const PAGE = "data:text/html,
"; const DESIGNMODE_PAGE = "data:text/html,"; const HOTKEYS = ["/", "'"]; async function test_hotkeys(browser, expected) { let findbar = await gBrowser.getFindBar(); for (let key of HOTKEYS) { is(findbar.hidden, true, "findbar is hidden"); await BrowserTestUtils.sendChar(key, gBrowser.selectedBrowser); is( findbar.hidden, expected, "findbar should" + (expected ? "" : " not") + " be hidden" ); if (!expected) { await closeFindbarAndWait(findbar); } } } async function focus_element(browser, query) { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [query], async function focus(query) { let element = content.document.querySelector(query); element.focus(); }); } add_task(async function test_hotkey_on_editable_element() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: PAGE, }, async function do_tests(browser) { await test_hotkeys(browser, false); const ELEMENTS = ["div", "input", "textarea"]; for (let elem of ELEMENTS) { await focus_element(browser, elem); await test_hotkeys(browser, true); await focus_element(browser, ":root"); await test_hotkeys(browser, false); } } ); }); add_task(async function test_hotkey_on_designMode_document() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: DESIGNMODE_PAGE, }, async function do_tests(browser) { await test_hotkeys(browser, true); } ); });