SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); const WIDTH = 300; const HEIGHT = 300; let gWindow; let gTitlebar; function promiseMessage(msg) { info(`wait for message "${msg}"`); return new Promise(resolve => { function listener(evt) { info(`got message "${}"`); if ( == msg) { window.removeEventListener("message", listener); resolve(); } } window.addEventListener("message", listener); }); } function openWindow(features = "") { return window.browsingContext.topChromeWindow.openDialog( gWindow, "_blank", "chrome,dialog=no,all," + features, window ); } function checkWindow(msg, win, sizemode, width, height) { is(win.windowState, sizemode, "sizemode should match " + msg); if (sizemode == win.STATE_NORMAL) { is(win.innerWidth, width, "width should match " + msg); is(win.innerHeight, height, "height should match " + msg); } } function todoCheckWindow(msg, win, sizemode) { todo_is(win.windowState, sizemode, "sizemode should match " + msg); } // Persistence of "sizemode" is delayed to 500ms after it's changed. // See SIZE_PERSISTENCE_TIMEOUT in nsWebShellWindow.cpp. // We wait for 1000ms to ensure that it is actually persisted. // We can also wait for condition that XULStore does have the value // set, but that way we cannot test the cases where we don't expect // persistence to happen. function waitForSizeModePersisted() { return new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, 1000); }); } async function changeSizeMode(func) { let promiseSizeModeChange = promiseMessage("sizemodechange"); func(); await promiseSizeModeChange; await waitForSizeModePersisted(); } async function runTest(aWindow) { gWindow = aWindow; gTitlebar = aWindow != "window_maximized_persist_with_no_titlebar.xhtml"; let win = openWindow(); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); // Check the default state. const chrome_url = win.location.href; checkWindow("when open initially", win, win.STATE_NORMAL, WIDTH, HEIGHT); const widthDiff = win.outerWidth - win.innerWidth; const heightDiff = win.outerHeight - win.innerHeight; // Maximize the window. await changeSizeMode(() => win.maximize()); checkWindow("after maximize window", win, win.STATE_MAXIMIZED); win.close(); // Open a new window to check persisted sizemode. win = openWindow(); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); checkWindow("when reopen to maximized", win, win.STATE_MAXIMIZED); // Restore the window. if (win.windowState == win.STATE_MAXIMIZED) { await changeSizeMode(() => win.restore()); } checkWindow("after restore window", win, win.STATE_NORMAL, WIDTH, HEIGHT); win.close(); // Open a new window again to check persisted sizemode. win = openWindow(); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); checkWindow("when reopen to normal", win, win.STATE_NORMAL, WIDTH, HEIGHT); // And maximize the window again for next test. await changeSizeMode(() => win.maximize()); win.close(); // Open a new window again with centerscreen which shouldn't revert // the persisted sizemode. win = openWindow("centerscreen"); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); checkWindow("when open with centerscreen", win, win.STATE_MAXIMIZED); win.close(); // Linux doesn't seem to persist sizemode across opening window // with specified size, so mark it expected fail for now. const isLinux = navigator.platform.includes("Linux"); let checkWindowMayFail = isLinux ? todoCheckWindow : checkWindow; // Open a new window with size specified. win = openWindow("width=400,height=400"); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); checkWindow("when reopen with size", win, win.STATE_NORMAL, 400, 400); await waitForSizeModePersisted(); win.close(); // Open a new window without size specified. // The window opened before should not change persisted sizemode. win = openWindow(); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); checkWindowMayFail("when reopen without size", win, win.STATE_MAXIMIZED); win.close(); // Open a new window with sizing synchronously. win = openWindow(); win.resizeTo(500 + widthDiff, 500 + heightDiff); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); checkWindow("when sized synchronously", win, win.STATE_NORMAL, 500, 500); await waitForSizeModePersisted(); win.close(); // Open a new window without any sizing. // The window opened before should not change persisted sizemode. win = openWindow(); await SimpleTest.promiseFocus(win); checkWindowMayFail("when reopen without sizing", win, win.STATE_MAXIMIZED); win.close(); // Clean up the XUL store for the given window. Services.xulStore.removeDocument(chrome_url); SimpleTest.finish(); }