/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "console", () => { return console.createInstance({ maxLogLevelPref: "browser.translations.logLevel", prefix: "Translations", }); }); /** * The engine child is responsible for exposing privileged code to the un-privileged * space the engine runs in. */ export class TranslationsEngineChild extends JSWindowActorChild { /** * The resolve function for the Promise returned by the * "TranslationsEngine:ForceShutdown" message. * @type {null | () => {}} */ #resolveForceShutdown = null; actorCreated() { this.#exportFunctions(); } handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "DOMContentLoaded": this.sendAsyncMessage("TranslationsEngine:Ready"); break; } } // eslint-disable-next-line consistent-return async receiveMessage({ name, data }) { switch (name) { case "TranslationsEngine:StartTranslation": { const { fromLanguage, toLanguage, innerWindowId, port } = data; const transferables = [port]; const message = { type: "StartTranslation", fromLanguage, toLanguage, innerWindowId, port, }; this.contentWindow.postMessage(message, "*", transferables); break; } case "TranslationsEngine:DiscardTranslations": { const { innerWindowId } = data; this.contentWindow.postMessage({ type: "DiscardTranslations", innerWindowId, }); break; } case "TranslationsEngine:ForceShutdown": { this.contentWindow.postMessage({ type: "ForceShutdown", }); return new Promise(resolve => { this.#resolveForceShutdown = resolve; }); } default: console.error("Unknown message received", name); } } /** * Export any of the child functions that start with "TE_" to the unprivileged content * page. This restricts the security capabilities of the content page. */ #exportFunctions() { const fns = [ "TE_addProfilerMarker", "TE_getLogLevel", "TE_log", "TE_logError", "TE_requestEnginePayload", "TE_reportEngineStatus", "TE_resolveForceShutdown", "TE_destroyEngineProcess", ]; for (const defineAs of fns) { Cu.exportFunction(this[defineAs].bind(this), this.contentWindow, { defineAs, }); } } /** * A privileged promise can't be used in the content page, so convert a privileged * promise into a content one. * * @param {Promise} promise * @returns {Promise} */ #convertToContentPromise(promise) { return new this.contentWindow.Promise((resolve, reject) => promise.then(resolve, error => { let contentWindow; try { contentWindow = this.contentWindow; } catch (error) { // The content window is no longer available. reject(); return; } // Create an error in the content window, if the content window is still around. let message = "An error occured in the TranslationsEngine actor."; if (typeof error === "string") { message = error; } if (typeof error?.message === "string") { message = error.message; } if (typeof error?.stack === "string") { message += `\n\nOriginal stack:\n\n${error.stack}\n`; } reject(new contentWindow.Error(message)); }) ); } /** * @param {Object} options * @param {number?} options.startTime * @param {string} options.message */ TE_addProfilerMarker({ startTime, message, innerWindowId }) { ChromeUtils.addProfilerMarker( "TranslationsEngine", { startTime, innerWindowId }, message ); } /** * Pass the message from content that the engines were shut down. */ TE_resolveForceShutdown() { this.#resolveForceShutdown(); } /** * @returns {string} */ TE_getLogLevel() { return Services.prefs.getCharPref("browser.translations.logLevel"); } /** * Log messages if "browser.translations.logLevel" is set to "All". * * @param {...any} args */ TE_log(...args) { lazy.console.log(...args); } /** * Report an error to the console. * * @param {...any} args */ TE_logError(...args) { lazy.console.error(...args); } /** * @param {string} fromLanguage * @param {string} toLanguage */ TE_requestEnginePayload(fromLanguage, toLanguage) { return this.#convertToContentPromise( this.sendQuery("TranslationsEngine:RequestEnginePayload", { fromLanguage, toLanguage, }) ); } /** * @param {number} innerWindowId * @param {"ready" | "error"} status */ TE_reportEngineStatus(innerWindowId, status) { this.sendAsyncMessage("TranslationsEngine:ReportEngineStatus", { innerWindowId, status, }); } /** * No engines are still alive, destroy the process. */ TE_destroyEngineProcess() { this.sendAsyncMessage("TranslationsEngine:DestroyEngineProcess"); } }