.useTestEngines("data", null, BASE_CONFIG); await AddonTestUtils.promiseStartupManager(); await Services.search.init(); }); add_task(async function test_configuration_changes_default() { clearTelemetry(); await SearchTestUtils.updateRemoteSettingsConfig(MAIN_CONFIG); await checkTelemetry( "config", testSearchEngine, testChromeIconEngine, false, true ); }); add_task(async function test_experiment_changes_default() { clearTelemetry(); let reloadObserved = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification("engines-reloaded"); getVariableStub.callsFake(name => (name == "experiment" ? "test1" : null)); NimbusFeatures.searchConfiguration.onUpdate.firstCall.args[0](); await reloadObserved; await checkTelemetry( "experiment", testChromeIconEngine, testEngine2, false, true ); // Reset the stub so that we are no longer in an experiment. getVariableStub.returns(null); }); add_task(async function test_locale_changes_default() { clearTelemetry(); let reloadObserved = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification("engines-reloaded"); Services.locale.requestedLocales = ["fr"]; await reloadObserved; await checkTelemetry("locale", testEngine2, testFrEngine, false, true); }); add_task(async function test_region_changes_default() { clearTelemetry(); let reloadObserved = SearchTestUtils.promiseSearchNotification("engines-reloaded"); Region._setHomeRegion("DE", true); await reloadObserved; await checkTelemetry("region", testFrEngine, testPrefEngine, false, true); }); add_task(async function test_user_changes_separate_private_pref() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault.ui.enabled", true ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault", true ); await Services.search.setDefaultPrivate( Services.search.getEngineByName("engine-chromeicon"), Ci.nsISearchService.CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN ); Assert.notEqual( await Services.search.getDefault(), await Services.search.getDefaultPrivate(), "Should have different engines for the pre-condition" ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault.ui.enabled", false ); clearTelemetry(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault", false ); await checkTelemetry("user_private_split", testChromeIconEngine, null, true); getVariableStub.returns(null); }); add_task(async function test_experiment_with_separate_default_notifies() { Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault.ui.enabled", false ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( SearchUtils.BROWSER_SEARCH_PREF + "separatePrivateDefault", true ); clearTelemetry(); getVariableStub.callsFake(name => name == "seperatePrivateDefaultUIEnabled" ? true : null ); NimbusFeatures.searchConfiguration.onUpdate.firstCall.args[0](); await checkTelemetry("experiment", null, testChromeIconEngine, true); clearTelemetry(); // Reset the stub so that we are no longer in an experiment. getVariableStub.returns(null); NimbusFeatures.searchConfiguration.onUpdate.firstCall.args[0](); await checkTelemetry("experiment", testChromeIconEngine, null, true); }); add_task(async function test_default_engine_update() { clearTelemetry(); let extension = await SearchTestUtils.installSearchExtension( { name: "engine", id: "engine@tests.mozilla.org", search_url_get_params: `q={searchTerms}&version=1.0`, search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", version: "1.0", }, { skipUnload: true } ); let engine = Services.search.getEngineByName("engine"); Assert.ok(!!engine, "Should have loaded the engine"); await Services.search.setDefault( engine, Ci.nsISearchService.CHANGE_REASON_UNKNOWN ); clearTelemetry(); let promiseChanged = TestUtils.topicObserved( "browser-search-engine-modified", (eng, verb) => verb == "engine-changed" ); let manifest = SearchTestUtils.createEngineManifest({ name: "Bar", id: "engine@tests.mozilla.org", search_url_get_params: `q={searchTerms}&version=2.0`, search_url: "https://www.google.com/search", version: "2.0", }); await extension.upgrade({ useAddonManager: "permanent", manifest, }); await AddonTestUtils.waitForSearchProviderStartup(extension); await promiseChanged; const defaultEngineData = { id: engine.telemetryId, name: "Bar", loadPath: engine.wrappedJSObject._loadPath, submissionURL: "https://www.google.com/search?q=&version=2.0", }; await checkTelemetry("engine-update", defaultEngineData, defaultEngineData); await extension.unload(); });