/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ // This server-side script is used for browser_thumbnails_update. One of the // main things it must do in all cases is ensure a Cache-Control: no-store // header, so the foreground capture doesn't interfere with the testing. // If the querystring is "simple", then all it does it return some content - // it doesn't really matter what that content is. // Otherwise, its main role is that it must return different *content* for the // second request than it did for the first. // Also, it should be able to return an error response when requested for the // second response. // So the basic tests will be to grab the thumbnail, then request it to be // grabbed again: // * If the second request succeeded, the new thumbnail should exist. // * If the second request is an error, the new thumbnail should be ignored. function handleRequest(aRequest, aResponse) { aResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/html;charset=utf-8", false); // we want to disable gBrowserThumbnails on-load capture for these responses, // so set as a "no-store" response. aResponse.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-store"); // for the simple test - just return some content. if (aRequest.queryString == "simple") { aResponse.write(""); aResponse.setStatusLine(aRequest.httpVersion, 200, "Its simply OK"); return; } // it's one of the more complex tests where the first request for the given // URL must return different content than the second, and possibly an error // response for the second let doneError = getState(aRequest.queryString); if (!doneError) { // first request - return a response with a green body and 200 response. aResponse.setStatusLine(aRequest.httpVersion, 200, "OK - It's green"); aResponse.write(""); // set the state so the next request does the "second request" thing below. setState(aRequest.queryString, "yep"); } else { // second request - this will be done by the b/g service. // We always return a red background, but depending on the query string we // return either a 200 or 401 response. if (aRequest.queryString == "fail") { aResponse.setStatusLine(aRequest.httpVersion, 401, "Oh no you don't"); } else { aResponse.setStatusLine(aRequest.httpVersion, 200, "OK - It's red"); } aResponse.write(""); // reset the error state incase this ends up being reused for the // same url and querystring. setState(aRequest.queryString, ""); } }