/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; async function testClear(key) { const inputValue = "2023-03-03"; await helper.openPicker( `data:text/html, ` ); let browser = helper.tab.linkedBrowser; Assert.equal(helper.panel.state, "open", "Panel should be opened"); let closed = helper.promisePickerClosed(); // Clear the input fields if (key) { // Move focus from the selected date to the Clear button: EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Tab", {}); Assert.ok( helper.getElement(BTN_CLEAR).matches(":focus"), "The Clear button can receive keyboard focus" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey(key, {}); } else { helper.click(helper.getElement(BTN_CLEAR)); } await closed; await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], () => { is( content.document.querySelector("input").value, "", "The input value is reset after the Clear button is pressed" ); }); await helper.tearDown(); } add_task(async function test_datepicker_clear_keyboard() { await testClear(" "); }); add_task(async function test_datepicker_clear_keyboard_enter() { await testClear("KEY_Enter"); }); add_task(async function test_datepicker_clear_mouse() { await testClear(); });