function handleRequest(request, response) { try { reallyHandleRequest(request, response); } catch (e) { response.setStatusLine("1.0", 200, "AlmostOK"); response.write("Error handling request: " + e); } } function reallyHandleRequest(request, response) { var match; var requestAuth = true, requestProxyAuth = true; // Allow the caller to drive how authentication is processed via the query. // Eg, http://localhost:8888/authenticate.sjs?user=foo&realm=bar // The extra ? allows the user/pass/realm checks to succeed if the name is // at the beginning of the query string. var query = "?" + request.queryString; var expected_user = "", expected_pass = "", realm = "mochitest"; var proxy_expected_user = "", proxy_expected_pass = "", proxy_realm = "mochi-proxy"; var huge = false, plugin = false, anonymous = false; var authHeaderCount = 1; // user=xxx match = /[^_]user=([^&]*)/.exec(query); if (match) { expected_user = match[1]; } // pass=xxx match = /[^_]pass=([^&]*)/.exec(query); if (match) { expected_pass = match[1]; } // realm=xxx match = /[^_]realm=([^&]*)/.exec(query); if (match) { realm = match[1]; } // proxy_user=xxx match = /proxy_user=([^&]*)/.exec(query); if (match) { proxy_expected_user = match[1]; } // proxy_pass=xxx match = /proxy_pass=([^&]*)/.exec(query); if (match) { proxy_expected_pass = match[1]; } // proxy_realm=xxx match = /proxy_realm=([^&]*)/.exec(query); if (match) { proxy_realm = match[1]; } // huge=1 match = /huge=1/.exec(query); if (match) { huge = true; } // plugin=1 match = /plugin=1/.exec(query); if (match) { plugin = true; } // multiple=1 match = /multiple=([^&]*)/.exec(query); if (match) { authHeaderCount = match[1] + 0; } // anonymous=1 match = /anonymous=1/.exec(query); if (match) { anonymous = true; } // Look for an authentication header, if any, in the request. // // EG: Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== // // This test only supports Basic auth. The value sent by the client is // "username:password", obscured with base64 encoding. var actual_user = "", actual_pass = "", authHeader, authPresent = false; if (request.hasHeader("Authorization")) { authPresent = true; authHeader = request.getHeader("Authorization"); match = /Basic (.+)/.exec(authHeader); if (match.length != 2) { throw Error("Couldn't parse auth header: " + authHeader); } var userpass = atob(match[1]); match = /(.*):(.*)/.exec(userpass); if (match.length != 3) { throw Error("Couldn't decode auth header: " + userpass); } actual_user = match[1]; actual_pass = match[2]; } var proxy_actual_user = "", proxy_actual_pass = ""; if (request.hasHeader("Proxy-Authorization")) { authHeader = request.getHeader("Proxy-Authorization"); match = /Basic (.+)/.exec(authHeader); if (match.length != 2) { throw Error("Couldn't parse auth header: " + authHeader); } userpass = atob(match[1]); match = /(.*):(.*)/.exec(userpass); if (match.length != 3) { throw Error("Couldn't decode auth header: " + userpass); } proxy_actual_user = match[1]; proxy_actual_pass = match[2]; } // Don't request authentication if the credentials we got were what we // expected. if (expected_user == actual_user && expected_pass == actual_pass) { requestAuth = false; } if ( proxy_expected_user == proxy_actual_user && proxy_expected_pass == proxy_actual_pass ) { requestProxyAuth = false; } if (anonymous) { if (authPresent) { response.setStatusLine( "1.0", 400, "Unexpected authorization header found" ); } else { response.setStatusLine("1.0", 200, "Authorization header not found"); } } else if (requestProxyAuth) { response.setStatusLine("1.0", 407, "Proxy authentication required"); for (let i = 0; i < authHeaderCount; ++i) { response.setHeader( "Proxy-Authenticate", 'basic realm="' + proxy_realm + '"', true ); } } else if (requestAuth) { response.setStatusLine("1.0", 401, "Authentication required"); for (let i = 0; i < authHeaderCount; ++i) { response.setHeader( "WWW-Authenticate", 'basic realm="' + realm + '"', true ); } } else { response.setStatusLine("1.0", 200, "OK"); } response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/xhtml+xml", false); response.write(""); response.write( "

Login: " + (requestAuth ? "FAIL" : "PASS") + "

\n" ); response.write( "

Proxy: " + (requestProxyAuth ? "FAIL" : "PASS") + "

\n" ); response.write("

Auth: " + authHeader + "

\n"); response.write("

User: " + actual_user + "

\n"); response.write("

Pass: " + actual_pass + "

\n"); if (huge) { response.write("
"); for (let i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { response.write("123456789\n"); } response.write("
"); response.write( "This is a footnote after the huge content fill" ); } if (plugin) { response.write( "\n" ); } response.write(""); }