/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsDocShell.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorResult.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsIPrefBranch.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsGenericHTMLElement.h" #include "nsIFrame.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsTextFragment.h" #include "nsIEditor.h" #include "nsIDocShellTreeItem.h" #include "nsIInterfaceRequestorUtils.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsISound.h" #include "nsFocusManager.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLInputElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/HTMLTextAreaElement.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Link.h" #include "mozilla/dom/RangeBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Selection.h" #include "nsLayoutUtils.h" #include "nsRange.h" #include "nsTypeAheadFind.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::dom; NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(nsTypeAheadFind) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsITypeAheadFind) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsITypeAheadFind) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupportsWeakReference) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(nsTypeAheadFind) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(nsTypeAheadFind) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_WEAK(nsTypeAheadFind, mFoundLink, mFoundEditable, mCurrentWindow, mStartFindRange, mSearchRange, mStartPointRange, mEndPointRange, mFind, mFoundRange) #define NS_FIND_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/embedcomp/rangefind;1" nsTypeAheadFind::nsTypeAheadFind() : mStartLinksOnlyPref(false), mCaretBrowsingOn(false), mDidAddObservers(false), mLastFindLength(0), mCaseSensitive(false), mEntireWord(false), mMatchDiacritics(false) {} nsTypeAheadFind::~nsTypeAheadFind() { nsCOMPtr prefInternal( do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (prefInternal) { prefInternal->RemoveObserver("accessibility.typeaheadfind", this); prefInternal->RemoveObserver("accessibility.browsewithcaret", this); } } nsresult nsTypeAheadFind::Init(nsIDocShell* aDocShell) { nsCOMPtr prefInternal( do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); mSearchRange = nullptr; mStartPointRange = nullptr; mEndPointRange = nullptr; if (!prefInternal || !EnsureFind()) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; SetDocShell(aDocShell); if (!mDidAddObservers) { mDidAddObservers = true; // ----------- Listen to prefs ------------------ nsresult rv = prefInternal->AddObserver("accessibility.browsewithcaret", this, true); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = prefInternal->AddObserver("accessibility.typeaheadfind", this, true); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // ----------- Get initial preferences ---------- PrefsReset(); nsCOMPtr os = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (os) { os->AddObserver(this, DOM_WINDOW_DESTROYED_TOPIC, true); } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsTypeAheadFind::PrefsReset() { nsCOMPtr prefBranch(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(prefBranch, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); prefBranch->GetBoolPref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.startlinksonly", &mStartLinksOnlyPref); bool isSoundEnabled = true; prefBranch->GetBoolPref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", &isSoundEnabled); nsAutoCString soundStr; if (isSoundEnabled) prefBranch->GetCharPref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.soundURL", soundStr); mNotFoundSoundURL = soundStr; prefBranch->GetBoolPref("accessibility.browsewithcaret", &mCaretBrowsingOn); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::SetCaseSensitive(bool isCaseSensitive) { mCaseSensitive = isCaseSensitive; if (mFind) { mFind->SetCaseSensitive(mCaseSensitive); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetCaseSensitive(bool* isCaseSensitive) { *isCaseSensitive = mCaseSensitive; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::SetEntireWord(bool isEntireWord) { mEntireWord = isEntireWord; if (mFind) { mFind->SetEntireWord(mEntireWord); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetEntireWord(bool* isEntireWord) { *isEntireWord = mEntireWord; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::SetMatchDiacritics(bool matchDiacritics) { mMatchDiacritics = matchDiacritics; if (mFind) { mFind->SetMatchDiacritics(mMatchDiacritics); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetMatchDiacritics(bool* matchDiacritics) { *matchDiacritics = mMatchDiacritics; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::SetDocShell(nsIDocShell* aDocShell) { mDocShell = do_GetWeakReference(aDocShell); mWebBrowserFind = do_GetInterface(aDocShell); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mWebBrowserFind, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); mDocument = aDocShell->GetExtantDocument(); ReleaseStrongMemberVariables(); return NS_OK; } void nsTypeAheadFind::ReleaseStrongMemberVariables() { mStartFindRange = nullptr; mStartPointRange = nullptr; mSearchRange = nullptr; mEndPointRange = nullptr; mFoundLink = nullptr; mFoundEditable = nullptr; mFoundRange = nullptr; mCurrentWindow = nullptr; mSelectionController = nullptr; mFind = nullptr; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::SetSelectionModeAndRepaint(int16_t aToggle) { nsCOMPtr selectionController = do_QueryReferent(mSelectionController); if (!selectionController) { return NS_OK; } selectionController->SetDisplaySelection(aToggle); selectionController->RepaintSelection( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL); return NS_OK; } MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::CollapseSelection() { nsCOMPtr selectionController = do_QueryReferent(mSelectionController); if (!selectionController) { return NS_OK; } RefPtr selection = selectionController->GetSelection( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL); if (selection) { selection->CollapseToStart(IgnoreErrors()); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::Observe(nsISupports* aSubject, const char* aTopic, const char16_t* aData) { if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, NS_PREFBRANCH_PREFCHANGE_TOPIC_ID)) { return PrefsReset(); } if (!nsCRT::strcmp(aTopic, DOM_WINDOW_DESTROYED_TOPIC) && SameCOMIdentity(aSubject, mCurrentWindow)) { ReleaseStrongMemberVariables(); } return NS_OK; } void nsTypeAheadFind::SaveFind() { if (mWebBrowserFind) mWebBrowserFind->SetSearchString(mTypeAheadBuffer); // save the length of this find for "not found" sound mLastFindLength = mTypeAheadBuffer.Length(); } void nsTypeAheadFind::PlayNotFoundSound() { if (mNotFoundSoundURL.IsEmpty()) // no sound return; nsCOMPtr soundInterface = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/sound;1"); if (soundInterface) { if (mNotFoundSoundURL.EqualsLiteral("beep")) { soundInterface->Beep(); return; } nsCOMPtr soundURI; if (mNotFoundSoundURL.EqualsLiteral("default")) NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(soundURI), nsLiteralCString(TYPEAHEADFIND_NOTFOUND_WAV_URL)); else NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(soundURI), mNotFoundSoundURL); nsCOMPtr soundURL(do_QueryInterface(soundURI)); if (soundURL) soundInterface->Play(soundURL); } } nsresult nsTypeAheadFind::FindItNow(uint32_t aMode, bool aIsLinksOnly, bool aIsFirstVisiblePreferred, bool aDontIterateFrames, uint16_t* aResult) { *aResult = FIND_NOTFOUND; mFoundLink = nullptr; mFoundEditable = nullptr; mFoundRange = nullptr; mCurrentWindow = nullptr; RefPtr startingDocument = GetDocument(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(startingDocument, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); // There could be unflushed notifications which hide textareas or other // elements that we don't want to find text in. startingDocument->FlushPendingNotifications(mozilla::FlushType::Layout); RefPtr presShell = startingDocument->GetPresShell(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(presShell, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); RefPtr presContext = presShell->GetPresContext(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(presContext, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); RefPtr selection; nsCOMPtr selectionController = do_QueryReferent(mSelectionController); if (!selectionController) { GetSelection(presShell, getter_AddRefs(selectionController), getter_AddRefs(selection)); // cache for reuse mSelectionController = do_GetWeakReference(selectionController); } else { selection = selectionController->GetSelection( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL); } nsCOMPtr startingDocShell(presContext->GetDocShell()); NS_ASSERTION( startingDocShell, "Bug 175321 Crashes with Type Ahead Find [@ nsTypeAheadFind::FindItNow]"); if (!startingDocShell) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr currentDocShell; nsCOMPtr currentContainer; nsCOMPtr rootContentTreeItem; nsCOMPtr rootContentDocShell; typedef nsTArray> DocShells; DocShells docShells; DocShells::const_iterator it, it_end; if (!aDontIterateFrames) { // The use of GetInProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem (and later in this method) is // OK here as out-of-process frames are handled externally by // FinderParent.sys.mjs, which will end up only calling this method with // aDontIterateFrames set to true. startingDocShell->GetInProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem( getter_AddRefs(rootContentTreeItem)); rootContentDocShell = do_QueryInterface(rootContentTreeItem); if (!rootContentDocShell) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; rootContentDocShell->GetAllDocShellsInSubtree( nsIDocShellTreeItem::typeContent, nsIDocShell::ENUMERATE_FORWARDS, docShells); // Default: can start at the current document currentContainer = do_QueryInterface(rootContentDocShell); // Iterate up to current shell, if there's more than 1 that we're // dealing with for (it = docShells.begin(), it_end = docShells.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { currentDocShell = *it; if (!currentDocShell || currentDocShell == startingDocShell || aIsFirstVisiblePreferred) break; } } else { currentContainer = currentDocShell = startingDocShell; } bool findPrev = (aMode == FIND_PREVIOUS || aMode == FIND_LAST); // ------------ Get ranges ready ---------------- bool useSelection = (aMode != FIND_FIRST && aMode != FIND_LAST) && (!aIsFirstVisiblePreferred || mStartFindRange); RefPtr returnRange; if (NS_FAILED(GetSearchContainers( currentContainer, useSelection ? selectionController.get() : nullptr, aIsFirstVisiblePreferred, findPrev, getter_AddRefs(presShell), getter_AddRefs(presContext)))) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (!mStartPointRange) { mStartPointRange = nsRange::Create(presShell->GetDocument()); } // XXXbz Should this really be ignoring errors? int16_t rangeCompareResult = mStartPointRange->CompareBoundaryPoints( Range_Binding::START_TO_START, *mSearchRange, IgnoreErrors()); // No need to wrap find in doc if starting at beginning bool hasWrapped = (rangeCompareResult < 0); if (mTypeAheadBuffer.IsEmpty() || !EnsureFind()) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; mFind->SetFindBackwards(findPrev); while (true) { // ----- Outer while loop: go through all docs ----- while (true) { // === Inner while loop: go through a single doc === mFind->Find(mTypeAheadBuffer, mSearchRange, mStartPointRange, mEndPointRange, getter_AddRefs(returnRange)); if (!returnRange) { break; // Nothing found in this doc, go to outer loop (try next doc) } // ------- Test resulting found range for success conditions ------ bool isInsideLink = false, isStartingLink = false; if (aIsLinksOnly) { // Don't check if inside link when searching all text RangeStartsInsideLink(returnRange, &isInsideLink, &isStartingLink); } bool usesIndependentSelection = false; // Check actual visibility of the range, and generate some // side effects (like updating mStartPointRange and // setting usesIndependentSelection) that we'll need whether // or not the range is visible. bool canSeeRange = IsRangeVisible(returnRange, aIsFirstVisiblePreferred, false, &usesIndependentSelection); mStartPointRange = returnRange->CloneRange(); // If we can't see the range, we still might be able to scroll // it into view if usesIndependentSelection is true. If both are // false, then we treat it as a failure condition. if ((!canSeeRange && !usesIndependentSelection) || (aIsLinksOnly && !isInsideLink) || (mStartLinksOnlyPref && aIsLinksOnly && !isStartingLink)) { // We want to jump over this range, so collapse to the start if we're // finding backwards and vice versa. mStartPointRange->Collapse(findPrev); continue; } mFoundRange = returnRange; // ------ Success! ------- // Hide old selection (new one may be on a different controller) if (selection) { selection->CollapseToStart(IgnoreErrors()); SetSelectionModeAndRepaint(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ON); } RefPtr document = presShell->GetDocument(); NS_ASSERTION(document, "Wow, presShell doesn't have document!"); if (!document) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } // Make sure new document is selected if (document != startingDocument) { // We are in a new document (because of frames/iframes) mDocument = document; } nsCOMPtr window = document->GetInnerWindow(); NS_ASSERTION(window, "document has no window"); if (!window) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; RefPtr fm = nsFocusManager::GetFocusManager(); if (usesIndependentSelection) { /* If a search result is found inside an editable element, we'll focus * the element only if focus is in our content window, i.e. * |if (focusedWindow.top == ourWindow.top)| */ bool shouldFocusEditableElement = false; if (fm) { nsCOMPtr focusedWindow; nsresult rv = fm->GetFocusedWindow(getter_AddRefs(focusedWindow)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && focusedWindow) { auto* fwPI = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(focusedWindow); nsCOMPtr fwTreeItem(fwPI->GetDocShell()); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr fwRootTreeItem; rv = fwTreeItem->GetInProcessSameTypeRootTreeItem( getter_AddRefs(fwRootTreeItem)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && fwRootTreeItem == rootContentTreeItem) shouldFocusEditableElement = true; } } } // We may be inside an editable element, and therefore the selection // may be controlled by a different selection controller. Walk up the // chain of parent nodes to see if we find one. nsINode* node = returnRange->GetStartContainer(); while (node) { nsCOMPtr editor; if (RefPtr input = HTMLInputElement::FromNode(node)) { editor = input->GetTextEditor(); } else if (RefPtr textarea = HTMLTextAreaElement::FromNode(node)) { editor = textarea->GetTextEditor(); } else { node = node->GetParentNode(); continue; } // Inside an editable element. Get the correct selection // controller and selection. NS_ASSERTION(editor, "Editable element has no editor!"); if (!editor) { break; } editor->GetSelectionController(getter_AddRefs(selectionController)); if (selectionController) { selection = selectionController->GetSelection( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL); } mFoundEditable = node->AsElement(); if (!shouldFocusEditableElement) { break; } // Otherwise move focus/caret to editable element if (fm) { nsCOMPtr newFocusElement = mFoundEditable; fm->SetFocus(newFocusElement, 0); } break; } // If we reach here without setting mFoundEditable, then something // besides editable elements gave us an independent selection // controller. List controls with multiple visible elements can do // this (nsAreaSelectsFrame), and possibly others. We fall back to // grabbing the document's selection controller in this case. } if (!mFoundEditable) { // Not using a separate selection controller, so just get the // document's controller and selection. GetSelection(presShell, getter_AddRefs(selectionController), getter_AddRefs(selection)); } mSelectionController = do_GetWeakReference(selectionController); // Select the found text if (selection) { selection->RemoveAllRanges(IgnoreErrors()); selection->AddRangeAndSelectFramesAndNotifyListeners(*returnRange, IgnoreErrors()); } if (!mFoundEditable && fm) { fm->MoveFocus(window->GetOuterWindow(), nullptr, nsIFocusManager::MOVEFOCUS_CARET, nsIFocusManager::FLAG_NOSCROLL | nsIFocusManager::FLAG_NOSWITCHFRAME, getter_AddRefs(mFoundLink)); } // Change selection color to ATTENTION and scroll to it. Careful: we // must wait until after we goof with focus above before changing to // ATTENTION, or when we MoveFocus() and the selection is not on a // link, we'll blur, which will lose the ATTENTION. if (selectionController) { // Beware! This may flush notifications via synchronous // ScrollSelectionIntoView. SetSelectionModeAndRepaint(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ATTENTION); selectionController->ScrollSelectionIntoView( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL, nsISelectionController::SELECTION_WHOLE_SELECTION, nsISelectionController::SCROLL_CENTER_VERTICALLY | nsISelectionController::SCROLL_SYNCHRONOUS); } mCurrentWindow = window; *aResult = hasWrapped ? FIND_WRAPPED : FIND_FOUND; return NS_OK; } // ======= end-inner-while (go through a single document) ========== if (aDontIterateFrames) { return NS_OK; } // ---------- Nothing found yet, try next document ------------- bool hasTriedFirstDoc = false; do { // ==== Second inner loop - get another while ==== if (it != it_end) { currentContainer = *it; ++it; NS_ASSERTION(currentContainer, "We're not at the end yet!"); currentDocShell = do_QueryInterface(currentContainer); if (currentDocShell) break; } else if (hasTriedFirstDoc) // Avoid potential infinite loop return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // No content doc shells // Reached last doc shell, loop around back to first doc shell rootContentDocShell->GetAllDocShellsInSubtree( nsIDocShellTreeItem::typeContent, nsIDocShell::ENUMERATE_FORWARDS, docShells); it = docShells.begin(); it_end = docShells.end(); hasTriedFirstDoc = true; } while (it != it_end); // ==== end second inner while === bool continueLoop = false; if (currentDocShell != startingDocShell) continueLoop = true; // Try next document else if (!hasWrapped || aIsFirstVisiblePreferred) { // Finished searching through docshells: // If aFirstVisiblePreferred == true, we may need to go through all // docshells twice -once to look for visible matches, the second time // for any match aIsFirstVisiblePreferred = false; hasWrapped = true; continueLoop = true; // Go through all docs again } if (continueLoop) { if (NS_FAILED(GetSearchContainers( currentContainer, nullptr, aIsFirstVisiblePreferred, findPrev, getter_AddRefs(presShell), getter_AddRefs(presContext)))) { continue; } if (findPrev) { // Reverse mode: swap start and end points, so that we start // at end of document and go to beginning RefPtr tempRange = mStartPointRange->CloneRange(); if (!mEndPointRange) { mEndPointRange = nsRange::Create(presShell->GetDocument()); } mStartPointRange = mEndPointRange; mEndPointRange = tempRange; } continue; } // ------------- Failed -------------- break; } // end-outer-while: go through all docs return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetSearchString(nsAString& aSearchString) { aSearchString = mTypeAheadBuffer; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetFoundLink(Element** aFoundLink) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFoundLink); *aFoundLink = mFoundLink; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aFoundLink); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetFoundEditable(Element** aFoundEditable) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFoundEditable); *aFoundEditable = mFoundEditable; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aFoundEditable); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetCurrentWindow(mozIDOMWindow** aCurrentWindow) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aCurrentWindow); *aCurrentWindow = mCurrentWindow; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aCurrentWindow); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsTypeAheadFind::GetSearchContainers( nsISupports* aContainer, nsISelectionController* aSelectionController, bool aIsFirstVisiblePreferred, bool aFindPrev, PresShell** aPresShell, nsPresContext** aPresContext) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aContainer); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aPresShell); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aPresContext); *aPresShell = nullptr; *aPresContext = nullptr; nsCOMPtr docShell(do_QueryInterface(aContainer)); if (!docShell) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; RefPtr presShell = docShell->GetPresShell(); RefPtr presContext = docShell->GetPresContext(); if (!presShell || !presContext) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; Document* doc = presShell->GetDocument(); if (!doc) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr rootContent; if (doc->IsHTMLOrXHTML()) { rootContent = doc->GetBody(); } if (!rootContent) { rootContent = doc->GetRootElement(); if (!rootContent) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } if (!mSearchRange) { mSearchRange = nsRange::Create(doc); } nsCOMPtr searchRootNode(rootContent); mSearchRange->SelectNodeContents(*searchRootNode, IgnoreErrors()); if (!mStartPointRange) { mStartPointRange = nsRange::Create(doc); } mStartPointRange->SetStartAndEnd(searchRootNode, 0, searchRootNode, 0); if (!mEndPointRange) { mEndPointRange = nsRange::Create(doc); } mEndPointRange->SetStartAndEnd(searchRootNode, searchRootNode->Length(), searchRootNode, searchRootNode->Length()); // Consider current selection as null if // it's not in the currently focused document RefPtr currentSelectionRange; RefPtr selectionDocument = GetDocument(); if (aSelectionController && selectionDocument && selectionDocument == doc) { RefPtr selection = aSelectionController->GetSelection( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL); if (selection) { currentSelectionRange = selection->GetRangeAt(0); } } if (!currentSelectionRange) { mStartPointRange = mSearchRange->CloneRange(); // We want to search in the visible selection range. That means that the // start point needs to be the end if we're looking backwards, or vice // versa. mStartPointRange->Collapse(!aFindPrev); } else { uint32_t startOffset; nsCOMPtr startNode; if (aFindPrev) { startNode = currentSelectionRange->GetStartContainer(); startOffset = currentSelectionRange->StartOffset(); } else { startNode = currentSelectionRange->GetEndContainer(); startOffset = currentSelectionRange->EndOffset(); } if (!startNode) { startNode = rootContent; } // We need to set the start point this way, other methods haven't worked mStartPointRange->SelectNode(*startNode, IgnoreErrors()); mStartPointRange->SetStart(*startNode, startOffset, IgnoreErrors()); mStartPointRange->Collapse(true); // collapse to start } presShell.forget(aPresShell); presContext.forget(aPresContext); return NS_OK; } void nsTypeAheadFind::RangeStartsInsideLink(nsRange* aRange, bool* aIsInsideLink, bool* aIsStartingLink) { *aIsInsideLink = false; *aIsStartingLink = true; // ------- Get nsIContent to test ------- uint32_t startOffset = aRange->StartOffset(); nsCOMPtr startContent = nsIContent::FromNodeOrNull(aRange->GetStartContainer()); if (!startContent) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("startContent should never be null"); return; } nsCOMPtr origContent = startContent; if (startContent->IsElement()) { nsIContent* childContent = aRange->GetChildAtStartOffset(); if (childContent) { startContent = childContent; } } else if (startOffset > 0) { const nsTextFragment* textFrag = startContent->GetText(); if (textFrag) { // look for non whitespace character before start offset for (uint32_t index = 0; index < startOffset; index++) { // FIXME: take content language into account when deciding whitespace. if (!mozilla::dom::IsSpaceCharacter(textFrag->CharAt(index))) { *aIsStartingLink = false; // not at start of a node break; } } } } // ------- Check to see if inside link --------- // We now have the correct start node for the range // Search for links, starting with startNode, and going up parent chain while (true) { // Keep testing while startContent is equal to something, // eventually we'll run out of ancestors if (startContent->IsHTMLElement()) { nsCOMPtr link(do_QueryInterface(startContent)); if (link) { // Check to see if inside HTML link *aIsInsideLink = startContent->AsElement()->HasAttr(nsGkAtoms::href); return; } } else { // Any xml element can be an xlink *aIsInsideLink = startContent->IsElement() && startContent->AsElement()->HasAttr( kNameSpaceID_XLink, nsGkAtoms::href); if (*aIsInsideLink) { if (!startContent->AsElement()->AttrValueIs( kNameSpaceID_XLink, nsGkAtoms::type, u"simple"_ns, eCaseMatters)) { *aIsInsideLink = false; // Xlink must be type="simple" } return; } } // Get the parent nsCOMPtr parent = startContent->GetParent(); if (!parent) break; nsIContent* parentsFirstChild = parent->GetFirstChild(); // We don't want to look at a whitespace-only first child if (parentsFirstChild && parentsFirstChild->TextIsOnlyWhitespace()) { parentsFirstChild = parentsFirstChild->GetNextSibling(); } if (parentsFirstChild != startContent) { // startContent wasn't a first child, so we conclude that // if this is inside a link, it's not at the beginning of it *aIsStartingLink = false; } startContent = parent; } *aIsStartingLink = false; } MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::Find( const nsAString& aSearchString, bool aLinksOnly, uint32_t aMode, bool aDontIterateFrames, uint16_t* aResult) { if (aMode == nsITypeAheadFind::FIND_PREVIOUS || aMode == nsITypeAheadFind::FIND_NEXT) { if (mTypeAheadBuffer.IsEmpty()) { *aResult = FIND_NOTFOUND; } else { FindItNow(aMode, aLinksOnly, false, aDontIterateFrames, aResult); } return NS_OK; } // Find again ignores error return values, so do so here as well. nsresult rv = FindInternal(aMode, aSearchString, aLinksOnly, aDontIterateFrames, aResult); return (aMode == nsITypeAheadFind::FIND_INITIAL) ? rv : NS_OK; } nsresult nsTypeAheadFind::FindInternal(uint32_t aMode, const nsAString& aSearchString, bool aLinksOnly, bool aDontIterateFrames, uint16_t* aResult) { *aResult = FIND_NOTFOUND; RefPtr doc = GetDocument(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(doc, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); RefPtr presShell = doc->GetPresShell(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(presShell, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); RefPtr selection; nsCOMPtr selectionController = do_QueryReferent(mSelectionController); if (!selectionController) { GetSelection(presShell, getter_AddRefs(selectionController), getter_AddRefs(selection)); // cache for reuse mSelectionController = do_GetWeakReference(selectionController); } else { selection = selectionController->GetSelection( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL); } if (selection) { selection->CollapseToStart(IgnoreErrors()); } if (aSearchString.IsEmpty()) { mTypeAheadBuffer.Truncate(); // These will be initialized to their true values after the first character // is typed mStartFindRange = nullptr; mSelectionController = nullptr; *aResult = FIND_FOUND; return NS_OK; } bool atEnd = false; bool isInitial = aMode == nsITypeAheadFind::FIND_INITIAL; if (isInitial) { if (mTypeAheadBuffer.Length()) { const nsAString& oldStr = Substring(mTypeAheadBuffer, 0, mTypeAheadBuffer.Length()); const nsAString& newStr = Substring(aSearchString, 0, mTypeAheadBuffer.Length()); if (oldStr.Equals(newStr)) atEnd = true; const nsAString& newStr2 = Substring(aSearchString, 0, aSearchString.Length()); const nsAString& oldStr2 = Substring(mTypeAheadBuffer, 0, aSearchString.Length()); if (oldStr2.Equals(newStr2)) atEnd = true; if (!atEnd) mStartFindRange = nullptr; } } int32_t bufferLength = mTypeAheadBuffer.Length(); mTypeAheadBuffer = aSearchString; bool isFirstVisiblePreferred = false; // --------- Initialize find if 1st char ---------- if (bufferLength == 0 && isInitial) { // If you can see the selection (not collapsed or thru caret browsing), // or if already focused on a page element, start there. // Otherwise we're going to start at the first visible element bool isSelectionCollapsed = !selection || selection->IsCollapsed(); // If true, we will scan from top left of visible area // If false, we will scan from start of selection isFirstVisiblePreferred = !atEnd && !mCaretBrowsingOn && isSelectionCollapsed; if (isFirstVisiblePreferred) { // Get the focused content. If there is a focused node, ensure the // selection is at that point. Otherwise, we will just want to start // from the caret position or the beginning of the document. nsPresContext* presContext = presShell->GetPresContext(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(presContext, NS_OK); nsCOMPtr document = presShell->GetDocument(); if (!document) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; if (RefPtr fm = nsFocusManager::GetFocusManager()) { nsCOMPtr window = document->GetWindow(); RefPtr focusedElement; nsCOMPtr focusedWindow; fm->GetFocusedElementForWindow(window, false, getter_AddRefs(focusedWindow), getter_AddRefs(focusedElement)); // If the root element is focused, then it's actually the document // that has the focus, so ignore this. if (focusedElement && focusedElement != document->GetRootElement()) { fm->MoveCaretToFocus(window); isFirstVisiblePreferred = false; } } } } // ----------- Find the text! --------------------- // Beware! This may flush notifications via synchronous // ScrollSelectionIntoView. nsresult rv = FindItNow(aMode, aLinksOnly, isFirstVisiblePreferred, aDontIterateFrames, aResult); // ---------Handle success or failure --------------- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { if (mTypeAheadBuffer.Length() == 1) { // If first letter, store where the first find succeeded // (mStartFindRange) mStartFindRange = nullptr; if (selection) { RefPtr startFindRange = selection->GetRangeAt(0); if (startFindRange) { mStartFindRange = startFindRange->CloneRange(); } } } } else if (isInitial) { // Error sound, except when whole word matching is ON. if (!mEntireWord && mTypeAheadBuffer.Length() > mLastFindLength) PlayNotFoundSound(); } SaveFind(); return NS_OK; } void nsTypeAheadFind::GetSelection(PresShell* aPresShell, nsISelectionController** aSelCon, Selection** aDOMSel) { if (!aPresShell) return; // if aCurrentNode is nullptr, get selection for document *aDOMSel = nullptr; nsPresContext* presContext = aPresShell->GetPresContext(); nsIFrame* frame = aPresShell->GetRootFrame(); if (presContext && frame) { frame->GetSelectionController(presContext, aSelCon); if (*aSelCon) { RefPtr sel = (*aSelCon)->GetSelection(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL); sel.forget(aDOMSel); } } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::GetFoundRange(nsRange** aFoundRange) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aFoundRange); if (mFoundRange == nullptr) { *aFoundRange = nullptr; return NS_OK; } *aFoundRange = mFoundRange->CloneRange().take(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::IsRangeVisible(nsRange* aRange, bool aMustBeInViewPort, bool* aResult) { *aResult = IsRangeVisible(aRange, aMustBeInViewPort, false, nullptr); return NS_OK; } bool nsTypeAheadFind::IsRangeVisible(nsRange* aRange, bool aMustBeInViewPort, bool aGetTopVisibleLeaf, bool* aUsesIndependentSelection) { // We need to know if the range start is visible. // Otherwise, return the first visible range start in aFirstVisibleRange nsCOMPtr content = nsIContent::FromNodeOrNull(aRange->GetStartContainer()); if (!content) { return false; } nsIFrame* frame = content->GetPrimaryFrame(); if (!frame) { return false; // No frame! Not visible then. } if (!frame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { return false; } // Detect if we are _inside_ a text control, or something else with its own // selection controller. if (aUsesIndependentSelection) { *aUsesIndependentSelection = frame->HasAnyStateBits(NS_FRAME_INDEPENDENT_SELECTION); } return aMustBeInViewPort ? IsRangeRendered(aRange) : true; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsTypeAheadFind::IsRangeRendered(nsRange* aRange, bool* aResult) { *aResult = IsRangeRendered(aRange); return NS_OK; } bool nsTypeAheadFind::IsRangeRendered(nsRange* aRange) { using FrameForPointOption = nsLayoutUtils::FrameForPointOption; nsCOMPtr content = nsIContent::FromNodeOrNull(aRange->GetClosestCommonInclusiveAncestor()); if (!content) { return false; } nsIFrame* frame = content->GetPrimaryFrame(); if (!frame) { return false; // No frame! Not visible then. } if (!frame->StyleVisibility()->IsVisible()) { return false; } // Having a primary frame doesn't mean that the range is visible inside the // viewport. Do a hit-test to determine that quickly and properly. AutoTArray frames; nsIFrame* rootFrame = frame->PresShell()->GetRootFrame(); RefPtr range = static_cast(aRange); // NOTE(emilio): This used to flush layout, _after_ checking style above. // Instead, don't flush. RefPtr rects = range->GetClientRects(true, /* aFlushLayout = */ false); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < rects->Length(); ++i) { RefPtr rect = rects->Item(i); nsRect r(nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits((float)rect->X()), nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits((float)rect->Y()), nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits((float)rect->Width()), nsPresContext::CSSPixelsToAppUnits((float)rect->Height())); // Append visible frames to frames array. nsLayoutUtils::GetFramesForArea( RelativeTo{rootFrame}, r, frames, {{FrameForPointOption::IgnorePaintSuppression, FrameForPointOption::IgnoreRootScrollFrame, FrameForPointOption::OnlyVisible}}); // See if any of the frames contain the content. If they do, then the range // is visible. We search for the content rather than the original frame, // because nsTextContinuation frames might be returned instead of the // original frame. for (const auto& f : frames) { if (f->GetContent() == content) { return true; } } frames.ClearAndRetainStorage(); } return false; } already_AddRefed nsTypeAheadFind::GetDocument() { // Try the last document we found and ensure it's sane. RefPtr doc(mDocument); if (doc && doc->GetPresShell() && doc->GetDocShell()) { return doc.forget(); } // Otherwise fall back to the document from which we were initialized (the one // from mDocShell). mDocument = nullptr; nsCOMPtr ds = do_QueryReferent(mDocShell); if (!ds) { return nullptr; } doc = ds->GetExtantDocument(); mDocument = doc; return doc.forget(); }