/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /* This testcase triggers two telemetry pings. * * Telemetry code keeps histograms of past telemetry pings. The first * ping populates these histograms. One of those histograms is then * checked in the second request. */ const { ClientID } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ClientID.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetrySession } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetrySession.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetryEnvironment } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryEnvironment.sys.mjs" ); const { TelemetryReportingPolicy } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetryReportingPolicy.sys.mjs" ); const PING_FORMAT_VERSION = 4; const PING_TYPE_MAIN = "main"; const PING_TYPE_SAVED_SESSION = "saved-session"; const REASON_ABORTED_SESSION = "aborted-session"; const REASON_SAVED_SESSION = "saved-session"; const REASON_SHUTDOWN = "shutdown"; const REASON_TEST_PING = "test-ping"; const REASON_DAILY = "daily"; const REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE = "environment-change"; const IGNORE_CLONED_HISTOGRAM = "test::ignore_me_also"; // Add some unicode characters here to ensure that sending them works correctly. const SHUTDOWN_TIME = 10000; const FAILED_PROFILE_LOCK_ATTEMPTS = 2; // Constants from prio.h for nsIFileOutputStream.init const PR_WRONLY = 0x2; const PR_CREATE_FILE = 0x8; const PR_TRUNCATE = 0x20; const RW_OWNER = parseInt("0600", 8); const MS_IN_ONE_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000; const MS_IN_ONE_DAY = 24 * MS_IN_ONE_HOUR; const DATAREPORTING_DIR = "datareporting"; const ABORTED_PING_FILE_NAME = "aborted-session-ping"; const ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "DATAREPORTING_PATH", function () { return PathUtils.join(PathUtils.profileDir, DATAREPORTING_DIR); }); var gClientID = null; var gMonotonicNow = 0; function sendPing() { TelemetrySession.gatherStartup(); if (PingServer.started) { TelemetrySend.setServer("http://localhost:" + PingServer.port); return TelemetrySession.testPing(); } TelemetrySend.setServer("http://doesnotexist"); return TelemetrySession.testPing(); } function fakeGenerateUUID(sessionFunc, subsessionFunc) { const { Policy } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/TelemetrySession.sys.mjs" ); Policy.generateSessionUUID = sessionFunc; Policy.generateSubsessionUUID = subsessionFunc; } function fakeIdleNotification(topic) { return TelemetryScheduler.observe(null, topic, null); } function setupTestData() { Services.startup.interrupted = true; let h2 = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_TEST_COUNT"); h2.add(); let k1 = Telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById("TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_COUNT"); k1.add("a"); k1.add("a"); k1.add("b"); } function checkPingFormat(aPing, aType, aHasClientId, aHasEnvironment) { const MANDATORY_PING_FIELDS = [ "type", "id", "creationDate", "version", "application", "payload", ]; const APPLICATION_TEST_DATA = { buildId: gAppInfo.appBuildID, name: APP_NAME, version: APP_VERSION, vendor: "Mozilla", platformVersion: PLATFORM_VERSION, xpcomAbi: "noarch-spidermonkey", }; // Check that the ping contains all the mandatory fields. for (let f of MANDATORY_PING_FIELDS) { Assert.ok(f in aPing, f + " must be available."); } Assert.equal(aPing.type, aType, "The ping must have the correct type."); Assert.equal( aPing.version, PING_FORMAT_VERSION, "The ping must have the correct version." ); // Test the application section. for (let f in APPLICATION_TEST_DATA) { Assert.equal( aPing.application[f], APPLICATION_TEST_DATA[f], f + " must have the correct value." ); } // We can't check the values for channel and architecture. Just make // sure they are in. Assert.ok( "architecture" in aPing.application, "The application section must have an architecture field." ); Assert.ok( "channel" in aPing.application, "The application section must have a channel field." ); // Check the clientId and environment fields, as needed. Assert.equal("clientId" in aPing, aHasClientId); Assert.equal("environment" in aPing, aHasEnvironment); } function checkPayloadInfo(data, reason) { const ALLOWED_REASONS = [ "environment-change", "shutdown", "daily", "saved-session", "test-ping", ]; let numberCheck = arg => { return typeof arg == "number"; }; let positiveNumberCheck = arg => { return numberCheck(arg) && arg >= 0; }; let stringCheck = arg => { return typeof arg == "string" && arg != ""; }; let revisionCheck = arg => { return AppConstants.MOZILLA_OFFICIAL ? stringCheck(arg) : typeof arg == "string"; }; let uuidCheck = arg => { return UUID_REGEX.test(arg); }; let isoDateCheck = arg => { // We expect use of this version of the ISO format: // 2015-04-12T18:51:19.1+00:00 const isoDateRegEx = /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d+[+-]\d{2}:\d{2}$/; return ( stringCheck(arg) && !Number.isNaN(Date.parse(arg)) && isoDateRegEx.test(arg) ); }; const EXPECTED_INFO_FIELDS_TYPES = { reason: stringCheck, revision: revisionCheck, timezoneOffset: numberCheck, sessionId: uuidCheck, subsessionId: uuidCheck, // Special cases: previousSessionId and previousSubsessionId are null on first run. previousSessionId: arg => { return arg ? uuidCheck(arg) : true; }, previousSubsessionId: arg => { return arg ? uuidCheck(arg) : true; }, subsessionCounter: positiveNumberCheck, profileSubsessionCounter: positiveNumberCheck, sessionStartDate: isoDateCheck, subsessionStartDate: isoDateCheck, subsessionLength: positiveNumberCheck, }; for (let f in EXPECTED_INFO_FIELDS_TYPES) { Assert.ok(f in data, f + " must be available."); let checkFunc = EXPECTED_INFO_FIELDS_TYPES[f]; Assert.ok( checkFunc(data[f]), f + " must have the correct type and valid data " + data[f] ); } // Check for a valid revision. if (data.revision != "") { const revisionUrlRegEx = /^http[s]?:\/\/hg.mozilla.org(\/[a-z\S]+)+(\/rev\/[0-9a-z]+)$/g; Assert.ok(revisionUrlRegEx.test(data.revision)); } // Previous buildId is not mandatory. if (data.previousBuildId) { Assert.ok(stringCheck(data.previousBuildId)); } Assert.ok( ALLOWED_REASONS.find(r => r == data.reason), "Payload must contain an allowed reason." ); Assert.equal(data.reason, reason, "Payload reason must match expected."); Assert.ok( Date.parse(data.subsessionStartDate) >= Date.parse(data.sessionStartDate) ); Assert.ok(data.profileSubsessionCounter >= data.subsessionCounter); // According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UTC_time_offsets, // UTC offsets range from -12 to +14 hours. // Don't think the extremes of the range are affected by further // daylight-savings adjustments, but it is possible. Assert.ok( data.timezoneOffset >= -12 * 60, "The timezone must be in a valid range." ); Assert.ok( data.timezoneOffset <= 14 * 60, "The timezone must be in a valid range." ); } function checkScalars(processes) { // Check that the scalars section is available in the ping payload. const parentProcess = processes.parent; Assert.ok( "scalars" in parentProcess, "The scalars section must be available in the parent process." ); Assert.ok( "keyedScalars" in parentProcess, "The keyedScalars section must be available in the parent process." ); Assert.equal( typeof parentProcess.scalars, "object", "The scalars entry must be an object." ); Assert.equal( typeof parentProcess.keyedScalars, "object", "The keyedScalars entry must be an object." ); let checkScalar = function (scalar, name) { // Check if the value is of a supported type. const valueType = typeof scalar; switch (valueType) { case "string": Assert.ok( scalar.length <= 50, "String values can't have more than 50 characters" ); break; case "number": Assert.ok( scalar >= 0, "We only support unsigned integer values in scalars." ); break; case "boolean": Assert.ok(true, "Boolean scalar found."); break; default: Assert.ok( false, name + " contains an unsupported value type (" + valueType + ")" ); } }; // Check that we have valid scalar entries. const scalars = parentProcess.scalars; for (let name in scalars) { Assert.equal(typeof name, "string", "Scalar names must be strings."); checkScalar(scalars[name], name); } // Check that we have valid keyed scalar entries. const keyedScalars = parentProcess.keyedScalars; for (let name in keyedScalars) { Assert.equal(typeof name, "string", "Scalar names must be strings."); Assert.ok( Object.keys(keyedScalars[name]).length, "The reported keyed scalars must contain at least 1 key." ); for (let key in keyedScalars[name]) { Assert.equal(typeof key, "string", "Keyed scalar keys must be strings."); Assert.ok( key.length <= 70, "Keyed scalar keys can't have more than 70 characters." ); checkScalar(scalars[name][key], name); } } } function checkPayload(payload, reason, successfulPings) { Assert.ok("info" in payload, "Payload must contain an info section."); checkPayloadInfo(payload.info, reason); Assert.ok(payload.simpleMeasurements.totalTime >= 0); Assert.equal(payload.simpleMeasurements.startupInterrupted, 1); Assert.equal(payload.simpleMeasurements.shutdownDuration, SHUTDOWN_TIME); let activeTicks = payload.simpleMeasurements.activeTicks; Assert.ok(activeTicks >= 0); if ("browser.timings.last_shutdown" in payload.processes.parent.scalars) { Assert.equal( payload.processes.parent.scalars["browser.timings.last_shutdown"], SHUTDOWN_TIME ); } Assert.equal( payload.simpleMeasurements.failedProfileLockCount, FAILED_PROFILE_LOCK_ATTEMPTS ); let profileDirectory = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); let failedProfileLocksFile = profileDirectory.clone(); failedProfileLocksFile.append("Telemetry.FailedProfileLocks.txt"); Assert.ok(!failedProfileLocksFile.exists()); let isWindows = "@mozilla.org/windows-registry-key;1" in Cc; if (isWindows) { Assert.ok(payload.simpleMeasurements.startupSessionRestoreReadBytes > 0); Assert.ok(payload.simpleMeasurements.startupSessionRestoreWriteBytes > 0); } const TELEMETRY_SEND_SUCCESS = "TELEMETRY_SEND_SUCCESS"; const TELEMETRY_SUCCESS = "TELEMETRY_SUCCESS"; const TELEMETRY_TEST_FLAG = "TELEMETRY_TEST_FLAG"; const TELEMETRY_TEST_COUNT = "TELEMETRY_TEST_COUNT"; const TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_FLAG = "TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_FLAG"; const TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_COUNT = "TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_COUNT"; if (successfulPings > 0) { Assert.ok(TELEMETRY_SEND_SUCCESS in payload.histograms); } Assert.ok(TELEMETRY_TEST_FLAG in payload.histograms); Assert.ok(TELEMETRY_TEST_COUNT in payload.histograms); Assert.ok(!(IGNORE_CLONED_HISTOGRAM in payload.histograms)); // Flag histograms should automagically spring to life. const expected_flag = { range: [1, 2], bucket_count: 3, histogram_type: 3, values: { 0: 1, 1: 0 }, sum: 0, }; let flag = payload.histograms[TELEMETRY_TEST_FLAG]; Assert.deepEqual(flag, expected_flag); // We should have a test count. const expected_count = { range: [1, 2], bucket_count: 3, histogram_type: 4, values: { 0: 1, 1: 0 }, sum: 1, }; let count = payload.histograms[TELEMETRY_TEST_COUNT]; Assert.deepEqual(count, expected_count); // There should be one successful report from the previous telemetry ping. if (successfulPings > 0) { const expected_tc = { range: [1, 2], bucket_count: 3, histogram_type: 2, values: { 0: 2, 1: successfulPings, 2: 0 }, sum: successfulPings, }; let tc = payload.histograms[TELEMETRY_SUCCESS]; Assert.deepEqual(tc, expected_tc); } // The ping should include data from memory reporters. We can't check that // this data is correct, because we can't control the values returned by the // memory reporters. But we can at least check that the data is there. // // It's important to check for the presence of reporters with a mix of units, // because MemoryTelemetry has separate logic for each one. But we can't // currently check UNITS_COUNT_CUMULATIVE or UNITS_PERCENTAGE because // Telemetry doesn't touch a memory reporter with these units that's // available on all platforms. Assert.ok("MEMORY_TOTAL" in payload.histograms); // UNITS_BYTES Assert.ok("MEMORY_JS_GC_HEAP" in payload.histograms); // UNITS_BYTES Assert.ok("MEMORY_JS_COMPARTMENTS_SYSTEM" in payload.histograms); // UNITS_COUNT Assert.ok( "mainThread" in payload.slowSQL && "otherThreads" in payload.slowSQL ); // Check keyed histogram payload. Assert.ok("keyedHistograms" in payload); let keyedHistograms = payload.keyedHistograms; Assert.ok(!(TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_FLAG in keyedHistograms)); Assert.ok(TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_COUNT in keyedHistograms); const expected_keyed_count = { a: { range: [1, 2], bucket_count: 3, histogram_type: 4, values: { 0: 2, 1: 0 }, sum: 2, }, b: { range: [1, 2], bucket_count: 3, histogram_type: 4, values: { 0: 1, 1: 0 }, sum: 1, }, }; Assert.deepEqual( expected_keyed_count, keyedHistograms[TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_COUNT] ); Assert.ok( "processes" in payload, "The payload must have a processes section." ); Assert.ok( "parent" in payload.processes, "There must be at least a parent process." ); checkScalars(payload.processes); } function writeStringToFile(file, contents) { let ostream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/safe-file-output-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); ostream.init( file, PR_WRONLY | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_TRUNCATE, RW_OWNER, ostream.DEFER_OPEN ); ostream.write(contents, contents.length); ostream.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISafeOutputStream).finish(); ostream.close(); } function write_fake_shutdown_file() { let profileDirectory = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); let file = profileDirectory.clone(); file.append("Telemetry.ShutdownTime.txt"); let contents = "" + SHUTDOWN_TIME; writeStringToFile(file, contents); } function write_fake_failedprofilelocks_file() { let profileDirectory = Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile); let file = profileDirectory.clone(); file.append("Telemetry.FailedProfileLocks.txt"); let contents = "" + FAILED_PROFILE_LOCK_ATTEMPTS; writeStringToFile(file, contents); } add_task(async function test_setup() { // Addon manager needs a profile directory do_get_profile(); await loadAddonManager(APP_ID, APP_NAME, APP_VERSION, PLATFORM_VERSION); finishAddonManagerStartup(); fakeIntlReady(); // Make sure we don't generate unexpected pings due to pref changes. await setEmptyPrefWatchlist(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FhrUploadEnabled, true); // Make it look like we've previously failed to lock a profile a couple times. write_fake_failedprofilelocks_file(); // Make it look like we've shutdown before. write_fake_shutdown_file(); await new Promise(resolve => Telemetry.asyncFetchTelemetryData(wrapWithExceptionHandler(resolve)) ); }); add_task(async function asyncSetup() { await TelemetryController.testSetup(); // Load the client ID from the client ID provider to check for pings sanity. gClientID = await ClientID.getClientID(); }); // Ensures that expired histograms are not part of the payload. add_task(async function test_expiredHistogram() { let dummy = Telemetry.getHistogramById("TELEMETRY_TEST_EXPIRED"); dummy.add(1); Assert.equal( TelemetrySession.getPayload().histograms.TELEMETRY_TEST_EXPIRED, undefined ); }); add_task(async function sessionTimeExcludingAndIncludingSuspend() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't support this new probe on android at the moment. return; } Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "toolkit.telemetry.testing.overrideProductsCheck", true ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); let subsession = TelemetrySession.getPayload("environment-change", true); let parentScalars = subsession.processes.parent.scalars; let withSuspend = parentScalars["browser.engagement.session_time_including_suspend"]; let withoutSuspend = parentScalars["browser.engagement.session_time_excluding_suspend"]; Assert.ok( withSuspend > 0, "The session time including suspend should be positive" ); Assert.ok( withoutSuspend > 0, "The session time excluding suspend should be positive" ); // Two things about the next assertion: // 1. The two calls to get the two different uptime values are made // separately, so we can't guarantee equality, even if we know the machine // has not been suspended (for example because it's running in infra and // was just booted). In this case the value should be close to each other. // 2. This test will fail if the device running this has been suspended in // between booting the Firefox process running this test, and doing the // following assertion test, but that's unlikely in practice. const max_delta_ms = 100; Assert.ok( withSuspend - withoutSuspend <= max_delta_ms, "In test condition, the two uptimes should be close to each other" ); // This however should always hold. Assert.greaterOrEqual( withSuspend, withoutSuspend, `The uptime with suspend must always been greater or equal to the uptime without suspend` ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( "toolkit.telemetry.testing.overrideProductsCheck", false ); }); // Sends a ping to a non existing server. If we remove this test, we won't get // all the histograms we need in the main ping. add_task(async function test_noServerPing() { await sendPing(); // We need two pings in order to make sure STARTUP_MEMORY_STORAGE_SQLIE histograms // are initialised. See bug 1131585. await sendPing(); // Allowing Telemetry to persist unsent pings as pending. If omitted may cause // problems to the consequent tests. await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); // Checks that a sent ping is correctly received by a dummy http server. add_task(async function test_simplePing() { await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.start(); Services.prefs.setStringPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.Server, "http://localhost:" + PingServer.port ); let now = new Date(2020, 1, 1, 12, 5, 6); let expectedDate = new Date(2020, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0); fakeNow(now); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow(gMonotonicNow + 5000); const expectedSessionUUID = "bd314d15-95bf-4356-b682-b6c4a8942202"; const expectedSubsessionUUID = "3e2e5f6c-74ba-4e4d-a93f-a48af238a8c7"; fakeGenerateUUID( () => expectedSessionUUID, () => expectedSubsessionUUID ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Session and subsession start dates are faked during TelemetrySession setup. We can // now fake the session duration. const SESSION_DURATION_IN_MINUTES = 15; fakeNow(new Date(2020, 1, 1, 12, SESSION_DURATION_IN_MINUTES, 0)); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + SESSION_DURATION_IN_MINUTES * 60 * 1000 ); await sendPing(); let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); checkPingFormat(ping, PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); // Check that we get the data we expect. let payload = ping.payload; Assert.equal(payload.info.sessionId, expectedSessionUUID); Assert.equal(payload.info.subsessionId, expectedSubsessionUUID); let sessionStartDate = new Date(payload.info.sessionStartDate); Assert.equal(sessionStartDate.toISOString(), expectedDate.toISOString()); let subsessionStartDate = new Date(payload.info.subsessionStartDate); Assert.equal(subsessionStartDate.toISOString(), expectedDate.toISOString()); Assert.equal(payload.info.subsessionLength, SESSION_DURATION_IN_MINUTES * 60); // Restore the UUID generator so we don't mess with other tests. fakeGenerateUUID(TelemetryUtils.generateUUID, TelemetryUtils.generateUUID); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); // Saves the current session histograms, reloads them, performs a ping // and checks that the dummy http server received both the previously // saved ping and the new one. add_task(async function test_saveLoadPing() { // Let's start out with a defined state. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); PingServer.clearRequests(); // Setup test data and trigger pings. setupTestData(); await TelemetrySession.testSavePendingPing(); await sendPing(); // Get requests received by dummy server. const requests = await PingServer.promiseNextRequests(2); for (let req of requests) { Assert.equal( req.getHeader("content-type"), "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "The request must have the correct content-type." ); } // We decode both requests to check for the |reason|. let pings = Array.from(requests, decodeRequestPayload); // Check we have the correct two requests. Ordering is not guaranteed. The ping type // is encoded in the URL. if (pings[0].type != PING_TYPE_MAIN) { pings.reverse(); } checkPingFormat(pings[0], PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); checkPayload(pings[0].payload, REASON_TEST_PING, 0); checkPingFormat(pings[1], PING_TYPE_SAVED_SESSION, true, true); checkPayload(pings[1].payload, REASON_SAVED_SESSION, 0); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_checkSubsessionScalars() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't support subsessions yet on Android. return; } // Clear the scalars. Telemetry.clearScalars(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Set some scalars. const UINT_SCALAR = "telemetry.test.unsigned_int_kind"; const STRING_SCALAR = "telemetry.test.string_kind"; let expectedUint = 37; let expectedString = "Test value. Yay."; Telemetry.scalarSet(UINT_SCALAR, expectedUint); Telemetry.scalarSet(STRING_SCALAR, expectedString); // Check that scalars are not available in classic pings but are in subsession // pings. Also clear the subsession. let classic = TelemetrySession.getPayload(); let subsession = TelemetrySession.getPayload("environment-change", true); const TEST_SCALARS = [UINT_SCALAR, STRING_SCALAR]; for (let name of TEST_SCALARS) { // Scalar must be reported in subsession pings (e.g. main). Assert.ok( name in subsession.processes.parent.scalars, name + " must be reported in a subsession ping." ); } // No scalar must be reported in classic pings (e.g. saved-session). Assert.ok( !Object.keys(classic.processes.parent.scalars).length, "Scalars must not be reported in a classic ping." ); // And make sure that we're getting the right values in the // subsession ping. Assert.equal( subsession.processes.parent.scalars[UINT_SCALAR], expectedUint, UINT_SCALAR + " must contain the expected value." ); Assert.equal( subsession.processes.parent.scalars[STRING_SCALAR], expectedString, STRING_SCALAR + " must contain the expected value." ); // Since we cleared the subsession in the last getPayload(), check that // breaking subsessions clears the scalars. subsession = TelemetrySession.getPayload("environment-change"); for (let name of TEST_SCALARS) { Assert.ok( !(name in subsession.processes.parent.scalars), name + " must be cleared with the new subsession." ); } // Check if setting the scalars again works as expected. expectedUint = 85; expectedString = "A creative different value"; Telemetry.scalarSet(UINT_SCALAR, expectedUint); Telemetry.scalarSet(STRING_SCALAR, expectedString); subsession = TelemetrySession.getPayload("environment-change"); Assert.equal( subsession.processes.parent.scalars[UINT_SCALAR], expectedUint, UINT_SCALAR + " must contain the expected value." ); Assert.equal( subsession.processes.parent.scalars[STRING_SCALAR], expectedString, STRING_SCALAR + " must contain the expected value." ); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_dailyCollection() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't do daily collections yet on Android. return; } let now = new Date(2030, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0); let nowHour = new Date(2030, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0); let schedulerTickCallback = null; PingServer.clearRequests(); fakeNow(now); // Fake scheduler functions to control daily collection flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); // Init and check timer. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); TelemetrySend.setServer("http://localhost:" + PingServer.port); // Set histograms to expected state. const COUNT_ID = "TELEMETRY_TEST_COUNT"; const KEYED_ID = "TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_COUNT"; const count = Telemetry.getHistogramById(COUNT_ID); const keyed = Telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(KEYED_ID); count.clear(); keyed.clear(); count.add(1); keyed.add("a", 1); keyed.add("b", 1); keyed.add("b", 1); // Make sure the daily ping gets triggered. let expectedDate = nowHour; now = futureDate(nowHour, MS_IN_ONE_DAY); fakeNow(now); Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); // Run a scheduler tick: it should trigger the daily ping. await schedulerTickCallback(); // Collect the daily ping. let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping); Assert.equal(ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); let subsessionStartDate = new Date(ping.payload.info.subsessionStartDate); Assert.equal(subsessionStartDate.toISOString(), expectedDate.toISOString()); Assert.equal(ping.payload.histograms[COUNT_ID].sum, 1); Assert.equal(ping.payload.keyedHistograms[KEYED_ID].a.sum, 1); Assert.equal(ping.payload.keyedHistograms[KEYED_ID].b.sum, 2); // The daily ping is rescheduled for "tomorrow". expectedDate = futureDate(expectedDate, MS_IN_ONE_DAY); now = futureDate(now, MS_IN_ONE_DAY); fakeNow(now); // Run a scheduler tick. Trigger and collect another ping. The histograms should be reset. await schedulerTickCallback(); ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping); Assert.equal(ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); subsessionStartDate = new Date(ping.payload.info.subsessionStartDate); Assert.equal(subsessionStartDate.toISOString(), expectedDate.toISOString()); Assert.ok(!(COUNT_ID in ping.payload.histograms)); Assert.ok(!(KEYED_ID in ping.payload.keyedHistograms)); // Trigger and collect another daily ping, with the histograms being set again. count.add(1); keyed.add("a", 1); keyed.add("b", 1); // The daily ping is rescheduled for "tomorrow". expectedDate = futureDate(expectedDate, MS_IN_ONE_DAY); now = futureDate(now, MS_IN_ONE_DAY); fakeNow(now); await schedulerTickCallback(); ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping); Assert.equal(ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); subsessionStartDate = new Date(ping.payload.info.subsessionStartDate); Assert.equal(subsessionStartDate.toISOString(), expectedDate.toISOString()); Assert.equal(ping.payload.histograms[COUNT_ID].sum, 1); Assert.equal(ping.payload.keyedHistograms[KEYED_ID].a.sum, 1); Assert.equal(ping.payload.keyedHistograms[KEYED_ID].b.sum, 1); // Shutdown to cleanup the aborted-session if it gets created. await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_dailyDuplication() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't do daily collections yet on Android. return; } await TelemetrySend.reset(); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); let schedulerTickCallback = null; let now = new Date(2030, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(now); // Fake scheduler functions to control daily collection flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Make sure the daily ping gets triggered at midnight. // We need to make sure that we trigger this after the period where we wait for // the user to become idle. let firstDailyDue = new Date(2030, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(firstDailyDue); // Run a scheduler tick: it should trigger the daily ping. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); await schedulerTickCallback(); // Get the first daily ping. let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping); Assert.equal(ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); // We don't expect to receive any other daily ping in this test, so assert if we do. PingServer.registerPingHandler(() => { Assert.ok( false, "No more daily pings should be sent/received in this test." ); }); // Set the current time to a bit after midnight. let secondDailyDue = new Date(firstDailyDue); secondDailyDue.setHours(0); secondDailyDue.setMinutes(15); fakeNow(secondDailyDue); // Run a scheduler tick: it should NOT trigger the daily ping. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); await schedulerTickCallback(); // Shutdown to cleanup the aborted-session if it gets created. PingServer.resetPingHandler(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_dailyOverdue() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't do daily collections yet on Android. return; } let schedulerTickCallback = null; let now = new Date(2030, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0); fakeNow(now); // Fake scheduler functions to control daily collection flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Skip one hour ahead: nothing should be due. now.setHours(now.getHours() + 1); fakeNow(now); // Assert if we receive something! PingServer.registerPingHandler(() => { Assert.ok(false, "No daily ping should be received if not overdue!."); }); // This tick should not trigger any daily ping. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); await schedulerTickCallback(); // Restore the non asserting ping handler. PingServer.resetPingHandler(); PingServer.clearRequests(); // Simulate an overdue ping: we're not close to midnight, but the last daily ping // time is too long ago. let dailyOverdue = new Date(2030, 1, 2, 13, 0, 0); fakeNow(dailyOverdue); // Run a scheduler tick: it should trigger the daily ping. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); await schedulerTickCallback(); // Get the first daily ping. let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping); Assert.equal(ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); // Shutdown to cleanup the aborted-session if it gets created. await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_environmentChange() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't split subsessions on environment changes yet on Android. return; } await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); let now = fakeNow(2040, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); const PREF_TEST = "toolkit.telemetry.test.pref1"; Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_TEST); const PREFS_TO_WATCH = new Map([ [PREF_TEST, { what: TelemetryEnvironment.RECORD_PREF_VALUE }], ]); // Setup. await TelemetryController.testReset(); TelemetrySend.setServer("http://localhost:" + PingServer.port); await TelemetryEnvironment.testWatchPreferences(PREFS_TO_WATCH); // Set histograms to expected state. const COUNT_ID = "TELEMETRY_TEST_COUNT"; const KEYED_ID = "TELEMETRY_TEST_KEYED_COUNT"; const count = Telemetry.getHistogramById(COUNT_ID); const keyed = Telemetry.getKeyedHistogramById(KEYED_ID); count.clear(); keyed.clear(); count.add(1); keyed.add("a", 1); keyed.add("b", 1); // Trigger and collect environment-change ping. gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); let startHour = TelemetryUtils.truncateToHours(now); now = fakeNow(futureDate(now, 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE)); Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_TEST, 1); let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping); Assert.equal(ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN); Assert.equal(ping.environment.settings.userPrefs[PREF_TEST], undefined); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE); let subsessionStartDate = new Date(ping.payload.info.subsessionStartDate); Assert.equal(subsessionStartDate.toISOString(), startHour.toISOString()); Assert.equal(ping.payload.histograms[COUNT_ID].sum, 1); Assert.equal(ping.payload.keyedHistograms[KEYED_ID].a.sum, 1); // Trigger and collect another ping. The histograms should be reset. startHour = TelemetryUtils.truncateToHours(now); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); now = fakeNow(futureDate(now, 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE)); Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_TEST, 2); ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping); Assert.equal(ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN); Assert.equal(ping.environment.settings.userPrefs[PREF_TEST], 1); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE); subsessionStartDate = new Date(ping.payload.info.subsessionStartDate); Assert.equal(subsessionStartDate.toISOString(), startHour.toISOString()); Assert.ok(!(COUNT_ID in ping.payload.histograms)); Assert.ok(!(KEYED_ID in ping.payload.keyedHistograms)); // Trigger and collect another ping. The histograms should be reset. startHour = TelemetryUtils.truncateToHours(now); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); now = fakeNow(futureDate(now, 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE)); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_experimentAnnotations_subsession() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't split subsessions on environment changes yet on Android. return; } const EXPERIMENT1 = "experiment-1"; const EXPERIMENT1_BRANCH = "nice-branch"; const EXPERIMENT2 = "experiment-2"; const EXPERIMENT2_BRANCH = "other-branch"; await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); let now = fakeNow(2040, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); // Setup. await TelemetryController.testReset(); TelemetrySend.setServer("http://localhost:" + PingServer.port); Assert.equal(TelemetrySession.getPayload().info.subsessionCounter, 1); // Trigger a subsession split with a telemetry annotation. gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); let futureTestDate = futureDate(now, 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE); now = fakeNow(futureTestDate); TelemetryEnvironment.setExperimentActive(EXPERIMENT1, EXPERIMENT1_BRANCH); let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping, "A ping must be received."); Assert.equal( ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN, "The received ping must be a 'main' ping." ); Assert.equal( ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE, "The 'main' ping must be triggered by a change in the environment." ); // We expect the current experiments to be reported in the next ping, not this // one. Assert.ok( !("experiments" in ping.environment), "The old environment must contain no active experiments." ); // Since this change wasn't throttled, the subsession counter must increase. Assert.equal( TelemetrySession.getPayload().info.subsessionCounter, 2, "The experiment annotation must trigger a new subsession." ); // Add another annotation to the environment. We're not advancing the fake // timer, so no subsession split should happen due to throttling. TelemetryEnvironment.setExperimentActive(EXPERIMENT2, EXPERIMENT2_BRANCH); Assert.equal( TelemetrySession.getPayload().info.subsessionCounter, 2, "The experiment annotation must not trigger a new subsession " + "if throttling happens." ); let oldExperiments = TelemetryEnvironment.getActiveExperiments(); // Fake the timer and remove an annotation, we expect a new subsession split. gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); now = fakeNow(futureDate(now, 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE)); TelemetryEnvironment.setExperimentInactive(EXPERIMENT1, EXPERIMENT1_BRANCH); ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.ok(!!ping, "A ping must be received."); Assert.equal( ping.type, PING_TYPE_MAIN, "The received ping must be a 'main' ping." ); Assert.equal( ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_ENVIRONMENT_CHANGE, "The 'main' ping must be triggered by a change in the environment." ); // We expect both experiments to be in this environment. Assert.deepEqual( ping.environment.experiments, oldExperiments, "The environment must contain both the experiments." ); Assert.equal( TelemetrySession.getPayload().info.subsessionCounter, 3, "The removing an experiment annotation must trigger a new subsession." ); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_savedPingsOnShutdown() { await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Assure that we store the ping properly when saving sessions on shutdown. // We make the TelemetryController shutdown to trigger a session save. const dir = TelemetryStorage.pingDirectoryPath; await IOUtils.remove(dir, { ignoreAbsent: true, recursive: true }); await IOUtils.makeDirectory(dir); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); PingServer.clearRequests(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); const ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); let expectedType = gIsAndroid ? PING_TYPE_SAVED_SESSION : PING_TYPE_MAIN; let expectedReason = gIsAndroid ? REASON_SAVED_SESSION : REASON_SHUTDOWN; checkPingFormat(ping, expectedType, true, true); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, expectedReason); Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID); }); add_task(async function test_sendShutdownPing() { if ( gIsAndroid || (AppConstants.platform == "linux" && !Services.appinfo.is64Bit) ) { // We don't support the pingsender on Android, yet, see bug 1335917. // We also don't suppor the pingsender testing on Treeherder for // Linux 32 bit (due to missing libraries). So skip it there too. // See bug 1310703 comment 78. return; } let checkPendingShutdownPing = async function () { let pendingPings = await TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPingList(); Assert.equal(pendingPings.length, 1, "We expect 1 pending ping: shutdown."); // Load the pings off the disk. const shutdownPing = await TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing( pendingPings[0].id ); Assert.ok(shutdownPing, "The 'shutdown' ping must be saved to disk."); Assert.equal( "shutdown", shutdownPing.payload.info.reason, "The 'shutdown' ping must be saved to disk." ); }; Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSender, true ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun, false); // Make sure the reporting policy picks up the updated pref. TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); PingServer.clearRequests(); Telemetry.clearScalars(); // Shutdown telemetry and wait for an incoming ping. let nextPing = PingServer.promiseNextPing(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); let ping = await nextPing; // Check that we received a shutdown ping. checkPingFormat(ping, ping.type, true, true); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_SHUTDOWN); Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID); // Try again, this time disable ping upload. The PingSender // should not be sending any ping! PingServer.registerPingHandler(() => Assert.ok(false, "Telemetry must not send pings if not allowed to.") ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FhrUploadEnabled, false ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); // Make sure we have no pending pings between the runs. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // Enable ping upload and signal an OS shutdown. The pingsender // will not be spawned and no ping will be sent. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FhrUploadEnabled, true); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "quit-application-forced"); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); // After re-enabling FHR, wait for the new client ID gClientID = await ClientID.getClientID(); // Check that the "shutdown" ping was correctly saved to disk. await checkPendingShutdownPing(); // Make sure we have no pending pings between the runs. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); Telemetry.clearScalars(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Services.obs.notifyObservers( null, "quit-application-granted", "syncShutdown" ); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); await checkPendingShutdownPing(); // Make sure we have no pending pings between the runs. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // Disable the "submission policy". The shutdown ping must not be sent. Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.BypassNotification, false ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); // Make sure we have no pending pings between the runs. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // We cannot reset the BypassNotification pref, as we need it to be // |true| in tests. Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.BypassNotification, true ); // With both upload enabled and the policy shown, make sure we don't // send the shutdown ping using the pingsender on the first // subsession. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun, true); // Make sure the reporting policy picks up the updated pref. TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); // Clear the state and prepare for the next test. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); PingServer.resetPingHandler(); // Check that we're able to send the shutdown ping using the pingsender // from the first session if the related pref is on. Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSenderFirstSession, true ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun, true); TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); // Restart/shutdown telemetry and wait for an incoming ping. await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); // Check that we received a shutdown ping. checkPingFormat(ping, ping.type, true, true); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_SHUTDOWN); Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID); // Reset the pref and restart Telemetry. Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSender, false ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSenderFirstSession, false ); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun); PingServer.resetPingHandler(); }); add_task(async function test_sendFirstShutdownPing() { if ( gIsAndroid || (AppConstants.platform == "linux" && !Services.appinfo.is64Bit) ) { // We don't support the pingsender on Android, yet, see bug 1335917. // We also don't suppor the pingsender testing on Treeherder for // Linux 32 bit (due to missing libraries). So skip it there too. // See bug 1310703 comment 78. return; } let storageContainsFirstShutdown = async function () { let pendingPings = await TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPingList(); let pings = await Promise.all( pendingPings.map(async p => { return TelemetryStorage.loadPendingPing(p.id); }) ); return pings.find(p => p.type == "first-shutdown"); }; let checkShutdownNotSent = async function () { // The failure-mode of the ping-sender is used to check that a ping was // *not* sent. This can be combined with the state of the storage to infer // the appropriate behavior from the preference flags. // Assert failure if we recive a ping. PingServer.registerPingHandler(req => { const receivedPing = decodeRequestPayload(req); Assert.ok( false, `No ping should be received in this test (got ${receivedPing.id}).` ); }); // Assert that pings are sent on first run, forcing a forced application // quit. This should be equivalent to the first test in this suite. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun, true); TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "quit-application-forced"); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); Assert.ok( await storageContainsFirstShutdown(), "The 'first-shutdown' ping must be saved to disk." ); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // Assert that it's not sent during subsequent runs Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun, false); TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "quit-application-forced"); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); Assert.ok( !(await storageContainsFirstShutdown()), "The 'first-shutdown' ping should only be written during first run." ); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // Assert that the the ping is only sent if the flag is enabled. Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun, true); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstShutdownPingEnabled, false ); TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); Assert.ok( !(await storageContainsFirstShutdown()), "The 'first-shutdown' ping should only be written if enabled" ); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // Assert that the the ping is not collected when the ping-sender is disabled. // The information would be made irrelevant by the main-ping in the second session. Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstShutdownPingEnabled, true ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSender, false ); TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); Assert.ok( !(await storageContainsFirstShutdown()), "The 'first-shutdown' ping should only be written if ping-sender is enabled" ); // Clear the state and prepare for the next test. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); PingServer.resetPingHandler(); }; // Remove leftover pending pings from other tests await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); Telemetry.clearScalars(); // Set testing invariants for FirstShutdownPingEnabled Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSender, true ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSenderFirstSession, false ); // Set primary conditions of the 'first-shutdown' ping Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstShutdownPingEnabled, true ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun, true); TelemetryReportingPolicy.testUpdateFirstRun(); // Assert general 'first-shutdown' use-case. await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); checkPingFormat(ping, "first-shutdown", true, true); Assert.equal(ping.payload.info.reason, REASON_SHUTDOWN); Assert.equal(ping.clientId, gClientID); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // Assert that the shutdown is not sent under various conditions await checkShutdownNotSent(); // Reset the pref and restart Telemetry. Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSender, false ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.ShutdownPingSenderFirstSession, false ); Services.prefs.setBoolPref( TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstShutdownPingEnabled, false ); Services.prefs.clearUserPref(TelemetryUtils.Preferences.FirstRun); PingServer.resetPingHandler(); }); add_task(async function test_savedSessionData() { // Create the directory which will contain the data file, if it doesn't already // exist. await IOUtils.makeDirectory(DATAREPORTING_PATH); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").clear(); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").clear(); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").clear(); // Write test data to the session data file. const dataFilePath = PathUtils.join(DATAREPORTING_PATH, "session-state.json"); const sessionState = { sessionId: null, subsessionId: null, profileSubsessionCounter: 3785, }; await IOUtils.writeJSON(dataFilePath, sessionState); const PREF_TEST = "toolkit.telemetry.test.pref1"; Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_TEST); const PREFS_TO_WATCH = new Map([ [PREF_TEST, { what: TelemetryEnvironment.RECORD_PREF_VALUE }], ]); // We expect one new subsession when starting TelemetrySession and one after triggering // an environment change. const expectedSubsessions = sessionState.profileSubsessionCounter + 2; const expectedSessionUUID = "ff602e52-47a1-b7e8-4c1a-ffffffffc87a"; const expectedSubsessionUUID = "009fd1ad-b85e-4817-b3e5-000000003785"; fakeGenerateUUID( () => expectedSessionUUID, () => expectedSubsessionUUID ); if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't support subsessions yet on Android, so skip the next checks. return; } // Start TelemetrySession so that it loads the session data file. await TelemetryController.testReset(); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").sum); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").sum); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").sum); // Watch a test preference, trigger and environment change and wait for it to propagate. // _watchPreferences triggers a subsession notification gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); fakeNow(new Date(2050, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)); await TelemetryEnvironment.testWatchPreferences(PREFS_TO_WATCH); let changePromise = new Promise(resolve => TelemetryEnvironment.registerChangeListener("test_fake_change", resolve) ); Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_TEST, 1); await changePromise; TelemetryEnvironment.unregisterChangeListener("test_fake_change"); let payload = TelemetrySession.getPayload(); Assert.equal(payload.info.profileSubsessionCounter, expectedSubsessions); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); // Restore the UUID generator so we don't mess with other tests. fakeGenerateUUID(TelemetryUtils.generateUUID, TelemetryUtils.generateUUID); // Load back the serialised session data. let data = await IOUtils.readJSON(dataFilePath); Assert.equal(data.profileSubsessionCounter, expectedSubsessions); Assert.equal(data.sessionId, expectedSessionUUID); Assert.equal(data.subsessionId, expectedSubsessionUUID); }); add_task(async function test_sessionData_ShortSession() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't support subsessions yet on Android, so skip the next checks. return; } const SESSION_STATE_PATH = PathUtils.join( DATAREPORTING_PATH, "session-state.json" ); // Remove the session state file. await IOUtils.remove(SESSION_STATE_PATH, { ignoreAbsent: true }); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").clear(); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").clear(); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").clear(); const expectedSessionUUID = "ff602e52-47a1-b7e8-4c1a-ffffffffc87a"; const expectedSubsessionUUID = "009fd1ad-b85e-4817-b3e5-000000003785"; fakeGenerateUUID( () => expectedSessionUUID, () => expectedSubsessionUUID ); // We intentionally don't wait for the setup to complete and shut down to simulate // short sessions. We expect the profile subsession counter to be 1. TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); Assert.equal(1, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").sum); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").sum); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").sum); // Restore the UUID generation functions. fakeGenerateUUID(TelemetryUtils.generateUUID, TelemetryUtils.generateUUID); // Start TelemetryController so that it loads the session data file. We expect the profile // subsession counter to be incremented by 1 again. await TelemetryController.testReset(); // We expect 2 profile subsession counter updates. let payload = TelemetrySession.getPayload(); Assert.equal(payload.info.profileSubsessionCounter, 2); Assert.equal(payload.info.previousSessionId, expectedSessionUUID); Assert.equal(payload.info.previousSubsessionId, expectedSubsessionUUID); Assert.equal(1, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").sum); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").sum); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").sum); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_invalidSessionData() { // Create the directory which will contain the data file, if it doesn't already // exist. await IOUtils.makeDirectory(DATAREPORTING_PATH); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").clear(); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").clear(); getHistogram("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").clear(); // Write test data to the session data file. This should fail to parse. const dataFilePath = PathUtils.join(DATAREPORTING_PATH, "session-state.json"); const unparseableData = "{asdf:@äü"; await IOUtils.writeUTF8(dataFilePath, unparseableData, { tmpPath: `${dataFilePath}.tmp`, }); // Start TelemetryController so that it loads the session data file. await TelemetryController.testReset(); // The session data file should not load. Only expect the current subsession. Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").sum); Assert.equal(1, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").sum); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").sum); // Write test data to the session data file. This should fail validation. const sessionState = { profileSubsessionCounter: "not-a-number?", someOtherField: 12, }; await IOUtils.writeJSON(dataFilePath, sessionState); // The session data file should not load. Only expect the current subsession. const expectedSubsessions = 1; const expectedSessionUUID = "ff602e52-47a1-b7e8-4c1a-ffffffffc87a"; const expectedSubsessionUUID = "009fd1ad-b85e-4817-b3e5-000000003785"; fakeGenerateUUID( () => expectedSessionUUID, () => expectedSubsessionUUID ); // Start TelemetryController so that it loads the session data file. await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); let payload = TelemetrySession.getPayload(); Assert.equal(payload.info.profileSubsessionCounter, expectedSubsessions); Assert.equal(0, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_LOAD").sum); Assert.equal(1, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_PARSE").sum); Assert.equal(1, getSnapshot("TELEMETRY_SESSIONDATA_FAILED_VALIDATION").sum); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); // Restore the UUID generator so we don't mess with other tests. fakeGenerateUUID(TelemetryUtils.generateUUID, TelemetryUtils.generateUUID); // Load back the serialised session data. let data = await IOUtils.readJSON(dataFilePath); Assert.equal(data.profileSubsessionCounter, expectedSubsessions); Assert.equal(data.sessionId, expectedSessionUUID); Assert.equal(data.subsessionId, expectedSubsessionUUID); }); add_task(async function test_abortedSession() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session ping here. return; } const ABORTED_FILE = PathUtils.join( DATAREPORTING_PATH, ABORTED_PING_FILE_NAME ); // Make sure the aborted sessions directory does not exist to test its creation. await IOUtils.remove(DATAREPORTING_PATH, { ignoreAbsent: true, recursive: true, }); let schedulerTickCallback = null; let now = new Date(2040, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(now); // Fake scheduler functions to control aborted-session flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Assert.ok( await IOUtils.exists(DATAREPORTING_PATH), "Telemetry must create the aborted session directory when starting." ); // Fake now again so that the scheduled aborted-session save takes place. now = futureDate(now, ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); fakeNow(now); // The first aborted session checkpoint must take place right after the initialisation. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); // Execute one scheduler tick. await schedulerTickCallback(); // Check that the aborted session is due at the correct time. Assert.ok( await IOUtils.exists(ABORTED_FILE), "There must be an aborted session ping." ); // This ping is not yet in the pending pings folder, so we can't access it using // TelemetryStorage.popPendingPings(). let abortedSessionPing = await IOUtils.readJSON(ABORTED_FILE); // Validate the ping. checkPingFormat(abortedSessionPing, PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); Assert.equal(abortedSessionPing.payload.info.reason, REASON_ABORTED_SESSION); // Trigger a another aborted-session ping and check that it overwrites the previous one. now = futureDate(now, ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS); fakeNow(now); await schedulerTickCallback(); let updatedAbortedSessionPing = await IOUtils.readJSON(ABORTED_FILE); checkPingFormat(updatedAbortedSessionPing, PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); Assert.equal( updatedAbortedSessionPing.payload.info.reason, REASON_ABORTED_SESSION ); Assert.notEqual(abortedSessionPing.id, updatedAbortedSessionPing.id); Assert.notEqual( abortedSessionPing.creationDate, updatedAbortedSessionPing.creationDate ); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); Assert.ok( !(await IOUtils.exists(ABORTED_FILE)), "No aborted session ping must be available after a shutdown." ); }); add_task(async function test_abortedSession_Shutdown() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session ping here. return; } const ABORTED_FILE = PathUtils.join( DATAREPORTING_PATH, ABORTED_PING_FILE_NAME ); let schedulerTickCallback = null; let now = fakeNow(2040, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); // Fake scheduler functions to control aborted-session flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Assert.ok( await IOUtils.exists(DATAREPORTING_PATH), "Telemetry must create the aborted session directory when starting." ); // Fake now again so that the scheduled aborted-session save takes place. fakeNow(futureDate(now, ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS)); // The first aborted session checkpoint must take place right after the initialisation. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); // Execute one scheduler tick. await schedulerTickCallback(); // Check that the aborted session is due at the correct time. Assert.ok( await IOUtils.exists(ABORTED_FILE), "There must be an aborted session ping." ); // Remove the aborted session file and then shut down to make sure exceptions (e.g file // not found) do not compromise the shutdown. await IOUtils.remove(ABORTED_FILE); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_abortedDailyCoalescing() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session or the daily ping here. return; } const ABORTED_FILE = PathUtils.join( DATAREPORTING_PATH, ABORTED_PING_FILE_NAME ); // Make sure the aborted sessions directory does not exist to test its creation. await IOUtils.remove(DATAREPORTING_PATH, { ignoreAbsent: true, recursive: true, }); let schedulerTickCallback = null; PingServer.clearRequests(); let nowDate = new Date(2009, 10, 18, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(nowDate); // Fake scheduler functions to control aborted-session flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Assert.ok( await IOUtils.exists(DATAREPORTING_PATH), "Telemetry must create the aborted session directory when starting." ); // Delay the callback around midnight so that the aborted-session ping gets merged with the // daily ping. let dailyDueDate = futureDate(nowDate, MS_IN_ONE_DAY); fakeNow(dailyDueDate); // Trigger both the daily ping and the saved-session. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); // Execute one scheduler tick. await schedulerTickCallback(); // Wait for the daily ping. let dailyPing = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.equal(dailyPing.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); // Check that an aborted session ping was also written to disk. Assert.ok( await IOUtils.exists(ABORTED_FILE), "There must be an aborted session ping." ); // Read aborted session ping and check that the session/subsession ids equal the // ones in the daily ping. let abortedSessionPing = await IOUtils.readJSON(ABORTED_FILE); Assert.equal( abortedSessionPing.payload.info.sessionId, dailyPing.payload.info.sessionId ); Assert.equal( abortedSessionPing.payload.info.subsessionId, dailyPing.payload.info.subsessionId ); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_schedulerComputerSleep() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session or the daily ping here. return; } const ABORTED_FILE = PathUtils.join( DATAREPORTING_PATH, ABORTED_PING_FILE_NAME ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); // Remove any aborted-session ping from the previous tests. await IOUtils.remove(DATAREPORTING_PATH, { ignoreAbsent: true, recursive: true, }); // Set a fake current date and start Telemetry. let nowDate = fakeNow(2009, 10, 18, 0, 0, 0); let schedulerTickCallback = null; fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Set the current time 3 days in the future at midnight, before running the callback. nowDate = fakeNow(futureDate(nowDate, 3 * MS_IN_ONE_DAY)); Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); // Execute one scheduler tick. await schedulerTickCallback(); let dailyPing = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.equal( dailyPing.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY, "The wake notification should have triggered a daily ping." ); Assert.equal( dailyPing.creationDate, nowDate.toISOString(), "The daily ping date should be correct." ); Assert.ok( await IOUtils.exists(ABORTED_FILE), "There must be an aborted session ping." ); // Now also test if we are sending a daily ping if we wake up on the next // day even when the timer doesn't trigger. // This can happen due to timeouts not running out during sleep times, // see bug 1262386, bug 1204823 et al. // Note that we don't get wake notifications on Linux due to bug 758848. nowDate = fakeNow(futureDate(nowDate, 1 * MS_IN_ONE_DAY)); // We emulate the mentioned timeout behavior by sending the wake notification // instead of triggering the timeout callback. // This should trigger a daily ping, because we passed midnight. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "wake_notification"); dailyPing = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.equal( dailyPing.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY, "The wake notification should have triggered a daily ping." ); Assert.equal( dailyPing.creationDate, nowDate.toISOString(), "The daily ping date should be correct." ); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_schedulerEnvironmentReschedules() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session or the daily ping here. return; } // Reset the test preference. const PREF_TEST = "toolkit.telemetry.test.pref1"; Services.prefs.clearUserPref(PREF_TEST); const PREFS_TO_WATCH = new Map([ [PREF_TEST, { what: TelemetryEnvironment.RECORD_PREF_VALUE }], ]); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); // bug 1829855 - Sometimes the idle dispatch from a previous test interferes. TelemetryScheduler.testReset(); PingServer.clearRequests(); // Set a fake current date and start Telemetry. let nowDate = fakeNow(2060, 10, 18, 0, 0, 0); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); let schedulerTickCallback = null; fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryEnvironment.testWatchPreferences(PREFS_TO_WATCH); // Set the current time at midnight. fakeNow(futureDate(nowDate, MS_IN_ONE_DAY)); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); // Trigger the environment change. Services.prefs.setIntPref(PREF_TEST, 1); // Wait for the environment-changed ping. let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); Assert.equal(ping.type, "main", `Expected 'main' ping on ${ping.id}`); Assert.equal( ping.payload.info.reason, "environment-change", `Expected 'environment-change' reason on ${ping.id}` ); // We don't expect to receive any daily ping in this test, so assert if we do. PingServer.registerPingHandler(req => { const receivedPing = decodeRequestPayload(req); Assert.ok( false, `No ping should be received in this test (got ${receivedPing.id} type: ${receivedPing.type} reason: ${receivedPing.payload.info.reason}).` ); }); // Execute one scheduler tick. It should not trigger a daily ping. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); await schedulerTickCallback(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_schedulerNothingDue() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session or the daily ping here. return; } const ABORTED_FILE = PathUtils.join( DATAREPORTING_PATH, ABORTED_PING_FILE_NAME ); // Remove any aborted-session ping from the previous tests. await IOUtils.remove(DATAREPORTING_PATH, { ignoreAbsent: true, recursive: true, }); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // We don't expect to receive any ping in this test, so assert if we do. PingServer.registerPingHandler(req => { const receivedPing = decodeRequestPayload(req); Assert.ok( false, `No ping should be received in this test (got ${receivedPing.id}).` ); }); // Set a current date/time away from midnight, so that the daily ping doesn't get // sent. let nowDate = new Date(2009, 10, 18, 11, 0, 0); fakeNow(nowDate); let schedulerTickCallback = null; fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Delay the callback execution to a time when no ping should be due. let nothingDueDate = futureDate( nowDate, ABORTED_SESSION_UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS / 2 ); fakeNow(nothingDueDate); Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); // Execute one scheduler tick. await schedulerTickCallback(); // Check that no aborted session ping was written to disk. Assert.ok(!(await IOUtils.exists(ABORTED_FILE))); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); PingServer.resetPingHandler(); }); add_task(async function test_pingExtendedStats() { const EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS = [ "log", "slowSQL", "fileIOReports", "lateWrites", "addonDetails", ]; // Reset telemetry and disable sending extended statistics. await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Telemetry.canRecordExtended = false; await sendPing(); let ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); checkPingFormat(ping, PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); // Check that the payload does not contain extended statistics fields. for (let f in EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS) { Assert.ok( !(EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS[f] in ping.payload), EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS[f] + " must not be in the payload if the extended set is off." ); } // We check this one separately so that we can reuse EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS below, since // slowSQLStartup might not be there. Assert.ok( !("slowSQLStartup" in ping.payload), "slowSQLStartup must not be sent if the extended set is off" ); Assert.ok( !("addonManager" in ping.payload.simpleMeasurements), "addonManager must not be sent if the extended set is off." ); Assert.ok( !("UITelemetry" in ping.payload.simpleMeasurements), "UITelemetry must not be sent." ); // Restore the preference. Telemetry.canRecordExtended = true; // Send a new ping that should contain the extended data. await sendPing(); ping = await PingServer.promiseNextPing(); checkPingFormat(ping, PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); // Check that the payload now contains extended statistics fields. for (let f in EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS) { Assert.ok( EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS[f] in ping.payload, EXTENDED_PAYLOAD_FIELDS[f] + " must be in the payload if the extended set is on." ); } Assert.ok( "addonManager" in ping.payload.simpleMeasurements, "addonManager must be sent if the extended set is on." ); Assert.ok( !("UITelemetry" in ping.payload.simpleMeasurements), "UITelemetry must not be sent." ); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_schedulerUserIdle() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session or the daily ping here. return; } const SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS = 5 * 60 * 1000; const SCHEDULER_TICK_IDLE_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 60 * 1000; let now = new Date(2010, 1, 1, 11, 0, 0); fakeNow(now); let schedulerTimeout = 0; fakeSchedulerTimer( (callback, timeout) => { schedulerTimeout = timeout; }, () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); // When not idle, the scheduler should have a 5 minutes tick interval. Assert.equal(schedulerTimeout, SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS); // Send an "idle" notification to the scheduler. fakeIdleNotification("idle"); // When idle, the scheduler should have a 1hr tick interval. Assert.equal(schedulerTimeout, SCHEDULER_TICK_IDLE_INTERVAL_MS); // Send an "active" notification to the scheduler. await fakeIdleNotification("active"); // When user is back active, the scheduler tick should be 5 minutes again. Assert.equal(schedulerTimeout, SCHEDULER_TICK_INTERVAL_MS); // We should not miss midnight when going to idle. now.setHours(23); now.setMinutes(50); fakeNow(now); fakeIdleNotification("idle"); Assert.equal(schedulerTimeout, 10 * 60 * 1000); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_DailyDueAndIdle() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session or the daily ping here. return; } await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); PingServer.clearRequests(); let receivedPingRequest = null; // Register a ping handler that will assert when receiving multiple daily pings. PingServer.registerPingHandler(req => { Assert.ok(!receivedPingRequest, "Telemetry must only send one daily ping."); receivedPingRequest = req; }); // Faking scheduler timer has to happen before resetting TelemetryController // to be effective. let schedulerTickCallback = null; let now = new Date(2030, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(now); // Fake scheduler functions to control daily collection flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); // Trigger the daily ping. let firstDailyDue = new Date(2030, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(firstDailyDue); // Run a scheduler tick: it should trigger the daily ping. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); let tickPromise = schedulerTickCallback(); // Send an idle and then an active user notification. fakeIdleNotification("idle"); fakeIdleNotification("active"); // Wait on the tick promise. await tickPromise; await TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings(); // Decode the ping contained in the request and check that's a daily ping. Assert.ok(receivedPingRequest, "Telemetry must send one daily ping."); const receivedPing = decodeRequestPayload(receivedPingRequest); checkPingFormat(receivedPing, PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); Assert.equal(receivedPing.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_userIdleAndSchedlerTick() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't have the aborted session or the daily ping here. return; } let receivedPingRequest = null; // Register a ping handler that will assert when receiving multiple daily pings. PingServer.registerPingHandler(req => { Assert.ok(!receivedPingRequest, "Telemetry must only send one daily ping."); receivedPingRequest = req; }); let schedulerTickCallback = null; let now = new Date(2030, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(now); // Fake scheduler functions to control daily collection flow in tests. fakeSchedulerTimer( callback => (schedulerTickCallback = callback), () => {} ); await TelemetryStorage.testClearPendingPings(); await TelemetryController.testReset(); PingServer.clearRequests(); // Move the current date/time to midnight. let firstDailyDue = new Date(2030, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0); fakeNow(firstDailyDue); // The active notification should trigger a scheduler tick. The latter will send the // due daily ping. fakeIdleNotification("active"); // Immediately running another tick should not send a daily ping again. Assert.ok(!!schedulerTickCallback); await schedulerTickCallback(); // A new "idle" notification should not send a new daily ping. fakeIdleNotification("idle"); await TelemetrySend.testWaitOnOutgoingPings(); // Decode the ping contained in the request and check that's a daily ping. Assert.ok(receivedPingRequest, "Telemetry must send one daily ping."); const receivedPing = decodeRequestPayload(receivedPingRequest); checkPingFormat(receivedPing, PING_TYPE_MAIN, true, true); Assert.equal(receivedPing.payload.info.reason, REASON_DAILY); PingServer.resetPingHandler(); await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); }); add_task(async function test_changeThrottling() { if (gIsAndroid) { // We don't support subsessions yet on Android. return; } let getSubsessionCount = () => { return TelemetrySession.getPayload().info.subsessionCounter; }; let now = fakeNow(2050, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 10 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE ); await TelemetryController.testReset(); Assert.equal(getSubsessionCount(), 1); // The first pref change should not trigger a notification. TelemetrySession.testOnEnvironmentChange("test", {}); Assert.equal(getSubsessionCount(), 1); // We should get a change notification after the 5min throttling interval. fakeNow(futureDate(now, 5 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE + 1)); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 5 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE + 1 ); TelemetrySession.testOnEnvironmentChange("test", {}); Assert.equal(getSubsessionCount(), 2); // After that, changes should be throttled again. now = fakeNow(futureDate(now, 1 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE)); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow(gMonotonicNow + 1 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE); TelemetrySession.testOnEnvironmentChange("test", {}); Assert.equal(getSubsessionCount(), 2); // ... for 5min. now = fakeNow(futureDate(now, 4 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE + 1)); gMonotonicNow = fakeMonotonicNow( gMonotonicNow + 4 * MILLISECONDS_PER_MINUTE + 1 ); TelemetrySession.testOnEnvironmentChange("test", {}); Assert.equal(getSubsessionCount(), 3); }); add_task(async function stopServer() { // It is important to shut down the TelemetryController first as, due to test // environment changes, failure to upload pings here during shutdown results // in an infinite loop of send failures and retries. await TelemetryController.testShutdown(); await PingServer.stop(); });