{%- let object = ci.get_object_definition(name).unwrap() -%} export class {{ object.nm() }} { // Use `init` to instantiate this class. // DO NOT USE THIS CONSTRUCTOR DIRECTLY constructor(opts) { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(opts, constructUniffiObject)) { throw new UniFFIError("Attempting to construct an object using the JavaScript constructor directly" + "Please use a UDL defined constructor, or the init function for the primary constructor") } if (!opts[constructUniffiObject] instanceof UniFFIPointer) { throw new UniFFIError("Attempting to create a UniFFI object with a pointer that is not an instance of UniFFIPointer") } this[uniffiObjectPtr] = opts[constructUniffiObject]; } {%- for cons in object.constructors() %} {%- if object.is_constructor_async(config) %} /** * An async constructor for {{ object.nm() }}. * * @returns {Promise<{{ object.nm() }}>}: A promise that resolves * to a newly constructed {{ object.nm() }} */ {%- else %} /** * A constructor for {{ object.nm() }}. * * @returns { {{ object.nm() }} } */ {%- endif %} static {{ cons.nm() }}({{cons.arg_names()}}) { {%- call js::call_constructor(cons, type_, object.is_constructor_async(config)) -%} } {%- endfor %} {%- for meth in object.methods() %} {{ meth.nm() }}({{ meth.arg_names() }}) { {%- call js::call_method(meth, type_, object.is_method_async(meth, config)) %} } {%- endfor %} } // Export the FFIConverter object to make external types work. export class {{ ffi_converter }} extends FfiConverter { static lift(value) { const opts = {}; opts[constructUniffiObject] = value; return new {{ object.nm() }}(opts); } static lower(value) { return value[uniffiObjectPtr]; } static read(dataStream) { return this.lift(dataStream.readPointer{{ object.nm() }}()); } static write(dataStream, value) { dataStream.writePointer{{ object.nm() }}(value[uniffiObjectPtr]); } static computeSize(value) { return 8; } }